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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 338, issue 3, 2004

Statistics of visits to sites in random walks pp. 307-318 Downloads
M. Ferraro and L. Zaninetti
Stochastic bifurcation in Duffing–Van der Pol oscillators pp. 319-334 Downloads
Qun He, Wei Xu, Haiwu Rong and Tong Fang
Rhythm synchronization and chaotic modulation of coupled Van der Pol oscillators in a model for the heartbeat pp. 335-355 Downloads
Angela M. dos Santos, Sergio R. Lopes and R.L.Ricardo L. Viana
Scaling in the aggregation process with catalysis-driven fragmentation pp. 356-366 Downloads
Jianhong Ke, Xianghong Wang, Zhenquan Lin and Youyi Zhuang
Transition to chaos in complex dynamical networks pp. 367-378 Downloads
Xiang Li, Guanrong Chen and King-Tim Ko
Kinetic theory of turbulence modeling: smallness parameter, scaling and microscopic derivation of Smagorinsky model pp. 379-394 Downloads
Santosh Ansumali, Iliya V. Karlin and Sauro Succi
Quantum random walk on the line as a Markovian process pp. 395-405 Downloads
A. Romanelli, A.C. Sicardi Schifino, R. Siri, G. Abal, A. Auyuanet and R. Donangelo
Controlling directed transport in two-dimensional periodic structures under crossed electric fields pp. 406-416 Downloads
S. Sengupta, R. Guantes, S. Miret-Artés and P. Hänggi
Coupling-induced transition of states in an asymmetrical double-well potential pp. 417-424 Downloads
Wei Wu and Jing-Dong Bao
Phase analysis in delayed systems pp. 425-430 Downloads
M.F. Carusela and L. Romanelli
Scaling analysis of the conservation growth equation with temporally correlated noise pp. 431-436 Downloads
Li-Ping Zhang, Gang Tang, Hui Xia, Da-Peng Hao and Hua Chen
Superstatistics from a different perspective pp. 437-444 Downloads
F Sattin
Entropy flux in non-equilibrium thermodynamics pp. 445-457 Downloads
D. Jou, G. Lebon, M.S. Mongiovı̀ and R.A. Peruzza
Quantum linear mutual information and classical correlations in globally pure bipartite systems pp. 458-470 Downloads
R.M. Angelo, S.A. Vitiello, M.A.M. de Aguiar and K. Furuya
Dynamical susceptibility from simulations of a mean field Potts glass pp. 471-478 Downloads
Claudio Brangian
The phase diagrams and the order parameters of the transverse spin-1 Ising model with a longitudinal crystal-field pp. 479-492 Downloads
K. Htoutou, A. Benaboud, A. Ainane and M. Saber
Lattice-gas modeling of enantioselective adsorption by template chiral substrates pp. 493-510 Downloads
F. Romá, D. Stacchiola, W.T. Tysoe and G. Zgrablich
Autonomous energy transducer: proposition, example, basic characteristics pp. 511-536 Downloads
Naoko Nakagawa and Kunihiko Kaneko
The dynamics of complex-amplitude norm-preserving lattices of coupled oscillators pp. 537-543 Downloads
Marcos V. Vessen, Paulo C. Rech, Marcus W. Beims, José A. Freire, M.G.E. da Luz, Pedro G. Lind and Jason A.C. Gallas
Blood flow in a capillary with permeable wall pp. 544-558 Downloads
Moustafa El-Shahed
Statistical analysis of daily gold price data pp. 559-566 Downloads
Terence C. Mills
A multi-model approach for describing crude oil price dynamics pp. 567-584 Downloads
Araceli Bernabe, Esteban Martina, Jose Alvarez-Ramirez and Carlos Ibarra-Valdez
Evidence of log-periodicity in corporate bond spreads pp. 585-595 Downloads
Andrew Clark
Selection by pairwise comparisons with limited resources pp. 596-604 Downloads
Paolo Laureti, Joachim Mathiesen and Yi-Cheng Zhang
Towards landslide predictions: two case studies pp. 605-632 Downloads
D Sornette, A Helmstetter, J.v Andersen, S Gluzman, J.-R Grasso and V Pisarenko
Impact of network structure on the capacity of wireless multihop ad hoc communication pp. 633-658 Downloads
Wolfram Krause, Ingmar Glauche, Rudolf Sollacher and Martin Greiner
Generation models for scale-free networks pp. 659-671 Downloads
Chavdar Dangalchev

