Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 286, issue 3, 2000
- Mutual information and self-control of a fully-connected low-activity neural network pp. 401-416

- D Bollé and D.Dominguez Carreta
- A word-counting technique for the solution of stochastic equations pp. 417-434

- Kai Klauck and Hendrik Moraal
- Variational study of steady flows stability in incompressible fluids pp. 435-446

- Rafael González, A.C. Sicardi-Schifino and L.G. Sarasua
- On the application of direct-interaction approximation to the turbulent convection problem pp. 447-456

- Bhimsen K. Shivamoggi
- Relative complexity changes in time series using information measures pp. 457-473

- M.E. Torres and L.G. Gamero
- Lagrange theory of thermal hydrodynamic fluctuations and collective diffusion in liquids pp. 474-488

- T.V. Lokotosh and N.P. Malomuzh
- Tsallis’ entropy maximization procedure revisited pp. 489-502

- S Martı́nez, F Nicolás, F Pennini and A Plastino
- Green functions based on Tsallis nonextensive statistical mechanics: normalized q-expectation value formulation pp. 503-517

- E.K. Lenzi, R.S. Mendes and A.K. Rajagopal
- Decoupling approximation in spin-S(S≧1/2) Ising systems pp. 518-530

- T. Kaneyoshi
- Multicritical points in the mixed spin-1 and spin-32 Ising system on a square lattice with different single-ion anisotropies pp. 531-540

- A Bobák
- Spin correlation functions of some frustrated ultra-small classical Heisenberg clusters pp. 541-557

- Orion Ciftja
- “Cosmological” expansion of the electron gas pp. 558-572

- S.V. Peletminsky and A.S. Peletminsky
- Statistical mechanics of nonlinear Klein–Gordon chains: the φ8-chain and the Gaussian double-well model pp. 573-587

- J.y Lee and K.l Liu
- Entropy behaviors and statistical properties of the field interacting with a Ξ-type three-level atom pp. 588-598

- Xiang Liu
- A note on the renormalization group and contour expansions pp. 599-610

- R. Lefevere
- Diagrams for bosonic operators pp. 611-626

- d’Ávila Fonseca, C.H.
- Quantization of the canonical ensemble pp. 627-637

- M Lederer
- Dimensional crossover in fragmentation pp. 638-642

- Oscar Sotolongo-Costa, Arezky H Rodriguez and G.j Rodgers
Volume 286, issue 1, 2000
- Complexity and line of critical points in a short-range spin-glass model pp. 1-9

- M Campellone and F Ritort
- First return probabilities in a Lorentz gas pp. 10-28

- C.P. Lowe and A.J. Masters
- Models of fragmentation with power law log-normal distributions pp. 29-44

- Z. Tavassoli and A.Esmaeilnia Shirvani
- The non-integer operation associated to random variation sets of the self-similar set pp. 45-55

- Fu-Yao Ren and Jin-Rong Liang
- Solvent effects on the effective interactions among colloidal particles: a simple molecular model pp. 56-78

- P. González-Mozuelos and N. Bagatella-Flores
- Vortices and invariant surfaces generated by symmetries for the 3D Navier–Stokes equations pp. 79-108

- V. Grassi, R.A. Leo, G. Soliani and P. Tempesta
- Consideration of initial correlations of the same type in reactions A+B→B and A+B→C+B pp. 109-132

- A.A. Kipriyanov and A.B. Doktorov
- Stability analysis for systems of nonlinear Hill's equations pp. 133-146

- Gamal M. Mahmoud, Tassos Bountis and Sayed A. Ahmed
- Brownian motors: solitary wave and efficiency pp. 147-155

- Yu-Xiao Li, Xi-Zhen Wu and Yi-Zhong Zhuo
- A nonextensive thermodynamical equilibrium approach in e+e−→ hadrons pp. 156-163

- I. Bediaga, E.M.F. Curado and J.M. de Miranda
- Non-extensive statistical mechanics and particle spectra in elementary interactions pp. 164-180

