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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 204, issue 1, 1994

Polymer adsorption at liquid/air interfaces under lateral pressure pp. 1-16 Downloads
Vered Aharonson, David Andelman, Anton Zilman, Philip A. Pincus and Elie Raphaël
Slippage of an entangled polymer melt on a grafted surface pp. 17-39 Downloads
Armand Adjari, Françoise Brochard-Wyart, Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, Ludwik Leibler, Jean-Louis Viovy and Michael Rubinstein
Multiple phases of protien gels pp. 40-46 Downloads
Masahiko Annaka and Toyoichi Tanaka
Structural aspects of a three-dimensional lattice model for the glass transition of polymer melts: a Monte Carlo simulation pp. 47-75 Downloads
Jörg Baschnagel and Kurt Binder
Phase separation in liquids due to quench by cessation of shear pp. 76-86 Downloads
D. Beysens, F. Perrot and T. Baumberger
Stable localized solutions in nonlinear optics with large dissipation pp. 87-95 Downloads
Helmut R. Brand and Robert J. Deissler
Fluctuation effects on dendritic growth morphology pp. 96-110 Downloads
E. Brener, T. Ihle, H. Müller-Krumbhaar, Y. Saito and K. Shiraishi
Selection, stability and renormalization pp. 111-133 Downloads
Lin-Yuan Chen, Nigel Goldenfeld, Y. Oono and Glenn Paquette
Universality of critical phenomena in complex fluids pp. 134-151 Downloads
S.H. Chen, J. Rouch and P. Tartaglia
Dynamic scattering function of a dense suspension of hard spheres pp. 152-168 Downloads
B. Cichocki and B.U. Felderhof
Relaxational dynamics in supercooled liquids: experimental tests of the mode coupling theory pp. 169-201 Downloads
H.Z. Cummins, G. Li, W.M. Du and J. Hernandez
Theory of adiabatic spinodal decomposition in pressure-quenched binary fluids pp. 202-211 Downloads
James P. Donley and J.S. Langer
Formation of space-time structure in a forest-fire model pp. 212-229 Downloads
B. Drossel and F. Schwabl
Singular crossover function for critical diffusion in a fluid pp. 230-236 Downloads
Richard A. Ferrell
Role of inertia in the late stage of the phase separation of a fluid pp. 237-245 Downloads
Hiroshi Furukawa
Nucleation in the presence of shear pp. 246-260 Downloads
W.I. Goldburg and K.Y. Min
Late stage spinodal decomposition in binary critical fluids: scaling function obtained over a wide q-space of 4 orders of magnitude pp. 261-276 Downloads
Takeji Hashimoto, Hiroshi Jinnai, Hirokazu Hasegawa and Charles C. Han
Pseudo-solitons in fluidized beds pp. 277-289 Downloads
Hisao Hayakawa, Teruhisa S. Komatsu and Toshio Tsuzuki
Finite N analysis of matrix models for an n-Ising spin on a random surface pp. 290-305 Downloads
Shinobu Hikami
Study of the α and β relaxations in a supercooled fluid via molecular-dynamics simulations pp. 306-327 Downloads
Yasuaki Hiwatari, Jun Matsui, Kentaroh Uehara, Tadashi Muranaka, Hiroh Miyagawa, Masako Takasu and Takashi Odagaki
Spin dynamics in the two-dimensional percolating Ising antiferromagnet pp. 328-340 Downloads
Hironobu Ikeda
Conditional averages in convective turbulence pp. 341-345 Downloads
Leo P. Kadanoff
Hydrochemical soliton due to thermocapillary instability in Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction pp. 346-358 Downloads
Shoichi Kai and Hidetoshi Miike
Metal-insulator transition in granular metallic films pp. 359-366 Downloads
Arisato Kawabata
Scaled phase separation in a critical nonionic surfactant solution pp. 367-377 Downloads
K. Kubota, N. Kuwahara, M. Sakazume and H. Eda
Critical dynamics of random copolymer melts pp. 378-398 Downloads
V. Kumaran and Glenn H. Fredrickson
Small-angle Rayleigh scattering from nonequilibrium fluctuations in liquids and liquid mixtures pp. 399-436 Downloads
W.B. Li, P.N. Segrè, R.W. Gammon and J.V. Sengers
Theory of unstable growth pp. 437-449 Downloads
Gene F. Mazenko
Orientation effect on grain growth pp. 450-463 Downloads
Tatsuzo Nagai, Kazuhiro Fuchizaki and Kyozi Kawasaki
Trapping diffusion model for glass transition and slow dynamics in supercooled liquids pp. 464-481 Downloads
T. Odagaki, J. Matsui and Y. Hiwatari
Ordering dynamics in a non-conserved system with attractive long range interactions pp. 482-498 Downloads
Takao Ohta and Hisao Hayakawa
Interface motion and slipping layer formation in sheared polymer solutions pp. 499-520 Downloads
Akira Onuki
What does an evaporating surface look like? pp. 521-542 Downloads
Alberto Pimpinelli and Jacques Villain
A scaling theory of living state pp. 543-554 Downloads
Yasuji Sawada
Mode coupling in nonequilibrium granular flow systems pp. 555-605 Downloads
Jeremy Schofield and Irwin Oppenheim
Tilt stripe textures in Langmuir monolayers of fatty acids pp. 606-615 Downloads
Daniel K. Schwartz, Jaime Ruiz-Garcia, Xia Qiu, Jonathan V. Selinger and Charles M. Knobler
Growth instability of quasi two-dimensional crystals pp. 616-624 Downloads
Ken Sekimoto
Effects of thermal noise in Taylor-Couette flow with corotation and axial through-flow pp. 625-649 Downloads
J.B. Swift, Kenneth L. Babcock and P.C. Hohenberg
Slow dynamics in 3D ± J Heisenberg spin glass; Monte Carlo analysis of auto-correlation functions of individual spins pp. 650-659 Downloads
H. Takayama and H. Yoshino
Phase formation of two-component physical gels pp. 660-672 Downloads
Fumihiko Tanaka and Masahiko Ishida
On the theory of late-stage phase separation in off-critically quenched binary systems pp. 673-692 Downloads
Michio Tokuyama and Yoshihisa Enomoto
A simplified interface dynamics pp. 693-701 Downloads
Hiroyuki Tomita
A mean field study of a very thin ferromagnet pp. 702-740 Downloads
Dimo I. Uzunov and Masuo Suzuki
Pattern formation in a rotating fluid: Küppers-Lortz instability pp. 741-754 Downloads
Hao-wen Xi, J.D. Gunton and Gregory A. Markish
Spatiotemporal chaos induced by a multiplicative noise process pp. 755-769 Downloads
T. Yamada, K. Fukushima and H. Fujisaka
Late stage droplet growth pp. 770-788 Downloads
Jian Hua Yao, K.R. Elder, Hong Guo and Martin Grant
Dendritic growth of viscous fingers under linear anisotropy pp. 789-799 Downloads
Jun Yokoyama, Yoshiyuki Kitagawa, Hideaki Yamada and Mitsugu Matsushita

