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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 83, issue 3, 1975

A theory of electric polarisation in liquids pp. 431-453 Downloads
M. Omini
Projection formalism in the kinetic theory pp. 454-470 Downloads
V.P. Vstovsky
On the momentum of potential waves pp. 471-485 Downloads
L.J.f Broer
Nonlinear-closed equations for the first and the second moments of macroscopic variables pp. 486-504 Downloads
T. Shimizu
A modified Green's function determination of the conduction and insulator limit conductivities of the one-dimensional, half-filled band, Hubbard model pp. 505-518 Downloads
Richard C. Smith and J.O. Lawson
Classical one-dimensional Heisenberg model with an interaction of finite range pp. 519-532 Downloads
T. Morita and T. Horiguchi
New approximations to the virial equation of state for fluids pp. 533-547 Downloads
R. Reijnhart
Irreversibility in the hard-spheres gas: H theorem and the Gibbs relation pp. 548-560 Downloads
D. Hubert
Scaling theory and finite systems pp. 561-572 Downloads
M.p Nightingale
Microscopic derivation of hydrodynamic balance equations in the presence of an electromagnetic field pp. 573-583 Downloads
H.J. Kreuzer and C.S. Zasada
On the time and cell dependence of the coarse-grained entropy. II pp. 584-594 Downloads
P. Hoyningen-Huene
Zur Begründung der Klimontovichnäherung pp. 595-608 Downloads
H. Kagermann
Effect of the density-gradient term in the free energy expression on critical exponents pp. 609-614 Downloads
O.K. Rice and D.R. Chang
Law of corresponding states and thermal-diffusion factor of Ne Kr and Ar Kr mixtures pp. 615-621 Downloads
C.M. Santamaría, J.M. Savirón and J.C. Yarza

Volume 83, issue 2, 1976

Analysis of the transport coefficients for simple dense fluids: The diffusion and bulk viscosity coefficients pp. 215-232 Downloads
H.J.M. Hanley and E.G.D. Cohen
Group structure analysis for classical lattice systems with constraints pp. 233-256 Downloads
C. Gruber and A. Hintermann
Zero-point effects in biquadratic exchange systems pp. 257-275 Downloads
K. Skrobiś and B. Westwański
Zur theorie polarer multikomponentsysteme pp. 276-300 Downloads
J. Winkelmann
The complete system of algebraic invariants for the sixteen-vertex model pp. 301-316 Downloads
A. Gaaff and J. Hijmans
The complete system of algebraic invariants for the sixteen-vertex model pp. 317-338 Downloads
A. Gaaff and J. Hijmans
Virial coefficients of the equation of state of a gas of nonspherical molecules pp. 339-357 Downloads
S. Singh and Y. Singh
On the theory of the alignment of a polar molecule in a non-polar solvent pp. 358-370 Downloads
J. Biemond, C. Maclean and M. Mandel
Ferromagnetic dipolar spinwaves pp. 371-387 Downloads
J.R. Heringa and M. Marrenga
Higher-order correlation functions of the planar ising model pp. 388-400 Downloads
R.Z. Bariev
Renormalization of the rotational diffusion coefficient in a fluctuating fluid pp. 401-410 Downloads
B.P. Hills and J.M. Deutch
The Ising system with an interaction of finite range on the Cayley tree pp. 411-418 Downloads
T. Morita
Evolution of observables in a laurent hamiltonian system pp. 419-424 Downloads
A.P. Grecos and M. Mareschal
Self-diffusion in Kr compared with Van der Waals model pp. 425-429 Downloads
A. de Santis

Volume 83, issue 1, 1975

Solitons, gauge theories and the “great Einstein theorem” pp. 1-17 Downloads
M. Dresden and S.F. Chen
Thermodynamic properties of fluids near the critical point, as interpreted by a simplified renormalization theory and the self-limitation of fluctuations pp. 18-32 Downloads
O.K. Rice and D.R. Chang
Statistical mechanics of linear molecules I pp. 33-56 Downloads
H. Moraal
Statistical mechanics of linear molecules II pp. 57-71 Downloads
H. Moraal
Diffusion of polymers near a fluid-fluid interface or a wall pp. 72-84 Downloads
R.B. Jones
Scaling function for two-point correlations with long-range interactions to order 1/η pp. 85-120 Downloads
W.K. Theumann
Fluctuations in doubly scattered laser light pp. 121-142 Downloads
F.C. Van Rijswijk and U.L. Smith
A simple way of understanding some exact results on critical phenomena in non-homogeneous and finite Ising systems (Ferrell's continuum approximation) I pp. 143-160 Downloads
I. Decker and H. Hahn
High resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in liquids and gases at pressures up to 2500 bar pp. 161-172 Downloads
J.G. Oldenziel and N.J. Trappeniers
High resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in liquids and gases at pressures up to 2500 bar pp. 173-177 Downloads
N.J. Trappeniers and J.G. Oldenziel
Binary collision expansion and partial green's functions of Kadanoff-Baym pp. 178-192 Downloads
T. Nishigori
A covariant hamiltonian formulation of electrodynamics in Coulomb gauge pp. 193-202 Downloads
M. Poulain
Measurements and calculations of the particle flux of a binary gas mixture through a capillary generated by a concentration gradient pp. 203-209 Downloads
A.J. Kruger
A non-negative Wigner-type distribution pp. 210-212 Downloads
N.D. Cartwright