- Christian Beck
- Excitation gap of an antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain with multiple decorations pp. 181-188

- H Asakawa
- Exact Potts model partition function on strips of the triangular lattice pp. 189-238

- Shu-Chiuan Chang and Robert Shrock
- Real processing III. The generalized statement of Helmholtz and Rayleigh and its meaning for process engineering pp. 239-282

- Bernhard Reiser
- Multifractal spectra of magnetostatic spin waves in quasiperiodic magnetic multilayers pp. 283-291

- Dory H.A.L Anselmo, Gil A Farias, R.n Costa and E.l Albuquerque
- A new approach to critical exponents in phase-transitions of spin-systems pp. 292-298

- G. Prüßner, D. Loison and K.D. Schotte
- Limits of validity for a semiclassical mean-field two-fluid model for Bose–Einstein condensation thermodynamics pp. 299-306

- Sadhan K Adhikari and A Gammal
- Shear viscosity in Friedmann–Robertson–Walker Universes pp. 307-311

- Alfredo Sandoval-Villalbazo and L.S. Garcı́a-Colı́n
- Scaling and intermittency in animal behaviour pp. 312-320

- A Harnos, G Horváth, A.b Lawrence and G Vattay
- From branching to nebula patterning during colonial development of the Paenibacillus alvei bacteria pp. 321-336

- Inon Cohen, Ilan G Ron and Eshel Ben-Jacob
- Scaling in a network model of a multispecies ecosystem pp. 337-344

- Ricard V. Solé, David Alonso and Alan McKane
- Wenckebach rhythms in a FitzHugh model with defects pp. 345-352

- M.A. Fuentes and H.S. Wio
- Introducing False EUR and False EUR exchange rates pp. 353-366

- Marcel Ausloos and K Ivanova
- Social organization in the Minority Game model pp. 367-376

- František Slanina
- Jamming transition of pedestrian traffic at a crossing with open boundaries pp. 377-390

- Masakuni Muramatsu and Takashi Nagatani
- Regularities in football goal distributions pp. 391-395

- L.c Malacarne and R.s Mendes
Volume 285, issue 3, 2000
- A new approach to the study of the ground-state properties of 2D Ising spin glass pp. 239-247

- Zhi Fang Zhan, Lik Wee Lee and Jian-Sheng Wang
- Invasion percolation in correlated porous media pp. 248-258

- Tayfun Babadagli
- Difference percolation on a square lattice pp. 259-266

- A.M. Vidales
- Domains growth and packing properties in driven granular media subject to gravity pp. 267-278

- Mario Nicodemi
- Development of anisotropic particle morphology in an isotropically transforming matrix pp. 279-294

- , Dunbar P.Birnie and Michael C. Weinberg
- Derivation of an equation to calculate the average conductivity of random networks pp. 295-305

- Jürgen Bigalke
- Shear-induced migration of a droplet in the presence of a plane wall pp. 306-314

- Tatsuhiro Imaeda
- Spatiotemporal heterogeneity and energy landscape in liquid water pp. 315-324

- Masaki Sasai
- Fluctuation of mean Lyapunov exponent for Kuramoto–Sivashinsky equation pp. 325-331

- Hiroshi Shibata
- The nonlinearized eigenvalue problem of the Toda hierarchy in the Lie–Poisson framework pp. 332-350

- Dianlou Du, Cewen Cao and Yong-Tang Wu
- Exact time-dependent solutions of the Renyi Fokker–Planck equation and the Fokker–Planck equations related to the entropies proposed by Sharma and Mittal pp. 351-366

- T.D. Frank and A. Daffertshofer
- Quantum collapses and revivals in an anharmonic ion trap pp. 367-372

- C.F. Lo and K.M. Ng
- Percolation in inhomogeneous medium under quantum Hall effect conditions pp. 373-382

