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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 524, issue C, 2019

Viral dynamic model with cellular immune response: A case study of HIV-1 infected humanized mice pp. 1-14 Downloads
Mausumi Dhar, Shilpa Samaddar, Paritosh Bhattacharya and Ranjit Kumar Upadhyay
Novel method for spreading information with fewer resources in scale-free networks pp. 15-29 Downloads
Shuangyan Wang and Wuyi Cheng
Laws of epidemic dynamics in complex networks pp. 30-35 Downloads
Jia-Zeng Wang and Yan-Hua Fan
Market basket analysis by solving the inverse Ising problem: Discovering pairwise interaction strengths among products pp. 36-44 Downloads
Mauricio A. Valle, Gonzalo A. Ruz and Sergio Rica
Modeling diploid male dynamics in Hymenoptera: Effects of the number of alleles, dispersal by random walk and simple spatial structuring pp. 45-55 Downloads
Éder Winkert, Paulo M.C. de Oliveira and Luiz R.R. Faria
Temperature and particle concentration dependent effective potential in a bi-dimensional nonvibrating granular model for a glass-forming liquid pp. 56-64 Downloads
F. Donado, J. García-Serrano, G. Torres-Vargas and C. Tapia-Ignacio
Analysis of trip cost in a two-lane traffic corridor with one entry and one exit pp. 65-72 Downloads
Hui Ou, Tao Wang and Tie-Qiao Tang
The relation between Tsallis δ-entropy of DNA-Branes exterior and interior of shell pp. 73-88 Downloads
Alireza Sepehri, Massimo Fioranelli, Maria Grazia Roccia and Somayyeh Shoorvazi
Dynamic evolution of economic networks under the influence of mergers and divestitures pp. 89-99 Downloads
Yinhai Fang, Haiyan Xu, Matjaž Perc and Qingmei Tan
‘Population Inversion’ at equilibrium pp. 100-105 Downloads
D.P. Sheehan and L.S. Schulman
Extension of inverse q-Fourier transform via conformal mapping pp. 106-111 Downloads
Gilberto M. Nakamura, Alexandre H. de Martini and Alexandre S. Martinez
Surface morphology and a dynamic scaling analysis in epitaxial growth: A kinetic Monte Carlo study pp. 112-120 Downloads
Sonia Blel and Ajmi B.H. Hamouda
Investigating the factors affecting secondary crash frequency caused by one primary crash using zero-inflated ordered probit regression pp. 121-129 Downloads
Chengcheng Xu, Shuoyan Xu, Chen Wang and Jing Li
Partially polarized black-body radiation pp. 130-146 Downloads
Roman Tomaschitz
Matching pursuit based indices for examining physiological differences of meditators and non-meditators: An HRV study pp. 147-156 Downloads
Atefeh Goshvarpour and Ateke Goshvarpour
Don’t let the Greed catch you! Pleonexia rule applied to Pakistan stock exchange pp. 157-168 Downloads
Attayah Shafique, Usman Ayub and Muhammad Zakaria
Analysis on topological features of deterministic hierarchical complex network pp. 169-176 Downloads
Kai Li, Wei Wu, Yongfeng He and Fusheng Liu
Plasma living in a curved surface at some special temperature pp. 177-220 Downloads
Riccardo Fantoni
Size distribution of cities: A kinetic explanation pp. 221-234 Downloads
Stefano Gualandi and Giuseppe Toscani
Modeling on social popularity and achievement: A case study on table tennis pp. 235-245 Downloads
Yinghong Ma, Jiaoyang He and Qinglin Yu
Bitcoin: Safe haven, hedge or diversifier? Perception of bitcoin in the context of a country’s economic situation — A stochastic volatility approach pp. 246-257 Downloads
Agata Kliber, Paweł Marszałek, Ida Musiałkowska and Katarzyna Świerczyńska
The stationary distribution in a stochastic SIS epidemic model with general nonlinear incidence pp. 258-271 Downloads
Buyu Wen, Ramziya Rifhat and Zhidong Teng
Numerical simulation for entropy generation and hydrothermal performance of nanomaterial inside a porous cavity using Fe3O4 nanoparticles pp. 272-288 Downloads
Zhixiong Li, Mohammadali Hedayat, M. Sheikholeslami, Ahmad Shafee, Houyem Zrelli, I. Tlili and Truong Khang Nguyen
Global dynamics analysis of an SEIR epidemic model with discrete delay on complex network pp. 289-296 Downloads
Qiming Liu and Hua Li
Stock market interactions among Iran, USA, Turkey, and UAE pp. 297-305 Downloads
Esmaiel Abounoori and Mansour Tour
The spillover effects between natural gas and crude oil markets: The correlation network analysis based on multi-scale approach pp. 306-324 Downloads
Xiuming Li, Mei Sun, Cuixia Gao and Huizi He
The cause for emergence of irreversibility pp. 325-341 Downloads
Igor V. Lebed
A rumor spreading model based on two propagation channels in social networks pp. 342-353 Downloads
Pingqi Jia, Chao Wang, Gaoyu Zhang and Jianfeng Ma
Optimal capacity allocation for high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane in morning commute pp. 354-361 Downloads
Jing-Peng Wang, Hai-Jun Huang and (Jeff) Ban, Xuegang
Impact of structural balance on Self-Avoiding Pruning Walk pp. 362-374 Downloads
