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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 107, issue 3, 1981

Spatial correlations in nonequilibrium systems: The effect of diffusion pp. 437-463 Downloads
Magdaleno Medina-Noyola and Joel Keizer
Three-dimensional Ising model with four-particle interactions pp. 464-470 Downloads
M.P. Zhelifonov
On the dielectric theory of a molecular crystalline slab with complex polarisability pp. 471-490 Downloads
J. Grindlay
Light scattering from a fluid with a stationary temperature gradient pp. 491-508 Downloads
G. Van Der Zwan, D. Bedeaux and P. Mazur
Quantum statistics of field after double-beam two-photon absorption pp. 509-532 Downloads
Salvatore Carusotto
On the evolution of higher dimensional Heisenberg continuum spin systems pp. 533-552 Downloads
M. Lakshmanan and M. Daniel
On the phase-space dynamics of a time-dependent harmonic oscillator at finite temperature pp. 553-566 Downloads
B. Remaud and E.S. Hernández
On green function averaging of a disordered crystal pp. 567-574 Downloads
Yu.M. Ivanchenko and A.A. Lisyanskii
Fermi-Dirac statistics for free electrons in uniform electric and magnetic fields pp. 575-586 Downloads
A.D. Jannussis, A. Streklas and K. Vlachos
Wigner representation of Bloch electrons in uniform fields pp. 587-597 Downloads
A. Jannussis, A. Streklas and K. Vlachos
Statistical mechanics of a confinement electron gas in a uniform electromagnetic field pp. 598-608 Downloads
K.E. Vlachos and A.D. Jannussis
Numerical calculation of the thermodynamic properties of the Ising model on the square lattice pp. 609-621 Downloads
T. Morita
Two particle cluster calculation of the chemical spinodal pp. 622-628 Downloads
R. Van Der Haegen, R. Luyckx and H.N.W. Lekkerkerker
Magnetic specific heat of the honeycomb lattice of spin one-half with anisotropic Heisenberg exchange by a new method pp. 629-637 Downloads
Yoshiaki Tanaka and Norikiyo Uryû

Volume 107, issue 2, 1981

Stability properties of nonlinear systems with fluctuating parameters pp. 219-240 Downloads
V. Seshadri, Bruce J. West and Katja Lindenberg
The two-dimensional coulomb gas in the critical region pp. 241-254 Downloads
J.S. Høye and K. Olaussen
Exact solution of the impure one-dimensional n-vector model with bilinear and biquadratic exchange interactions pp. 255-279 Downloads
M. Knežević and S. Milošević
Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of interfacial systems pp. 280-298 Downloads
Jeffrey Kovac
Molecular dynamical calculations on the transport properties of a square-well fluid pp. 299-306 Downloads
J.P.J. Michels and N.J. Trappeniers
Self-diffusion in gaseous and liquid ethylene pp. 307-318 Downloads
B. Arends, K.O. Prins and N.J. Trappeniers
Pinning of a rough interface by an external potential pp. 319-329 Downloads
J.M.J. van Leeuwen and H.J. Hilhorst
On quasiclassical methods in superconductivity pp. 330-340 Downloads
Yu.E. Lozovik and S.G. Akopov
Quantum logics and chemical kinetics pp. 341-359 Downloads
C.I. Ivanov
On the bethe approximation for the random bond Ising model pp. 360-370 Downloads
Tsuyoshi Horiguchi
A microscopic theory of vortices in superfluid helium pp. 371-392 Downloads
Masakazu Ichiyanagi
Two continuum approaches to a wavelength-dependent description of heat conduction pp. 393-403 Downloads
F. Bampi, A. Morro and D. Jou
Light scattering from fluids. A semi-phenomenological calculation of the coupling constants between the orientational and translational motion pp. 404-422 Downloads
Boris M. Aizenbud
Correlation functions for n species of one-dimensional impenetrable bosons pp. 423-430 Downloads
H.C. Öttinger
Critical exponents for the two dimensional spin 12 XY model from a seven spin cell real space renormalization group calculation pp. 431-436 Downloads
J. Rogiers and M. Reynaert

