Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 388, issue 24, 2009
- Fermi acceleration with memory-dependent excitation pp. 4927-4935

- Edson D. Leonel and Eraldo P. Marinho
- Heat capacity of the generalized two-atom and many-atom gas in nonextensive statistics pp. 4936-4942

- Lina Guo and Jiulin Du
- Towards a dynamical temperature of finite Hamiltonian systems pp. 4943-4949

- Shiwei Yan, Qi Wang and Shengjun Liu
- Criticality in the randomness-induced second-order phase transition of the triangular Ising antiferromagnet with nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor interactions pp. 4950-4958

- N.G. Fytas and A. Malakis
- Generalized analytical expressions for the burning velocity in a combustion model with non-constant transport coefficients and several specific heats pp. 4959-4972

- Toni Pujol, Joaquim Fort, Lino Montoro and Joan J. Suñol
- Freezing transition in the mean-field approximation model of pedestrian counter flow pp. 4973-4978

- Takashi Nagatani
- Traffic flow on a toll highway with electronic and traditional tollgates pp. 4979-4990

- Kazuhito Komada, Shuichi Masukura and Takashi Nagatani
- Survival of extreme opinions pp. 4991-4998

- Jiann-wien Hsu and Ding-wei Huang
- Evolution of ethnocentrism on undirected and directed Barabási–Albert networks pp. 4999-5004

- F.W.S. Lima, Tarik Hadzibeganovic and Dietrich Stauffer
- The effect of asymmetric payoff mechanism on evolutionary networked prisoner’s dilemma game pp. 5005-5012

- Wen-Bo Du, Xian-Bin Cao and Mao-Bin Hu
- Clustering and synchronization of n Huygens’ clocks pp. 5013-5023

- K. Czolczynski, P. Perlikowski, A. Stefanski and T. Kapitaniak
- Transition from non-synchronization to synchronization of complex networks pp. 5024-5028

- Xin Biao Lu and Bu Zhi Qin
- Multiscale cosmological dynamics pp. 5029-5035

- Claire Chevalier, Fabrice Debbasch and Yann Ollivier
- Hierarchy in the growing scale-free network with local rules pp. 5036-5044

- Peter Náther, Mária Markošová and Boris Rudolf
- Adjusting from disjoint to overlapping community detection of complex networks pp. 5045-5056

- Xiaohua Wang, Licheng Jiao and Jianshe Wu
- Information theoretical methods to deconvolute genetic regulatory networks applied to thyroid neoplasms pp. 5057-5069

- Enrique Hernández-Lemus, David Velázquez-Fernández, Jesús K. Estrada-Gil, Irma Silva-Zolezzi, Miguel F. Herrera-Hernández and Gerardo Jiménez-Sánchez
- On the equilibria of the MAPK cascade: Cooperativity, modularity and bistability pp. 5070-5080

- C. Russo, C. Giuraniuc, R. Blossey and J.-F. Bodart
Volume 388, issue 23, 2009
- Simulation of microchannel flow using the lattice Boltzmann method pp. 4803-4810

- Sheng Chen and Zhiwei Tian
- Phase separation of binary systems pp. 4811-4817

- Tian Ma and Shouhong Wang
- Central limit behavior in the Kuramoto model at the “edge of chaos” pp. 4818-4826

- Giovanna Miritello, Alessandro Pluchino and Andrea Rapisarda
- Synchronized traffic flow simulating with cellular automata model pp. 4827-4837

- Jun-fang Tian, Bin Jia, Xin-gang Li, Rui Jiang, Xiao-mei Zhao and Zi-you Gao
- Probability of large movements in financial markets pp. 4838-4844

- Robert Kitt, Maksim Säkki and Jaan Kalda
- The dynamics of exchange rate time series and the chaos game pp. 4845-4855

- C.P. Cristescu, C. Stan and E.I. Scarlat
- Cooperative behavior in evolutionary snowdrift game with bounded rationality pp. 4856-4862

- Y.C. Ni, C. Xu, P.M. Hui and N.F. Johnson
- Cross-correlation between time series of vehicles and passengers pp. 4863-4866

- G.F. Zebende and A. Machado Filho
- Collaborative filtering based on multi-channel diffusion pp. 4867-4871