Volume 203, issue 3, 1994

Single cluster dynamics for the infinite range O(n) model pp. 331-346 Downloads
R.C. Brower, N.A. Gross, K.J.M. Moriarty and P. Tamayo
Temperature and disequilibrium dependence of cluster growth pp. 347-358 Downloads
A. Gliozzi, A.C. Levi, M. Menessini and Enrico Scalas
Memorizing all significant foldings of a random RNA chain pp. 359-368 Downloads
Ariel Fernández
Nearest-neighbour heuristics in accelerated algorithms of optimisation problems pp. 369-380 Downloads
Simon C. Lin and H.C. Hsueh
Cluster expansion method in the theory of equilibrium properties of a gas of atoms of which a part is excited pp. 381-413 Downloads
I.R. Yukhnovskii, O.V. Derzhko and R.R. Levitskii
The approach to equilibrium in quantum random walks pp. 414-424 Downloads
Salvador Godoy and E. Braun
Thermodynamic limit in number theory: Riemann-Beurling gases pp. 425-436 Downloads
B.L. Julia
Onsager-Casimir reciprocity relations for open gaseous systems at arbitrary rarefaction pp. 437-456 Downloads
Felix Sharipov
Onsager-Casimir reciprocity relations for open gaseous systems at arbitrary rarefraction pp. 457-485 Downloads
Felix Sharipov
Remarks on the behavior of the Ising chain in the generalized statistics pp. 486-494 Downloads
R.F.S. Andrade
Interplay of exciton or electron transfer and relaxation pp. 495-519 Downloads
V. Čápek
Interplay of exciton or electron transfer and relaxation pp. 520-532 Downloads
V. Čápek
Analytic study of a model of diffusion on a random comblike structure pp. 533-565 Downloads
C. Aslangul, N. Pottier and P. Chvosta
Diffusion-limited aggregation with Eden growth surface kinetics pp. 566-582 Downloads
M.T. Batchelor and B.I. Henry
Effective Hamiltonian for the motion of holes in the Hubbard-Anderson model pp. 583-599 Downloads
M.R.M.J. Traa and W.J. Caspers
Integral representation of exact solutions for the correlation times of rotators in periodic potentials — derivation of asymptotic expansions pp. 600-626 Downloads
W.T. Coffey, D.S.F. Crothers and J.T. Waldron
Stochastic model of phason disorder in quasicrystals pp. 627-639 Downloads
Y. Ishii
Reentrant behaviour in a highly anisotropic system pp. 640-654 Downloads
Carla Buzano and Paolo De Los Rios
The existence of antiparticles seems to forbid violations of statistics pp. 655-670 Downloads
A.B. Govorkov
Correlations in relativistic nuclear matter pp. 671-674 Downloads
M.E. Bracco, F.S. Navarra and M.C. Nemes

