Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 89, issue 3, 1977
- Thermodynamic properties of ferromagnets with uniaxial and biaxial anisotropy pp. 431-460

- R. Micnas
- Hydrodynamic equations and VH light scattering from binary mixtures of fluids of nonspherical molecules pp. 461-480

- B.M. Aizenbud and N.D. Gershon
- The Vlasov equation for systems with velocity dependent interactions pp. 481-500

- P. Goldstein and L.A. Turski
- Classical and quantum statistical mechanics in a common Liouville space pp. 501-521

- S. Twareque Ali and E. Prugovečki
- Monte-Carlo study of the Maier-Saupe model on square and triangle lattices pp. 522-538

- Raymond D. Mountain and Th.W. Ruijgrok
- Effect of long-range intermolecular forces on the drag of an oscillating disk and on the viscosity of gases pp. 539-554

- J. Clark, J. Kestin and V.L. Shah
- Convex-envelope formulation for separable many-particle interactions pp. 555-568

- J.H.H. Perk, H.W. Capel and L.W.J. den Ouden
- Measurements of the viscosity of compressed gaseous and liquid oxygen pp. 569-582

- W.M. Haynes
- Inequalities among static and dynamic critical-point exponents pp. 583-596

- Moorad Alexanian and J. Pablo Martínez-Garcilazo
- Phase transitions with several order parameters pp. 597-604

- L.S. Schulman
- Fokker-Planck equation for a periodic potential pp. 605-612

- Amal K. Das and P. Schwendimann
- Structure factor for a Bose fluid pp. 613-625

- K.M. Khanna and O.P. Sinha
- Calculation of sound velocity and structure factor for interacting bosons pp. 626-630

- K.M. Khanna and S.N. Mehrotra
Volume 89, issue 2, 1977
- Relativistic Boltzmann theory for a plasma pp. 225-244

- H. van Erkelens and W.A. van Leeuwen
- The dynamical longitudinal correlation function of the Heisenberg model at low temperature II. The hydrodynamic regime pp. 245-264

- G. Dewel
- Time-dependent xx-correlation functions in the one-dimensional XY-model pp. 265-303

- J.H.H. Perk and H.W. Capel
- Time correlation functions and ergodic properties in the alternating XY-chain pp. 304-325

- J.H.H. Perk, H.W. Capel and Th.J. Siskens
- Stochastic analysis of a nonequilibrium phase transition: Some exact results pp. 326-338

- G. Nicolis and J.W. Turner
- On the diffusion operator of the multivariate master equation pp. 339-352

- C. Van Den Broeck, W. Horsthemke and M. Malek-Mansour
- On the interaction of a black-body radiation field with a photoconductor pp. 353-362

- K.M. van Vliet and R.J.J. Zijlstra
- Quantum crystal with jumps of particles pp. 363-372

- V.I. Yukalov
- Hydrodynamic interaction between two spheres pp. 373-384

- B.U. Felderhof
- Intrinsic viscosity and friction coefficient of permeable macromolecules in solution pp. 385-396

- F.W. Wiegel and P.F. Mijnlieff
- Distribution of pore-size in an exactly solvable two-dimensional biomembrane model pp. 397-407

- F.W. Wiegel
- On the correct forms of the transport coefficients for a relativistic gas of hard spheres pp. 408-410

- J.L. Anderson and A.J. Kox
- Investigation of the stability of Boltzmann's collision equation by a family of Lyapunov functionals pp. 411-418

- W. Maass
- About the MFA transition temperature for the transverse ising model with a dipolar interaction pp. 419-426

- Martine Dumont
- Comments on renormalization group series pp. 427-430

- Arnold J.F. Siegert, David J. Vezzetti and Harvey S. Leff
Volume 89, issue 1, 1977
- Fokker-Planck description of classical systems with application to critical dynamics pp. 1-36

- C.P. Enz
- A simple way of understanding some exact results on critical phenomena in non-homogeneous and finite Ising systems II pp. 37-56

- I. Decker and H. Hahn
- The exact nonlinear driven response of a one-dimensional gas pp. 57-72

- J.P. Karkheck
- Experimental investigation of the nonequilibrium velocity distribution function in a heat conducting gas pp. 73-89

- F. Baas, P. Oudeman, H.F.P. Knaap and J.J.M. Beenakker
- Isotopic thermal diffusion factors of the noble gases pp. 90-96

- C.M. Santamaría, J.M. Savirón, J.C. Yarza and J.A. Carrión
- Statistical mechanics of one-dimensional Ising and Potts models with exponential interactions pp. 97-112

- K.S. Viswanathan and D.H. Mayer
- Relativistic Boltzmann theory for a plasma pp. 113-126

- H. Van Erkelens and W.A. Van Leeuwen
- Theory of the self-diffusion (spin diffusion) coefficient of an electron gas pp. 127-138

- S. Fujita
- Transport properties determinations of the one-dimensional, half-filled band Holstein-Frölich modified Hubbard model pp. 139-148

- J.O. Lawson
- Three-phase equation of state by the lattice gas model pp. 149-162

- E.M. Chan and T. Tanaka
- Transition amplitudes and probabilities for the Weinberg-Salam model pp. 163-174

- Th.J. Siskens and Ch.G. Van Weert
- Renormalization and scaling of a two-dimensional Ising system in a transverse field at Tc>0 pp. 175-190

- A.L. Stella and F. Toigo
- The interaction of a solitary wave solution with phonons in a one-dimensional model for displacive structural phase transitions pp. 191-204