- Ming-Sheng Shang, Ci-Hang Jin, Tao Zhou and Yi-Cheng Zhang
- Signal-to-noise analysis of Hopfield neural networks with a formulation of the dynamics in terms of transition probabilities pp. 4872-4886

- F. Reynaga
- On the construction of complex networks with optimal Tsallis entropy pp. 4887-4892

- T. Ochiai and J.C. Nacher
- Coevolution of game and network structure with adjustable linking pp. 4893-4900

- Shao-Meng Qin, Guo-Yong Zhang and Yong Chen
- Comparison of co-occurrence networks of the Chinese and English languages pp. 4901-4909

- Wei Liang, Yuming Shi, Chi Tse, Jing Liu, Yanli Wang and Xunqiang Cui
- Modeling human dialogue–the case of group communications in trunked mobile telephony pp. 4910-4918

- D.G. Xenikos
- Scaling properties of composite information measures and shape complexity for hydrogenic atoms in parallel magnetic and electric fields pp. 4919-4925

- R. González-Férez, J.S. Dehesa, S.H. Patil and K.D. Sen
Volume 388, issue 22, 2009
- Fluctuation theorem for currents in the Spinning Lorentz Gas pp. 4679-4694

- A. Salazar, F. Leyvraz and H. Larralde
- Approximative analytical method for some Langevin dynamical systems pp. 4695-4702

- Emmanuel Pereira
- Nonlinear non-extensive approach for identification of structured information pp. 4703-4712

- Laura Rebollo-Neira and A. Plastino
- Spin compensation temperatures in the mean-field approximation of a mixed spin-2 and spin-5/2 Ising ferrimagnetic system pp. 4713-4718

- Hadey K. Mohamad, E.P. Domashevskaya and A.F. Klinskikh
- Molecular phase space transport in water: Non-stationary random walk model pp. 4719-4726

- Dmitry Nerukh, Vladimir Ryabov and Makoto Taiji
- Long-term oscillations in the sleep/wake cycle of infants pp. 4727-4735

- L. Diambra, C.P. Malta and A. Capurro
- Outbreaks source: A new mathematical approach to identify their possible location pp. 4736-4762

- Massimo Buscema, Enzo Grossi, Marco Breda and Tom Jefferson
- Modeling electricity spot and futures price dependence: A multifrequency approach pp. 4763-4779

- Pekka Malo
- Effect of changing data size on eigenvalues in the Korean and Japanese stock markets pp. 4780-4786

- Cheoljun Eom, Woo-Sung Jung, Taisei Kaizoji and Seunghwan Kim
- Scaling and memory in the return intervals of realized volatility pp. 4787-4796

- Fei Ren, Gao-Feng Gu and Wei-Xing Zhou
- Information traffic in scale-free networks with fluctuations in packet generation rate pp. 4797-4802

- Xiao-Gai Tang and Eric W.M. Wong
Volume 388, issue 21, 2009
- Disorder-induced quantum-Griffiths-like features from a non-conventional renormalization group analysis near four dimensions pp. 4523-4534

- I. Rabuffo, M.T. Mercaldo, Caramico D’Auria, A. and L. De Cesare
- Generalized superstatistics of nonequilibrium Markovian systems pp. 4535-4550

- Ihor Lubashevsky, Rudolf Friedrich, Andreas Heuer and Andrey Ushakov
- Water behavior in the neighborhood of hydrophilic and hydrophobic membranes: Lessons from molecular dynamics simulations pp. 4551-4559

- Osvaldo Chara, Andrés N. McCarthy, C. Gastón Ferrara, Ernesto R. Caffarena and J. Raúl Grigera
- Is the thermodynamic behavior of the noble fluids consistent with the principle of corresponding states? pp. 4560-4572

- V.L. Kulinskii, N.P. Malomuzh and O.I. Matvejchuk
- A fractional mathematical approach to the distribution functions of quantum gases: Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation problem is revisited pp. 4573-4585

- H. Ertik, D. Demirhan, H. Şirin and F. Büyükkılıç
- Variable-order fractional differential operators in anomalous diffusion modeling pp. 4586-4592

- HongGuang Sun, Wen Chen and YangQuan Chen
- Burst distribution in noisy fiber bundles and fuse models pp. 4593-4599