- V.e Arkhincheev
- Fractal structure of random matrices pp. 383-391

- M.S. Hussein and M.P. Pato
- Description of structural and electronic properties of TiC and ZrC by generalized gradient approximation pp. 392-396

- S Méçabih, N Amrane, Z Nabi, B Abbar and H Aourag
- Mixed states having Poissonian statistics: how to distinguish them from coherent states? pp. 397-412

- J.M.C. Malbouisson, S.B. Duarte and B. Baseia
- Supersymmetry approach in the field theory of ergodicity breaking transitions pp. 413-432

- Alexei D. Kiselev
- Multispin interactions for multistate spin models pp. 433-447

- Hendrik Moraal
- A simple example for comparing GENERIC with rational non-equilibrium thermodynamics pp. 448-466

- W. Muschik, S. Gümbel, M. Kröger and H.C. Öttinger
- Near-integrability of periodic FPU-chains pp. 467-482

- Bob Rink and Ferdinand Verhulst
- An exactly solvable model for depletion phenomena pp. 483-492

- H.N.w Lekkerkerker and B Widom
- The thermal gap equation in the massless λϕD4 model pp. 493-498

- N.F. Svaiter
- Formulisms of path integrals in momentum space and in mixed spaces pp. 499-505

- Guangcan Yang and Jian-min Mao
- The futility of utility: how market dynamics marginalize Adam Smith pp. 506-538

- Joseph L. McCauley
- Harmony in the small-world pp. 539-546

- Massimo Marchiori and Vito Latora
- Recognition of nonextensive statistical distributions by the eigencoordinates method pp. 547-565

- R.R. Nigmatullin
- Performances in supervised learning pp. 566-578

- Marco A.P. Idiart
Volume 285, issue 1, 2000
- Exotic statistical physics: Applications to biology, medicine, and economics pp. 1-17

- H.Eugene Stanley
- Elements for a theory of financial risks pp. 18-28

- J.-Ph Bouchaud
- Internal dynamics of biomolecules and statistical theory of biochemical processes pp. 29-47

- Michał Kurzyński
- Statistical physics in foreign exchange currency and stock markets pp. 48-65

- Marcel Ausloos
- Real space renormalization group and totalitarian paradox of majority rule voting pp. 66-76

- Serge Galam
- Evolution and ageing pp. 77-100

- S.Moss de Oliveira, Domingos Alves and J.S.Sá Martins
- Statistical physics of traffic flow pp. 101-120

- Andreas Schadschneider
- Grand unification of exotic statistical physics pp. 121-126

- Dietrich Stauffer
- Energy price risk management pp. 127-134

- Rafał Weron
- Exotic marginal fractals from hierarchical random deposition pp. 135-146

- J.o Indekeu, G Fleerackers, A.i Posazhennikova and E Bervoets
- Periodic solutions of a non-linear traffic model pp. 147-155

- L.A. Safonov, E. Tomer, V.V. Strygin and S. Havlin
- The dynamics and geometry of solid–liquid reaction interface pp. 156-165

- Be’er, Avraham, Yossi Lereah and Haim Taitelbaum
- Reaction–diffusion processes: exotic phenomena in simple systems pp. 166-175

- Haim Taitelbaum and Zbigniew Koza
- Diffusion coefficient and drift velocity in periodic media pp. 176-186

- Zbigniew Koza
- Stochastic models of exotic transport pp. 187-198

- Piotr Garbaczewski
- Phase transitions in social impact models of opinion formation pp. 199-210

- Janusz A. Hołyst, Krzysztof Kacperski and Frank Schweitzer
- Molecular mirror images, dense ice phases, organic salts at interfaces, and electrochemical deposition: exotic applications of the Pirogov–Sinai theory pp. 211-219

- Dale A Huckaby, Radu Pitiş, Abdel K Belkasri, Masato Shinmi and Lesser Blum
- Violation of interest-rate parity: a Polish example pp. 220-226

- Jerzy Przystawa and Marek Wolf
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