Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 561, issue C, 2021
- Detection and reconstruction of catastrophic breaks of high-frequency financial data with local linear scaling approximation

- Jieli Xing, Yongjie Zhang, Gang Chu, Qi Pan and Xiaotao Zhang
- A new method for quantifying network cyclic structure to improve community detection

- Behnaz Moradi-Jamei, Heman Shakeri, Pietro Poggi-Corradini and Michael J. Higgins
- A novel Collaborative Filtering recommendation approach based on Soft Co-Clustering

- Man Li, Luosheng Wen and Feiyu Chen
- Stochastic resonance in two coupled fractional oscillators with potential and coupling parameters subjected to quadratic asymmetric dichotomous noise

- Vishwamittar,, Priyanka Batra and Ribhu Chopra
- A note on “Cluster synchronization of fractional-order directed networks via intermittent pinning control”

- Lingdong Zhao
- State-of-the-art high-rise building emergency evacuation behavior

- Ning Ding, Tao Chen, Yu Zhu and Yang Lu
- Renormalization of quantum coherence and quantum phase transition in the Ising model

- Meng Qin
- Fitting a reversible Markov chain by maximum likelihood: Converting an awkwardly constrained optimization problem to an unconstrained one

- Iain L. MacDonald and Etienne A.D. Pienaar
- The exponential Pareto model with hidden income processes: Evidence from Chile

- Juan D. Díaz, Pablo Gutiérrez Cubillos and Pablo Tapia Griñen
- A general statistical model for waiting times until collapse of a system

- Vivianne Olguín-Arias, Sergio Davis and Gonzalo Gutiérrez
- Global migration topology analysis and modeling of directed flow network 2006–2010

- Idan Porat and Lucien Benguigui
- Coupled propagation dynamics on multiplex activity-driven networks

- Ping Hu, Dongqing Geng, Tao Lin and Li Ding
- Linear stability analysis of heterogeneous traffic flow considering degradations of connected automated vehicles and reaction time

- Zhihong Yao, Taorang Xu, Yangsheng Jiang and Rong Hu
- Traffic intersection characteristics with accidents and evacuation of damaged cars

- R. Marzoug, O. Bamaarouf, N. Lakouari, B. Castillo-Téllez, M. Castillo Téllez and O. Oubram
- Modeling lane-specific breakdown probabilities at freeway diverge sections

- Kun Xie, Kaan Ozbay, Di Yang, Hong Yang and Yuan Zhu
- Information parity in complex networks

- Aline Viol, Vesna Vuksanović and Philipp Hövel
- Social dilemma in traffic with heterogeneous drivers

- Ricardo Simão and Lucas Wardil
- Influence of multisite interaction on thermodynamics and ground-state degeneracies of frustrated magnetic systems with pyrochlore structure: An exact theoretical analysis

- E. Jurčišinová and M. Jurčišin
- Optimized guidance for building fires considering occupants’ route choices

- X. Lu, H. Blanton, T. Gifford, A. Tucker and N. Olderman
- Altering control modes of complex networks by reversing edges

- Xizhe Zhang, Yuyan Zhu and Yongkang Zhao
- Traffic flow on star graph: Nonlinear diffusion

- Takashi Nagatani
- A study on transmission dynamics of the emerging Candida Auris infections in Intensive Care Units: Optimal control analysis and numerical computations

- U.K. Shyni and R. Lavanya
- Graph-theoretic method on the periodicity of coupled predator–prey systems with infinite delays on a dispersal network

- Chunmei Zhang and Lin Shi
- Social structure formation in a network of agents playing a hybrid of ultimatum and dictator games

- Jan E. Snellman, Rafael A. Barrio and Kimmo K. Kaski
- Cooperation guided by imitation, aspiration and conformity-driven dynamics in evolutionary games

- Liming Zhang, Changwei Huang, Haihong Li, Qionglin Dai and Junzhong Yang
- Thermostat for a relativistic gas

- Noah Kubli and Hans J. Herrmann
- Combined multiplicative–Heston model for stochastic volatility

- M. Dashti Moghaddam and R.A. Serota
- Dynamic model with super spreaders and lurker users for preferential information propagation analysis

- Minglei Fu, Jun Feng, Dmytro Lande, Oleh Dmytrenko, Dmytro Manko and Ryhor Prakapovich
- Consensus formation on Apollonian networks

- G.A. Alves, T.F.A. Alves, F.W.S. Lima and A. Macedo-Filho
- Stability analysis for a new lattice hydrodynamic model with time-varying delay in sensing traffic flux

