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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 292, issue 1, 2001

Modelling porous structures by repeated Sierpinski carpets pp. 1-8 Downloads
Sujata Tarafdar, Astrid Franz, Christian Schulzky and Karl Heinz Hoffmann
Computer simulation of fractal growth via a 2D-MECA percolative system representing an extended nutrient releasing source (NRS) pp. 9-25 Downloads
N. Helali and B. Rezig
Fractal growth by local sensitive epidemic model (LSEM) simulating the internal feeding systems (IFS) pp. 26-42 Downloads
N. Helali and B. Rezig
Waves in the sandpile model on fractal lattices pp. 43-54 Downloads
F. Daerden, V.B. Priezzhev and C. Vanderzande
Extended irreversible thermodynamics of liquid helium II: boundary condition and propagation of fourth sound pp. 55-74 Downloads
Maria Stella Mongiovı̀
Thermodynamics of dilute gases in shear flow pp. 75-86 Downloads
D. Jou and M. Criado-Sancho
Computer simulation of water–ice transition in hydrophobic nanopores pp. 87-101 Downloads
Jan Slovák, Hideki Tanaka, Kenichiro Koga and Xiao C. Zeng
Theory of nonequilibrium liquid–vapor interface: effects of shear flow pp. 102-128 Downloads
Kyunil Rah and Byung Chan Eu
Criticality in polar fluids pp. 129-136 Downloads
Yan Levin, Paulo S. Kuhn and Marcia C. Barbosa
Contact angles in sequential wetting: pentane on water pp. 137-145 Downloads
Volker C. Weiss and B. Widom
Nonlinear conduction in bilayer lipid membranes – effect of temperature pp. 146-152 Downloads
R. Basu, S. De, D. Ghosh and P. Nandy
The quasideterministic approach in the dynamical characterization of rotating unstable systems pp. 153-166 Downloads
J.I. Jiménez-Aquino and M. Romero-Bastida
The stress transmission universality classes of periodic granular arrays pp. 167-174 Downloads
R.C. Ball and D.V. Grinev
Fluctuation of mean Lyapunov exponent for turbulence pp. 175-181 Downloads
Hiroshi Shibata
KS entropy and mean Lyapunov exponent for coupled map lattices pp. 182-192 Downloads
Hiroshi Shibata
Strange attractors and chaos control in periodically forced complex Duffing's oscillators pp. 193-206 Downloads
Gamal M. Mahmoud, Ahmed A. Mohamed and Shaban A. Aly
Misiurewicz point patterns generation in one-dimensional quadratic maps pp. 207-230 Downloads
G. Pastor, M. Romera, G. Alvarez and F. Montoya
Diffusion-limited reaction under quenched disorder pp. 231-237 Downloads
Jae Woo Lee
Dissipative dynamics of a parabolic confined particle in the presence of magnetic field pp. 238-254 Downloads
S. Baskoutas, C. Politis, M. Rieth and W. Schommers
Entropy-driven phase transitions and the Kauzmann entropy crisis pp. 255-258 Downloads
R. Hoł yst
Quantum critical behaviour in systems with quenched long-range correlated impurities pp. 259-267 Downloads
I.P. Takov
Static magnetization induced by time-periodic fields with zero mean pp. 268-276 Downloads
S. Flach and A.A. Ovchinnikov
Extended reduced s–d model with anisotropic interactions pp. 277-298 Downloads
M. Wiśniewski and J. Maćkowiak
Turnover of activationless escape rate for collisional dynamics pp. 299-306 Downloads
D.j Bicout
T=0 partition functions for Potts antiferromagnets on lattice strips with fully periodic boundary conditions pp. 307-345 Downloads
Shu-Chiuan Chang and Robert Shrock
Conditional mode elimination and scale-invariant dissipation in isotropic turbulence pp. 346-382 Downloads
W.D. McComb and C. Johnston
Averaged exact dynamics of a stochastic non-Markovian wave vector pp. 383-391 Downloads
Adrián A. Budini and Manuel O. Cáceres
Multivariate nonlinear Fokker–Planck equations and generalized thermostatistics pp. 392-410 Downloads
T.D. Frank and A. Daffertshofer
Casimir effect for conducting and permeable plates at finite temperature pp. 411-421 Downloads
