Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 225, issue 3, 1996
- O(N) model for charge density waves pp. 281-293

- Federico Corberi and Umberto Marini Bettolo Marconi
- Multifractal processes and self-organized criticality in the large-scale structure of the universe pp. 294-311

- Pablo Garrido, Shaun Lovejoy and Daniel Schertzer
- Temperature dependence of liquid-liquid interfacial tension and universal critical amplitude ratio: an experimental study pp. 312-322

- T. Mainzer and D. Woermann
- Stochastic evolution of systems of particles obeying an exclusion principle pp. 323-335

- G. Lapenta, G. Kaniadakis and P. Quarati
- Temporal dynamics in perturbation theory pp. 336-362

- V.I. Yukalov and E.P. Yukalova
- Phase transitions and critical properties in systems of interacting multicomponent magnetic bosons pp. 363-390

- A. Caramico D'Auria, L. De Cesare and I. Rabuffo
- The weakly coupled infinite Dicke model pp. 391-411

- Reinhard Honegger
- Generalized entropy as a measure of quantum uncertainty pp. 412-430

- M Portesi and A Plastino
Volume 225, issue 2, 1996
- The storage capacity of the complex phasor neural network pp. 157-163

- Zhenxiang Chen,, Jianwei Shuai,, Jincheng Zheng,, Riutang Liu, and Boxi Wu
- Criticality in the hard-sphere ionic fluid pp. 164-220

- Yan Levin and Michael E Fisher
- On the span of Brownian motion in a field in one dimension pp. 221-234

- Yu.A. Makhnovskii, M.E. Maslova and A.M. Berezhkovskii
- Kinetic models for diffusion generated by an external force pp. 235-253

- C. Marín, J.M. Montanero and V. Garzó
- Low temperature phase of the quantum triangular lattice XY model with Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction pp. 254-270

- L. Biegala, A. Drzewiński and J. Sznajd
- Phase transition in one dimensional model with unique ground state pp. 271-276

- Azer Kerimov
Volume 225, issue 1, 1996
- Phase transitions in granular packings pp. 1-6

- A. Coniglio and H.J. Herrmann
- Nonequilibrium entropy of a sheared gas pp. 7-18

- J.M. Montanero and A. Santos
- Selfconsistent approximations in Mori's theory pp. 19-61

- G. Sauermann, H. Turschner and W. Just
- On the low-dimensional modelling of Stratonovich stochastic differential equations pp. 62-80

- Chao Xu and A.J. Roberts
- Coloring of a one-dimensional lattice by two independent random walkers pp. 81-88

- S.R.Gomes Júnior, L.S. Lucena, L.R. da Silva and H.J. Hilhorst
- Nonlocal Lagrange formalism in the thermodynamics of irreversible processes: variational procedures for kinetic equations pp. 89-128

- B. Sievers and K.-H. Anthony
- Avoided critical behavior in a uniformly frustrated system pp. 129-153

- L. Chayes, V.J. Emery, S.A. Kivelson, Z. Nussinov and G. Tarjus
Volume 224, issue 3, 1996
- Branch distribution in diffusion-limited aggregation: a maximum entropy approach pp. 463-479

- R. Pastor-Satorras and J. Wagensberg
- Cluster-exact approximation of spin glass groundstates pp. 480-488

- Alexander K. Hartmann
- Structure transformations in ferrosmectics pp. 489-502

- A.Yu. Zubarev and L.Yu. Iskakova
- Gravity induced formation of concentration gradients in supersaturated binary solutions pp. 503-532

- Alexander F. Izmailov and Allan S. Myerson
- A cumulant expansion for the size distribution of liquid droplets during phase separation pp. 533-549

- W. Pflügl and U.M. Titulaer
- Analytic potential for water: a Monte Carlo study pp. 550-557

- Léo Degrève and L. Blum
- Susceptibility and transport coefficients in a transient state on a one-dimensional lattice I. Extended linear response and diffusion pp. 558-588

- R. Kutner
- Correlations in two dimensional domain coarsening pp. 589-603

- T.B. Liverpool
- Stable spins in the zero temperature spinodal decomposition of 2D Potts models pp. 604-612

- B. Derrida, P.M.C. de Oliveira and D. Stauffer
- Kinetic theory of dilute gas mixtures with independent internal energy modes near equilibrium pp. 613-625

- Alexandre Ern and Vincent Giovangigli
- Spin-32 ising model and two-layer Ising model pp. 626-638

- Tsuyoshi Horiguchi, Adam Lipowski and Norihiro Tsushima
- Green's function and position correlation function for a charged oscillator in a heat bath and a magnetic field pp. 639-668

- X.L. Li and R.F. O'Connell
- Continuous versus first order transitions in compressible diluted magnets pp. 669-676

- Yonathan Shapir and Serge Galam
- Critical activity of the hard-sphere lattice gas on the body-centred cubic lattice pp. 677-683

- Atsushi Yamagata
- Two-spin cluster theory for the Blume-Capel model with arbitrary spin pp. 684-696

- M. Jurčišin, A. Bobák and M. Jaščur
Volume 224, issue 1, 1996
- Slow dynamics in condensed matter: spinodal decomposition and glass transition pp. 1-8

- Kyozi Kawasaki, and Tsuyoshi Koga,
- Growth patterns of smectic A liquid crystals pp. 9-23

- R. Pratibha and N.V. Madhusudana
- Comparative study of the collective mode dynamics in ferroelectric liquid crystalline monomers and their corresponding copolymers pp. 24-33

