Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 533, issue C, 2019
- Forecasting Bitcoin volatility: The role of leverage effect and uncertainty

- Miao Yu
- Collective actions from online to offline: External public pressure or internal structural factors

- Peng Lu, Yuan Zhang and Yuan Xiang
- Study on the interval integration effect of vehicle’s self-delayed velocity on traffic stability in micro traffic modeling

- Geng Zhang, Yu Zhang, Dong-bo Pan and Chun-yan Sang
- Multifractality, efficiency and cross-correlations analysis of the American ETF market: Evidence from SPY, DIA and QQQ

- Xiaoyu Zhu and Si Bao
- Tsallis non-extensive statistics and multifractal analysis of the dynamics of a fully-depleted MOSFET nano-device

- I.P. Antoniades, G. Marinos, L.P. Karakatsanis, E.G. Pavlos, S.G. Stavrinides, D. Tassis and G.P. Pavlos
- FLS-based finite-time synchronization of delayed memristive neural networks with interval parameters and nonlinear couplings

- Yicheng Liu and Xiaofeng Liao
- Joint dependence distribution of data set using optimizing Tsallis copula entropy

- Seyedeh Azadeh Fallah Mortezanejad, Gholamreza Mohtashami Borzadaran and Bahram sadeghpour Gildeh
- Statistical properties of qutrit in probability representation of quantum mechanics

- Ashot Avanesov and Man’ko, Vladimir I.
- Solvent granularity in the differential electrical capacitance of supercapacitor and mechanism analysis

- S. Zhou
- Modeling tumorspheres reveals cancer stem cell niche building and plasticity

- L. Benítez, L. Barberis and C.A. Condat
- An extended two-lane lattice hydrodynamic model for traffic flow on curved road with passing

- Ting Wang, Rongjun Cheng and Hongxia Ge
- Opinion dynamics with decentralized proportional–integral control strategy

- Lihui Shang and Shan Chen
- Critical states in Political Trends. How much reliable is a poll on Twitter?

- Lucas Nicolao and Massimo Ostilli
- Photon gas at the Planck scale within the doubly special relativity

- W.S. Chung, A.M. Gavrilik and A.V. Nazarenko
- Exclusion process on an open lattice with fluctuating boundaries

- S.L. Narasimhan and A. Baumgaertner
- Stability analysis of stochastic BAM neural networks with reaction–diffusion, multi-proportional and distributed delays

- Tianyu Wang and Quanxin Zhu
- Stability analysis and the fundamental diagram for mixed connected automated and human-driven vehicles

- Zhihong Yao, Rong Hu, Yi Wang, Yangsheng Jiang, Bin Ran and Yanru Chen
- Accurate control quantum transition in a nonlinear two-level system

- Fu-Quan Dou, Zhi-Ming Yan and Li-Na Hu
- Spectral clustering methods for multiplex networks

- Daryl R. DeFord and Scott D. Pauls
- Are Bitcon returns predictable?: Evidence from technical indicators

- Li Liu
- VIX and volatility forecasting: A new insight

- Hui Wang
- Dynamical analysis of a rumor spreading model with self-discrimination and time delay in complex networks

- Linhe Zhu and Gui Guan
- Local information based resource allocation model for disease suppressing on complex networks

- Ruijie Wang, Xiaolong Chen and Shimin Cai
- Oscillations in the Tsallis income distribution

- Everton M.C. Abreu, Newton J. Moura, Abner D. Soares and Marcelo Ribeiro
- Quantifying the correlation and prediction of daily happiness sentiment and stock return: The Case of Singapore

- Ruwei Zhao
- Improving portfolio performance of renewable energy stocks using robust portfolio approach: Evidence from China

- Lan Bai, Yuntong Liu, Qian Wang and Chen Chen
- Multifractal characteristics analysis of crude oil futures prices fluctuation in China

- Feng Wang, Xin Ye and Congxin Wu
- A car-following model for electric vehicle traffic flow based on optimal energy consumption

- Yongfu Li, Zhenyu Zhong, Kaibi Zhang and Taixiong Zheng
- Turing patterns of an SI epidemic model with cross-diffusion on complex networks

- Moran Duan, Lili Chang and Zhen Jin
- Finite-time synchronization and parameter identification of uncertain fractional-order complex networks

- Hong-Li Li, Jinde Cao, Haijun Jiang and Ahmed Alsaedi
- Influence of geometric correlations on epidemic spreading in multiplex networks

- Dongmei Fan, Guo-Ping Jiang, Yu-Rong Song and Xu Zhang
- The influence of social network structure on stock price disclosure

- Zhaoyuan Wang, Shancun Liu and Haijun Yang
- Effects of sine-Wiener noise on signal propagation in a randomly connected neural network