- Sigmund Mongstad Hope and Alex Hansen
- Fractal protein structure revisited: Topological, kinetic and thermodynamic relationships pp. 4600-4608

- E. Tejera, A. Machado, I. Rebelo and J. Nieto-Villar
- Long range correlation of hydrophilicity and flexibility along the calcium binding protein chains pp. 4609-4618

- Dana Craciun, Adriana Isvoran and N.M. Avram
- The distribution of landed property pp. 4619-4623

- Pavel Exner, Petr Šeba and Daniel Vašata
- Market mill dependence pattern in the stock market: Multiscale conditional dynamics pp. 4624-4634

- Sergey Zaitsev, Alexander Zaitsev, Andrei Leonidov and Vladimir Trainin
- Detecting macroeconomic phases in the Dow Jones Industrial Average time series pp. 4635-4645

- Jian Cheng Wong, Heng Lian and Siew Ann Cheong
- Preferential selection promotes cooperation in a spatial public goods game pp. 4646-4650

- Dong-Mei Shi, Han-Xin Yang, Mao-Bin Hu, Wen-Bo Du, Bing-Hong Wang and Xian-Bin Cao
- Prediction feedback in intelligent traffic systems pp. 4651-4657

- Chuan-Fei Dong, Xu Ma, Guan-Wen Wang, Xiao-Yan Sun and Bing-Hong Wang
- A topological phase transition between small-worlds and fractal scaling in urban railway transportation networks? pp. 4658-4668

- Antonio Doménech
- Strength distribution of novel local-world networks pp. 4669-4677

- Ying-Hong Ma, Hui-Jia Li and Xiao-Dong Zhang
Volume 388, issue 20, 2009
- A suggested generalization for the lacunarity index pp. 4305-4314

- J. Vernon-Carter, C. Lobato-Calleros, R. Escarela-Perez, E. Rodriguez and J. Alvarez-Ramirez
- Mixing rules and effective potentials in gaseous mixtures pp. 4315-4327

- Benjamín Ibarra-Tandi and Fernando del Río
- Entropy in quantum ratchet for a delta-kicked model pp. 4328-4332

- Lei Chen, Chuan-Feng Li, Ming Gong and Guang-Can Guo
- A generalized Kolmogorov–Sinai-like entropy under Markov shifts in symbolic dynamics pp. 4333-4344

- Qiang Liu, Ke-Fei Cao and Shou-Li Peng
- Redefined relativistic thermodynamics based on the Nakamura formalism pp. 4345-4356

- G. Ares de Parga and B. López-Carrera
- Energy dissipation and violation of the fluctuation-response relation for harmonic oscillators described by the generalized Langevin equation pp. 4357-4360

- Zhan-Wu Bai
- Turbulence in a gas laser pp. 4361-4363

- M.P. Solon, P. Esguerra and A. Muriel
- Extremum complexity in the monodimensional ideal gas: The piecewise uniform density distribution approximation pp. 4364-4378

- Xavier Calbet and Ricardo López-Ruiz
- A comparative study of the dynamic critical behavior of the four-state Potts like models pp. 4379-4386

- E. Arashiro, H.A. Fernandes and J.R. Drugowich de Felício
- Adsorption of interacting monomers on spanning clusters of polyatomic species pp. 4387-4396

- V. Cornette, A.J. Ramirez-Pastor and F. Nieto
- A quantum statistical approach to simplified stock markets pp. 4397-4406

- F. Bagarello
- Assessing severity of obstructive sleep apnea by fractal dimension sequence analysis of sleep EEG pp. 4407-4414

- J. Zhang, X.C. Yang, L. Luo, J. Shao, C. Zhang, J. Ma, G.F. Wang, Y. Liu, C.-K. Peng and J. Fang
- Economic uncertainty and econophysics pp. 4415-4423

- Christophe Schinckus
- Clustering of volatility in variable diffusion processes pp. 4424-4430

- Gemunu H. Gunaratne, Matthew Nicol, Lars Seemann and Andrei Török
- Visibility graph approach to exchange rate series pp. 4431-4437

- Yue Yang, Jianbo Wang, Huijie Yang and Jingshi Mang
- Statistical dynamics of religion evolutions pp. 4438-4444

