Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 577, issue C, 2021
- Traffic congestion mechanism in mega-airport surface

- Yu Jiang, Qingwen Xue, Yasha Wang, Mengting Cai, Honghai Zhang and Yahui Li
- Quantized noncommutative Riemann manifolds and stochastic processes: The theoretical foundations of the square root of Brownian motion

- Marco Frasca, Alfonso Farina and Moawia Alghalith
- Analyzing spatio-temporal impacts of extreme rainfall events on metro ridership characteristics

- Yufeng Zhou, Zihao Li, Yangyang Meng, Zhongwen Li and Maohua Zhong
- Multi-class traffic flow model based on three dimensional flow–concentration surface

- Ranju Mohan and Gitakrishnan Ramadurai
- Firm growth in the 21st century: Does the Andalusian economy comply with Gibrat’s Law?

- José Miguel Domínguez Jurado, Francisco Triguero-Ruiz and Antonio Avila-Cano
- A thorough study of the performance of simulated annealing in the traveling salesman problem under correlated and long tailed spatial scenarios

- Roberto da Silva, Eliseu Venites Filho and Alexandre Alves
- Measuring information flow among international stock markets: An approach of entropy-based networks on multi time-scales

- Peng-Cheng Kuang
- An extended floor field model considering the spread of fire and detour behavior

- Minhyuck Lee, Jaeyoung Lee and Chulmin Jun
- Information propagation in stochastic networks

- Péter L. Juhász
- Chase-Escape percolation on the 2D square lattice

- Aanjaneya Kumar, Peter Grassberger and Deepak Dhar
- Criticality in a hybrid spin model with Fermi–Dirac statistics

- Y.F. Contoyiannis, S.M. Potirakis, F.K. Diakonos and E.K. Kosmidis
- Adversarial link deception against the link prediction in complex networks

- Zhongyuan Jiang, Xiaoke Tang, Yong Zeng, Jinku Li and Jianfeng Ma
- Lowest-degree preference random walks on complex networks

- Yan Wang, Xinxin Cao, Tongfeng Weng, Huijie Yang and Changgui Gu
- Role of transportation network on population distribution evolution

- F.X. Zhao and H.Y. Shang
- On the translational and rotational granular temperatures in periodically excited 2D granular systems

- Fabricio Q. Potiguar
- Gap solitons in Bose–Einstein condensate loaded in a honeycomb optical lattice: Nonlinear dynamical stability, tunneling, and self-trapping

- Hongjuan Meng, Yushan Zhou, Xiaolin Li, Xueping Ren, Xiaohuan Wan, Zhikun Zhou, Wenyuan Wang and Yuren Shi
- Complex networks analysis of the energy landscape of the low autocorrelation binary sequences problem

- Marco Tomassini
- Ergodic property of Langevin systems with superstatistical, uncorrelated or correlated diffusivity

- Xudong Wang and Yao Chen
Volume 576, issue C, 2021
- Unified trade-off optimization of a three-level quantum refrigerator

- Kirandeep Kaur, Varinder Singh, Jatin Ghai, Satyajit Jena and Özgür E. Müstecaplıoğlu
- The Peter Principle and learning: A safer way to promote workers

- B. Farias, O. Rapôso, T.J.P. Penna and D. Girardi
- Analysis of stock market based on visibility graph and structure entropy

- Jia Zhu and Daijun Wei
- Critical behavior of the Ising model under strong shear: The conserved case

- G.P. Saracco and G. Gonnella
- Properties of the simplest inhomogeneous and homogeneous Tree-Tensor-States for long-ranged quantum spin chains with or without disorder

- Cécile Monthus
- Growth network models with random number of attached links

- Sergei Sidorov and Sergei Mironov
- Okun loops and anelastic relaxation in the G7

- Raymond J. Hawkins and Yichu Li
- Directed polymers in random media with a line defect in four dimensions

- Jae Hwan Lee and Jin Min Kim
- Assessing temporal–spatial characteristics of urban travel behaviors from multiday smart-card data

- Yue Deng, Jiaxin Wang, Chao Gao, Xianghua Li, Zhen Wang and Xuelong Li
- Effect of pedestrian traffic light on traffic flow accompany with pedestrian crossing

- Yanhong Wang, Chong Zhang, Pengbin Ji, Tianning Si and Zhenzhen Zhang
- Information geometry for Fermi–Dirac and Bose–Einstein quantum statistics

- Pedro Pessoa and Carlo Cafaro
- Quench dynamics of two-leg ladders with magnetic flux

