Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 337, issue 3, 2004
- Lévy flights, autocorrelation, and slow convergence pp. 369-383

- Annibal Figueiredo, Iram Gleria, Raul Matsushita and Sergio Da Silva
- The Forchheimer equation in two-dimensional percolation porous media pp. 384-388

- Xiao-Hong Wang and Zhi-Feng Liu
- Convective depletion during the fast propagation of a nanosphere through a polymer solution pp. 389-397

- Theo Odijk
- A chemical response theory of the Toda lattice in an external mechanical perturbation pp. 398-410

- Zene Horii
- Compaction of confined mono-sized spherical particle systems under symmetric vibration: a suspension model pp. 411-427

- S. Rémond
- Structure and distribution of arches in shaken hard sphere deposits pp. 428-442

- Luis A. Pugnaloni and G.C. Barker
- Pressure, dynamics, and structure of a simple particle system confined in a soft nanopore pp. 443-469

- Bernhard Bandow, Siegfried Hess and Martin Kröger
- Epitaxial growth with impurity dimer deposition pp. 470-480

- Sang B. Lee and Taegwen Hwangbo
- Flexible polyelectrolytes in salt-free solutions pp. 481-494

- P.S. Kuhn
- Wall effects on the percolation of small grains in 2D ensembles pp. 495-504

- A.M. Vidales and I. Ippolito
- Computer simulation of a biaxial nematogenic model on a three-dimensional lattice and based on a recently proposed interaction potential pp. 505-519

- Silvano Romano
- Ferromagnetic transition in multiple helices with hierarchically organized interactions pp. 520-530

- Ryuichi Ugajin
- Biphasic vesicle: instability induced by adsorption of proteins pp. 531-545

- Jean-Marc Allain and Martine Ben Amar
- Dynamics of fixation of advantageous mutations pp. 546-554

- Viviane M. de Oliveira and Paulo R.A. Campos
- The role of mutation rate in a simple colonization model pp. 555-564

- R. Huerta-Quintanilla and M. Rodrı́guez-Achach
- Fearless versus fearful speculative financial bubbles pp. 565-585

- J.V. Andersen and D. Sornette
- Causal slaving of the US treasury bond yield antibubble by the stock market antibubble of August 2000 pp. 586-608

- Wei-Xing Zhou and Didier Sornette
- Some issues on the stability of trading based on technical analysis pp. 609-624

- Jose Alvarez-Ramirez, Guillermo Fernandez-Anaya and Carlos Ibarra-Valdez
- A fashion model with social interaction pp. 625-634

- Shoichiro Nakayama and Yasuyuki Nakamura
- The evolutionary minority game with local coordination pp. 635-644

- E. Burgos, Horacio Ceva and R.P.J. Perazzo
- Statistical thermodynamics for choice models on graphs pp. 645-663

- Arkadiusz Majka and Wojciech Wiślicki
- Detrended fluctuation analysis of IP-network traffic using a two-dimensional topology map pp. 664-678

- Masao Masugi
- Functional complexity measure for networks pp. 679-690

- Hildegard Meyer-Ortmanns
Volume 337, issue 1, 2004
- Metallization of liquid oxygen: singularity in its group pp. 1-12

- A.A. Likalter
- The roles of ratchet in transport of two coupled particles pp. 13-26

- Hai-Yan Wang and Jing-Dong Bao
- Quasi-diffusion and correlations in models of anisotropic transport pp. 27-35

- O.G. Bakunin
- Stability criteria of the Vlasov equation and quasi-stationary states of the HMF model pp. 36-66

- Yoshiyuki Y. Yamaguchi, Julien Barré, Freddy Bouchet, Thierry Dauxois and Stefano Ruffo
- Decoherence and dissipation of an open quantum system with a squeezed and frequency-modulated heat bath pp. 67-80

- Subhashish Banerjee
- Engineering superpositions of displaced number states of a trapped ion pp. 89-108

- Marcelo A. Marchiolli and Wagner Duarte José
- A roughening mechanism on a Bethe lattice pp. 109-116

- M.E. Issigoni and C.E. Paraskevaidis
- A model displaying extremely inhomogeneous matter distribution in general relativity pp. 117-122

- Elcio Abdalla and Cecilia B.M.H. Chirenti
- Orientational ordering in the nematic phase of a thermotropic liquid crystal: a nonextensive approach pp. 123-131

- O. Kayacan
- Probabilistic teleportation of unknown atomic state using W class states pp. 132-140

- Zhuo-Liang Cao and Ming Yang
- Entanglement distillation for W class states pp. 141-148

- Ming Yang and Zhuo-Liang Cao
- Evaluating age-related loss of nonlinearity degree in short-term heartbeat series by optimum modeling dimension pp. 149-156

