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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 322, issue C, 2003

Structure and diffusion time scales of disordered clusters pp. 1-4 Downloads
E. Cuansing and H. Nakanishi
Effective scalar properties of the critical region in functionally graded materials pp. 5-12 Downloads
C.d Van Siclen
Statistical properties of the radial transport in the magnetic field with radially bounded stochastic region pp. 13-37 Downloads
A. Maluckov, N. Nakajima, M. Okamoto, S. Murakami and R. Kanno
Formation of structural steady states in lamellar/sponge phase-separating fluids under shear flow pp. 38-54 Downloads
P. Panizza, L. Courbin, G. Cristobal, J. Rouch and T. Narayanan
Initiation of rapidly expanding supercritical fluids pp. 55-72 Downloads
Shirish M. Chitanvis
Temperature inversion in granular fluids under gravity pp. 73-80 Downloads
Ramı́rez, Rosa and Rodrigo Soto
Regenerative processes in supercooled liquids and glasses pp. 81-117 Downloads
L. Sjögren
Mode locking in small-world networks of coupled circle maps pp. 118-128 Downloads
Antônio M. Batista, Sandro S. Pinto, Ricardo L. Viana and Sergio R. Lopes
High frequency spectra and analyticity properties of time series in classical fluids pp. 129-138 Downloads
Max Teubner
Equilibrium states of a new kinetic equation pp. 139-142 Downloads
A. Muriel
Dielectric hole burning in an electrical circuit analog of a dynamically heterogeneous system pp. 143-154 Downloads
Ranko Richert
On synchronization, persistence and seasonality in some spatially inhomogeneous models in epidemics and ecology pp. 155-168 Downloads
E. Ahmed, A.S. Hegazi, A.S. Elgazzar and H.M. Yehia
The spectra and periodograms of anti-correlated discrete fractional Gaussian noise pp. 169-179 Downloads
G.M. Raymond, D.B. Percival and J.B. Bassingthwaighte
Convective dispersion without molecular diffusion pp. 180-194 Downloads
Kevin D. Dorfman and Howard Brenner
Surprising non-scaling behavior in fractional diffusion pp. 195-200 Downloads
B.N.Narahari Achar and John W. Hanneken
Time dependence of the weakly coupled spin-1 Ising system using the Glauber model pp. 201-214 Downloads
Mustafa Keskin and Osman Canko
Dynamic crossover and aging of a particle coupled to a fractal heat bath pp. 215-232 Downloads
A. Mauger
Lindblad master equation for the damped harmonic oscillator with deformed dissipation pp. 233-246 Downloads
A. Isar, A. Sandulescu and W. Scheid
Optimization and self-organized criticality in a magnetic system pp. 247-255 Downloads
Roberto N. Onody and Paulo A. de Castro
Transport coefficients and nonextensive statistics pp. 256-266 Downloads
J.R. Bezerra, R. Silva and J.A.S. Lima
Superstatistics pp. 267-275 Downloads
C. Beck and E.G.D. Cohen
Tsallis thermostatistics for finite systems: a Hamiltonian approach pp. 276-284 Downloads
Artur B. Adib, André A. Moreira, José S. Andrade and Murilo P. Almeida
Gravothermal catastrophe and Tsallis’ generalized entropy of self-gravitating systems. (III). Quasi-equilibrium structure using normalized q-values pp. 285-312 Downloads
Atsushi Taruya and Masa-aki Sakagami
Uniformity of the phase space and fluctuations in thermal equilibrium pp. 313-328 Downloads
Arkadiusz Majka and Wojciech Wiślicki
Relativistic ionized gases: Ohm and Fourier laws from Anderson and Witting model equation pp. 329-344 Downloads
G.M. Kremer and C.H. Patsko
Kinetic equation, non-perturbative approach and decoherence free subspace for quantum open system pp. 345-358 Downloads