- Xin Qiao, Xiao-Bo Zhang, Yue Jian, Ai-Xia Zhang and Ju-Kui Xue
- Thermodynamic consistency by a modified Perkus–Yevick theory using the Mittag-Leffler function

- F.S. Carvalho and J.P. Braga
- Population dynamics in the triplet annihilation model with a mutating reproduction rate

- Ronald Dickman
- An entropic simulational study of the spin-1 Baxter–Wu model in a crystal field

- L.N. Jorge, P.H.L. Martins, C.J. DaSilva, L.S. Ferreira and A.A. Caparica
Volume 575, issue C, 2021
- Bose system critical dynamics near quantum phase transition

- M.G. Vasin and V.M. Vinokur
- Current relaxation in the Random Resistor cum Tunnelling Network Model through first-passage route: Regimes and time-scales

- Somnath Bhattacharya
- Moment-based estimation for parameters of general inverse subordinator

- Aleksandra Grzesiek, Rafał Połoczański, Arun Kumar and Agnieszka Wyłomańska
- Spin-polarized plasmon in ferromagnetic metals

- Chao Yang, Zheng-Chuan Wang and Gang Su
- The number of strategy changes can be used to promote cooperation in spatial snowdrift game

- Jiabao Zhu and Xingwen Liu
- A novel prediction model of multi-layer symbolic pattern network: Based on causation entropy

- Xin Wang and Mei Sun
- Thermal hysteresis activity of antifreeze proteins: A model based on fractional statistics theory of adsorption

- J.I. Lopez Ortiz, E. Quiroga, C.F. Narambuena, J.L. Riccardo and A.J. Ramirez-Pastor
- Effect of self-stabilizing control in lattice hydrodynamic model with on-ramp and off-ramp

- Yiru Mei, Xiaoqun Zhao, Yeqing Qian, Shangzhi Xu and Zhipeng Li
- A continuous floor field cellular automata model with interaction area for crowd evacuation

- Ruifeng Zhao, Yue Zhai, Lu Qu, Ruhao Wang, Yaoying Huang and Qi Dong
- Rectification of an active polymer chain with chirality in a transversal asymmetric channel

- Guo-hao Xu, Feng-guo Li, Jian-chun Wu and Bao-quan Ai
- Description of an ecological niche for a mixed local/nonlocal dispersal: An evolution equation and a new Neumann condition arising from the superposition of Brownian and Lévy processes

- Serena Dipierro and Enrico Valdinoci
- ±J Blume–Capel Model with external magnetic field in the cluster variation method

- Erhan Albayrak
- Improving comfort level in traffic flow of CACC vehicles at lane drop on two-lane highways

- Huaqing Liu and Rui Jiang
- Driver lane change intention recognition in the connected environment

- Yingshi Guo, Hongjia Zhang, Chang Wang, Qinyu Sun and Wanmin Li
Volume 574, issue C, 2021
- Moment method for the Boltzmann equation of reactive quaternary gaseous mixture

- Neeraj Sarna, Georgii Oblapenko and Manuel Torrilhon
- Expressway traffic flow under the combined bottleneck of accident and on-ramp in framework of Kerner’s three-phase traffic theory

- Junwei Zeng, Yongsheng Qian, Ziwen Lv, Fan Yin, Leipeng Zhu, Yongzhi Zhang and Dejie Xu
- Cross-correlations between the P2P interest rate, Shibor and treasury yields

- Shuping Li, Xinsheng Lu and Jianfeng Li
- Coin wear: A power law for small shocks

- Arnaud Manas and Francois Velde
- Network performance measure and importance identification: A case study of private car in Zhengzhou city

- Chenlan Wang, Nachuan Wang and Xiaotian Zhang
- Opinion dynamics in modified expressed and private model with bounded confidence

- Jian Hou, Wenshan Li and Mingyue Jiang
- Benford’s laws tests on S&P500 daily closing values and the corresponding daily log-returns both point to huge non-conformity

- Marcel Ausloos, Valerio Ficcadenti, Gurjeet Dhesi and Muhammad Shakeel
- Bifurcation control of optimal velocity model through anticipated effect and response time-delay feedback methods

- Xueyi Guan, Rongjun Cheng and Hongxia Ge
- Short-time Monte Carlo simulation of the majority-vote model on cubic lattices

- K.P. do Nascimento, L.C. de Souza, A.J.F. de Souza, André L.M. Vilela and H. Eugene Stanley
- Fractal networks with Sturmian structure

- Cheng Zeng, Yumei Xue and Yuke Huang
- Advanced strategies of portfolio management in the Heston market model