Volume 107, issue 1, 1981

Sensitivity of nonequilibrium systems pp. 1-24 Downloads
D.K. Kondepudi and I. Prigogine
A mode coupling theory of higher order time correlation functions pp. 25-47 Downloads
David Ronis
Relativistic Boltzmann theory for a plasma pp. 48-70 Downloads
H. van Erkelens
WKB treatment of laser radiation in the transient unstable region pp. 71-90 Downloads
Toshihico Arimitsu
Electric and magnetic susceptibilities for a fluid-fluid interface; The ellipsometric coefficient pp. 91-108 Downloads
B.J.A. Zielinska, D. Bedeaux and J. Vlieger
Hydrodynamics for an ideal fluid: Hamiltonian formalism and Liouville-equation pp. 109-125 Downloads
W. Van Saarloos, D. Bedeaux and P. Mazur
Hydrodynamic equations and VH light scattering from viscoelastic (solid-like and fluid-like) systems. Phenomenological approach pp. 126-142 Downloads
Boris M. Aizenbud and Nahum D. Gershon
On the relations between Markovian master equations and stochastic differential equations pp. 143-157 Downloads
Peter Hanggi, Kurt E. Shuler and Irwin Oppenheim
Molecular dynamical calculations on the transport properties of a square-well fluid pp. 158-165 Downloads
J.P.J. Michels and N.J. Trappeniers
Macroscopic behaviour of a charged Boltzmann gas pp. 166-178 Downloads
L. Bányai, P. Gartner and V. Protopopescu
Computer simulation of ionic systems. Influence of boundary conditions pp. 179-189 Downloads
S.W. De Leeuw and J.W. Perram
Wave vector and frequency dependent longitudinal viscosity of systems of interacting Brownian particles pp. 190-200 Downloads
W. Hess
Dynamics of proton-lattice interaction in hydrogen-bonded ferroelectrics pp. 201-211 Downloads
T.H. Cheung
The physical solution of the three magnon bound state equation in one dimension pp. 212-218 Downloads
S. Banerjee and C.K. Majumdar

Volume 106, issue 3, 1981

Separable interactions and liquid 3He pp. 369-397 Downloads
F.W. Nijhoff and H.W. Capel
A derivation of the radiation transfer theory for random media pp. 398-414 Downloads
G. Diener
Density dependence and composition dependence of the viscosity of neon-helium and neon-argon mixtures pp. 415-442 Downloads
J. Kestin, Ö. Korfali, J.V. Sengers and B. Kamgar-Parsi
Nonlinear fluctuation-dissipation relations and stochastic models in nonequilibrium thermodynamics pp. 443-479 Downloads
G.N. Bochkov and Yu.E. Kuzovlev
Nonlinear fluctuation-dissipation relations and stochastic models in nonequilibrium thermodynamics pp. 480-520 Downloads
G.N. Bochkov and Yu.E. Kuzovlev
A new method of constructing symmetry-adapted linear combinations for a finite group pp. 521-538 Downloads
Shoon K. Kim
Non-linear constitutive and diffusion equations in the Burnett regime pp. 539-558 Downloads
J.A. Robles-Dominguez, Bernardo Silva and L.S. Garcia-Colin
Note on the stochastic theory of a self-catalytic chemical reaction. I pp. 559-573 Downloads
S. Dambrine and M. Moreau
Note on the stochastic theory of a self-catalytic chemical reaction. II pp. 574-588 Downloads
S. Dambrine and M. Moreau
The calculation of the magnetic exponent in real space differential renormalization pp. 589-602 Downloads
B. Payandeh and J.M.J. Van Leeuwen
Pressure inequalities in quantum statistics pp. 603-610 Downloads
Richard L. Liboff
Quantum friction in a periodic potential pp. 611-621 Downloads
A. Jannussis, A. Leodaris, V. Papatheou, N. Patargias and K. Vlachos
Remarks on “theory of scattering in a superconducting state” pp. 622-632 Downloads
Yoshimasa Murayama

