Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 430, issue C, 2015
- Classification error analysis in stereo vision pp. 1-10

- Eitan Gross
- Transition probability, dynamic regimes, and the critical point of financial crisis pp. 11-20

- Yinan Tang and Ping Chen
- Learning process in public goods games pp. 21-31

- André Amado, Weini Huang, Paulo R.A. Campos and Fernando Fagundes Ferreira
- The evolutionary analysis of the ultimatum game based on the net-profit decision pp. 32-38

- Lu Wang, Shun-qiang Ye, Michael C. Jones, Ye Ye, Meng Wang and Neng-gang Xie
- Information transfer network of global market indices pp. 39-45

- Yup Kim, Jinho Kim and Soon-Hyung Yook
- Distributions of region size and GDP and their relation pp. 46-56

- Hu Sen, Yang Chunxia, Zhu Xueshuai, Zheng Zhilai and Cao Ya
- Hierarchical logistic equation to describe the dynamical behavior of penetration rates pp. 57-64

- Tohru Tashiro, Hiroe Minagawa and Michiko Chiba
- Stochastic resonance at nonequilibrium phase transitions pp. 65-72

- V.N. Skokov, V.P. Koverda, A.V. Vinogradov and A.V. Reshetnikov
- Information-driven trade and price–volume relationship in artificial stock markets pp. 73-80

- Xinghua Liu, Xin Liu and Xiaobei Liang
- Evolutionary behavior of generalized zero-determinant strategies in iterated prisoner’s dilemma pp. 81-92

- Jie Liu, Y. Li, C. Xu and P.M. Hui
- Existence of a dynamic compensation temperature of the mixed spin-1 and spin-3/2 Ising model within the effective-field theory pp. 93-100

- Xiaoling Shi and Yang Qi
- Multifractality, efficiency analysis of Chinese stock market and its cross-correlation with WTI crude oil price pp. 101-113

- Xiaoyang Zhuang, Yu Wei and Feng Ma
- A novel approach for urbanization level evaluation based on information entropy principle: A case of Beijing pp. 114-125

- Jingjing Zhao and Lihe Chai
- Dynamical mechanism of Bmal1/Rev-erbα loop in circadian clock pp. 126-135

- Ying Li and Zengrong Liu
- State impulsive control strategies for a two-languages competitive model with bilingualism and interlinguistic similarity pp. 136-147

- Lin-Fei Nie, Zhi-Dong Teng, Juan J. Nieto and Il Hyo Jung
- An extended car-following model with consideration of the electric vehicle’s driving range pp. 148-155

- Tie-Qiao Tang, Liang Chen, Shi-Chun Yang and Hua-Yan Shang
- Time-convolutionless mode-coupling theory near the glass transition—A recursion formula and its asymptotic solutions pp. 156-170

- Michio Tokuyama
- Analysis of dynamic road risk for pedestrian evacuation pp. 171-183

- Nan Zhang, Hong Huang, Boni Su and Jinlong Zhao
- Can we neglect the multi-layer structure of functional networks? pp. 184-192

- Massimiliano Zanin
- Cascade of failures in interdependent networks coupled by different type networks pp. 193-200

- Zunshui Cheng and Jinde Cao
- Two-step Dirichlet random walks pp. 201-215

- Gérard Le Caër
- The effects of node exclusion on the centrality measures in graph models of interacting economic agents pp. 216-223

- Marco Antonio Leonel Caetano and Takashi Yoneyama
- Effect of environmental stress on regulation of gene expression in the yeast pp. 224-235

- Eitan Gross
- Complementary action of chemical and electrical synapses to perception pp. 236-241

- F.S. Borges, E.L. Lameu, A.M. Batista, K.C. Iarosz, M.S. Baptista and R.L. Viana
- Cascading load model in interdependent networks with coupled strength pp. 242-253