- W. Hasenfratz and R. Klein
- Current density and field fluctuations in a conducting medium pp. 205-212

- B.U. Felderhof
- The structure factor and the transport properties of dense fluids having molecules with square well potential, a possible generalization pp. 213-218

- R.V. Sharma and K.C. Sharma
- On the second dielectric virial coefficient of nonspherical polar fluids pp. 219-222

- S. Singh
Volume 88, issue 3, 1977
- A stochastic approach to the kinetic theory of gases pp. 407-424

- M. Malek-Mansour, L. Brenig and W. Horsthemke
- The laws of relativistic thermodynamics pp. 425-434

- S.R. de Groot
- Acceleration of test particles in one-dimensional random force fields pp. 435-451

- R.J.P. Grappin
- The temperature dependence of the viscomagnetic effect in the hydrogen isotopes pp. 452-477

- P.G. Van Ditzhuyzen, L.J.F. Hermans and H.F.P. Knaap
- A theory of electric polarization in liquids pp. 478-496

- M. Omini
- Generating functional approach to the Green's functions diagrammatic technique for spin and pseudospin lattice systems pp. 497-516

- K. Walasek
- Generating functional approach to the Green's functions diagrammatic technique for spin and pseudospin lattice systems II. Diagrammatic method for generalized Pauli operators pp. 517-534

- K. Walasek
- Influence d'une microstructure dans l'absorption integree des liquides polaires pp. 535-550

- G. Bossis
- Transient motions of bi-lattices pp. 551-560

- Adnan H. Nayfeh
- A fluctuation problem in particle transport theory II pp. 561-573

- M.M.R. Williams
- Brownian motion and fluctuating hydrodynamics II; A fluctuation-dissipation theorem for the slip coefficient pp. 574-582

- D. Bedeaux, A.M. Albano and P. Mazur
- Glass-like phase on the close packed lattices pp. 583-590

- S. Katsura
- Microscopic theory of the long-wavelength modes of two-component plasmas and ionic liquids pp. 591-599

- Marc Baus
- Photon time-interval statistics of laser light scattered by brownian particles pp. 600-606

- J. Timmermans and R.J.J. Zijlstra
- On the electronic energy spectrum of linear models for disordered systems pp. 607-613

- L. Scheire
Volume 88, issue 2, 1977
- Stochastic theory of nonlinear rate processes with multiple stationary states pp. 191-214

- Irwin Oppenheim, Kurt E. Shuler and George H. Weiss
- Molecular hydrodynamics of inhomogeneous systems: The origin of slip boundary conditions pp. 215-241

- D. Ronis, J. Kovac and I. Oppenheim
- The viscosity and diffusion coefficients of eighteen binary gaseous systems pp. 242-260

- J. Kestin, H.E. Khalifa, S.T. Ro and W.A. Wakeham
- Long time behaviour of correlation functions in Heisenberg paramagnets pp. 261-282

- P. Borckmans, G. Dewel and D. Walgraef
- Herleitung kinetischer gleichungen mit dem verallgemeinerten Stratonovich-Verfahren pp. 283-304

- G. Gerlich and H. Kagermann
- Fluctuations in the diffusion of particles in a non-uniform medium pp. 305-318

- B.U. Felderhof
- Microscopic theory of the long-wavelength modes of two component plasmas and ionic liquids pp. 319-335

- Marc Baus
- Microscopic theory of the long-wavelength modes of two-component plasmas and ionic liquids pp. 336-346

- Marc Baus
- The principle of corresponding states and the dynamic properties of simple liquids pp. 347-361

- Jacques Rouch, Jean-Pierre Boon and Paul A. Fleury
- Cooperative decay of a linear chain of molecules including explicit spatial dependence pp. 362-374

- Y. Ben-Aryeh and S. Ruschin
- Dispersion forces between closed shell atoms pp. 375-384

- H.N.W. Lekkerkerker, Ph. Coulon and R. Luyckx
- Dielectric alignment of a non-polar molecule substituting a polar molecule in a lattice of molecular dipoles pp. 385-394

- J. Biemond
- Vibrational relaxation in CD4 and CD4-rare gas mixtures pp. 395-406

- M.H. De Vasconcelos
Volume 88, issue 1, 1977
- Flow birefringence in gases of linear and symmetric top molecules pp. 1-33

- F. Baas, J.N. Breunese, H.F.P. Knaap and J.J.M. Beenakker
- Flow birefringence in gaseous mixtures pp. 34-43

- F. Bass, J.N. Breunese and H.F.P. Knaap
- Heat-flow birefringence in gaseous O2 pp. 44-52

- F. Baas, P. Oudeman, H.F.P. Knaap and J.J.M. Beenakker
- The viscomagnetic effect in polar gases pp. 53-87

- P.G. van Ditzhuyzen, B.J. Thijsse, L.K. Van Der Meij, L.J.F. Hermans and H.F.P. Knaap
- The effective shear viscosity of a uniform suspension of spheres pp. 88-121

- D. Bedeaux, R. Kapral and P. Mazur
- Kinetic theory of reacting systems pp. 135-157

- Byung Chan Eu and Kin-Wah Li
- On surface integrals for triple collision integrals in kinetic theory of gases pp. 158-171

- Byung Chan Eu
- The laws of relativistic thermodynamics pp. 172-182

- S.R. de Groot
- The laws of relativistic thermodynamics pp. 183-189

- S.R. de Groot
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