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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 182, issue 3, 1992

On the modelling of real sand piles pp. 295-319 Downloads
H. Puhl
Towards the classification of all Boolean cellular automata pp. 320-324 Downloads
G.A. Kohring
Percolation conductivity of Penrose tiling by the transfer-matrix Monte Carlo method pp. 325-330 Downloads
Filip V. Babalievski
Polymer statistics pp. 331-345 Downloads
F. Aguilera-Granja and Ryoichi Kikuchi
θ-point temperature and exponents for the bond fluctuation model pp. 346-352 Downloads
Sergey V. Buldyrev and Francesco Sciortino
Compressibility isotherms of helium-nitrogen mixtures at 298.15 K and up to 10 kbar pp. 353-364 Downloads
Wei Zhang, Samirendra N. Biswas and Jan A. Schouten
The phase diagram of the binary mixture nitrogen-helium at high pressure pp. 365-387 Downloads
Willem L. Vos and Jan A. Schouten
Slow evaporation and condensation pp. 388-418 Downloads
D. Bedeaux, J.A.M. Smit, L.J.F. Hermans and T. Ytrehus
Nonlinear electrohydrodynamic Kelvin-Helmholtz instability under the influence of an oblique electric field pp. 419-435 Downloads
Abdel Raouf F. Elhefnawy
A general theory of spin-one Ising models in the correlated effective-field approximation pp. 436-454 Downloads
T. Kaneyoshi
Mapping of the symmetric vertex model onto the Ising model for an arbitrary lattice coordination pp. 455-466 Downloads
L. Šamaj and M. Kolesík
Phase properties of a coherent field interacting with two two-level atoms in a cavity pp. 467-488 Downloads
Ho Trung Dung, Nguyen Dinh Huyen and A.S. Shumovsky
The geometry of the thermal quasi-particle transformation pp. 489-508 Downloads
Peter A. Henning, Martin Graf and Frank Matthäus

Volume 182, issue 1, 1992

On the anomalous diffusion behavior in disordered media pp. 1-8 Downloads
K.G. Wang
Effective-medium theory of diffusion and chemical reactions in the presence of stationary overlapping sinks pp. 9-22 Downloads
Jens Krüger
Effect of aging and damage on the brain modelled by a phase transition pp. 23-28 Downloads
Sasuke Miyazima and Mitsuharu Sakakibara
Simulation of gelation for gelatin in microemulsions pp. 29-32 Downloads
D. Stauffer and H.F. Eicke
Pair-distribution function of a non-polar molecular fluid based on the site-site interaction model pp. 33-46 Downloads
M.-E. Boudh-Hir
Experiments on surface light-induced drift for various systems pp. 47-58 Downloads
G.J. van der Meer, B. Broers, R.W.M. Hoogeveen and L.J.F. Hermans
Poincaré's theorem and subdynamics for driven systems pp. 59-99 Downloads
Lee Jing-Yee and S. Tasaki
Dislocation field fluctuations in the theory of melting pp. 100-107 Downloads
A. Ferraz
On the relation between various entropy concepts and the valoric interpretation pp. 108-120 Downloads
Werner Ebeling
Alternative description of stochastic processes in nonlinear systems. “Kinetic form” of master and Fokker-Planck equations pp. 121-132 Downloads
Yu.L. Klimontovich
Temperature-dependent “frustration”: A thermodynamic rather than a topological effect pp. 133-144 Downloads
Roberto J.V. dos Santos and M.L. Lyra
Minimum relative entropies of low-dimensional spin systems pp. 145-154 Downloads
Paul B. Slater
Solutions of the Davey-Stewartson equation with non-zero boundary condition pp. 155-189 Downloads
J. van der Linden
Almeida-Thouless inequality for the quenched Ising models with arbitrary distributions of coupling constants pp. 190-196 Downloads
A.N. Ermilov, A.M. Kurbatov, V.I. Kabanovich and S. Racotoaridzauna
Large-scale hydrodynamic fluctuations in cosmology pp. 197-213 Downloads
W. Zimdahl
An analytical treatment of a localized electronphonon system in terms of non-equilibrium thermo field dynamics: Intensity distribution pp. 214-227 Downloads
T. Arimitsu, H.F. Willeboordse and T. Iwasaki
On extremal paths for stochastic processes that involve step potentials and the generalized Hamilton-Jacobi equation pp. 228-239 Downloads
Emilio Cortés
Topological properties of static and dynamic defect configurations in ordered liquids pp. 240-278 Downloads
A. Holz
Relativistic time dilation in an external field pp. 279-292 Downloads
J.W. van Holten