- Chunhua Bian and Xinbao Ning
- Invariant features of metabolic networks: a data analysis application on scaling properties of biochemical pathways pp. 157-170

- Alessandro Giuliani, Joseph P. Zbilut, Filippo Conti, Cesare Manetti and Alfredo Miccheli
- Fractal analysis of measure representation of large proteins based on the detailed HP model pp. 171-184

- Zu-Guo Yu, Vo Anh and Ka-Sing Lau
- Who runs fastest in an adaptive landscape: sexual versus asexual reproduction pp. 185-195

- Kerstin Holmström and Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen
- A model of complex behavior of interbank exchange markets pp. 196-218

- Tomoya Suzuki, Tohru Ikeguchi and Masuo Suzuki
- Zipf law in firms bankruptcy pp. 219-230

- Yoshi Fujiwara
- Time scales involved in emergent market coherence pp. 231-242

- J Kwapień, S Drożdż and J Speth
- Antibubble and prediction of China's stock market and real-estate pp. 243-268

- Wei-Xing Zhou and Didier Sornette
- Model of macroeconomic evolution in stable regionally dependent economic fields pp. 269-287

- Marcel Ausloos, P Clippe and A Pekalski
- Multichoice minority game: dynamics and global cooperation pp. 288-306

- F.K. Chow and H.F. Chau
- Non-random fluctuations and multi-scale dynamics regulation of human activity pp. 307-318

- Kun Hu, Plamen Ch. Ivanov, Zhi Chen, Michael F. Hilton, H.Eugene Stanley and Steven A. Shea
- A case for biotic morphogenesis of coniform stromatolites pp. 319-326

- M.T. Batchelor, R.V. Burne, B.I. Henry and M.J. Jackson
- Information flow in social groups pp. 327-335

- Fang Wu, Bernardo A. Huberman, Lada A. Adamic and Joshua R. Tyler
- Scaling in weighted networks and complex systems pp. 336-356

- W. Jeżewski
- Small-world structure of earthquake network pp. 357-362

- Sumiyoshi Abe and Norikazu Suzuki
Volume 336, issue 3, 2004
- On the first passage of one-sided Lévy motions pp. 219-244

- Iddo Eliazar and Joseph Klafter
- Fractional diffusion equation for a power-law-truncated Lévy process pp. 245-251

- I.m Sokolov, A.v Chechkin and J Klafter
- The nonequilibrium van der Waals square gradient model. (III). Heat and mass transfer coefficients pp. 252-270

- E. Johannessen and D. Bedeaux
- Classification of equilibrium states and hydrodynamics of quantum Fermi-liquid mixtures with the vector order parameter pp. 271-293

- M.Yu. Kovalevskii, A.A. Rozhkov and L.V. Logvinova
- Gaseous mixture flow between two parallel plates in the whole range of the gas rarefaction pp. 294-318

- S Naris, D Valougeorgis, D Kalempa and F Sharipov
- Searching for self-similarity in switching time and turbulent cascades in ion transport through a biochannel. A time delay asymmetry pp. 319-333

- Marcel Ausloos, Kristinka Ivanova and Zuzanna Siwy
- Some exact results for the trapping of subdiffusive particles in one dimension pp. 334-346

- S.b Yuste and L Acedo
- On a complex beam–beam interaction model with random forcing pp. 347-360

- Yong Xu, Wei Xu and Gamal M Mahmoud
- Stress in planar cellular solids and isostatic granular assemblies: coarse-graining the constitutive equation pp. 361-368

- Raphael Blumenfeld
- Extending the SIR epidemic model pp. 369-375

- J Satsuma, R Willox, A Ramani, B Grammaticos and A.s Carstea
- Liouville equation and the q-statistical formalism pp. 376-390

- A.r Plastino, C Giordano, A Plastino and M Casas
- Uniqueness of thermodynamic projector and kinetic basis of molecular individualism pp. 391-432

- Alexander N. Gorban and Iliya V. Karlin
- Statistical properties of two-mode parametric amplifier interacting with a single atom pp. 433-453

- A.S.-F. Obada, M. Sebawe Abdalla and E.M. Khalil
- Effect of the ground-state structure on order parameters in ±J Ising lattices pp. 454-460

- A.J. Ramirez-Pastor, F. Romá, F. Nieto and E.E. Vogel
- Mean-field description of a dilute s–d system pp. 461-476

- J. Maćkowiak
- The grand potential of the one-dimensional extended Hubbard model up to order β5 pp. 477-490

- M. Moutinho, E.V. Corrêa Silva and M.T. Thomaz
- Nonlinear Barabási–Albert network pp. 491-502

- Roberto N. Onody and Paulo A. de Castro
- A Bayesian classification of heart rate variability data pp. 503-513

- R.j Muirhead and R.d Puff
- Effect of asymmetric bathing solution on the nonlinear I–V characteristics of lipid membranes pp. 514-520