Volume 338, issue 1, 2004

A universal approach to the study of nonlinear systems pp. 1-6 Downloads
Rudolph C. Hwa
Complexity in high-energy physics pp. 7-19 Downloads
W. Kittel
Mathematics of complexity in experimental high energy physics pp. 20-27 Downloads
H.C. Eggers
Probing complexities at the subnuclear level of matter pp. 28-35 Downloads
Meng Ta-chung
Towards a fractal approach to hadronization: evidence for stability, stationarity and scaling in hadron-production processes pp. 36-43 Downloads
Liu Qin
Complexity in cosmic structures pp. 44-49 Downloads
Francesco Sylos Labini and Andrea Gabrielli
Self-organizing networks for classification: developing applications to science analysis for astroparticle physics pp. 50-53 Downloads
A. De Angelis, P. Boinee, M. Frailis and E. Milotti
Perspectives in astrophysical databases pp. 54-59 Downloads
Marco Frailis, Alessandro De Angelis and Vito Roberto
Dynamical anomalies and the role of initial conditions in the HMF model pp. 60-67 Downloads
Alessandro Pluchino, Vito Latora and Andrea Rapisarda
On the role of entanglement in quantum information pp. 68-75 Downloads
Chiara Macchiavello
Random networks: eigenvalue spectra pp. 76-83 Downloads
S.N. Dorogovtsev, A.V. Goltsev, J.F.F. Mendes and A.N. Samukhin
Sandpile avalanche dynamics on scale-free networks pp. 84-91 Downloads
D.-S. Lee, K.-I. Goh, B. Kahng and D. Kim
A topological analysis of the Italian electric power grid pp. 92-97 Downloads
Paolo Crucitti, Vito Latora and Massimo Marchiori
The corporate boards networks pp. 98-106 Downloads
Guido Caldarelli and Michele Catanzaro
Inner structure of capital control networks pp. 107-112 Downloads
Stefano Battiston
Wealth dynamics on complex networks pp. 113-118 Downloads
Diego Garlaschelli and Maria I Loffredo
Social network growth with assortative mixing pp. 119-124 Downloads
Michele Catanzaro, Guido Caldarelli and Luciano Pietronero
Dynamics of a financial market index after a crash pp. 125-134 Downloads
Fabrizio Lillo and Rosario Mantegna
Origin of crashes in three US stock markets: shocks and bubbles pp. 135-142 Downloads
Anders Johansen
Stylized facts in minority games with memory: a new challenge pp. 143-150 Downloads
Damien Challet, Matteo Marsili and Andrea De Martino
Option pricing for non-Gaussian price fluctuations pp. 151-159 Downloads
Hagen Kleinert
Pricing financial derivatives with neural networks pp. 160-165 Downloads
Marco J Morelli, Guido Montagna, Oreste Nicrosini, Michele Treccani, Marco Farina and Paolo Amato
Statistical models for operational risk management pp. 166-172 Downloads
Chiara Cornalba and Paolo Giudici
Space–time complexity and multifractal predictability pp. 173-186 Downloads
Daniel Schertzer and Shaun Lovejoy
Turbulence, a challenging problem for wind energy pp. 187-193 Downloads
Joachim Peinke, Stephan Barth, Frank Böttcher, Detlev Heinemann and Bernhard Lange
Universality of anisotropic turbulence pp. 194-200 Downloads
L Biferale, E Calzavarini, A.s Lanotte, F Toschi and R Tripiccione
Non-Poisson distribution of the time distances between two consecutive clusters of earthquakes pp. 201-205 Downloads
Luigi Palatella, Paolo Allegrini, Paolo Grigolini, Vito Latora, Mirko S. Mega, Andrea Rapisarda and Sergio Vinciguerra
Intensity–duration–area–frequency functions for precipitation in a multifractal framework pp. 206-210 Downloads
Jorge J. Castro, Alin A. Cârsteanu and Claudia G. Flores
A simple model of aeolian megaripples pp. 211-217 Downloads
H Yizhaq
Chaotic neuron dynamics, synchronization and feature binding pp. 218-237 Downloads
F.t Arecchi
Sexual networks in contemporary Western societies pp. 238-245 Downloads
Fredrik Liljeros
Stroke detection based on the scaling properties of human EEG pp. 246-254 Downloads
Rudolph C Hwa and Thomas C Ferree
The distribution of low-variability periods in human heartbeat dynamics pp. 255-260 Downloads
M Säkki, J Kalda, M Vainu and M Laan
Numerical simulation of tumor spheroid dynamics pp. 261-266 Downloads
Roberto Chignola and Edoardo Milotti
Poincaré recurrences and multifractal properties of genomic sequences pp. 267-271 Downloads
L Rossi and G Turchetti
Effects of geometrical parameters on dripping from cylindrical nozzles pp. 272-276 Downloads
A D'Innocenzo, F Paladini and L Renna
Complex dynamics of the biological rhythms: gallbladder and heart cases pp. 277-281 Downloads
Giovanni Imponente
Bianchi IX chaoticity: BKL map and continuous flow pp. 282-285 Downloads
Giovanni Imponente and Giovanni Montani
Probing human response times pp. 286-291 Downloads
Anders Johansen
A variance reduction technique for American option pricing pp. 292-295 Downloads
Nicola Moreni
Modeling language competition pp. 296-299 Downloads
Marco Patriarca and Teemu Leppänen
Page updated 2025-03-31