- Jarosław Gruszka and Janusz Szwabiński
- A multi-scale symmetry analysis of uninterrupted trends returns in daily financial indices

- C.M. Rodríguez-Martínez, H.F. Coronel-Brizio and A.R. Hernández-Montoya
- Multifractal Cross-correlations between foreign exchange rates and interest rate spreads

- Jianfeng Li, Xinsheng Lu, Wei Jiang and Vanya S. Petrova
- A multifaceted risk assessment approach using statistical learning to evaluate socio-environmental factors associated with regional felony and misdemeanor rates

- Prasangsha Ganguly and Sayanti Mukherjee
- Stochastic asset flow equations: Interdependence of trend and volatility

- Carey Caginalp, Gunduz Caginalp and David Swigon
- Model of cunning agents

- Mateusz Denys
- Analysis of stock market efficiency during crisis periods in the US stock market: Differences between the global financial crisis and COVID-19 pandemic

- Sun-Yong Choi
- Cascading failures of overload behaviors on interdependent networks

- Ning Wang, Zi-Yang Jin and Jiao Zhao
- Detrended multiple cross-correlation coefficient with sliding windows approach

- E.F. Guedes, A.M. da Silva Filho and G.F. Zebende
- How long does one wait at a traffic congestion?

- Subinay Dasgupta
- Dynamics of an SIR epidemic model with varying population sizes and regime switching in a two patch setting

- Liya Liu, Daqing Jiang and Tasawar Hayat
- The effect of quarantine measures for close contacts on the transmission of emerging infectious diseases with infectivity in incubation period

- QiuHui Pan, Sha Song and MingFeng He
- Scaling feature of nano-scale friction based on the inverse statistical approach

- B. Hosseini Tely, S. Hosseinabadi, L. Farhang Matin and G.R. Jafari
- An analysis of network filtering methods to sovereign bond yields during COVID-19

- Raymond Ka-Kay Pang, Oscar M. Granados, Harsh Chhajer and Erika Fille T. Legara
- Investigation of PM emissions in cellular automata model with slow-to-start effect

- Yan-feng Qiao, Yu Xue, Xue Wang, Bing-ling Cen, Yi Wang, Wei Pan and Yan-xin Zhang
- A new dissimilarity measure based on ordinal pattern for analyzing physiological signals

- Yunxiao Liu, Youfang Lin, Ziyu Jia, Jing Wang and Yan Ma
- Coastlines and percolation in a model for hierarchical random deposition

- Jonas Berx, Evi Bervoets, Claudiu V. Giuraniuc and Joseph O. Indekeu
- The lead–lag relationship between Chinese mainland and Hong Kong stock markets

- Xianghui Yuan, Liwei Jin and Feng Lian
- Modeling and analysis of the effect of COVID-19 on the stock price: V and L-shape recovery

- Ajit Mahata, Anish Rai, Md. Nurujjaman and Om Prakash
- Nonlocal quantum system with fractal distribution of states

- Vasily E. Tarasov
- A Schelling model with a variable threshold in a closed city segregation model. Analysis of the universality classes

- Diego Ortega, Javier Rodríguez-Laguna and Elka Korutcheva
- Interchangeable outer synchronization of community networks with two spatiotemporal clusters

- Yuan Chai, Li Xu and Hudong Zhang
- Spectral analysis of the collective diffusion of Brownian particles confined to a spherical surface

- A. Montañez-Rodríguez, C. Quintana and P. González-Mozuelos
- Entanglement and quantum strategies reduce congestion costs in Pigou networks

- Naini Dudhe and Colin Benjamin
- A random walk Monte Carlo simulation study of COVID-19-like infection spread

- S. Triambak and D.P. Mahapatra
- Reduction-consistent Cahn–Hilliard theory based lattice Boltzmann equation method for N immiscible incompressible fluids

- Lin Zheng, Song Zheng and Qinglan Zhai
- Stability and similarity in financial networks—How do they change in times of turbulence?

- Tristan Millington and Mahesan Niranjan
- Tracking quantum control for a two qutrits system under amplitude damping noise

- A.L.O. dos Santos and G.J. Delben
- Identifying critical metro stations in multiplex network based on D–S evidence theory

- Jinjun Tang, Zhitao Li, Fan Gao and Fang Zong
- Word frequency–rank relationship in tagged texts

- Andrés Chacoma and Damián H. Zanette
- Modeling detour decision combined the tactical and operational layer based on perceived density

- Maosheng Li, Panpan Shu, Yao Xiao and Pu Wang
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