- Yu Zhang, Sha Wang, Dong-bo Pan and Geng Zhang
- Parallel Minority Game and it’s application in movement optimization during an epidemic

- Soumyajyoti Biswas and Amit Kr Mandal
- Transfer learning using Tsallis entropy: An application to Gravity Spy

- Zahra Ramezani and Ahmad Pourdarvish
- Density distribution functions of random sequential adsorption on a 2×∞ lattice

- Asher Baram and Azi Lipshtat
- A simple and efficient kinetic model for wealth distribution with saving propensity effect: Based on lattice gas automaton

- Lijie Cui and Chuandong Lin
- Epidemics a la Stauffer

- Paulo Murilo Castro de Oliveira
- Dimension reduction in vertex-weighted exponential random graphs

- Ryan DeMuse and Mei Yin
- On the monotonicity of the critical time in the Constrained-degree percolation model

- Charles S. do Amaral, A.P.F. Atman and Bernardo N.B. de Lima
- Multiscale empirical mode decomposition of density fluctuation images very near above and below the critical point of SF6

- Ana Oprisan, Yves Garrabos, Carole Lecoutre-Chabot and Daniel Beysens
- New feedback control for a novel two-dimensional lattice hydrodynamic model considering driver’s memory effect

- Lixiang Li, Rongjun Cheng and Hongxia Ge
- Shear zone instability of a 2d periodic Euler flow

- Renato Pakter and Yan Levin
- Social Force Model parameter testing and optimization using a high stress real-life situation

- I.M. Sticco, G.A. Frank and C.O. Dorso
- Exploring urban travel patterns using density-based clustering with multi-attributes from large-scaled vehicle trajectories

- Jinjun Tang, Wei Bi, Fang Liu and Wenhui Zhang
- Self-excited Ising game

- A. Antonov, A. Leonidov and A. Semenov
Volume 560, issue C, 2020
- Exploring the behavioral risk chains of accidents using complex network theory in the construction industry

- Shengyu Guo, Xinyu Zhou, Bing Tang and Peisong Gong
- A comparative study on the volatility of EU and China’s carbon emission permits trading markets

- Limei Sun, Meiqi Xiang and Qing Shen
- Circuit dynamics in lobster stomatogastric ganglion based on winnerless competition network

- Hui Lin and Shen-Quan Liu
- Backcasting and forecasting time series using detrended cross-correlation analysis

- Javier E. Contreras-Reyes and Byron Idrovo
- Thermodynamic properties of SnO2/GaAs core/shell nanofiber

- M. Kria, K. Feddi, N. Aghoutane, M. El-Yadri, L.M. Pérez, D. Laroze, F. Dujardin and E. Feddi
- Identification and prediction of bifurcation tipping points using complex networks based on quasi-isometric mapping

- Xiaoyi Peng, Yi Zhao and Michael Small
- Thermodynamic properties of stable and unstable vapor shells around lyophobic nanoparticles

- Alexander K. Shchekin, Liubov A. Gosteva and Tatiana S. Lebedeva
- A link addition method based on uniformity of node degree in interdependent power grids and communication networks

- Tao Wang, Heming Cheng and Xiaoxia Wang
- Computing solitary wave solutions of coupled nonlinear Hirota and Helmholtz equations

- Sudhir Singh, Lakhveer Kaur, R. Sakthivel and K. Murugesan
- Derivation of non-classical stochastic price dynamics equations

- Carey Caginalp and Gunduz Caginalp
- Diffusion entropy analysis and random matrix analysis of the Indian stock market

- Sushil Kumar, Sunil Kumar and Pawan Kumar
- Delocalization and energy dynamics in a one-dimensional disordered nonlinear lattice

- I.F.F. dos Santos, M.O. Sales, A. Ranciaro Neto and F.A.B.F. de Moura
- Entropy analyses of electronic devices with different energy selective electron tunnels

- Jianying Du, Tong Fu, Cong Hu, Shanhe Su and Jincan Chen
- Random deposition with surface relaxation model accompanied by long-range correlated noise

- S. Hosseinabadi, Z. Karimi and A.A. Masoudi
- Pedestrian behavior prediction model with a convolutional LSTM encoder–decoder

- Kai Chen, Xiao Song, Daolin Han, Jinghan Sun, Yong Cui and Xiaoxiang Ren
- Mortality curves using a bit-string aging model