Volume 106, issue 1, 1981

Not by discoveries alone: The centennial of Paul Ehrenfest pp. 3-14 Downloads
Martin J. Klein
The Boltzmann award pp. 17-17 Downloads
Rodney J. Baxter
Corner transfer matrices pp. 18-27 Downloads
R.J. Baxter
Simple Ising models still thrive! pp. 28-47 Downloads
Michael E. Fisher
Hyperscaling and universality in 3 dimensions pp. 48-58 Downloads
Bernie Nickel
Mathematical properties of renormalization-group transformations pp. 59-69 Downloads
Robert B. Griffiths
The hard sphere gas in the Boltzmann-Grad limit pp. 70-76 Downloads
Oscar E. Lanford
Advances and challenges in the kinetic theory of gases pp. 77-101 Downloads
J.R. Dorfman
Melting of a two-dimensional crystal of electrons pp. 102-107 Downloads
C.C. Grimes
Two-dimensional melting pp. 108-109 Downloads
David R. Nelson
The potts and cubic models in two dimensions: A renormalization-group description pp. 110-121 Downloads
Eberhard K. Riedel
Connections among different phase transition problems in two dimensions pp. 122-122 Downloads
Leo P. Kadanoff and M.P.M. den Nijs
Recent results on instabilities and turbulence in couette flow pp. 123-127 Downloads
M. Gorman and Harry L. Swinney
Rhythms and turbulence in populations of chemical oscillators pp. 128-143 Downloads
Yoshiki Kuramoto
Physisorption kinetics pp. 144-158 Downloads
H.J. Kreuzer
An introduction and review of lattice gauge theories pp. 159-174 Downloads
Robert B. Pearson
Disordered one-dimensional conductors at finite temperature pp. 175-176 Downloads
S. Kirkpatrick
Theory and experiment at the sol-gel phase transition pp. 177-188 Downloads
D. Stauffer
Simple coulomb liquids pp. 189-203 Downloads
Marc Baus
Thermodynamics of relativistic systems pp. 204-214 Downloads
W. Israel
A photographic record of the soldification and melting of 4He at pressures between 4 and 7 kbar pp. 215-225 Downloads
J.P. Franck
Phase diagram of the two-dimensional Lennard-Jones system; Evidence for first-order transitions pp. 226-238 Downloads
J.A. Barker, D. Henderson and F.F. Abraham
Molecular orientation and interfacial properties of liquid water pp. 239-259 Downloads
Clive A. Croxton
Interpretation of the unusual behavior of H2O and D2O at low temperature: Are concepts of percolation relevant to the “puzzle of liquid water”? pp. 260-277 Downloads
H.Eugene Stanley, J. Teixeira, A. Geiger and R.L. Blumberg
Bound-state contributions to the triple-collision operator pp. 278-289 Downloads
James A. McLennan
Equilibrium statistical mechanics of a nearly classical one-component plasma in a magnetic field, in three or two dimensions1–3) pp. 290-291 Downloads
A. Alastuey and B. Jancovici
The critical isotherm of the modified F model pp. 292-300 Downloads
Xin Sun and F.Y. Wu
Exact differential real-space renormalization: Ising, Gaussian and Ashkin-Teller models pp. 301-310 Downloads
H.J. Hilhorst and J.M.J.Van Leeuwen
Monte Carlo realization of Kadanoff block transformation in the 2d plane-rotator model pp. 311-325 Downloads
H. Betsuyaku
Numerical studies on the Anderson localization problem pp. 326-343 Downloads
J. Stein and U. Krey
Order parameters and nonlinear susceptibilities in spin glasses pp. 344-354 Downloads
Masuo Suzuki and Seiji Miyashita
Page updated 2025-03-31