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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 269, issue 2, 1999

Percolation on disordered mosaics pp. 189-200 Downloads
G Schliecker and C Kaiser
Site percolation on the Penrose rhomb lattice pp. 201-210 Downloads
Robert M. Ziff and Filip Babalievski
Local variational description for a dense gas pp. 211-221 Downloads
L. Romero-Salazar, M. Mayorga and R.M. Velasco
4He spectrum shift caused by 3He admixture pp. 222-234 Downloads
D. Baranov and V. Yarunin
EHD self-modulation of capillary-gravity waves on a liquid layer of uniform depth pp. 235-251 Downloads
M.F. El-Sayed and D.K. Callebaut
Kinetic boundary of metastable states in superheated and stretched liquids pp. 252-268 Downloads
S.b Kiselev
Coexistence of lamellae and vesicles in multi-stacked fluid membranes with polymer lipids pp. 269-277 Downloads
T. Kohyama
Complexation of DNA with cationic surfactant pp. 278-284 Downloads
Paulo S. Kuhn, Marcia C. Barbosa and Yan Levin
Algorithmic complexity and efficiency of a ratchet pp. 285-292 Downloads
C.m Arizmendi and F Family
About nonlinear drift velocity at random walk by Levy flight: analytical solution and numerical simulations pp. 293-298 Downloads
V.e Arkhincheev and A.v Nomoev
Time operators and shift representation of dynamical systems pp. 299-313 Downloads
I. Antoniou, V.A. Sadovnichii and S.A. Shkarin
Characterization of a system described by Kuramoto–Sivashinsky equation with Lyapunov exponent pp. 314-321 Downloads
Hiroshi Shibata and Ryuji Ishizaki
The ferromagnet spin-1/2 Ising superlattice in a transverse field pp. 322-328 Downloads
F. Dujardin, B. Stébé, A. Ainane and M. Saber
The site-diluted spin-12 Ising film pp. 329-343 Downloads
A. Saber, A. Ainane, F. Dujardin, M. Saber and B. Stébé
A new type of cluster theory in Ising models (I) pp. 344-356 Downloads
T. Kaneyoshi
A new type of cluster theory in Ising systems (II) pp. 357-368 Downloads
T. Kaneyoshi
Low-lying properties in a decorated Heisenberg spin chain pp. 369-377 Downloads
H. Asakawa
Markov matrix analysis of random walks in disordered continuous media pp. 378-394 Downloads
Sang Bub Lee and Hisao Nakanishi
Shear-induced order in suspensions pp. 395-402 Downloads
Moshe Schwartz
Correlation induced by Tsallis’ nonextensivity pp. 403-409 Downloads
Sumiyoshi Abe
Prototype model for nuclear spin conversion in molecules: the case of “hydrogen” pp. 410-417 Downloads
L.V. Il'ichov
Statistical mechanics of relativistic anyons pp. 418-425 Downloads
H.O. Frota and F.S. de Aguiar
A new unambiguous and conceptually improved renormalization method in nonrelativistic QED pp. 426-438 Downloads
J. Seke
Temperature and measurement: comparison between two models of nonequilibrium radiation pp. 439-454 Downloads
J. Fort, D. Jou and J.E. Llebot
Nonequilibrium ultrashort laser pulse phenomena described by Fermion coherent states pp. 455-475 Downloads
B. Mieck
Quantum inference as an under-determined linear problem and the collective of accessible states pp. 476-492 Downloads
M Casas, A Plastino, J Perez and A Rigo
Minority game with arbitrary cutoffs pp. 493-502 Downloads
N.f Johnson, P.m Hui, Dafang Zheng and C.w Tai
Ramanujan–Fourier series, the Wiener–Khintchine formula and the distribution of prime pairs pp. 503-510 Downloads
H.Gopalkrishna Gadiyar and R. Padma
Opinion formation model with strong leader and external impact: a mean field approach pp. 511-526 Downloads
Krzysztof Kacperski and Janusz A. Hoł yst
Evolution of populations in a changing environment pp. 527-535 Downloads
Katarzyna Sznajd-Weron and Andrzej Pȩkalski
Rolling friction in the dynamic simulation of sandpile formation pp. 536-553 Downloads
Y.C. Zhou, Brian Wright, R.Y. Yang, B.H. Xu and A.B. Yu
On the possibility of optimal investment pp. 554-563 Downloads
František Slanina
Phase transitions, universality and superuniversality in mortality evolution pp. 564-569 Downloads
Azbel’, Mark Ya.

Volume 269, issue 1, 1999

Crowd effects and volatility in markets with competing agents pp. 1-8 Downloads
Neil F Johnson, Michael Hart and P.m Hui
On the multinomial logit model pp. 9-15 Downloads
Matteo Marsili
Critical fluctuations in a random network model pp. 16-23 Downloads
Makoto Nirei
Critical fluctuations of demand and supply pp. 24-29 Downloads
H. Takayasu and M. Takayasu
Toward a theory of marginally efficient markets pp. 30-44 Downloads
Yi-Cheng Zhang
A more informative estimation procedure for the parameters of a diffusion process pp. 45-53 Downloads
Antonella Basso and Paolo Pianca
Statistical mechanics analysis of the continuous number partitioning problem pp. 54-60 Downloads
F.f Ferreira and J.f Fontanari
American option pricing in Gauss–Markov interest rate models pp. 61-71 Downloads
Stefano Galluccio
Stationarity tests for financial time series pp. 72-78 Downloads
Ricardo Gimeno, Benjamı́n Manchado and Román Mı́nguez
Discrete random walk models for symmetric Lévy–Feller diffusion processes pp. 79-89 Downloads
Rudolf Gorenflo, Gianni De Fabritiis and Francesco Mainardi
Correlations in the bond-future market pp. 90-97 Downloads
Gianaurelio Cuniberti, Marco Raberto and Enrico Scalas
Characteristic times in stock market indices pp. 98-110 Downloads
L Kullmann, J Töyli, J Kertesz, A Kanto and K Kaski
Statistical analysis of 5 s index data of the Budapest Stock Exchange pp. 111-124 Downloads
Imre M Jánosi, Balázs Janecskó and Imre Kondor
Zipf's law in income distribution of companies pp. 125-131 Downloads
K Okuyama, M Takayasu and H Takayasu
Empirical investigation of stock price dynamics in an emerging market pp. 132-139 Downloads
Zoltán Palágyi and Rosario Mantegna
Multiscaling and clustering of volatility pp. 140-147 Downloads
Michele Pasquini and Maurizio Serva
Volatility in the Italian stock market: an empirical study pp. 148-155 Downloads
Marco Raberto, Enrico Scalas, Gianaurelio Cuniberti and Massimo Riani
Econophysics: Can physicists contribute to the science of economics? pp. 156-169 Downloads
H.e Stanley, L.A.n Amaral, David Canning, P Gopikrishnan, Y Lee and Y Liu
The moving averages demystified pp. 170-176 Downloads
N Vandewalle, Marcel Ausloos and Ph Boveroux
Nonlinear index prediction pp. 177-183 Downloads
Stefan Zemke
Page updated 2025-03-31