Volume 203, issue 2, 1994

Anomalous diffusion on percolating clusters pp. 163-174 Downloads
Štefan Barta
Series analysis of the generalized contact process pp. 175-188 Downloads
Iwan Jensen and Ronald Dickman
Comparison of Monte Carlo results for the 3D Ising interface tension and interface energy with (extrapolated) series expansions pp. 189-213 Downloads
M. Hasenbusch and K. Pinn
Dynamics of the lipid-bilayer membrane taking a vesicle shape pp. 214-242 Downloads
Fujitani Youhei
Multiple-step random walks: Distribution functions from Toeplitz matrices pp. 243-260 Downloads
Douglas Poland
Influence of the boundary on the connective constant of branching structures pp. 261-268 Downloads
Hendrik Moraal
Analytic evaluation of exact transition matrix elements in nonrelativistic hydrogenic atoms pp. 269-283 Downloads
J. Seke
Calculation of the discrete-spectrum Lamb-shift contribution in atomic hydrogen pp. 284-297 Downloads
J. Seke
A general stochastic model for the description of surface reaction systems pp. 298-315 Downloads
J. Mai, V.N. Kuzovkov and W. von Niessen
Phase diagrams of a magnetic multilayer system with disorder interfaces pp. 316-327 Downloads
T. Kaneyoshi and M. Jaščur

Volume 203, issue 1, 1994

The infinite-range mixed-spin ising glass pp. 1-12 Downloads
F.A. da Costa, F.D. Nobre and S.R. Salinas
Coupling constants for stochastic spin systems pp. 13-23 Downloads
M.J. de Oliveira
Dynamics of ferromagnetic particles in suspension; contribution of the energy of anisotropy pp. 24-32 Downloads
M.C. Miguel, J.M. Rubí and A. Pérez-Madrid
Fast and slow sound in the two-temperature model pp. 33-52 Downloads
R.P.C. Schram and G.H. Wegdam
Correlation effects, generalized Brownian motion and anomalous diffusion pp. 53-60 Downloads
K.G. Wang, L.K. Dong, X.F. Wu, F.W. Zhu and T. Ko
Random-matrix theory of parametric correlations in the spectra of disordered metals and chaotic billiards pp. 61-90 Downloads
C.W.J. Beenakker and B. Rejaei
Generating functions for classes of self-avoiding polygons on the square lattice pp. 91-102 Downloads
Hendrik Moraal
The numbers of line-defect self-avoiding polygons and related subgraphs of the square lattice pp. 103-113 Downloads
Hendrik Moraal
Two-particle states in dense hydrogen plasmas with external electric fields pp. 114-124 Downloads
Hagen Haberland and Wolf Dietrich Kraeft
Exact solutions of the semiconductor Boltzmann equation pp. 125-144 Downloads
Ch. Dalitz
The two-hole ground state of the Hubbard-Anderson model, approximated by a variational RVB-type wave function pp. 145-158 Downloads
M.R.M.J. Traa, W.J. Caspers and E.J. Banning
Page updated 2025-03-31