J.C. da Silva, A. Matos Neto, H.Q. Plácido, M. Revzen and A.E. Santana
Interpenetration of two chains different in sizes: some exact results pp. 422-428 Downloads
Sanjay Kumar
The anisotropic Ashkin–Teller model: a renormalization group study pp. 429-436 Downloads
C.G. Bezerra, A.M. Mariz, J.M. de Araújo and F.A. da Costa
Statistical analysis of a multiply-twisted helix pp. 437-451 Downloads
R. Ugajin, C. Ishimoto, Y. Kuroki, S. Hirata and S. Watanabe
Nonequilibrium critical phenomena pp. 452-464 Downloads
Alexander Patashinski
Mean-field critical behaviour for a fully frustrated Blume–Emery–Griffiths model pp. 465-474 Downloads
Francesco di Liberto and Fulvio Peruggi
Critical behaviour of correlation functions in scalar field theories pp. 475-484 Downloads
A.P.C. Malbouisson
A note on the non-perturbative zero-dimensional λϕ4 model pp. 485-493 Downloads
A.P.C. Malbouisson, R. Portugal and N.F. Svaiter
Effect of dense measurement in classical systems pp. 494-508 Downloads
D Bar
Yang–Lee zeros and the helix–coil transition in a continuum model of polyalanine pp. 509-518 Downloads
Nelson A. Alves and Ulrich H.E. Hansmann
Binomial trees as dynamical systems pp. 519-535 Downloads
Roza Galeeva
Omori law for sliding of blocks on inclined rough surfaces pp. 536-544 Downloads
E.J.R. Parteli, M.A.F. Gomes, E. Montarroyos and V.P. Brito
Scaling behavior of crowd flow outside a hall pp. 545-554 Downloads
Yusuke Tajima and Takashi Nagatani

Volume 291, issue 1, 2001

Multifractal behaviour of the estimated natural measure for colloidal cluster–cluster aggregation in 2-D pp. 1-12 Downloads
F. Martı́nez-López, M.A. Cabrerizo-Vı́lchez and R. Hidalgo-Álvarez
Wavelet analysis of discharge dynamics of fusimotor neurons pp. 13-23 Downloads
Dj. Stratimirović, S. Milošević, S. Blesić and M. Ljubisavljević
Symmetry effects and equivalences in lattice models of hydrophobic interaction pp. 24-38 Downloads
G.M. Schütz, I. Ispolatov, G.T. Barkema and B. Widom
Multi-particle interaction in a model of the hydrophobic interaction pp. 39-48 Downloads
D. Bedeaux, G.J.M. Koper, S. Ispolatov and B. Widom
Correlation functions in decorated lattice models pp. 49-59 Downloads
I. Ispolatov, K. Koga and B. Widom
Protein model exhibiting three folding transitions pp. 60-70 Downloads
Audun Bakk, Alex Hansen and Kim Sneppen
Aggregation by persistent diffusion pp. 71-78 Downloads
A. ten Bosch
Two simple approaches to sol–gel transition pp. 79-88 Downloads
Alexander I. Olemskoi and Ivan Krakovský
The surface diffusion coefficient for an arbitrarily curved fluid–fluid interface. (I). General expression pp. 89-102 Downloads
Leonard M.C. Sagis
The surface diffusion coefficient for an arbitrarily curved fluid–fluid interface. (II). Coefficient for plane-parallel diffusion pp. 103-112 Downloads
Leonard M.C. Sagis
Finite-size effects on fluctuations in a fluid out of thermal equilibrium pp. 113-130 Downloads
J.M. Ortiz de Zárate, R. Pérez Cordón and J.V. Sengers
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics formulation for electric transients. (I). The generalized Drude equation pp. 131-143 Downloads
L.F. del Castillo and A. Estrada-Flores
Hopping conductivity in granular metals near the insulator–metal transition pp. 144-158 Downloads
A.A. Likalter
Growing fractal interfaces in the presence of self-similar hopping surface diffusion pp. 159-183 Downloads
J.A. Mann and W.A. Woyczynski
Molecular-dynamics study of the dependence of self-diffusion on system size in a dense binary liquid of hard spheres pp. 184-196 Downloads
Josef Jäckle and Hidetoshi Kawai
A calculation of gaseous slip velocity and microscale flow fields from a molecular-continuum matching analysis pp. 197-210 Downloads
Joseph J. Wleklinski
