Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis
From Elsevier
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Volume 127, issue 3, 1984
- A generalized Faxén theorem for two-dimensional Brownian motion pp. 363-387

- Rodney L. Varley and Ru-Ling Zhou
- Normal modes of a relativistic quantum plasma; The one-component plasma pp. 388-406

- Ch.G. van Weert, M.C.J. Leermakers, A.J.W. Hooiveld and F. Mensonides
- Cooperative and interference effects in the resonance fluorescence of two identical three-level atoms at high photon densities pp. 407-421

- Constantine Mavroyannis
- Localized states and long-range ordering in one-dimensional transverse Ising model pp. 422-450

- R. Micnas and L. Kowalewski
- Many-sphere hydrodynamic interactions pp. 451-472

- C.W.J. Beenakker, W. van Saarloos and P. Mazur
- A generalization of the van Kampen-Case treatment of the Vlasov equation pp. 473-489

- V. Škarka and C. George
- Random walk model of impact phenomena pp. 490-508

- Bruce J. West and Michael Shlesinger
- Decay of bcc-structure and of bond-orientational order in a fluid pp. 509-528

- Siegfried Hess
- Retarded transverse current-current response functions of a two-dimensional electron gas pp. 529-548

- T. Toyoda, V. Gudmundsson and Y. Takahashi
- On relativistic corrections in a Vlasov plasma pp. 549-573

- P.P. Goldstein and L.A. Turski
- Density and dielectric constant of dense argon and krypton mixtures pp. 574-586

- D. Vidal, L. Guengant and J. Vermesse
- Two-dimensional decorated Ising model with classical vector spins and Ising spins of magnitude s pp. 587-598

- L.L. Gonçalves and T. Horiguchi
- Symmetry transformations in indefinite metric spaces pp. 599-612

- P.M. Van den Broek
- Quantum crossover behaviour of the X−Y model in a transverse magnetic field pp. 613-626

- K. Lukierska-Walasek
- The volume viscosity of a degenerate massive neutrino system pp. 627-633

- S.R. de Groot and Ch.J. Calkoen
- The mean-field type phase transition from smectic A to smectic C pp. 634-645

- K. Rosciszewski
- Ladder approximation of the equation of state for degenerate fermi systems pp. 646-658

- D. Kremp, M.K. Kilimann, W.D. Kraeft, H. Stolz and R. Zimmermann
- Biased random walk on a multidimensional lattice with absorbing boundaries pp. 659-666

- M.A. Prasad and K. Unnikrishnan
- Exact solution of the Percus-Yevick equation for a hard-core fluid in odd dimensions pp. 667-676

- E. Leutheusser
- Comments on the paper: “Active representations of space groups based on the simple cubic lattice” by H. Kunert and M. Suffczyński pp. 677-680

- B.L. Davies and R. Dirl
- A microscopic derivation of the classical nucleation equation pp. 681-691

- J.P. Marchand and Ph.A. Martin
Volume 127, issue 1, 1984
- Analysis of the multiphase region in the three-state chiral clock model pp. 1-37

- Julia M. Yeomans and Michael E. Fisher
- Linear kinetic theory of hard-sphere fluids pp. 38-71

- J. BŁawzdziewicz and B. Cichocki
- Equation of state and ionization equilibrium for nonideal plasmas pp. 72-86

- D. Kremp, W.D. Kraeft and A.J.D. Lambert
- Dependence of the phase diagram on the coupling parameters in water-lattice models pp. 87-112

- Eddy Van Royen and Paul H.E. Meijer
- Numerical estimation of the path integral, and the diffusion in an anharmonic oscillator pp. 113-124

- T. Morita and H. Hara
- Modulated Kronig-Penney model in superspace pp. 125-140

- C. De Lange and T. Janssen
- Application of the cluster variation method to the hole theory of fluids pp. 141-151

- S. Shinomoto and T. Morita
- Theory of nuclear magnetic relaxation by anisotropic chemical shift pp. 152-172

- James McConnell
- Diffusion in a potential field: Path-integral approach pp. 173-193

- V.F. Baibuz, V.Yu. Zitserman and A.N. Drozdov
- On the velocity relaxation of a Rayleigh gas pp. 194-217

- Leonardo Ferrari
- Nonexponential decay in relaxation phenomena and the spectral characteristics of the heat bath pp. 218-227

- A.K. Rajagopal and F.W. Wiegel
- The theory of spin correlated crystal fields pp. 228-240

- J.A. Tuszyński, J.M. Dixon and R. Chatterjee
- Quantum mechanics in the Gaussian wave-packet phase space representation pp. 241-264

- S.S. Mizrahi
- Canonical transformations and variational principles for fluid dynamics pp. 265-281

- Annalisa Griffa
- Transformation properties in nonequilibrium- relativistic thermomechanics as compared with those in a field theory pp. 282-315

