Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 279, issue 1, 2000
- Periodic sequential kinetic models with jumping, branching and deaths pp. 1-20

- Anatoly B. Kolomeisky and Michael E. Fisher
- On thermostats and entropy production pp. 21-29

- Henk van Beijeren and J.R. Dorfman
- Deviations from fluctuation–relaxation relations pp. 30-36

- Robert H. Kraichnan
- The existence of Burnett coefficients in the periodic Lorentz gas pp. 37-44

- N.I. Chernov and C.P. Dettmann
- Toward a canonical-Hamiltonian and microscopic field theory of classical liquids pp. 45-59

- Ph. Choquard
- Possible existence of an extraordinary phase in the driven lattice gas pp. 60-68

- R.K.P. Zia, L.B. Shaw and B. Schmittmann
- Ballistic aggregation: a solvable model of irreversible many particles dynamics pp. 69-99

- L. Frachebourg, Ph.A. Martin and J. Piasecki
- Coarsening in the Ising model with vacancy dynamics pp. 100-109

- P Fratzl, O Penrose, R Weinkamer and I Žižak
- Nucleation in fluids: some rigorous results pp. 110-122

- F. den Hollander, E. Olivieri and E. Scoppola
- Spatial particle condensation for an exclusion process on a ring pp. 123-142

- N. Rajewsky, T. Sasamoto and E.R. Speer
- Critical properties of nonequilibrium anisotropic lattice gases pp. 143-150

- P.L. Garrido and J. Marro
- Correlations in a one-dimensional hysteresis model pp. 151-158

- J.C. Kimball, H.L. Frisch and L. Senapati
- Zero-temperature dynamics of Ising spin systems following a deep quench: results and open problems pp. 159-168

- C.m Newman and D.l Stein
- Walks in rigid environments pp. 169-179

- Leonid A. Bunimovich
- Perturbation theory, asymptotic series and the renormalisation group pp. 180-187

- Geoffrey B West
- Finite size effects on the phase diagram of a binary mixture confined between competing walls pp. 188-194

- M Müller, K Binder and E.v Albano
- Wetting and non-wetting near critical points in solids pp. 195-202

- J.w Cahn
- Unified approach to prewetting and wetting phase transitions pp. 203-212

- I. Ispolatov and B. Widom
- SCOZA critical exponents and scaling in three dimensions pp. 213-223

- J.s Høye, D Pini and G Stell
- Variational extensions of the mean spherical approximation pp. 224-235

- L. Blum and M. Ubriaco
- Fermion Monte Carlo for continuum systems pp. 236-243

- M.H. Kalos and F. Pederiva
- On the convergence of cluster expansions pp. 244-249

- Salvador Miracle-Sole
- A mathematical approach to universality in two dimensions pp. 250-259

- Thomas Spencer
- Another derivation of a sum rule for the two-dimensional two-component plasma pp. 260-267

- B. Jancovici, P. Kalinay and L. Šamaj
- Statistical mechanics of dipolar fluids: dielectric constant and sample shape pp. 268-286

- A. Alastuey and V. Ballenegger
- Phase diagram of a model alloy with lattice misfit pp. 287-295

- D Fischer and P Nielaba
- Lattice model for ordering in two-dimensional plastic crystals pp. 296-302

- John W. Perram, Eigil Præstgaard and Edgar R. Smith
- Poisson approximation for large contours in low-temperature Ising models pp. 303-311

- Pablo A. Ferrari and Pierre Picco
- Lebowitz inequalities for Ashkin–Teller systems pp. 312-323

- L Chayes and K Shtengel
- Chromatic polynomials, Potts models and all that pp. 324-332

- Alan D Sokal
- Logarithmic moments of characteristic polynomials of random matrices pp. 333-341

- Edouard Brézin and Shinobu Hikami
- Statistical self-similarity of one-dimensional growth processes pp. 342-352

- Michael Prähofer and Herbert Spohn
- Statistical mechanics approach to some problems in conformal geometry pp. 353-368

- Michael K.-H. Kiessling
- Constructive fractional-moment criteria for localization in random operators pp. 369-377

- Michael Aizenman, Jeffrey H Schenker, Roland M Friedrich and Dirk Hundertmark
- Singlets and reflection symmetric spin systems pp. 378-385

- Elliott H. Lieb and Peter Schupp
- On kink states of ferromagnetic chains pp. 386-397

- Ky-Thuan Bach and Nicolas Macris
- Ground state energy of a non-integer number of particles with δ attractive interactions pp. 398-407

- Éric Brunet and Bernard Derrida
- The fermionic correlation functions of the Falicov–Kimball model pp. 408-415

- Alain Messager
- Scattering theory from microscopic first principles pp. 416-431

- Detlef Dürr, Sheldon Goldstein, Stefan Teufel and Nino Zanghı̀
- Quantum averaging for driven systems with resonances pp. 432-442

- H.R. Jauslin, S. Guérin and S. Thomas
- Econophysics: financial time series from a statistical physics point of view pp. 443-456

- Vasiliki Plerou, Parameswaran Gopikrishnan, Bernd Rosenow, Luis A.N. Amaral and H.Eugene Stanley
- Super-paramagnetic clustering of yeast gene expression profiles pp. 457-464

- G. Getz, E. Levine, E. Domany and M.Q. Zhang
Volume 278, issue 3, 2000
- Dynamic scaling for crack growth in a medium containing many initial defects pp. 295-303

- Saburo Nishiuma and Sasuke Miyazima
- Relaxation function and dynamic exponent for discrete growth models pp. 304-311

- Jin Min Kim, Jae Hwan Lee, In-mook Kim, Jin Yang and Youngki Lee
- Anderson transition driven by running fractal dimensions in a fractal-shaped structure pp. 312-326

