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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 282, issue 3, 2000

A stochastic grain growth model based on a variational principle for dissipative systems pp. 339-354 Downloads
Fabrizio Cleri
Dynamic renormalization-group approach to growing surfaces with point-defects pp. 355-361 Downloads
Gang Tang, Benkun Ma and Weidong Chu
Correlations of triggering noise in driven magnetic clusters pp. 362-374 Downloads
Bosiljka Tadić
Effect of polymer matrix density on molecular segregation and orientational ordering by a hybrid computer simulation pp. 375-383 Downloads
Grace M Foo and R.b Pandey
The rectangular potential well (hat) model: application to the dielectric spectra of non-associated polar liquids pp. 384-408 Downloads
W.T. Coffey, V.I. Gaiduk, B.M. Tseitlin and M.E. Walsh
Pre-Gaussian process of particle diffusion in classical liquids in a mesoscopic time regime pp. 409-426 Downloads
Kazuhiro Itagaki, Masaki Goda and Hiroaki Yamada
Entropy production in a persistent random walk pp. 427-449 Downloads
T. Gilbert and J.R. Dorfman
Dynamics of a one-dimensional granular gas with a stochastic coefficient of restitution pp. 450-474 Downloads
Timo Aspelmeier and Annette Zippelius
Residence time densities for non-Markovian systems. (I). The two-state system pp. 475-485 Downloads
M Boguñá, A.m Berezhkovskii and G.h Weiss
Residence time densities for non-Markovian systems. (II). The N-state system pp. 486-494 Downloads
Marian Boguñá and George H Weiss
Thermodynamic properties of the periodic nonuniform spin-12 isotropic XY chains in a transverse field pp. 495-524 Downloads
Oleg Derzhko, Johannes Richter and Zaburannyi, Oles’
Nonextensive thermodynamic formalism for chaotic dynamical systems pp. 525-535 Downloads
Ramandeep S. Johal and Renuka Rai
Wealth condensation in a simple model of economy pp. 536-545 Downloads
Jean-Philippe Bouchaud and Marc Mézard
Solution of deterministic–stochastic epidemic models by dynamical Monte Carlo method pp. 546-558 Downloads
O.e Aièllo, V.j Haas, M.A.a daSilva and A Caliri
The structure of adaptive competition in minority games pp. 559-608 Downloads
Radu Manuca, Yi Li, Rick Riolo and Robert Savit

Volume 282, issue 1, 2000

Lévy flights in random searches pp. 1-12 Downloads
G.m Viswanathan, V Afanasyev, Sergey V Buldyrev, Shlomo Havlin, M.G.e da Luz, E.p Raposo and H.Eugene Stanley
Lévy anomalous diffusion and fractional Fokker–Planck equation pp. 13-34 Downloads
V.V. Yanovsky, A.V. Chechkin, D. Schertzer and A.V. Tur
Analytical results for random line networks applications to fracture networks and disordered fiber composites pp. 35-49 Downloads
Adolfo A. Rodriguez and Ernesto Medina
Simulations of aggregation in 2D. A study of kinetics, structure and topological properties pp. 50-64 Downloads
A Moncho-Jordá, F Martı́nez-López and R Hidalgo-Álvarez
Orientational phenomena in a plastic flow of a two-dimensional square crystal pp. 65-76 Downloads
Marcin Fiałkowski and Siegfried Hess
Aging effects in free quantum Brownian motion pp. 77-107 Downloads
Noëlle Pottier and Alain Mauger
1/f Noise and intermittency due to diffusion of point defects in a semiconductor material pp. 108-122 Downloads
Ferdinand Grüneis
Deterministic KPZ model for stromatolite laminae pp. 123-136 Downloads
M.t Batchelor, R.v Burne, B.i Henry and S.d Watt
Normal and anomalous diffusions in web map driven by a constant external force pp. 137-154 Downloads
S Rajasekar and V Chinnathambi
Nonlinear spin excitations and singularity structure of a classical continuum spin ladder with ferromagnetic legs pp. 155-175 Downloads
M. Daniel, L. Kavitha and R. Amuda
Damage spreading in the Potts model with cluster dynamics pp. 176-182 Downloads Sousa Luz, M.p Almeida, U.M.s Costa and M.l Lyra
Influence of rare regions on quantum phase transition in antiferromagnets with hidden degrees of freedom pp. 183-192 Downloads
Y.N. Skryabin, A.V. Chukin and A.V. Shchanov
Dark magnetism revisited pp. 193-202 Downloads
S. Martı́nez, F. Pennini and A. Plastino
Relativistic nonextensive kinetic theory pp. 203-211 Downloads
Victor H. Hamity and Daniel E. Barraco
Tsallis distribution functions for charged particles in electric and magnetic fields pp. 212-224 Downloads
A. Rossani and A.M. Scarfone
Fractals from genomes – exact solutions of a biology-inspired problem pp. 225-246 Downloads
Bai-Lin Hao
Bacterial cooperative organization under antibiotic stress pp. 247-282 Downloads
Eshel Ben-Jacob, Inon Cohen, Ido Golding, David L. Gutnick, Marianna Tcherpakov, Dirk Helbing and Ilan G. Ron
Reaction–diffusion modelling of bacterial colony patterns pp. 283-303 Downloads
Masayasu Mimura, Hideo Sakaguchi and Mitsugu Matsushita
Time-independent models of asset returns revisited pp. 304-324 Downloads
L. Gillemot, J. Töyli, J. Kertesz and K. Kaski
Reconciling econophysics with macroeconomic theory pp. 325-335 Downloads
Gordon R. Richards

