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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 87, issue 3, 1977

Particle rotation and translation in a fluid with spin pp. 427-452 Downloads
James T. Hynes, Raymond Kapral and Michael Weinberg
Response of an ideal gas in an external potential pp. 453-472 Downloads
H.J. Kreuzer and R. Teshima
Diagonalization of the spin part of the exchange hamiltonian in the second-quantization method for composite particles pp. 473-498 Downloads
Z. Marić and M. Popović-Božić
Square lattice calculations for the general dimer and trimer problems using the Kikuchi method pp. 499-514 Downloads
R.D. Kaye and D.M. Burley
Low-temperature spectrum and damping of elementary excitations in biquadratic exchange systems (S = 1) pp. 515-545 Downloads
B. Westwański and K. Skrobiś
Invariance operator groups for a charged particle in an external electromagnetic field pp. 546-568 Downloads
N. Giovannini
Structural correlations and the “structural diffusion” model for liquids pp. 569-583 Downloads
S. Baer
Fifth to tenth virial coefficients of a hard-sphere fluid pp. 584-600 Downloads
K.W. Kratky
Relativistic charged particles in the field of an electromagnetic plane wave in a medium pp. 601-613 Downloads
William Becker
Spin ordering in spin-pair systems: The XY model in an external field pp. 614-622 Downloads
J. Rogiers and M. Tachiki
Exact renormalization transformation for the one-dimensional ising model with finite range interaction pp. 623-628 Downloads
C.H. Smit and G. Vertogen
Planar classical Heisenberg model with biquadratic interactions pp. 629-632 Downloads
K.G. Chen, H.H. Chen, C.S. Hsue and F.Y. Wu

Volume 87, issue 2, 1977

Autocorrelation function of the x-component of the magnetization in the one-dimensional XY-model pp. 211-242 Downloads
H.W. Capel and J.H.H. Perk
On the thermodynamics of the random one-dimensional Ising chain in a transverse field pp. 243-257 Downloads
H. Braeter and J.M. Kowalski
The corrected Enskog theory and the transport properties of molecular liquids pp. 258-272 Downloads
J.J. Van Loef
Dynamic viscosity of macromolecular liquids for a superposition of static and oscillating velocity gradients pp. 273-287 Downloads
Siegfried Hess
On the dielectric constant for a non-polar fluid, a comparison pp. 288-301 Downloads
J.S. Høye and D. Bedeaux
On dielectric and magnetic relaxation phenomena and vectorial internal degrees of freedom in thermodynamics pp. 302-330 Downloads
G.A. Kluitenberg
Spectral properties of the Kirkwood-Salsburg operator pp. 331-343 Downloads
H. Moraal
Virial coefficients of the equation of state of a gas of nonspherical molecules II. Polar molecules pp. 344-353 Downloads
S. Singh and Y. Singh
The determination of the ground-state energy of an antiferromagnetic lattice by means of a renormalization procedure pp. 354-368 Downloads
H.P. Van de Braak, W.J. Caspers, C. De Lance and M.W.M. Willemse
Relativistic kinetic theory of quantum systems pp. 369-380 Downloads
Th.J. Siskens and Ch.G. Van Weert
A comment on the reliability of the Toda criterion for the existence of a stochastic transition pp. 381-390 Downloads
G. Benettin, R. Brambilla and L. Galgani
The Ginzburg-Landau parameter in the case of non-pure superconductors pp. 391-403 Downloads
S. De Lillo and F. Mancini
Diffusion of Kr in Kr-CH4 mixture pp. 404-410 Downloads
A. De Santis and F.P. Ricci
A theorem on bath-system correlation functions pp. 411-418 Downloads
F. Casagrande and M. Milani
A functional Stieltjes measure and generalized diffusion processes pp. 419-425 Downloads
H. Dekker

Volume 87, issue 1, 1977

Dynamic critical properties of a stochastic n-vector model pp. 1-34 Downloads
L. Sasvári and P. Szépfalusy
Long time expansion of two-dimensional correlation functions pp. 35-62 Downloads
I.M. De Schepper and M.H. Ernst
Two-spin dynamic autocorrelations and energy diffusion in the Heisenberg paramagnet pp. 63-93 Downloads
M. De Leener and P. Résibois
Time evolution in a two-component systems with catalytic reactions pp. 94-116 Downloads
H.J. Kreuzer and Y. Kurihara
Thermodynamic limit for the one-dimensional Ising systems with random interaction of finite range pp. 117-131 Downloads
T. Morita
Quantum mechanics in phase space II pp. 132-144 Downloads
J.G. Krüger and A. Poffyn
Local critical behaviour at impurities in Ising-type systems pp. 145-157 Downloads
A. Holz, A. Sorgen and K.H. Bennemann
Several properties of the KSA nondiagrammatic cluster χ′(r) pp. 158-166 Downloads
M.J. Stavn
Collective modes in some Fokker-Planck Coulomb systems: One-dimensional case pp. 167-176 Downloads
Amal K. Das
Collision-induced scattering for molecules pp. 177-184 Downloads
A. Gharbi and Y. Le Duff
On the theory of multiple scattering pp. 185-191 Downloads
H.M.J. Boots
Dynamical current correlations in simple liquids pp. 192-198 Downloads
P.K. Kahol, D.K. Chaturvedi and K.N. Pathak
Validity of a generalized Nyquist relation pp. 199-201 Downloads
D.L. Huber
Parameters of the exponential-six potential model for neon pp. 202-206 Downloads
M. Áurea Cunha and M.F. Laranjeira
Second dielectric virial coefficient of fluid of nonspherical molecules pp. 207-210 Downloads
S. Singh and Y. Singh