Volume 181, issue 1, 1992

Some properties of Anderson localization near two dimensions and in weak magnetic fields pp. 1-22 Downloads
A.M.M. Pruisken
Finite temperature study of retrieval time in Hopfield network pp. 23-28 Downloads
M. Ghosh
Interrelations between stochastic equations for systems with pair interactions pp. 29-52 Downloads
Dirk Helbing
One-dimensional dynamics for a discontinuous map pp. 53-68 Downloads
Moorad Alexanian
Electric field induced percolation in microemulsions: simulation of the electric conductivity pp. 69-88 Downloads
G. Ilgenfritz and F. Runge
Mode coupling and generalized hydrodynamics pp. 89-135 Downloads
Jeremy Schofield, Raymond Lim and Irwin Oppenheim
Morphology transitions during non-equilibrium growth pp. 136-155 Downloads
Ofer Shochet, Klaus Kassner, Eshel Ben-Jacob, S.G. Lipson and Heiner Müller-Krumbhaar
Explicit expressions for the correlation functions for the Coulomb and neutral systems in the long wavelength limit pp. 156-172 Downloads
V.B. Bobrov, N.I. Klyuchnikov and S.A. Trigger
A new effective field theory for the anisotropic Heisenberg ferromagnet pp. 173-186 Downloads
Toshihiro Idogaki and Norikiyo Uryû
Anomalous damping in plasma pp. 187-220 Downloads
V.V. Lebedev and A.V. Smilga
Second virial coefficients for some polyatomic gases and their binary mixtures with noble gases pp. 221-231 Downloads
T.N. Bell, C.M. Bignell and Peter J. Dunlop

Volume 180, issue 3, 1992

Novel domain growth law in random magnets pp. 253-262 Downloads
Debashish Chowdhury and B. Biswal
A model for two dimensional orientational order pp. 263-278 Downloads
H. Leitão and M.M. Telo da Gama
Increase and decrease of tunneling by variation of the barrier height pp. 279-284 Downloads
Zdzislaw Suchanecki and Jacob Levitan
Inversion effects in the kinetics of laser-chemical processing pp. 285-294 Downloads
B. Luk'yanchuk, K. Piglmayer, N. Kirichenko and D. Bäuerle
An electrothermal instability: the influence of albedo boundary conditions on the stationary states of an exactly solvable model pp. 295-308 Downloads
Carlos Schat and Horacio S. Wio
The Einstein-Smoluchowski promeasure for (quasiparticle) gases pp. 309-335 Downloads
Zbigniew Banach and Sławomir Piekarski
The Einstein-Smoluchowski promeasure versus the Boltzmann(-Peierls) equation pp. 336-358 Downloads
Zbigniew Banach and Sławomir Piekarski
Fisher information as the basis for Maxwell's equations pp. 359-385 Downloads
B.Roy Frieden
Evolution of zero-dispersion peaks in fluctuation spectra with temperature pp. 386-406 Downloads
S.M. Soskin
Scaling properties of geometric parallelization pp. 407-418 Downloads
A. Jakobs and R.W. Gerling
Interactions of particles having small violations of statistics pp. 419-427 Downloads
O.W. Greenberg
Generalized Jaynes-Cummings model with atomic motion pp. 428-434 Downloads
V. Bartzis
Many-atom spontaneous emission in a lossless cavity pp. 435-461 Downloads
M. Kozierowski, S.M. Chumakov and A.A. Mamedov

Volume 180, issue 1, 1992

Simple models for two and three dimensional particle size segregation pp. 1-18 Downloads
Paul Meakin and Remi Jullien
Noisy collective behaviour in deterministic cellular automata pp. 19-41 Downloads
J.A.C. Gallas, P. Grassberger, H.J. Herrmann and P. Ueberholz
High-dimensional simulation of the shape-space model for the immune system pp. 42-52 Downloads
Dietrich Stauffer and Gérard Weisbuch
Inhomogeneous mesomorphic polymer systems pp. 53-64 Downloads
Y. Lansac and P. Maïssa
Kinetic theory approach to irreversible thermodynamics of radiation and matter pp. 65-114 Downloads
Byung Chan Eu and Kefei Mao
Linearizable mappings pp. 115-127 Downloads
A. Ramani, B. Grammaticos and G. Karra
Phase separation by directional quenching and morphological transition pp. 128-155 Downloads
Hiroshi Furukawa
Linearization transformations for non-linear dynamical systems: Hilbert space approach pp. 156-170 Downloads
Krzysztof Kowalski
Ordering transition in a Fermi gas interacting with an Ising chain pp. 171-181 Downloads
J. Maćkowiak
On the statistical thermodynamics of a model for non-equilibrium semiconductors pp. 182-204 Downloads
Aurea R. Vasconcellos and Roberto Luzzi
Non-classical effects in Jaynes-Cummings model: effect of the phases pp. 205-224 Downloads
A.M. Abdel-Hafez and A.-S.F. Obada
Density functional approximation for the kinetic energy of independent electrons in one dimension pp. 225-240 Downloads
E. Combariza, E. Chacón and P. Tarazona
A hierarchy of non-linear evolution equations its Hamiltonian structure and classical integrable system pp. 241-251 Downloads
Geng Xianguo
Page updated 2025-03-31