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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 254, issue 3, 1998

The infinite-range two-real-Ising replicas spin glass pp. 333-347 Downloads
Fernando D. Nobre and Francisco A.da Costa
Dynamic scaling of a reaction-limited decay process pp. 348-357 Downloads
A.P. Reverberi and Enrico Scalas
Underwater pyrotechnics: Chaotic advectors on micro-bubbles in laser-illuminated saturated solutions pp. 358-364 Downloads
K.W. McGregor, O’Sullivan, R.A. and J.F. Scott
The Maxwell–Stefan equations for diffusion in multiphase systems with intersecting dividing surfaces pp. 365-376 Downloads
Leonard M.C. Sagis
Constitutive equations for surface diffusion in mixtures of viscoelastic surfactants pp. 377-388 Downloads
Leonard M.C. Sagis
Nucleation and growth in freely expanding gases pp. 389-410 Downloads
Jürn W.P Schmelzer, Dirk Labudde and Gerd Röpke
Application of the time-dependent projection operator technique: The nonlinear quantum master equation pp. 411-432 Downloads
O. Linden and V. May
Non-uniform stationary measure properties of chaotic area-preserving dynamical systems pp. 451-465 Downloads
Massimiliano Giona, Stefano Cerbelli, Fernando J. Muzzio and Alessandra Adrover
First-order transition in the l-component spin model with Gaussian random field pp. 466-476 Downloads
A. Benyoussef, D. Dohmi and A. Elkenz
Graphical representations and cluster algorithms II11Work supported in part by the NSF under the grant DMR-96-32898 (J.M.) pp. 477-516 Downloads
L. Chayes and J. Machta
Chapman–Enskog closure approximation in the kinetic theory of dilute turbulent gas-particulate suspensions pp. 517-547 Downloads
D.C. Swailes, Y.A. Sergeev and A. Parker
From modified KdV-equation to a second-order cellular automaton for traffic flow pp. 548-556 Downloads
Heike Emmerich and Nakanishi, Takashi Nagatani, Ken
Analysis of rainfall records: possible relation to self-organized criticality pp. 557-568 Downloads
R.F.S. Andrade, H.J. Schellnhuber and M. Claussen
From turbulence to financial time series pp. 569-576 Downloads
B Holdom

