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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 236, issue 3, 1997

Localization in a disordered multi-mode waveguide with absorption or amplification pp. 189-201 Downloads
T.Sh. Misirpashaev, J.C.J. Paasschens and C.W.J. Beenakker
Standing wave patterns in shallow beds of vibrated granular material pp. 202-210 Downloads
Thomas H. Metcalf, James B. Knight and Heinrich M. Jaeger
Jamming configurations for irreversible deposition on a square lattice pp. 211-219 Downloads
Lj. Budinski-Petković and U. Kozmidis-Luburić
Reptation in a weak driving field pp. 220-242 Downloads
Daniel P. Aalberts and J.M.J. van Leeuwen
Asymptotic theory of two-phase gas-solid flow through a vertical tube at moderate pressure gradient pp. 243-267 Downloads
Y.A. Sergeev and A.I. Zhurov
Scaling properties of three-dimensional foams pp. 268-278 Downloads
R.M.C. de Almeida and JoséC.M. Mombach
On the occurrence of plateaus in the dependence of critical temperatures on oxygen content in HTSC cuprates Quantitative analysis for Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x on the basis of indirect-exchange pairing pp. 279-295 Downloads
L. Jansen and R. Block
From irreversible Markov semigroups to chaotic dynamics pp. 296-308 Downloads
I. Antoniou and K. Gustafson
Self-organized criticality due to a separation of energy scales pp. 309-320 Downloads
Barbara Drossel
Mean field and collisional dynamics of interacting fermion-boson systems in a soluble model pp. 321-334 Downloads
E.r Takano Natti and A.F.r de Toledo Piza
The quantum langevin forces for dynamical systems with linear dissipation and the Lindblad equation pp. 335-352 Downloads
Rouslan L. Stratonovich
A note on the rule classification for square homogeneous cellular automata pp. 353-362 Downloads
Danuta Makowiec
The necessity for a time local dimension in systems with time-varying attractors pp. 363-375 Downloads
K. Saermark, Y. Ashkenazy, J. Levitan and M. Lewkowicz
On the Hubbard model with boundaries pp. 376-394 Downloads
Hitoshi Asakawa and Masuo Suzuki
Entropy of particle packings: An illustration on a toy model pp. 395-410 Downloads
Rémi Monasson and Olivier Pouliquen
Superradiance phenomena in a nonlinear generalization of the Maser model pp. 411-418 Downloads
Claudio Nassif and M.C. Nemes
Critical properties of the classical XY and classical Heisenberg models: A renormalization group study pp. 419-428 Downloads
J.Ricardo de Sousa and Douglas F. de Albuquerque
A semiclassical statistical model for quantum dissipation pp. 429-447 Downloads
A.M. Kowalski, A. Plastino and A.N. Proto
Thermodynamical properties in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics pp. 448-484 Downloads
Tooru Taniguchi
Quantum mechanical irrebersibility pp. 485-549 Downloads
A Bohm, S Maxson, Mark Loewe and M Gadella