- D Ghosh, S Manna, S De, R Basu and P Nandy
- The Hurst exponent over time: testing the assertion that emerging markets are becoming more efficient pp. 521-537

- Daniel Cajueiro and Benjamin Tabak
- Robust methods for stock market data analysis pp. 538-548

- I. Antoniou, P. Akritas, D.A. Burak, V.V. Ivanov, A.V. Kryanev and G.V. Lukin
- On the efficient resources distribution in economics based on entropy pp. 549-562

- I Antoniou, V.v Ivanov, A.v Kryanev, V.v Matokhin and M.v Shapovalov
- Power law for the calm-time interval of price changes pp. 563-570

- Taisei Kaizoji and Michiyo Kaizoji
- Bank mergers as scale-free coagulation pp. 571-584

- Dmitri O Pushkin and Hassan Aref
- Variance fluctuations in nonstationary time series: a comparative study of music genres pp. 585-594

- Heather D Jennings, Plamen Ch Ivanov, Allan de M. Martins, P.c da Silva and G.m Viswanathan
- Scaling in non-stationary time series. (I) pp. 595-622

- M. Ignaccolo, P. Allegrini, P. Grigolini, P. Hamilton and B.J. West
- Scaling in non-stationary time series. (II). Teen birth phenomenon pp. 623-637

- M Ignaccolo, P Allegrini, P Grigolini, P Hamilton and B.j West
- Experiment and simulation of pedestrian counter flow pp. 638-650

- Motoshige Isobe, Taku Adachi and Takashi Nagatani
Volume 336, issue 1, 2004
- Editorial pp. xv-xv

- Katarzyna Sznajd-Weron
- Introduction to statistical physics outside physics pp. 1-5

- Dietrich Stauffer
- Fractal dimensions of percolating networks pp. 6-13

- Reuven Cohen and Shlomo Havlin
- Cellular automaton for bacterial towers pp. 14-26

- J.O. Indekeu and C.V. Giuraniuc
- Langevin processes, agent models and socio-economic systems pp. 27-38

- Peter Richmond and Lorenzo Sabatelli
- Modeling electricity prices: jump diffusion and regime switching pp. 39-48

- Rafał Weron, M Bierbrauer and S Trück
- Sociophysics: a personal testimony pp. 49-55

- Serge Galam
- The dynamics of minority opinions in democratic debate pp. 56-62

- Serge Galam
- Simulation of gene evolution under directional mutational pressure pp. 63-73

- Małgorzata Dudkiewicz, Paweł Mackiewicz, Maria Kowalczuk, Dorota Mackiewicz, Aleksandra Nowicka, Natalia Polak, Kamila Smolarczyk, Joanna Banaszak, Mirosław R. Dudek and Stanisław Cebrat
- Type I intermittency in nonstationary systems—models and human heart rate variability pp. 74-83

- J.J. Żebrowski and R. Baranowski
- Population dynamics with or without evolution: a physicist's approach pp. 84-92

- Michel Droz and Andrzej Pȩkalski
- Statistical physics in meteorology pp. 93-101

- Marcel Ausloos
- Unified “micro”- and “macro-” evolution of eco-systems: self-organization of a dynamic network pp. 102-111

- Dietrich Stauffer and Debashish Chowdhury
- Brownian motion, molecular motors and ratchets pp. 112-122

- Barbara J Gabryś, Karol Pesz and Stanisław J Bartkiewicz
- Stochastic action of actomyosin motor pp. 123-132

- Michał Kurzyński and Przemysław Chełminiak
- Can one make any crash prediction in finance using the local Hurst exponent idea? pp. 133-145

- D Grech and Z Mazur
- The use of models in sociology pp. 146-152

- Barbara Pabjan
- Modeling cardiac pacemakers with relaxation oscillators pp. 153-162

- Krzysztof Grudziński and Jan J Żebrowski
- Diffusion on complex networks: a way to probe their large-scale topological structures pp. 163-173

- Ingve Simonsen, Kasper Astrup Eriksen, Sergei Maslov and Kim Sneppen
- Sleep and wake phase of heart beat dynamics by artificial insymmetrised patterns pp. 174-180

- A. Dudkowska and D. Makowiec
- Information geometry and phase transitions pp. 181-186

- W. Janke, D.A. Johnston and R. Kenna
- Thermodynamics of polypeptide model chains pp. 187-195

- Piotr Romiszowski and Andrzej Sikorski
- On detecting and modeling periodic correlation in financial data pp. 196-205

- E Broszkiewicz-Suwaj, A Makagon, Rafał Weron and Agnieszka Wyłomańska
- A logistic map approach to economic cycles. (I). The best adapted companies pp. 206-214

- J. Miśkiewicz and Marcel Ausloos
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