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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 184, issue 3, 1992

Search for a spin glass phase in finite-dimensional spin models with random multisite interactions pp. 279-289 Downloads
H. Rieger
A renormalization approach to a class of exponential random processes with application to the bronchial tree pp. 290-302 Downloads
Marcel Ovidiu Vlad
An inverse scaling approach to a multi-state random activation energy model pp. 303-324 Downloads
Marcel Ovidiu Vlad
A branched chain approach to fractal time pp. 325-341 Downloads
Marcel Ovidiu Vlad
Statistics of an ideal polymer chain near the bifurcation region of a narrow tube pp. 342-353 Downloads
F.F. Ternovsky, I.A. Nyrkova and A.R. Khokhlov
Low-temperature properties of thin films pp. 354-366 Downloads
B.S. Tos̆ić, J.P. S̆etrajc̆ić, D.Lj. Mirjanić and Z.V. Bundalo
Extended capillary-wave model for the liquid-vapor interface and its width in the limit of vanishing gravity pp. 367-392 Downloads
Victor Romero-Rochín, Carmen Varea and Alberto Robledo
Composition fluctuations and the geometry of phase diagrams in multicomponent mixtures pp. 393-414 Downloads
Max Teubner
Second acoustic virial coefficients of nitrogen between 80 and 373 K pp. 415-436 Downloads
M.B. Ewing and J.P.M. Trusler
Interaction second acoustic virial coefficients of (N2 + Ar) between 90 and 373 K pp. 437-450 Downloads
M.B. Ewing and J.P.M. Trusler
Critical exponents and universality in pinned charge density waves pp. 451-457 Downloads
M. Celino and F. Corberi
Comparison of some approaches for analysis of stochastic systems with short correlation time noise pp. 458-476 Downloads
Roman V. Bobryk
Transport coefficients of the liquid mixture CH4-CF4 computed by molecular dynamics with use of 1-centre and 4-centre Lennard-Jones potentials pp. 477-492 Downloads
H.M. Schaink and C. Hoheisel
Blocking transitions in lattice spin models with directed kinetic constraints pp. 493-498 Downloads
Johannes Reiter, Franz Mauch and Josef Jäckle
A family of geometrical entropies for stochastic processes in path space pp. 499-522 Downloads
Guy Jumarie
The magnon-magnon interactions in easy-plane antiferromagnets pp. 523-557 Downloads
D.A. Garanin, V.S. Lutovinov and L.V. Panina
Equilibrium correlation function in post-Galilean approximation of a scalar field pp. 558-570 Downloads
Yu.N. Orlov and I.P. Pavlotsky
An Ising model approach to the problem of oxygen ordering in the basal plane of YBa2Cu3O6 + 2c pp. 571-586 Downloads
V.M. Matic
High-temperature expansions for the strongly correlated Falicov-Kimball model pp. 587-597 Downloads
Y.S. Yang, C.J. Thompson and A.J. Guttmann

Volume 184, issue 1, 1992

Direct observation of laser induced freezing pp. 1-25 Downloads
K. Loudiyi and Bruce J. Ackerson
Monte Carlo simulation of laser induced freezing pp. 26-41 Downloads
K. Loudiyi and Bruce J. Ackerson
Derivation of microscopic expressions for the rigidity constants of a simple liquid—vapor interface pp. 42-70 Downloads
Edgar M. Blokhuis and Dick Bedeaux
On the Ornstein—Zernike relation, the BBGKY hierarchy and closures pp. 71-78 Downloads
Z.M. Hu, H.H. Gan and Byung Eu Chan
The drift velocity in the Rubinstein—Duke model for electrophoresis pp. 79-97 Downloads
J.M.J. van Leeuwen and A. Kooiman
Light-induced drift of molecules in atomic gases pp. 98-126 Downloads
Larry A. Viehland
Statistical properties of deterministic threshold elements — the case of market price pp. 127-134 Downloads
Hideki Takayasu, Hitoshi Miura, Tadashi Hirabayashi and Koichi Hamada
Statistical properties of the nearest-neighbour distance at a single imperfect trap pp. 135-142 Downloads
P.K. Datta and A.M. Jayannavar
Dynamics of excitation in systems with a randomly modulated decay channel pp. 143-168 Downloads
Petr Chvosta, Claude Aslangul, Noëlle Pottier and Daniel Saint-James
The moment method and rarefied gas flow in channels. General relations pp. 169-186 Downloads
V.M. Zhdanov and V.I. Roldughin
Note on the kinetic theory approach to irreversible thermodynamics of radiation and matter pp. 187-191 Downloads
Byung Chan Eu, and Kefei Mao
Cluster Monte Carlo study of the q-state potts model on hypercubic lattices pp. 192-200 Downloads
Chin-Kun Hu and Shian-Shyong Hsiao
Simulation of time exponent in 2D Glauber kinetic Ising model pp. 201-204 Downloads
Dietrich Stauffer
Quantum lattice gas. Method of density matrix pp. 205-230 Downloads
B.V. Bondarev
Quantum mechanics in terms of non-negative distribution functions pp. 231-243 Downloads
D. Lalović, D.M. Davidović and N. Bijedić
Exact magnetic transitions in the “union jack” model pp. 244-275 Downloads
E. Braun and A. Aguilar