Cunquan Qu and Huijuan Wang
Modeling study of knowledge diffusion in scientific collaboration networks based on differential dynamics: A case study in graphene field pp. 375-391 Downloads
Zenghui Yue, Haiyun Xu, Guoting Yuan and Hongshen Pang
A statistical model of the firm pp. 392-411 Downloads
Belal Ehsan Baaquie
Travel times, rational queueing and the macroscopic fundamental diagram of traffic flow pp. 412-421 Downloads
Dieter Fiems, Balakrishna Prabhu and Koen De Turck
Irreversibility and typicality: A simple analytical result for the Ehrenfest model pp. 422-429 Downloads
Marco Baldovin, Lorenzo Caprini and Angelo Vulpiani
A scale analysis to study melting process driven by natural convection pp. 430-447 Downloads
Ahmed Mahmoudi
Volatility spillover in crypto-currency markets: Some evidences from GARCH and wavelet analysis pp. 448-458 Downloads
Anoop S Kumar and S. Anandarao
Influencing factors and fluctuation characteristics of China’s carbon emission trading price pp. 459-474 Downloads
Kaile Zhou and Yiwen Li
SFTRD: A novel information propagation model in heterogeneous networks: Modeling and restraining strategy pp. 475-490 Downloads
Chunyan Sang, Tun Li, Sirui Tian, Yunpeng Xiao and Guangxia Xu
Ergodic stationary distribution of a stochastic chemostat model with regime switching pp. 491-502 Downloads
Miaomiao Gao and Daqing Jiang
Development of an agent-based speculation game for higher reproducibility of financial stylized facts pp. 503-518 Downloads
Kei Katahira, Yu Chen, Gaku Hashimoto and Hiroshi Okuda
Simulations of bi-direction pedestrian flow using kinetic Monte Carlo methods pp. 519-531 Downloads
Yi Sun
Relationships among the statistical parameters in evolving modern Chinese linguistic co-occurrence networks pp. 532-539 Downloads
Wei Liang and Kunpeng Wang
Acceleration of solidification process by means of nanoparticles in an energy storage enclosure using numerical approach pp. 540-552 Downloads
Zhixiong Li, M. Sheikholeslami, M. Ayani, M. Shamlooei, Ahmad Shafee, Mohamed Ibrahim Waly and I. Tlili
Investigation of collapse of complex socio-political systems using classical stability theory pp. 553-562 Downloads
Joseph Livni
An efficient analytical approach for fractional equal width equations describing hydro-magnetic waves in cold plasma pp. 563-575 Downloads
Amit Goswami, Jagdev Singh, Devendra Kumar and Sushila,
Spillover effects of Great Recession on Hong-Kong’s Real Estate Market: An analysis based on Causality Plane and Tsallis Curves of Complexity–Entropy pp. 576-586 Downloads
George S. Argyroudis and Fotios M. Siokis
A differential game of R&D investment for pollution abatement in different market structures pp. 587-600 Downloads
Yongxi Yi, Rongwei Xu and Sheng Zhang
Analysis of stochastic multimolecular biochemical reaction model with lévy jumps pp. 601-613 Downloads
Miaomiao Gao and Daqing Jiang
Quantifying time-dependent Media Agenda and public opinion by topic modeling pp. 614-624 Downloads
Sebastián Pinto, Federico Albanese, Claudio O. Dorso and Pablo Balenzuela
Hybrid dynamics in a paired rhythmic synchronization–continuation task pp. 625-638 Downloads
Masahiro Okano, Wataru Kurebayashi, Masahiro Shinya and Kazutoshi Kudo
Investigation the atomic arrangement and stability of the fluid inside a rough nanochannel in both presence and absence of different roughness by using of accurate nano scale simulation pp. 639-660 Downloads
Pedram Alipour, Davood Toghraie and Arash Karimipour
Comparing nested data sets and objectively determining financial bubbles’ inceptions pp. 661-675 Downloads
G. Demos and D. Sornette
Experimental study on the single-file movement of mice pp. 676-686 Downloads
Hanyi Xiao, Qiao Wang, Jun Zhang and Weiguo Song
A Generalized Error Distribution Copula-based method for portfolios risk assessment pp. 687-695 Downloads
Roy Cerqueti, Massimiliano Giacalone and Demetrio Panarello
TSS: Temporal similarity search measure for heterogeneous information networks pp. 696-707 Downloads
Golnaz Nikmehr, Mostafa Salehi and Mahdi Jalili
Chaos and order in the bitcoin market pp. 708-721 Downloads
Josselin Garnier and Knut Solna
Using complex network theory for temporal locality in network traffic flows pp. 722-736 Downloads
Jin-Fa Wang, Xuan He, Shuai-Zong Si, Hai Zhao, Chunyang Zheng and Hao Yu
A jump model for credit default swaps with hierarchical clustering pp. 737-775 Downloads
Peter J. Zeitsch
Threshold behaviour of a stochastic epidemic model with two-dimensional noises pp. 776-786 Downloads
M. El Fatini, R. Taki and A. Tridane
Data-driven model for passenger route choice in urban metro network pp. 787-798 Downloads
Jianjun Wu, Yunchao Qu, Huijun Sun, Haodong Yin, Xiaoyong Yan and Jiandong Zhao
Page updated 2025-03-31