Volume 236, issue 1, 1997

Diffusion and drift of charged polymers pp. 1-10 Downloads
B. Widom
Phase behavior, ordering and self-assembly in monolayers pp. 11-18 Downloads
Charles M. Knobler
Cooperative molecular motions in water: The liquid-liquid critical point hypothesis pp. 19-37 Downloads
H.E. Stanley, L. Cruz, S.T. Harrington, P.H. Poole, S. Sastry, F. Sciortino, F.W. Starr and R. Zhang
The Gaussian curvature of the oil-water interface in an isometric bicontinuous microemulsion pp. 38-51 Downloads
Sow-Hsin Chen and Sung-Min Choi
Student's t- and r-distributions: Unified derivation from an entropic variational principle pp. 52-57 Downloads
AndréM.C. de Souza and Constantino Tsallis
Kinetics of conformational transitions of a single polymer chain pp. 58-74 Downloads
K.A. Dawson, E.G. Timoshenko and Yu.A. Kuznetsov
Growth laws and spinodal decomposition type of scaling in fractal aggregation of colloids pp. 75-84 Downloads
Guillermo Ramírez-Santiago and Agustín E. González
Primitive model for highly asymmetric electrolytes. Associative mean spherical approximation pp. 85-96 Downloads
Yu.V. Kalyuzhnyi, L. Blum, M.F. Holovko and I.A. Protsykevytch
Foam and cluster structure formation by latex particles at the air/water interface pp. 97-104 Downloads
Jaime Ruiz-Garcia, Rogelio Gámez-Corrales and Boris I. Ivlev
Brewster angle microscopy of fullerene monolayers pp. 105-113 Downloads
R. Castillo, S. Ramos and J. Ruiz-Garcia
“Wetting” phase transitions in type-I superconductors pp. 114-122 Downloads
J.O. Indekeu and J.M.J. van Leeuwen
Ultrathin liquid films. Ellipsometric study and AFM preliminary investigations pp. 123-129 Downloads
S. Villette, M.P. Valignat, A.M. Cazabat, F.A. Schabert and A. Kalachev
Charge frustration in complex fluids and in electronic systems pp. 130-139 Downloads
Carlo Carraro
Relaxation phenomena in disordered systems pp. 140-148 Downloads
F. Sciortino and P. Tartaglia
Spinodal decomposition in systems containing surfactant molecules pp. 149-161 Downloads
F. Mallamace, N. Micali and S.H. Chen
Cubic phases of gangliosides in water: Possible role of the conformational bistability of the headgroup pp. 162-176 Downloads
M Boretta, L Cantù, M Corti and E del Favero
Interfacial and capillary properties of a micellar solution model pp. 177-187 Downloads
C. Varea, C. García-Alcántara and A. Robledo

Volume 235, issue 3, 1997

Local entropy characterization of correlated random microstructures pp. 307-318 Downloads
C. Andraud, A. Beghdadi, E. Haslund, R. Hilfer, J. Lafait and B. Virgin
Outflow rate and wall stress for two-dimensional hoppers pp. 319-326 Downloads
Gerald H. Ristow
Roughness exponents to calculate multi-affine fractal exponents pp. 327-333 Downloads
A. Castro e Silva and J.G. Moreira
Optical properties of Zn-doped InP single crystals pp. 334-344 Downloads
S.B. Youssef
Informational-statistical thermodynamics of a dissipative system in a steady state pp. 345-368 Downloads
Sergio A. Hassan, Aurea R. Vasconcellos and Roberto Luzzi
Reexamination of the mode-coupling scheme for the glass transition pp. 369-387 Downloads
Cliff Z.-W. Liu and Irwin Oppenheim
Dynamical evolution and Tsallis generalized quantum thermostatistics pp. 388-406 Downloads
F. Pennini, A.R. Plastino and A. Plastino
Driver strategy and traffic system performance pp. 407-416 Downloads
Terence Kelly
Particle hopping models for two-lane traffic with two kinds of vehicles: Effects of lane-changing rules pp. 417-439 Downloads
Debashish Chowdhury, Dietrich E. Wolf and Michael Schreckenberg
Inhomogeneous reptation of polymers pp. 440-450 Downloads
M.J.E. Richardson and G.M. Schütz
Manifestations of chaos in the kicked top model pp. 451-468 Downloads
Jun Ma, and Gong-ou Xu,
Nonequilibrium-phase transition and ‘specific-heat’ singularity in the kinetic Ising model: a Monte Carlo study pp. 469-472 Downloads
Muktish Acharyya
Phase transition in an elementary probabilistic cellular automaton pp. 473-485 Downloads
Niels K. Petersen and Preben Alstrøm
Boundary magnetizations of isotropic magnets in open chains pp. 486-506 Downloads
Hitoshi Asakawa, and Masuo Suzuki,
Studies of the Migdal-Kadanoff renormalization group for Ising systems pp. 507-522 Downloads
S. Prakash and I.A. Campbell
Dynamics of a transverse Ising model with four-spin interactions pp. 523-533 Downloads
J. Florencio, O.F. de Alcântara Bonfim and F.C. SáBarreto
Study of the mean field renormalization group method with the Tsallis statistics pp. 534-538 Downloads
J. Ricardo de Sousa
Generalized transport coefficients for a disparate mass binary mixture pp. 539-554 Downloads
J. López-Lemus and R.M. Velasco
Order-parameter distribution function of finite O(n) symmetric systems in an external field pp. 555-572 Downloads
X.S. Chen and V. Dohm
A quasi-exact formula for Ising critical temperatures on hypercubic lattices pp. 573-576 Downloads
Serge Galam and Alain Mauger
Tsallis nonextensive thermostatistics and Fisher's information measure pp. 577-588 Downloads
A. Plastino, A.R. Plastino and H.G. Miller
Comment on “Calculation of the transformation probability matrix of nonequilibrium state for excited nuclei” pp. 589-591 Downloads
E. Běták