- Jia Zhao, Ying-Mei Qin and Yan-Qiu Che
- Emergence of Tsallis statistics as a consequence of invariance

- Sergio Davis and Gonzalo Gutiérrez
- Dynamic vaccination game in a heterogeneous mixing population

- Liqun Lu and Yanfeng Ouyang
- Analysis of trends in air temperature at Chinese stations considering the long-range correlation effect

- Dong-Ling Yu, Wen-Jin Li and Yu Zhou
- Chaos based novel non-invasive approach to assess intracranial pressure in the brain using ECG and arterial BP data

- Dipak Ghosh, Sourav Samanta and Shukla Samanta
- Elimination of spiral waves in a two-dimensional Hindmarsh–Rose neural network under long-range interaction effect and frequency excitation

- A.S. Etémé, C.B. Tabi, A. Mohamadou and T.C. Kofané
- Bank multiplex networks and systemic risk

- Shouwei Li, Min Liu, Lei Wang and Kun Yang
- A reliable treatment of residual power series method for time-fractional Black–Scholes European option pricing equations

- Ved Prakash Dubey, Rajnesh Kumar and Devendra Kumar
- Complexity study of q-deformed quantum harmonic oscillator

- Ferhat Nutku, K.D. Sen and Ekrem Aydiner
- Understanding long-term persistence and multifractal behaviors in river runoff: A detailed study over eastern China

- Wenlu Wu, Naiming Yuan, Fenghua Xie and Yanjun Qi
- The effect of “open access” on journal impact factors: A causal analysis of medical journals

- Cui Huang, Xiaoxu Yue, Jing Chen, Weixiao Xu and Jiang Li
- The effect of oil returns on the stock markets network

- Liyan Han, Qiuna Lv and Libo Yin
- Effect of dangerous source on evacuation dynamics in pedestrian counter flow

- Xingli Li, Zhongfei Geng, Hua Kuang, Xuecen Bai and Yanhong Fan
- Dynamics of a reaction–diffusion SVIR model in a spatial heterogeneous environment

- Chao Zhang, Jianguo Gao, Hongquan Sun and Jinliang Wang
- Concluding Gibrat’s law with Turkish firm data

- Yigit Aydogan and Murat Donduran
- Modularized tri-factor nonnegative matrix factorization for community detection enhancement

- Chao Yan and Zhenhai Chang
- Characteristic analysis of the pathway-based weighted network of hypertension-related genes

- Jing-Bo Hu, Huan Wang, Le Wang, Chuan-Yun Xu, Ke-Fei Cao and Xu-Sheng Zhang
- Modular structure in C. elegans neural network and its response to external localized stimuli

- Carolina A. Moreira and Marcus A.M. de Aguiar
- When is sync globally stable in sparse networks of identical Kuramoto oscillators?

- Yury Sokolov and G. Bard Ermentrout
- Simulating high-Mach-number compressible flows with shock waves via Hermite-expansion-based lattice Boltzmann method

- Qing Liu, Xiang-Bo Feng and Cai-Wu Lu
- Analysing exposure diversity in collaborative recommender systems—Entropy fusion approach

- R. Latha and R. Nadarajan
- Forecasting the upper bound free energy difference between protein native-like structures

- Jorge A. Vila
- A complexity measure for heart rate signals

- Jiayi He, Pengjian Shang and Jing Wang
- Returns to scale in a spatial Solow–Swan economic growth model

- Joao Plinio Juchem Neto, J.C.R. Claeyssen and S.S. Pôrto Júnior
- Generalized Ait-Sahalia-type interest rate model with Poisson jumps and convergence of the numerical approximation

- Shounian Deng, Chen Fei, Weiyin Fei and Xuerong Mao
- Emergency evacuation with incomplete information in the presence of obstacles

- Qiaoru Li, Yuechao Gao, Liang Chen and Zengxin Kang
- Remark on protein collapse from a random walk

- Ramzi Khuri
- Permanence and extinction of a stochastic hybrid population model with Allee effect

- Weiming Ji
- Exact solution of the functional Fokker–Planck equation for cell growth with asymmetric cell division

- C.F. Lo
- Critical properties of a vector-mediated epidemic process

- F.L. Santos, M.L. Almeida, E.L. Albuquerque, A. Macedo-Filho, M.L. Lyra and U.L. Fulco
- The equation of state of symmetric extended Lennard-Jones fluids

- Xiaohong Yang and Weiling Zhu
- Reconstruction of substrate’s diffusion landscape by the wavelet analysis of single particle diffusion tracks

- Eugene B. Postnikov and Igor M. Sokolov
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