Volume 254, issue 1, 1998

Stochastic ratchets pp. 1-6 Downloads
Charles R. Doering
Towards the prediction of protein tertiary structures from first principles pp. 7-14 Downloads
Yuko Okamoto
Generalized ensembles: A new way of simulating proteins pp. 15-23 Downloads
Ulrich H.E. Hansmann
Thermodynamics of fractal signals based on wavelet analysis: application to fully developed turbulence data and DNA sequences pp. 24-45 Downloads
A. Arneodo, B. Audit, E. Bacry, S. Manneville, J.F. Muzy and S.G. Roux
Instabilities during the dendritic and axonal development of neuronal form pp. 46-61 Downloads
H.G.E. Hentschel, D. Samuels and A. Fine
Transition dynamics of biological systems on mesoscopic scales: Effects of flexibility and fluctuations pp. 62-72 Downloads
Wokyung Sung and Pyeong Jun Park
Life as complex systems: Intra–inter dynamics, isologous diversification, and emergence of recursivity pp. 73-76 Downloads
Kunihiko Kaneko
Modeling of financial data: Comparison of the truncated Lévy flight and the ARCH(1) and GARCH(1,1) processes pp. 77-84 Downloads
Rosario Mantegna and H.Eugene Stanley
Self-organized criticality in an isotropically driven model approaching equilibrium pp. 85-96 Downloads
Kwan-tai Leung, Jørgen Vitting Andersen and Didier Sornette
Introduction to the sandpile model pp. 97-116 Downloads
E.V. Ivashkevich and V.B. Priezzhev
An improved upper bound for the critical car density of the two-dimensional Biham–Middleton–Levine traffic model pp. 117-121 Downloads
H.F. Chau, K.Y. Wan and K.K. Yan
Statistical mechanical approach to cellular automaton models of highway traffic flow pp. 122-134 Downloads
Bing-Hong Wang, Y.R. Kwong and P.M. Hui
Unstable growth and coarsening in molecular-beam epitaxy pp. 135-145 Downloads
Lei-Han Tang
Stochastic Hopf bifurcation in a biased van der Pol model pp. 146-155 Downloads
H.K. Leung
Geometric symmetries and cluster simulations pp. 156-163 Downloads
J.r Heringa and H.W.j Blöte
Multicanonical Monte Carlo simulations pp. 164-178 Downloads
Wolfhard Janke
Random sequential adsorption, series expansion and Monte Carlo simulation pp. 179-184 Downloads
Jian-Sheng Wang
Fourier transform for replicated systems pp. 185-189 Downloads
Domenico M Carlucci
Branched tree structures: From polymers to river networks pp. 190-197 Downloads
S.S. Manna
Exact spin–spin correlation functions of Bethe lattice Ising and BEG models in external fields pp. 198-206 Downloads
N.Sh Izmailian and Chin-Kun Hu
An Ising spin-S model on generalized recursive lattice pp. 207-214 Downloads
N.S. Ananikian, N.Sh. Izmailian and K.A. Oganessyan
A new approach to computing the scaling exponents in fluid turbulence from first principles pp. 215-230 Downloads
Victor I. Belinicher, L’vov, Victor S. and Itamar Procaccia
Flowing soap films: a laboratory for studying two-dimensional hydrodynamics pp. 231-247 Downloads
W.I. Goldburg, A. Belmonte, X.L. Wu and I. Zusman
Edge scaling of soap froth pp. 248-256 Downloads
K.Y. Szeto and W.Y. Tam
Potential effects on instantaneous normal modes of liquids pp. 257-271 Downloads
Ten-Ming Wu, Wen-Jong Ma and Shiow-Fon Tsay
Electrorheological and dielectric characteristics of semiconductive polyaniline-silicone oil suspensions pp. 272-279 Downloads
Hyoung J Choi, Min S Cho and Kiwing To
Releasing a stretched polymer chain: scaling and Monte Carlo studies pp. 280-291 Downloads
Pik-Yin Lai, Yu-Jane Sheng and Heng-Kwong Tsao
Abnormal scattering of polymer in binary solvent pp. 292-299 Downloads
Kiwing To, Chul A Kim and Hyoung J Choi
A non-hermitean particle in a disordered world pp. 300-316 Downloads
A. Zee
Localization in non-Hermitian quantum mechanics and flux-line pinning in superconductors pp. 317-331 Downloads
Naomichi Hatano