Volume 235, issue 1, 1997

Dynamics of concentrated colloidal suspensions pp. 1-8 Downloads
P.N. Pusey, P.N. Segrè, O.P. Behrend, S.P. Meeker and W.C.K. Poon
Dynamics and scaling in hard-sphere colloidal suspensions pp. 9-18 Downloads
P.N. Segrè and P.N. Pusey
Dynamics of density fluctuations in colloidal gels pp. 19-33 Downloads
A.H. Krall, Z. Huang and D.A. Weitz
Self-diffusion in dispersions of charged colloidal spheres by generalized hydrodynamics pp. 34-47 Downloads
J. Bergenholtz and N.J. Wagner
Thermocapillary effects in a suspension of droplets pp. 48-55 Downloads
B.U. Felderhof
Short-time rotational diffusion in monodisperse charge-stabilized colloidal suspensions pp. 56-74 Downloads
M. Watzlawek and G. Nägele
Shear induced structures in charge stabilized colloidal dispersions pp. 75-86 Downloads
Christian Dux and Heiner Versmold
Shear-flow-induced microstructural distortion near the critical point pp. 87-104 Downloads
Jan K.G. Dhont and Henk Verduin
Study of the q divergence of nonequilibrium fluctuations in a stressed fluid pp. 105-109 Downloads
Alberto Vailati and Marzio Giglio
Non-equilibrium behaviour of colloid-polymer mixtures pp. 110-119 Downloads
W.C.K. Poon, A.D. Pirie, M.D. Haw and P.N. Pusey
Demixed phases of colloid plus polymer systems in a common solvent Calculation of the interfacial tension pp. 120-128 Downloads
A. Vrij
Possibilities of phase separation in colloidal suspensions pp. 129-141 Downloads
Hartmut Löwen
Osmotic depletion, non-additivity and phase separation pp. 142-148 Downloads
Thierry Biben and Jean-Pierre Hansen
RY theory investigation of phase coexistence in hard sphere mixtures pp. 149-158 Downloads
C. Caccamo and G. Pellicane
Phase separation of binary liquid mixtures of hard spheres and Yukawa particles pp. 159-169 Downloads
R. Garibay-Alonso, J.M. Méndez-Alcaraz and R. Klein
Experimental studies on phase separation in critical microemulsion and micellar systems pp. 170-185 Downloads
F. Mallamace, N. Micali and S.H. Chen
Statistical geometry of caging effects in random thin-rod structures pp. 186-193 Downloads
Albert P. Philipse and Alain Verberkmoes
Crystallization in suspensions of hard spheres and turbidity pp. 194-203 Downloads
Yueming He and Bruce J. Ackerson
Growth of a colloidal crystallite of hard spheres pp. 204-215 Downloads
Sabine Derber, Thomas Palberg, Klaus Schätzel and Jürgen Vogel
Direct measurement of stacking disorder in hard-sphere colloidal crystals pp. 216-223 Downloads
M.S. Elliot, B.T.F. Bristol and W.C.K. Poon
Structure of quasi-2D charge-stabilized colloidal suspensions pp. 224-237 Downloads
B. Löhle and R. Klein
Interpretation of the structural parameters derived from the analysis of polymer colloids by small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering pp. 238-247 Downloads
P. Hickl and M. Ballauff
Microporous membrane filters: a static light scattering study pp. 248-256 Downloads
Luca Cipelletti, Marina Carpineti and Marzio Giglio
Electric double layers around finite-size clay particles pp. 257-268 Downloads
Jean-Pierre Hansen and Emmanuel Trizac
Electrode effects in dielectric spectroscopy of colloidal suspensions pp. 269-278 Downloads
P.A. Cirkel, J.P.M. van der Ploeg and G.J.M. Koper
Forward depolarized light scattering: heterodyne versus homodyne detection pp. 279-290 Downloads
Vittorio Degiorgio, Tommaso Bellini, Roberto Piazza and Francesco Mantegazza
High-resolution particle sizing by optical tracking of single colloidal particles pp. 291-305 Downloads
Norbert Garbow, Jürgen Müller, Klaus Schätzel and Thomas Palberg
Page updated 2025-03-31