- Marcel Ausloos and Filippo Petroni
- Self-organized cooperative behavior and critical penalty in an evolving population pp. 4445-4452

- Chen Xu, P.M. Hui, You-Yang Yu and Guo-Qing Gu
- An entropic measure for the teaching–learning process pp. 4453-4458

- Vijay A. Singh, Praveen Pathak and Pratyush Pandey
- Realizing Wardrop equilibria with real-time traffic information pp. 4459-4474

- L.C. Davis
- On the problem of finding a suitable distribution of students to universities in Germany pp. 4475-4483

- Johannes J. Schneider, Christian Hirtreiter and Ingo Morgenstern
- The emergence of scale-free networks with a seceding mechanism pp. 4484-4490

- Xian-Min Geng, Guang-Hui Wen, Shu-Chen Wan, Jie-Yu Xiong and Ying Wang
- Comparison of cascading failures in small-world and scale-free networks subject to vertex and edge attacks pp. 4491-4498

- Z.J. Bao, Y.J. Cao, L.J. Ding and G.Z. Wang
- Bifurcation in neuronal networks with hub structure pp. 4499-4508

- Hiroyuki Kitajima and Jürgen Kurths
- Evolutionary games on scale-free networks with a preferential selection mechanism pp. 4509-4514

- Wen-Bo Du, Xian-Bin Cao, Lin Zhao and Mao-Bin Hu
- Analysis of expression pathways alterations of Arabidopsis thaliana induced by a Necrosis- and Ethylene-inducing protein pp. 4515-4522

- Marialva Sinigaglia, Mauro A.A. Castro, Sérgio Echeverrigaray, Gonçalo A.G. Pereira and José C.M. Mombach
Volume 388, issue 19, 2009
- A random telegraph signal of Mittag-Leffler type pp. 3991-3999

- Simone Ferraro, Michele Manzini, Aldo Masoero and Enrico Scalas
- Irreversible evolution of a charged spin 1/2 particle analyzed on the basis of subdynamics theory pp. 4000-4016

- S.Eh. Shirmovsky
- Transport and dynamical properties of inertial ratchets pp. 4017-4024

- M.F. Carusela, A.J. Fendrik and L. Romanelli
- Irreversibility, entropy and incomplete information pp. 4025-4033

- Umberto Lucia
- Random walk versus random line pp. 4034-4040

- Joël De Coninck, François Dunlop and Thierry Huillet
- Information conservation, entropy increase and statistical irreversibility for an isolated system pp. 4041-4044

- Qi-Ren Zhang
- The q-gamma and (q,q)-polygamma functions of Tsallis statistics pp. 4045-4060

- Robert K. Niven and Hiroki Suyari
- Bandt–Pompe–Tsallis quantifier and quantum-classical transition pp. 4061-4067

- A.M. Kowalski and A. Plastino
- Asymmetric exclusion processes on m-input n-output junctions with parallel update pp. 4068-4074

- Mingzhe Liu and Ruili Wang
- Phase transitions in Edwards–Anderson model by means of information theory pp. 4075-4082

- E.E. Vogel, G. Saravia, F. Bachmann, B. Fierro and Janine Fischer
- Molecular dynamics analyses of an Al(110) surface pp. 4083-4090

- M.C.G. Lim and Z.W. Zhong
- Estimation of zeta potentials of titania nanoparticles by molecular simulation pp. 4091-4096

- Niall J. English and William F. Long
- Distinct conformational properties determined by implicit and explicit representation of protein–solvent interactions. An analytical and computer simulation study pp. 4097-4104

- L.F.O. Rocha, I.R. Silva and A. Caliri
- Information propagation from IP3 to target protein: A combined model for encoding and decoding of Ca2+ signal pp. 4105-4114

- Qi Zhao, Ming Yi, Kelin Xia and Meng Zhan
- Moment analysis of the Hodgkin–Huxley system with additive noise pp. 4115-4125

- Henry C. Tuckwell and Jürgen Jost
- Short-time behaviour of demand and price viewed through an exactly solvable model for heterogeneous interacting market agents pp. 4126-4144