Volume 281, issue 1, 2000

Distribution of repetitions of ancestors in genealogical trees pp. 1-16 Downloads
Bernard Derrida, Susanna C. Manrubia and Damián H. Zanette
Collective behavior of interacting self-propelled particles pp. 17-29 Downloads
András Czirók and Tamás Vicsek
Phases and phase transitions in flocking systems pp. 30-40 Downloads
Yuhai Tu
Theory for the bending rigidity of protein-coated lipid membranes pp. 41-50 Downloads
C.-M. Chen
Microscopical approach to the helix–coil transition in DNA pp. 51-59 Downloads
V.F. Morozov, E.Sh. Mamasakhlisov, Shura Hayryan and Chin-Kun Hu
Scale invariance and universality: organizing principles in complex systems pp. 60-68 Downloads
H.e Stanley, L.A.n Amaral, P Gopikrishnan, P.Ch Ivanov, T.h Keitt and V Plerou
Scale-free characteristics of random networks: the topology of the world-wide web pp. 69-77 Downloads
Albert-László Barabási, Réka Albert and Hawoong Jeong
Traffic states of a model highway with on-ramp pp. 78-86 Downloads
Ha Youn Lee, Hyun-Woo Lee and Doochul Kim
Studies of mesoscopic lattices forming with magnetic fluid pp. 87-92 Downloads
I.M. Jiang, M.S. Wang, H.E. Horng and C.Y. Hong
Dynamics of spiral patterns in vertically vibrated thin granular layer system pp. 93-98 Downloads
Yonggun Jun, Kipom Kim and Hyuk Kyu Pak
Two-dimensional crystal of several millimeter size spheres pp. 99-104 Downloads
Yongki Choi, Kipom Kim and Hyuk Kyu Pak
Formation and polarization of dipolar chains pp. 105-111 Downloads
Jiun-Yan Huang and Pik-Yin Lai
Monte Carlo investigations of phase transitions: status and perspectives pp. 112-128 Downloads
Kurt Binder, Erik Luijten, Marcus Müller, Nigel B. Wilding and Henk W.J. Blöte
Geometrical approach to phase transitions in frustrated and unfrustrated systems pp. 129-146 Downloads
Antonio Coniglio
Flat histogram Monte Carlo method pp. 147-150 Downloads
Jian-Sheng Wang
Real Arnold complexity versus real topological entropy for a one-parameter-dependent two-dimensional birational transformation pp. 151-172 Downloads
N. Abarenkova, J.-Ch. Anglès d'Auriac, S. Boukraa, S. Hassani and J.-M. Maillard
Knot theory and the heuristics of functional integration pp. 173-200 Downloads
Louis H. Kauffman
Monte Carlo Hamiltonian – from statistical physics to quantum theory pp. 201-206 Downloads
Xiang-Qian Luo, Chun-Qing Huang, Jun-Qin Jiang, Hamza Jirari, Helmut Kröger and Kevin J.M. Moriarty
Spin models on random lattices pp. 207-220 Downloads
Wolfhard Janke, Desmond A Johnston and Ramon Villanova
Ground state entropy in Potts antiferromagnets pp. 221-232 Downloads
Robert Shrock
Cluster analysis of the Ising model and universal finite-size scaling pp. 233-241 Downloads
Yutaka Okabe, Kazuhisa Kaneda, Yusuke Tomita, Macoto Kikuchi and Chin-Kun Hu