- S. Krishna Prasad, D.S. Shankar Rao, S.M. Khened, S. Chandrasekhar, J. Naciri and R. Shashidhar
- Some novel states of colloidal matter: modulated liquid, modulated crystal and glass pp. 34-47

- A.K. Sood
- The dynamics of sandpiles: The competing roles of grains and clusters pp. 48-67

- Anita Mehta, G.C. Barker, J.M. Luck and R.J. Needs
- Phase transitions at interfaces: Flocculation of charge stabilised colloids in liquid mixtures pp. 68-73

- A. Kumar and D. Beysens
- On the glass transition singularities and slow dynamics pp. 74-83

- T. Odagaki, J. Matsui and Y. Hiwatari
- Nonequilibrium phase transitions in sheared colloids pp. 84-92

- Rangan Lahiri and Sriram Ramaswamy
- Decay of metastable states in wetting and dewetting transitions pp. 93-100

- R. Bausch, R. Blossey and G. Foltin
- Phase separation kinetics in anisotropic systems pp. 101-112

- Sanjay Puri
- Influence of modulated structures on ordering dynamics in CuAu pp. 113-127

- Bulbul Chakraborty, Ken Elder and Nigel Goldenfeld
- Nucleation in binary mixtures pp. 128-139

- Gangasharan, and Deepak Kumar
- X-ray scattering studies of crystallization, growth and wetting phenomena at surfaces pp. 140-152

- S.K. Sinha
- Noise-induced spatial patterns pp. 153-161

- Juan M.R. Parrondo, Christian van den Broeck, Javier Buceta and F.Javier de la Rubia
- Extended operator algebra for abelian sandpile models pp. 162-168

- Deepak Dhar
- “Self-organized” formulation of standard percolation phenomena pp. 169-179

- Peter Grassberger and Yi-Cheng Zhang,
- Spectra of spatial fluctuations in lattice gas cellular automata fluids pp. 180-187

- Shankar P. Das
- Criticality in driven cellular automata with defects pp. 188-198

- Bosiljka Tadić and Ramakrishna Ramaswamy
- Imbibition: Experiment and simulation pp. 199-206

- P.B. Sunil Kumar and Debnarayan Jana
- Nonlinear reactions advected by a flow pp. 207-215

- Jörg R. Weimar and Jean Pierre Boon
- Simple dynamics in the presence of topological disorder pp. 216-225

- Richard Bausch, Rudi Schmitz and Łukasz A. Turski
- The effect of disorder on the relaxational properties of a quantum spin glass pp. 226-231

- Varsha Banerjee and Sushanta Dattagupta
- Multifractal scaling in Sinai diffusion pp. 232-238

- K.P.N. Murthy, A. Giacometti and K.W. Kehr
- Polymers with randomness: phases and phase transitions pp. 239-247

- Somendra M. Bhattacharjee and Sutapa Mukherji
- Stochastic non-equilibrium systems and quantum spin models pp. 248-253

- R.B. Stinchcombe
- Response of random dielectric composites and earthquake models to pulses: prediction possibilities pp. 254-266

- Muktish Acharyya and Bikas K. Chakrabarti
- Aging in disordered systems pp. 267-278

- Heiko Rieger
- Protein folding and spin glass pp. 279-286

- S.Suresh Rao and Somendra M. Bhattacharjee
- Cluster statistics in dielectric breakdown pp. 287-291

- M. Acharyya, P. Ray and B.K. Chakrabarti
- Relaxation of classical particles in anharmonic multi-well potentials pp. 292-301

- Surajit Sen, Robert S. Sinkovits and Soumya Chakravarti
- Anomalous fluctuations in the dynamics of complex systems: from DNA and physiology to econophysics pp. 302-321

- H.E. Stanley, V. Afanasyev, L.A.N. Amaral, S.V. Buldyrev, A.L. Goldberger, S. Havlin, H. Leschhorn, P. Maass, Rosario Mantegna, C.-K. Peng, P.A. Prince, Michael Salinger, M.H.R. Stanley and G.M. Viswanathan
- Morphology and selection processes in diffusion-controlled growth patterns pp. 322-337

- H. Müller-Krumbhaar, M. Zimmer, T. Ihle and Y. Saito
- Morphological phases and exhaustion-induced Hecker effect in electrodeposition pp. 338-347

- Ory Zik
- Phase diagram of the two-dimensional complex Ginzburg-Landau equation pp. 348-368

- Hugues Chaté and Paul Manneville
- Analysis and characterization of complex spatio-temporal patterns in nonlinear reaction-diffusion systems pp. 369-381

- Nita Parekh, V. Ravi Kumar and B.D. Kulkarni
- Structures in coupled map lattices pp. 382-389

- R.E. Amritkar
- Shape transformation of a growing string in a plane pp. 390-402

- Tamotsu Kohyama
- Kinematic theory for scale-invariant patterns in acicular martensitas pp. 403-411

- Madan Rao and Surajit Sengupta
- Monomer aggregation model for DLA dendrite crossover pp. 412-421

- G. Ananthakrishna and Silvester J. Noronha
- Synchronicity in coupled sine circle maps; some numerical results pp. 422-432

- Nandini Chatterjee and Neelima Gupte
- Controlled transition from chaos to periodic oscillations in a neural network model pp. 433-446

- Sitabhra Sinha
- Non-trivial collective behavior in extensively-chaotic dynamical systems: an update pp. 447-457

- H. Chaté, A. Lemaître, Ph. Marcq and P. Manneville
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