Volume 86, issue 3, 1977

Nonlinear response theory for inhomogeneous systems in various ensembles pp. 475-489 Downloads
D. Ronis and I. Oppenheim
Vibrational relaxation time measurements in CH4 and CH4-rare gas mixtures pp. 490-512 Downloads
M.H. De Vasconcelos and A.E. De Vries
Statistical hydrodynamics of cholesteric liquid crystals pp. 513-534 Downloads
V.B. Nemtsov
A fluctuation problem in particle transport theory I pp. 535-552 Downloads
M.M.R. Williams
Excitations in randomly diluted two-dimensional ferromagnets pp. 553-573 Downloads
A.R. McGurn and Raza A. Tahir-Kheli
Note on the calculation of electrostatic lattice potentials pp. 574-586 Downloads
C.M. Fortuin
On the classes of integral equations nonderivable by graph theory means: An improved molecular theory for classical liquids in equilibrium pp. 587-600 Downloads
Z. Demendy
On series expansions in a nonlinear electronic system pp. 601-612 Downloads
C. Lewiner and D. Calecki
Second virial coefficient at low temperatures pp. 613-621 Downloads
D. Kremp, R. Gau, M. Schlanges and W.D. Kraeft
Scaling theory of fluctuation in superradiance relaxation from the complete inversion pp. 622-628 Downloads
Masuo Suzuki

Volume 86, issue 2, 1977

Composition dependence of the viscosity of dense gas mixtures pp. 205-223 Downloads
R. Di Pippo, J.R. Dorfman, J. Kestin, H.E. Khalifa and E.A. Mason
On the theory of structural modulation of Na2CO3 pp. 224-256 Downloads
C.M. Fortuin
Microscopic theory of liquid 4He pp. 257-277 Downloads
T. Samulski and A. Isihara
Higher order field equations II; Limit properties of green's functions pp. 278-302 Downloads
H.a Tolhoek
Generalized hydrodynamics of thermal transpiration, thermal force and friction force pp. 303-336 Downloads
H. Vestner and L. Waldmann
Quantum statistical effects of the motion of an oscillator interacting with a radiation field pp. 337-354 Downloads
E. Braun and S.V. Godoy
The ballast resistor; An electro-thermal instability in a conducting wire I; The nature of the stationary states pp. 355-382 Downloads
D. Bedeaux, P. Mazur and R.A. Pasmanter
Non-newtonian viscosity and normal pressure associated with the flow alignment in macromolecular liquids pp. 383-399 Downloads
Siegfried Hess
A compressible Dicke model (exact solution) pp. 400-416 Downloads
A. Klemm and V.A. Zagrebnov
First order green-function theory of isotropic Heisenberg ferromagnet pp. 417-428 Downloads
G. Kamieniarz
Comparaison entre la viscosité des gaz rares denses et la viscosité de modèles statistiques pp. 429-447 Downloads
J Vermesse and D Vidal
On Kadanoff's approximate renormalization group transformation pp. 448-456 Downloads
H.J.F. Knops
Constraints, phase transitions and critical indices pp. 457-464 Downloads
D. Shalitin
Exactly solvable model exhibiting a multicritical point pp. 465-470 Downloads
R.M. Hornreich, Marshall Luban and S. Shtrikman
Symmetry group of the kinetic equation and stationary distributions in a weakly turbulent plasma pp. 471-474 Downloads
A.V. Kats and V.M. Kontorovich

Volume 86, issue 1, 1977

Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of interfacial systems pp. 1-24 Downloads
J. Kovac
Linked cluster expansions in the equations of motion method II pp. 25-48 Downloads
R. Der and R. Haberlandt
The Brownian motion theory of chemical transition rates pp. 49-66 Downloads
C. Blomberg
Relativistic kinetic theory of quantum systems pp. 67-79 Downloads
W.P.H. De Boer and Ch.G. Van Weert
Relativistic kinetic theory of quantum systems pp. 80-92 Downloads
Th.J. Siskens and Ch.G. Van Weert
The Faddeev equations for the Heisenberg ferromagnet pp. 93-110 Downloads
J.E. Van Himbergen
Theory of interacting bosons without anomalous propagators pp. 111-129 Downloads
H. Stolz
MacDonald's theorem and Milatz's theorem for multivariate stochastic processes pp. 130-136 Downloads
K.M. Van Vliet
Two nonlinear Dicke models pp. 137-146 Downloads
R. Gilmore
Isothermal resistivity for interacting charged particles in contact with a bath pp. 147-158 Downloads
G. Röpke
Current induced Kerr effect in weakly ionized gases in the presence of a magnetic field pp. 159-168 Downloads
W.E. Köhler
The Liouville operator for the step-type interparticle interaction pp. 169-176 Downloads
J.A. Domaradzki
The solutions of the classical KMS-equation for infinitely many non-interacting particles pp. 177-184 Downloads
M. Fannes, J.V. Pulè and A. Verbeure
Extended mean spherical approximation for electrolyte solutions pp. 185-190 Downloads
E. Martina B. and F. Del Río
On the structure of the three-particle operator in generalized kinetic equations for inhomogeneous gases pp. 191-199 Downloads
J.J. Brey
Phase transition in a linear chain of classical spins with a logarithmic nearest neighbour pair potential pp. 200-204 Downloads
Th. Niemeijer and Th.W. Ruijgrok
Page updated 2025-03-31