- R. Ugajin, S. Hirata and Y. Kuroki
- Thermal equilibrium polarization: a near-surface effect in dipolar-based molecular crystals pp. 327-336

- H. Bebie and J. Hulliger
- Nonextensive boson gas and specific heat of 4He superfluid pp. 337-346

- Qiuping A Wang, Michel Pezeril and Alain Le Méhauté
- Remarks on the depletion interaction between nanoparticles and flexible polymers pp. 347-355

- T Odijk
- Effective interface models for ternary amphiphilic systems: thin–thick, first-order and continuous wetting transitions pp. 356-389

- F. Clarysse and C.J. Boulter
- On periodic solutions of parametrically excited complex non-linear dynamical systems pp. 390-404

- Gamal M. Mahmoud and Shaban A.H. Aly
- A Monte-Carlo approach to Poisson–Boltzmann like free-energy functionals pp. 405-413

- Markus Deserno
- Reducing quasi-ergodicity in a double well potential by Tsallis Monte Carlo simulation pp. 414-427

- Masao Iwamatsu and Yutaka Okabe
- The relativistic kinetic formalism revisited pp. 428-439

- Alfredo Sandoval-Villalbazo and L.s Garcı́a-Colı́n
- Macroscopical matter derived from quantum field theory pp. 440-446

- G. Domenech and M.L. Levinas
- Integral equation theory for molecular fluids: effect of quadrupolar interactions pp. 447-468

- Sushma Gupta, Jokhan Ram and Ram Chandra Singh
- Quantum limit of the laser line width in chaotic cavities and statistics of residues of scattering matrix poles pp. 469-496

- H. Schomerus, K.M. Frahm, M. Patra and C.W.J. Beenakker
- Generalized scaling in nonscaling diffusion pp. 497-503

- A. Bershadskii
- Response theory for random channel kinetics in complex systems. Application to lifetime distributions of active intermediates pp. 504-525

- Marcel O. Vlad, Federico Moran and John Ross
- Temporal kinetic oscillations in the oxidation of carbon monoxide: a subsurface layer effect pp. 526-537

- K.m Khan
- Charge transport in a dynamical system of interacting particles pp. 538-552

- A.a Moreira, A.d Araújo, G.a Farias, J.e Moreira and , J.S.Andrade
- Simple model for the linear temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity of layered cuprates pp. 553-562

- Todor M. Mishonov and Mihail T. Mishonov
- Simulating inbreeding depression through the mutation accumulation theory pp. 563-570

- A.o Sousa, S.Moss de Oliveira and Américo T Bernardes
- Simple model of a limit order-driven market pp. 571-578

- Sergei Maslov
- Strategy selection in the minority game pp. 579-587

- R D'hulst and G.j Rodgers
Volume 278, issue 1, 2000
- Surface magnetism of a semi-infinite decorated Ising system pp. 1-17

- T Kaneyoshi and S Shin
- Diffusion of Brownian particles governed by fluctuating friction pp. 18-31

- J Łuczka, P Talkner and P Hänggi
- Transient pores in stretched vesicles: role of leak-out pp. 32-51

- F. Brochard-Wyart, P.G. de Gennes and O. Sandre
- Multiple reentrance and fractal phase boundaries in the Barker–Fock model pp. 52-64

- Michinari Momma and James S. Walker
- Experimental analysis of self-affine fractured rock surfaces through shadow length measurements pp. 65-86

- J.M. Boffa, C. Allain and J.P. Hulin
- The behavior of closed inextensible membranes in linear and quadratic shear flows pp. 87-106

- Piero Olla
- Boundary value problems for fractional diffusion equations pp. 107-125

- Ralf Metzler and Joseph Klafter
- Sensitivity analysis of the stochastically and periodically forced Brusselator pp. 126-139

- I.a Bashkirtseva and L.b Ryashko
- Maximum entropy approach to nonlinear modeling pp. 140-149

- L Diambra
- Time rescaling and generalized entropy in relation to the internal measurement concept pp. 150-160

- I Rojdestvenski and M.g Cottam
- Monte Carlo simulation of the uniform shear flow in a dense rough sphere fluid pp. 161-180

- Aldo Frezzotti
- Crossover of the antiferromagnet Heisenberg to XY model pp. 181-187

- J.Ricardo de Sousa, Ijanı́lio G Araújo and J.a Plascak
- XY model on a four-layer triangular lattice with competition between ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic layers pp. 188-200

- Yi Wang, Yasushi Honda and Tsuyoshi Horiguchi
- Path integral approach to the nonextensive canonical density matrix pp. 201-213

- E.K. Lenzi, L.C. Malacarne and R.S. Mendes
- Transition from quantum to classical Heisenberg trimers: thermodynamics and time correlation functions pp. 214-221

- D. Mentrup, H.-J. Schmidt, J. Schnack and M. Luban
- Complete renormalization method beyond the conventional on-shell renormalization in both nonrelativistic and relativistic QED: renormalized expressions for the U-matrix and the spectral line shape pp. 222-234

- J. Seke
- Multifractal analysis of first-order phase transitions in an Ising system with four-spin interactions pp. 235-242

- W Jeżewski
- On the role of probability amplitudes in cell aggregation: an approach study towards morphogenesis pp. 243-259

- Bardo E.J Bodmann and José C.M Mombach
- Black–Scholes option pricing within Itô and Stratonovich conventions pp. 260-274

- J Perelló, J.m Porrà, Miquel Montero and J Masoliver
- Evidence of multi-affinity in the Japanese stock market pp. 275-281

- Hiroaki Katsuragi
- Power-law distribution of family names in Japanese societies pp. 282-288

- Sasuke Miyazima, Youngki Lee, Tomomasa Nagamine and Hiroaki Miyajima
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