Volume 82, issue 4, 1976

Eine verallgemeinerung des stratonovich-verfahrens für anwendungen in der statistischen mechanik pp. 477-499 Downloads
G. Gerlich
Theory of intercollisional interference effects pp. 500-520 Downloads
J. Courtenay Lewis
Long range correlations and the onset of chemical instabilities pp. 521-542 Downloads
H. Lemarchand and G. Nicolis
The end-to-end distribution function of a polymer chain with a pairwise additive self-interaction pp. 543-564 Downloads
B.H.M. Mooy and J. Hijmans
High resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in liquids and gases at pressures up to 2500 bar pp. 565-580 Downloads
J.G. Oldenziel and N.J. Trappeniers
High resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in liquids and gases at pressures up to 2500 bar pp. 581-595 Downloads
N.J. Trappeniers and J.G. Oldenziel
Rheology of polymer suspensions pp. 596-610 Downloads
B.U. Felderhof
Rheology of polymer suspensions pp. 611-622 Downloads
B.U. Felderhof
Rotational excitation of HD by collisions with He pp. 623-630 Downloads
I. Procaccia and R.D. Levine

Volume 82, issue 3, 1975

Critical exponents at the turn of the century pp. 319-351 Downloads
J.M.h Levelt Sengers
A model for symmetries in nonlinear transport pp. 352-364 Downloads
R.F. Rodríguez and N.G. van Kampen
The dynamical longitudinal correlation function of the Heisenberg model at low temperatures pp. 365-388 Downloads
G. Dewel
Three-magnon bound states in the two-dimensional isotropic and anisotropic Heisenberg ferromagnet pp. 389-416 Downloads
J.E. van Himbergen and J.A. Tjon
On the time and cell dependence of the coarse-grained entropy. I pp. 417-437 Downloads
P. Hoyningen-Huene
Boundary conditions and non-equilibrium thermodynamics pp. 438-462 Downloads
D. Bedeaux, A.M. Albano and P. Mazur
On the theory of Wien dissociation for weak electrolytes pp. 463-476 Downloads
D.P. Mason and D.K. Mcilroy

Volume 82, issue 2, 1975

A class of exactly soluble many-body Hamiltonians with the interaction of substance and boson field pp. 163-194 Downloads
N.N. Bogolubov and V.N. Plechko
Kinetic theory of diffusion in liquids: A hydrodynamic approximation pp. 195-220 Downloads
I. Kuščer and N. Corngold
A phenomenological theory of light scattering by surfaces pp. 221-246 Downloads
J. Vlieger and D. Bedeaux
Mouvement brownien dans une assemblée de bâtonnets minces dans la phase isotrope pp. 247-272 Downloads
F. Bailly
On the quantum kinetic equation for molecular gases pp. 273-293 Downloads
O. Petrus
Correlations in charged bosons pp. 294-304 Downloads
T. Samulski and A. Isihara
Isotherms and thermodynamic properties of ethylene at temperatures between 0 and 150°C and at densities up to 500 amagat pp. 305-311 Downloads
N.J. Trappeniers, T. Wassenaar and G.J. Wolkers
On the collision operator for quantum systems with discrete spectrum pp. 312-318 Downloads
M. Courbage

Volume 82, issue 1, 1976

Theory of open systems pp. 1-22 Downloads
L.A. Lugiato
Influence of a magnetic field on diffusion and thermal diffusion in gaseous mixtures pp. 23-46 Downloads
G.E.J. Eggermont, H. Vestner and H.F.P. Knaap
Kinetic approach to the long-time behaviour in fluids pp. 47-71 Downloads
M. Theodosopulu and P. Résibois
Wave propagation according to higher order field equations I pp. 72-96 Downloads
A.J. Meuwese, H.J.F. Jansen and H.A. Tolhoek
Time evolution and spectral concentration in quantum systems pp. 97-112 Downloads
E. Brändas
Coherent states and Green functions of relativistic quadratic systems pp. 113-133 Downloads
V.V. Dodonov, I.A. Malkin and V.I. Man'ko
Rotational relaxation of spherical-top molecules by atoms pp. 134-150 Downloads
J.T. Bartis
Diamagnetism of a confined electron gas pp. 151-162 Downloads
B.U. Felderhof and S.P. Raval
Page updated 2025-03-31