- Arthur M. da Rocha, Aquino L. Espíndola and T.J.P. Penna
- Modeling and analysis of a H1N1 model with relapse and effect of Twitter

- Hai-Feng Huo, Shuang-Lin Jing, Xun-Yang Wang and Hong Xiang
- Effects of mutual traffic redistribution on robustness of interdependent networks to cascading failures under fluctuant load

- Yi Shen, Gang Ren, Ning Zhang, Guohao Song, Qin Wang and Bin Ran
- The smallest possible money unit! When money crashes into the laws of physics

- Espen Gaarder Haug
- The dynamic volatility transmission in the multiscale spillover network of the international stock market

- Xueyong Liu and Cheng Jiang
- Long-range correlation studies in deep earthquakes global series

- Douglas S.R. Ferreira, Jennifer Ribeiro, Paulo S.L. Oliveira, André R. Pimenta, Renato P. Freitas and Andrés R.R. Papa
- Formularization of entropy and anticipation of metastable states using mutual information in one-dimensional traffic flow

- Ayako Miura, Akiyasu Tomoeda and Katsuhiro Nishinari
- Link prediction in recommender systems based on vector similarity

- Zhan Su, Xiliang Zheng, Jun Ai, Yuming Shen and Xuanxiong Zhang
- Follow the evacuation signs or surrounding people during building evacuation, an experimental study

- Yu Zhu, Tao Chen, Ning Ding, Mohcine Chraibi and Wei-Cheng Fan
- Cliques and a new measure of clustering: With application to U.S. domestic airlines

- Steve Lawford and Yll Mehmeti
- Dynamics of conflicting opinions considering rationality

- Chaoqian Wang
- Scaling laws in intra-urban systems and over time at the district level in Shanghai, China

- Gang Xu, Zhibang Xu, Yanyan Gu, Weiqian Lei, Yupiao Pan, Jie Liu and Limin Jiao
- Absolute negative mobility induced by fractional Gaussian noise

- Jia-jian Li, Hui-zhang Xie, Teng-Chao Li and Bao-quan Ai
- The crossover phenomena in surface growth models with height-dependent noise

- A.M. Hashtroud, Danial Ghamari and Saman Moghimi-Araghi
- Induced anisotropy in composite materials with reconfigurable microstructure: Effective medium model with movable percolation threshold

- Andrei A. Snarskii, Mikhail Shamonin, Pavel Yuskevich, Dmitry V. Saveliev and Inna A. Belyaeva
- Multifractal detrended cross-correlation analysis on benchmark cryptocurrencies and crude oil prices

- Majid Mirzaee Ghazani and Reza Khosravi
- Chaotic dynamics in Cournot duopoly model with bounded rationality based on relative profit delegation maximization

- Yu Peng, Yue Xiao, Qian Lu, Xue Wu and Yueru Zhao
- Co-sponsorship analysis of party politics in the 20th National Assembly of Republic of Korea

- Seung Ki Baek, Jonghoon Kim, Song Sub Lee, Woo Seong Jo and Beom Jun Kim
- A time-discrete and zero-adjusted gamma process model with application to degradation analysis

- Kai Song, Jian Shi and Xiaojian Yi
- Properties of Chinese railway network: Multilayer structures based on timetable data

- Hui Zhang, Houdun Cui, Wei Wang and Wenbo Song
- Experimental study on unidirectional pedestrian flows in a corridor with a fixed obstacle and a temporary obstacle

- Weili Wang, Jingjing Zhang, Haicheng Li and Qimiao Xie
- Earnings distributions of scalable vs. non-scalable occupations

- Adriano Maia, Raul Matsushita and Sergio Da Silva
- Predicting foreign currency exchange rates using the numerical solution of the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations

- Agus Kartono, Marina Febriyanti, Setyanto Tri Wahyudi and Irmansyah,
- A computational study of promotion dynamics and organizational efficiency

- Yuan Cheng, Meng Chang and Yanbo Xue
- Two-lane traffic flow model based on regular hexagonal cells with realistic lane changing behavior

- Xue-Cheng Shang, Xin-Gang Li, Dong-Fan Xie, Bin Jia and Rui Jiang
- Magnetic properties of decorated 2D kagome-like lattice

- Nan Si, Xin Su, Jing Meng, Hai-Ling Miao, Yan-Li Zhang and Wei Jiang
- Car-following model for autonomous vehicles and mixed traffic flow analysis based on discrete following interval

- Shuke An, Liangjie Xu, Lianghui Qian, Guojun Chen, Haoshun Luo and Fu Li
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