Crossing probabilities in critical 2-D percolation and modular forms pp. 242-251 Downloads
Peter Kleban
Exact results for the zeros of the partition function of the Potts model on finite lattices pp. 252-261 Downloads
Seung-Yeon Kim and Richard J Creswick
Partition function zeros of the Q-state Potts model for non-integer Q pp. 262-267 Downloads
Seung-Yeon Kim, Richard J Creswick, Chi-Ning Chen and Chin-Kun Hu
Field-theoretical analysis of singularities at critical end points pp. 268-275 Downloads
H.W. Diehl and M. Smock
DC conductive percolation of 2-D fractal random network pp. 276-281 Downloads
Tai-Fa Young and Huey-Jen Fang
Randomness-induced evolution of first-order to second-order phase transition in the three-state Potts antiferromagnetic model on a triangular lattice pp. 282-286 Downloads
C.s Yang and I.m Jiang
Numerical extension of CFT amplitude universality to three-dimensional systems pp. 287-294 Downloads
Martin Weigel and Wolfhard Janke
Roughness and ordering of growing films pp. 295-310 Downloads
Mehran Kardar
Bifurcation of synchronization as a nonequilibrium phase transition pp. 311-317 Downloads
H.k Leung
Kinetic theory for spatial correlation in nonequilibrium reaction–diffusion systems pp. 318-322 Downloads
J. Wakou and K. Kitahara
The diffusion behavior of a simple map with periodic quenched disorder pp. 323-336 Downloads
Hsen-Che Tseng, Peng-Ru Huang, Hung-Jung Chen and Chin-Kun Hu
The surface properties of a van der Waals fluid pp. 337-347 Downloads
Nicolas G Hadjiconstantinou, Alejandro L Garcia and Berni J Alder
Genesis, selected applications, and future prospects of the mode coupling theory pp. 348-360 Downloads
Kyozi Kawasaki
The phase transition of gases and liquids pp. 361-380 Downloads
D.A. Beysens and Y. Garrabos
Structure and relaxation dynamics of polymer knots pp. 381-392 Downloads
Pik-Yin Lai, Yu-Jane Sheng and Heng-Kwong Tsao
Microscopic morphology and energy surface landscape in a supercooled soft-sphere system pp. 393-403 Downloads
Wen-Jong Ma and Ten-Ming Wu
Scaling properties of avalanches from a collapsing granular pile pp. 404-412 Downloads
L.c Jia, Pik-Yin Lai and C.k Chan
Resistance of two-dimensional soap froth pp. 413-419 Downloads
K.M. Cheung, W.Y. Tam and K.Y. Szeto
Quantum mechanical effects on condensed matter phenomena pp. 420-431 Downloads
Seiji Miyashita
Two-component Bose–Einstein condensates and their stability pp. 432-441 Downloads
Hirofumi Morise, Takeya Tsurumi and Miki Wadati
Some general remarks on superconductivity pp. 442-449 Downloads
A. Zee
X-ray radiation from a relativistic charge in superconducting granule device by diffusional scattering of pseudophotons pp. 450-462 Downloads
C.p Chen, Zh.S Gevorkian and Chin-Kun Hu
Page updated 2025-03-31