Volume 183, issue 4, 1992

Effective permeability of multifractal porous media pp. 381-397 Downloads
Antoine Saucier
How many correlation lengths for multifractals? pp. 398-410 Downloads
A.-M.S. Tremblay, R.R. Tremblay, G. Albinet and B. Fourcade
The direction of maximum spread in anisotropic forest fires and its critical properties pp. 411-421 Downloads
J.A.M.S. Duarte, João Marques Carvalho and H.J. Ruskin
Steady state behavior in a model for droplet growth, sliding and coalescence: the final stage of dropwise condensation pp. 422-438 Downloads
Paul Meakin
Line tension near the wetting transition: results from an interface displacement model pp. 439-461 Downloads
J.O. Indekeu
Light scattering and diffusion in suspensions of strongly charged particles at low volume fractions pp. 462-489 Downloads
Nikolai D. Denkov and Dimiter N. Petsev
Numerical analysis of the Smoluchowski equation using the split operator method pp. 490-507 Downloads
J. Gómez-Ordóñez and M. Morillo
On the entropy of a class of constrained random walks pp. 508-518 Downloads
Ido Dayan, Moshe Gitterman and George H. Weiss
Alternative expressions for the thermal conductivity of dilute gas mixtures pp. 519-536 Downloads
M.J. Ross, V. Vesovic and W.A. Wakeham
First passage times for a generalized telegrapher's equation pp. 537-548 Downloads
Jaume Masoliver and George H. Weiss
Metastable state relaxation in a gravitational field pp. 549-562 Downloads
Alexander F. Izmailov and Allan S. Myerson
Renormalization group study of the two-dimensional Ising model with crossing bonds pp. 563-573 Downloads
J.A. Plascak
Corrigendum pp. 574-578 Downloads
J.M. Hammersley

Volume 183, issue 3, 1992

Percolation transition in systems with frustation pp. 249-254 Downloads
V. Cataudella
A totalistic three-dimensional cellular automaton with quasiperiodic behaviour pp. 255-261 Downloads
Jan Hemmingsson
Hydrodynamic fluctuations of spherical micelles and vesicles pp. 262-278 Downloads
V. Lisy, A.V. Zatovsky and A.V. Zvelindovsky
Hydrodynamic theory of superfluid turbulence in He II and Schwarz's vortex modelling pp. 279-303 Downloads
J.A. Geurst
Conformal weights of RSOS lattice models and their fusion hierarchies pp. 304-350 Downloads
Andreas Klümper and Paul A. Pearce
On magnetic properties of copper-oxide high-temperature superconductors at moderate doping pp. 351-360 Downloads
A.N. Ermilov
Approximation of the Thomas-Fermi-Dirac potential for neutral atoms pp. 361-377 Downloads
Aleksander Jablonski

Volume 183, issue 1, 1992

Spin glasses from vertex models pp. 1-11 Downloads
Henrik Johannesson
Statistical mechanics of the line tension pp. 12-24 Downloads
C. Varea and A. Robledo
Statistical thermodynamics of ferrofluids pp. 25-50 Downloads
Vitaly I. Kalikmanov
Quasicrystalline polymers pp. 51-53 Downloads
Th. Ruijgrok and Cees Diks
Wavenumber- and frequency-dependent diffusion coefficient of interacting Brownian particles pp. 54-66 Downloads
B.U. Felderhof and J. Vogel
Symbolic dynamics of fully developed chaos pp. 67-95 Downloads
R. Kluiving, H.W. Capel and R.A. Pasmanter
Symbolic dynamics of fully developed chaos pp. 96-129 Downloads
R. Kluiving, H.W. Capel and R.A. Pasmanter
Kinetics of domain growth in finite Ising strips pp. 130-147 Downloads
E.V. Albano, K. Binder, D.W. Heermann and W. Paul
Perturbation series solution of the Fokker-Planck equation pp. 148-158 Downloads
Ben Kun Ma and Shao Jun Liu
Quantum Markovian master equation theory of particle migration in a stochastic medium pp. 159-174 Downloads
B.V. Bondarev
Symmetry breaking in the Anderson-Hubbard model pp. 175-186 Downloads
M.R.M.J. Traa and W.J. Caspers
A quantum field theory of phonons in crystals extended to the multi-band model I pp. 187-200 Downloads
Toyoyuki Kitamura
A quantum field theory of phonons in crystals extended to the multi-band model II pp. 201-208 Downloads
Toyoyuki Kitamura
Small-cluster study of interacting fermions on a square lattice with next-nearest-neighbour interactions pp. 209-222 Downloads
George S. Kliros
Nonanalytic correlation length in Ising systems with one surface defect line pp. 223-235 Downloads
A. Hucht
Heat conduction equations as the continuum limits of scale dependent hydrodynamic theory pp. 236-246 Downloads
M. Holeček
Page updated 2025-03-31