- V.T. Berezin
- Truncated Hubbard model pp. 316-322

- R.Z. Bariev and Yu.V. Kozhinov
- The linear response functions for 3He (B) and superconductors in the quasistatic London regime pp. 323-332

- S.A. Bogacz
- A new Hamilton-Jacobi approach for chemical fluctuations pp. 333-343

- M.O. Vlad, E. Segal and V.T. Popa
- On the number dependence of hard-spheres diffusion of coefficients from molecular dynamics simulations pp. 344-346

- A.J. Easteal, L.A. Woolf and D.L. Jolly
- On a pair-potential-independent criterion for D.I.D. Light Scattering pp. 347-353

- Y. Le Duff and V. Sergiescu
- Effect of impurities on the phase transition temperature in a two-dimensional Ising lattice pp. 354-362

- K.I. Grozdev
Volume 126, issue 3, 1984
- Thermal conductivity of methane with carbon monoxide pp. 301-307

- N. Imaishi and J. Kestin
- The effect of dynamical screening on self-diffusion in a dense magnetized plasma pp. 308-327

- J.S. Cohen and L.G. Suttorp
- Devil's staircase in a one-dimensional mapping pp. 328-348

- T. Horiguchi and T. Morita
- Diffusion of spheres in a concentrated suspension II pp. 349-370

- C.W.J. Beenakker and P. Mazur
- Invariance under conformal coordinate and point transformations pp. 371-383

- J. Beckers and S. Sinzinkayo
- PVT properties of sulfur-hexafluoride in the gas-liquid critical region pp. 384-415

- S.N. Biswas, N.J. Trappeniers and J.H.B. Hoogland
- Spin waves in the easy-plane ferromagnets pp. 416-429

- D.A. Garanin and V.S. Lutovinov
- Bounds for the complex dielectric constant of a two-phase composite pp. 430-442

- B.U. Felderhof
- On the Langevin formalism for nonlinear and nonequilibrium hydrodynamic fluctuations pp. 443-460

- V.G. Morozov
- A covariant kinetic equation for a self-gravitating system pp. 461-473

- Henry E. Kandrup
- High pressure calculation of the melting curve: Na, K, Rb and Cs pp. 474-488

- J.L. Pelissier
- Thermal relaxation of systems with quadratic heat bath coupling pp. 489-503

- Katja Lindenberg and Emilio Cortés
- Magnetic lattice gas of molecules with internal structure pp. 504-519

- M. Dudek and A. Pȩkalski
- Self-consistent microscopic approach of the Meissner effect in magnetic superconductors pp. 520-528

- I. Turcu and A. Aldea
Volume 126, issue 1, 1984
- Effective elasticity of a solid suspension of spheres pp. 1-24

- R.B. Jones and R. Schmitz
- The phase diagram for fisher's alternate-site lattice gas model pp. 25-45

- Douglas Poland
- The theory of viscous diffusion in the presence of a magnetic field pp. 46-65

- J.N. Breunese and H. van Houten
- Experimental investigation of the viscomagnetic diffusion flux pp. 66-81

- J.N. Breunese, L.J.F. Hermans and J.J.M. Beenakker
- The transverse viscomagnetic effect in N2 and N2-noble gas mixtures in the near hydrodynamic regime pp. 82-97

- J.N. Breunese, F.W. Gödecke, L.J.F. Hermans and J.J.M. Beenakker
- Thermal conductivity of three noble gases with carbon monoxide pp. 98-115

- N. Imaishi and J. Kestin
- Investigation of multiple scattering contributions to the depolarization of light scattered by carbon dioxide and xenon in the critical region pp. 116-134

- N.J. Trappeniers, R.H. Huijser, A.C. Michels and H.M.J. Boots
- Fluctuation effects in two-dimensional hydrodynamic systems pp. 135-151

- I.M. Khalatnikov, V.V. Lebedev and A.I. Sukhorukov
- On Brownian motion in fluids with spin pp. 152-162

- A. Perez-Madrid and J.M. Rubi
- Superspace groups and representations of ordinary space groups: Alternative approaches to the symmetry of incommensurate crystal phases pp. 163-176

- T. Janssen and A. Janner
- A Green function approach to the alternating spin-12 Heisenberg antiferromagnetic linear chain in a magnetic field pp. 177-194

- W. Magnus and W. Boon
- Random field effects in a Bose system: Critical behaviour and crossover phenomena in the Hartree limit pp. 195-236

- G. Busiello, L. De Cesare and I. Rabuffo
- The continuum limit of one-dimensional non-linear models pp. 237-258

- Paolo Rossi and Yves Brihaye
- On semiclassical approximations to Wigner's phase space function pp. 259-270

- Michael Springborg
- Calculation of the melting curve of lead pp. 271-279

- J.L. Pelissier
- An anti-nematic phase of liquid crystals pp. 280-288

- K. Sokalski and Th.W. Ruijgrok
- The liquid-vapour coexistence line for Lennard-Jones-type fluids pp. 289-299

- J.G. Powles