Volume 253, issue 1, 1998

Heisenberg spin glass on a hypercubic cell pp. 1-8 Downloads
Daniel A. Stariolo
Connection between dispersive transport and statistics of extreme events pp. 9-22 Downloads
K.W. Kehr, K.P.N. Murthy and H. Ambaye
Multifractal specific heat pp. 23-37 Downloads
A. Bershadskii
Categorization in a layered neural network pp. 38-56 Downloads
J.A. Martins and W.K. Theumann
Nonequilibrium neural network with competing dynamics11Supported by the DGICYT, Project No. PB91-0709, and Junta de Andalucı́a pp. 57-65 Downloads
P.L. Garrido, J. Marro and J.J. Torres
Brownian dynamics simulation of needle-spring chains pp. 66-76 Downloads
Arne Mikkelsen, Kenneth D. Knudsen and Arnljot Elgsaeter
The viscosity of a moderately dense, polydisperse suspension of spherical particles pp. 77-104 Downloads
Eligiusz Wajnryb and John S. Dahler
The transition from deterministic chaos to a stochastic process pp. 105-117 Downloads
Holger Kantz and Eckehard Olbrich
Quantitative characterization of spatiotemporal chaos II: Dynamic aspects and anomalous scaling pp. 118-133 Downloads
Hiroshi Shibata
Quantitative characterization of spatiotemporal patterns pp. 134-142 Downloads
Hiroshi Shibata
Long-range correlation properties of area-preserving chaotic systems pp. 143-153 Downloads
Alessandra Adrover and Massimiliano Giona
A similar extension of the WKI hierarchy, its Hamiltonian structure and the associated finite-dimensional Hamiltonian system pp. 154-160 Downloads
Jiang Zhimin
Radiation-induced reduction of a wave packet in a magnetic field pp. 161-177 Downloads
Anatoly Yu. Smirnov
Stretched exponential-like impurity relaxation in the S=1/2XY chain: a numerical study pp. 178-187 Downloads
Surajit Sen and Thomas D Blersch
Identical particles and strong dynamical localization on the Möbius strip pp. 188-198 Downloads
César Oliveira and Giancarlo Q Pellegrino
Comparison of mean-field and Monte Carlo approaches to dynamic hysteresis in Ising ferromagnets pp. 199-204 Downloads
Muktish Acharyya,
A generalized Einstein relation for flux-limited diffusion pp. 205-210 Downloads
M. Zakari and D. Jou
Approximate solutions of a class of complex nonlinear dynamical systems pp. 211-222 Downloads
Gamal M. Mahmoud
Real processing II: Extremal principles of irreversible thermodynamics, relations, generalizations and time dependence pp. 223-246 Downloads
Bernhard Reiser
Quantal Euclidean mappings pp. 247-259 Downloads
A. Rigo, M. Casas and A. Plastino
The Gambier mapping, revisited pp. 260-270 Downloads
B. Grammaticos, A. Ramani and S. Lafortune
Equations of motion in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics for nonextensive systems pp. 271-289 Downloads
A.K. Rajagopal
Path integral approach to fluctuations in relativistic transport pp. 290-300 Downloads
F Vázquez and J.A.del Rı́o
Onsets of avalanches in the BTW model pp. 301-306 Downloads
Ajanta Bhowal
Effects of randomness and spatially dependent relaxation on sandpile models pp. 307-314 Downloads
Pui-Man Lam, Isiaka Akanbi and David E Newman
Phase transition in a computer network model pp. 315-322 Downloads
A.Yu. Tretyakov, H. Takayasu and M. Takayasu
Learning the reversed-wedge problem using a multi-interacting perceptron with correlated weights pp. 323-332 Downloads
E Botelho
Optimal supervised learning with two teachers pp. 333-346 Downloads
Marco A.P Idiart and Emerson Santa Helena
On modeling epidemics Including latency, incubation and variable susceptibility pp. 347-352 Downloads
E. Ahmed and H.N. Agiza
Phase transition and critical phenomenon in traffic flow model with velocity-dependent sensitivity pp. 353-365 Downloads
Takashi Nagatani
Theoretical approach to biological aging pp. 366-378 Downloads Almeida, S.Moss de Oliveira and T.J.P. Penna
Metric adaption for analog forecasting pp. 379-393 Downloads
Klaus Fraedrich and Bernd Rückert
Scaling in the market of futures pp. 394-402 Downloads
Enrico Scalas
Dynamical optimization theory of a diversified portfolio pp. 403-418 Downloads
Matteo Marsili, Sergei Maslov and Yi-Cheng Zhang
Singularities of the effective fugacity on the Ising model on the Cayley tree pp. 419-427 Downloads
J.C.A. Barata, E. Borges and W.P. Germano
On minimal/maximal ground-state thresholds in uniform classes of 2D ±J Ising models pp. 428-447 Downloads
J. Bendisch and H.v. Trotha
The Potts model on the Bethe lattice pp. 448-458 Downloads Aguiar and , S.Goulart Rosa
Phase diagram in a continuum model of the classical Heisenberg ferromagnet: mean spherical approximation pp. 459-472 Downloads
T.G. Sokolovska
Finite-size-scaling study of a generalized quantumhard-rod model in a longitudinal magnetic field pp. 473-482 Downloads
A Bassir, C.e Bassir, A Benyoussef, A Klümper and J Zittartz
Orientational ordering transition in a continuous-spin ferrofluid pp. 483-497 Downloads
Silvano Romano and Valentin A. Zagrebnov
Self-consistent linear response approximation for quantum many-body systems pp. 498-506 Downloads
Tadashi Toyoda
Quantum corrections for general partition functions pp. 507-516 Downloads
L.R. Evangelista, L.C. Malacarne and R.S. Mendes
Two-centre double delta-function potential in one dimension pp. 517-529 Downloads
S.H. Patil and A.S. Roy
Analytic solution of a set of discrete Boltzmann equations pp. 530-540 Downloads
Jeffrey R Schmidt
High-frequency photoabsorption by an ion immersed in a plasma as calculated from Bloch’s hydrodynamic model pp. 541-554 Downloads
K Ishikawa and B.u Felderhof
Projected moments in relativistic kinetic theory pp. 555-593 Downloads
Henning Struchtrup
Page updated 2025-03-31