Bi Qiao, H.E. Ruda, M.S. Zhan and X.H. Zeng
Connecting molecular dynamics to micromorphic theory. (I). Instantaneous and averaged mechanical variables pp. 359-376 Downloads
Youping Chen and James D. Lee
Connecting molecular dynamics to micromorphic theory. (II). Balance laws pp. 377-392 Downloads
Youping Chen and James D. Lee
Remarks on the convergence of the β-expansion of s=12 and s=1 Ising models pp. 393-406 Downloads
Winder A. Moura-Melo, Onofre Rojas, E.V. Corrêa Silva, S.M. de Souza and M.T. Thomaz
The “inversion relation” method for obtaining the free energy of the chiral Potts model pp. 407-431 Downloads
R.J. Baxter
Computer simulation study of two-dimensional nematogenic lattice models based on dispersion interactions pp. 432-448 Downloads
S. Romano
q-Gaussian trial function in high density Bose–Einstein condensates pp. 449-455 Downloads
E Erdemir and B Tanatar
Fractal structure in adsorbates in a catalysed reaction on a surface pp. 456-466 Downloads
A Córdoba, A Gómez and J.j Luque
Random deposition model of particles with discrete orientations pp. 467-476 Downloads
W Cavalcanti, M Santos and W Figueiredo
Quantum statistics and allometric scaling of organisms pp. 477-490 Downloads
Lloyd Demetrius
Observation of mammalian similarity through allometric scaling laws pp. 491-505 Downloads
Valery B Kokshenev
Dynamics of HIV infection on 2D cellular automata pp. 506-520 Downloads
A Benyoussef, N.El HafidAllah, A ElKenz, H Ez-Zahraouy and M Loulidi
Bit-string models for parasex pp. 521-530 Downloads
S Moss de Oliveira, P.M.c de Oliveira and D Stauffer
Model of MT and MST areas using an autoencoder pp. 531-545 Downloads
Katsuki Katayama, Masataka Ando and Tsuyoshi Horiguchi
The interplay between cell adhesion and environment rigidity in the morphology of tumors pp. 546-554 Downloads
Adriana N dos Reis, José C.M Mombach, M Walter and Leôni F de Ávila
A cellular automata model for cell differentiation pp. 555-566 Downloads
H.s Silva and M.l Martins
Decision making dynamics in corporate boards pp. 567-582 Downloads
Stefano Battiston, Eric Bonabeau and Gérard Weisbuch
Symmetry/anti-symmetry phase transitions in crude oil markets pp. 583-596 Downloads
Jose Alvarez-Ramirez, Angel Soriano, Myriam Cisneros and Rodolfo Suarez
Measuring anti-correlations in the nordic electricity spot market by wavelets pp. 597-606 Downloads
Ingve Simonsen
Volatility cluster and herding pp. 607-619 Downloads
Friedrich Wagner
Is volatility lognormal? Evidence from Italian futures pp. 620-628 Downloads
Roberto Renò and Rosario Rizza
Multifractal geometry in stock market time series pp. 629-649 Downloads
Antonio Turiel and Conrad J. Pérez-Vicente
Functional correlation approach to operational risk in banking organizations pp. 650-666 Downloads
Reimer Kühn and Peter Neu
Wealth redistribution with conservative exchanges pp. 667-675 Downloads
S Pianegonda, J.r Iglesias, G Abramson and J.l Vega
First- and second-order phase transitions from free flow to synchronized flow pp. 676-684 Downloads
Rui Jiang and Qing-Song Wu
Complex motions of shuttle buses by speed control pp. 685-697 Downloads
Takashi Nagatani
Brazilian elections: voting for a scaling democracy pp. 698-700 Downloads
R.N. Costa Filho, M.P. Almeida, J.E. Moreira and J.S. Andrade
Adaptation using hybridized genetic crossover strategies pp. 701-709 Downloads
Marko Sysi-Aho, Anirban Chakraborti and Kimmo Kaski
Page updated 2025-03-31