Nonlinear EHD stability of the travelling and standing waves of two superposed dielectric bounded fluids in relative motion pp. 211-228 Downloads
M.F. El-Sayed
Refined scaling hypothesis for anomalously diffusing processes pp. 229-243 Downloads
R. Badii and P. Talkner
Homoclinic tangencies and routes to chaos in a dripping faucet experiment pp. 244-254 Downloads
R.D. Pinto, J.C. Sartorelli and W.M. Gonçalves
Probabilistic approach to pattern selection pp. 255-274 Downloads
V.I. Yukalov
Cyclically coupled spreading and pair annihilation pp. 275-286 Downloads
Haye Hinrichsen
Solving the KdV hierarchy with self-consistent sources by inverse scattering method pp. 287-298 Downloads
Runliang Lin, Yunbo Zeng and Wen-Xiu Ma
Coupled map lattices with complex order parameter pp. 299-316 Downloads
Sergey P. Kuznetsov and Erik Mosekilde
Concerning the microscopic linear response theory pp. 317-326 Downloads
M.O. Cáceres and S.A. Grigera
Quantum fluctuation-dissipation theorem: a time-domain formulation pp. 327-344 Downloads
Noëlle Pottier and Alain Mauger
A transport theory contribution to the understanding of conductivity in metals pp. 345-361 Downloads
D. Mostacci, V. Molinari, D. Giusti and L. Maritato
On the theory of physical properties and phase transitions in ferrosmectics pp. 362-374 Downloads
Andrey Yu. Zubarev and Alexey O. Ivanov
Effects of interface width scaling and spatial correlations on Ising systems with rough boundaries pp. 375-386 Downloads
F.D.A.Aarão Reis
Phase diagrams of a transverse Ising superlattice based on two theoretical frameworks pp. 387-398 Downloads
T. Kaneyoshi
The ferromagnetic spin-1 Ising superlattice in a transverse field pp. 399-409 Downloads
A. Saber, A. Ainane, F. Dujardin, M. Saber and B. Stébé
Symmetries of spin models on bipartite lattices pp. 410-422 Downloads
Hendrik Moraal
A Maxwell–Chern–Simons model for a quantum system obeying an exclusion–inclusion principle pp. 423-438 Downloads
G. Kaniadakis and A.M. Scarfone
Ground-state wave functions of two-particle systems determined using quantum genetic algorithms pp. 439-448 Downloads
Ilia Grigorenko and Martin E. Garcia
Quantum-interference effects on the superposition of N displaced number states pp. 449-466 Downloads
Marcelo A. Marchiolli, Luciano F. da Silva, Paulo S. Melo and Célia M.A. Dantas
Interference effects on the quasi-probability distributions of the electromagnetic field pp. 467-484 Downloads
Arthur M. Moraes, Marta J.F.S. Souza and Célia M.A. Dantas
Magnetic free energy at elevated temperatures and hysteresis of magnetic particles pp. 485-500 Downloads
H. Kachkachi and D.A. Garanin
The influence of three external fields on the mean spherical model: magnetization profile pp. 501-511 Downloads
Magdy E. Amin
Real processing IV. The derivation of the Navier–Stokes equation from the principle of minimal deformation pp. 512-522 Downloads
Bernhard Reiser
Fisher information and nonlinear dynamics pp. 523-532 Downloads
M.T. Martin, J. Perez and A. Plastino
Fractional populations in sex-linked inheritance pp. 533-541 Downloads
Seung Pyo Lee, Myung-Hoon Chung, Chul Koo Kim and Kyun Nahm
Economic fluctuations and possible non-linear relations between macroeconomic variables for Brazil pp. 542-552 Downloads
A. Kamimura and S.M.G. Guerra
Multifractal analysis of Hang Seng index in Hong Kong stock market pp. 553-562 Downloads
Xia Sun, Huiping Chen, Ziqin Wu and Yongzhuang Yuan
Some new results on the Levy, Levy and Solomon microscopic stock market model pp. 563-573 Downloads
Elmar Zschischang and Thomas Lux
A characteristic time scale in dollar–yen exchange rates pp. 574-582 Downloads
A.A. Tsonis, F. Heller, H. Takayasu, K. Marumo and T. Shimizu
Scaling in the Donangelo-Sneppen model for evolution of money pp. 583-586 Downloads
Dietrich Stauffer and Jan P. Radomski
Page updated 2025-03-31