- Jianwei Wang, Yun Li and Qiaofang Zheng
- TASEP on parallel tracks: Effects of mobile bottlenecks in fixed segments pp. 254-262

- Sumit Sinha and Debashish Chowdhury
Volume 429, issue C, 2015
- On a nonstandard Brownian motion and its maximal function pp. 1-9

- Bernardo B. de Andrade
- Thermal quantum correlations and quantum phase transitions in Ising-XXZ diamond chain pp. 10-16

- Kun Gao, Yu-Liang Xu, Xiang-Mu Kong and Zhong-Qiang Liu
- Multifractal cross-correlation analysis in electricity spot market pp. 17-27

- Qingju Fan and Dan Li
- Diffusion limited aggregation of particles with different sizes: Fractal dimension change by anisotropic growth pp. 28-34

- F.L. Braga, O.A. Mattos, V.S. Amorin and A.B. Souza
- Solutions for a q-generalized Schrödinger equation of entangled interacting particles pp. 35-44

- L.G.A. Alves, H.V. Ribeiro, M.A.F. Santos, R.S. Mendes and E.K. Lenzi
- Investment horizon heterogeneity and wavelet: Overview and further research directions pp. 45-61

- Anindya Chakrabarty, Anupam De, Angappa Gunasekaran and Rameshwar Dubey
- Correlation network analysis for multi-dimensional data in stocks market pp. 62-75

- Mansooreh Kazemilari and Maman Abdurachman Djauhari
- Evolution of consumption distribution and model of wealth distribution in China between 1995 and 2012 pp. 76-86

- Li Gao
- A fast algorithm for community detection in temporal network pp. 87-94

- Jialin He and Duanbing Chen
- The independent spreaders involved SIR Rumor model in complex networks pp. 95-102

- Zhen Qian, Shaoting Tang, Xiao Zhang and Zhiming Zheng
- Exact solution to fractional logistic equation pp. 103-108

- Bruce J. West
- Hurst exponent of very long birth time series in XX century Romania. Social and religious aspects pp. 109-117

- G. Rotundo, Marcel Ausloos, C. Herteliu and Bogdan Ileanu
- A bi-stable neuronal model of Gibbs distribution pp. 118-124

- Eitan Gross
- Artificial bee colony algorithm for constrained possibilistic portfolio optimization problem pp. 125-139

- Wei Chen
- How does competition structure affect industry merger waves? A network analysis perspective pp. 140-156

- Rui Hou, Jianmei Yang, Canzhong Yao and Bill McKelvey
- Centrality and Flow Vergence gradient based Path analysis of scientific literature: A case study of Biotechnology for Engineering pp. 157-168

- Hiran H. Lathabai, Thara Prabhakaran and Manoj Changat
- Identifying node importance in complex networks pp. 169-176

- Ping Hu, Wenli Fan and Shengwei Mei
- Accuracy test for link prediction in terms of similarity index: The case of WS and BA models pp. 177-183

- Min-Woo Ahn and Woo-Sung Jung
- Measuring social inequality with quantitative methodology: Analytical estimates and empirical data analysis by Gini and k indices pp. 184-204

- Jun-ichi Inoue, Asim Ghosh, Arnab Chatterjee and Bikas K. Chakrabarti
- On the integration of financial markets: How strong is the evidence from five international stock markets? pp. 205-214

- Sónia R. Bentes
- Multiple-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann modeling of incompressible flows in porous media pp. 215-230

- Qing Liu and Ya-Ling He
- Dissipative two-mode Bose–Einstein condensate coupled to the environment pp. 231-241

- Kalai Kumar Rajagopal
- Monte Carlo simulation of electron dynamics in liquid water pp. 242-251

- Klaus Huthmacher, André Herzwurm, Michael Gnewuch, Klaus Ritter and Baerbel Rethfeld
- On the super-additivity and estimation biases of quantile contributions pp. 252-260

- Nassim Nicholas Taleb and Raphael Douady
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