- Gunter M. Schütz, Fernando Pigeard de Almeida Prado, Rosemary J. Harris and Vladimir Belitsky
- Long term memory in extreme returns of financial time series pp. 4145-4150

- Lev Muchnik, Armin Bunde and Shlomo Havlin
- Microeconomics of the ideal gas like market models pp. 4151-4158

- Anindya S. Chakrabarti and Bikas K. Chakrabarti
- An interplay model for rumour spreading and emergency development pp. 4159-4166

- Zi-li Zhang and Zi-qiong Zhang
- Role of parties in the vote distribution of proportional elections pp. 4167-4170

- L.E. Araripe and R.N. Costa Filho
- Majority-vote model with different agents pp. 4171-4178

- André L.M. Vilela and F.G. Brady Moreira
- The Pareto-positive stable distribution: A new descriptive model for city size data pp. 4179-4191

- José María Sarabia and Faustino Prieto
- A theory of 1/f noise in human cognition pp. 4192-4204

- Paolo Grigolini, Gerardo Aquino, Mauro Bologna, Mirko Luković and Bruce J. West
- Modeling transverse dunes with vegetation pp. 4205-4217

- Marco C.M. de M. Luna, Eric J.R. Parteli, Orencio Durán and Hans J. Herrmann
- Correlations and variability in electrical signals related to earthquake activity pp. 4218-4228

- L. Guzmán-Vargas, A. Ramírez-Rojas, R. Hernández-Pérez and F. Angulo-Brown
- Statistical mechanics characterization of spatio-compositional inhomogeneity pp. 4229-4240

- Ryszard Piasecki
- Chaos from nonlinear Markov processes: Why the whole is different from the sum of its parts pp. 4241-4247

- T.D. Frank
- A spatial weighted network model based on optimal expected traffic pp. 4248-4258

- Jiang-Hai Qian and Ding-Ding Han
- An improved model for structural vulnerability analysis of power networks pp. 4259-4266

- Guo Chen, Zhao Yang Dong, David J. Hill and Guo Hua Zhang
- Characteristics of the network of scientific journals pertaining to Chinese patents pp. 4267-4272

- Xia Gao and Jiancheng Guan
- Effect of the age of papers on the preferential attachment in citation networks pp. 4273-4276

- Mingyang Wang, Guang Yu and Daren Yu
- Betweenness centrality in finite components of complex networks pp. 4277-4285

- Shan He, Sheng Li and Hongru Ma
- The web of connections between tourism companies: Structure and dynamics pp. 4286-4296

- Luciano da Fontoura Costa and Rodolfo Baggio
- Growing networks with preferential deletion and addition of edges pp. 4297-4303

- Maria Deijfen and Mathias Lindholm
Volume 388, issue 18, 2009
- Stability of SIRS system with random perturbations pp. 3677-3686

- Qiuying Lu
- Hurst exponents for interacting random walkers obeying nonlinear Fokker–Planck equations pp. 3687-3694

- Niraj Kumar, G.M. Viswanathan and V.M. Kenkre
- Scattering in thick multifractal clouds, Part I: Overview and single scattering pp. 3695-3710

- B.P. Watson, S. Lovejoy, Y. Grosdidier and D. Schertzer
- Scattering in thick multifractal clouds, Part II: Multiple scattering pp. 3711-3727

- S. Lovejoy, B.P. Watson, Y. Grosdidier and D. Schertzer
- The laws of establishing stationary composition in a droplet condensing in a binary vapor–gas environment pp. 3728-3736

- Fedor M. Kuni, Alexandra A. Lezova and Alexander K. Shchekin
- Phase-space Lagrangian dynamics of incompressible thermofluids pp. 3737-3744

- Marco Tessarotto, Claudio Cremaschini and Massimo Tessarotto
- Measurements of the Kolmogorov constant from laboratory and geophysical wind data pp. 3745-3751

- Guilherme Sausen Welter, Adrián Roberto Wittwer, Gervásio Annes Degrazia, Otávio Costa Acevedo, Osvaldo Luiz Leal de Moraes and Domenico Anfossi
- Jarzynski equation for the expansion of a relativistic gas and black-body radiation pp. 3752-3758

- Roman Nolte and Andreas Engel
- Coherence resonance induced by non-Gaussian noise in a deterministic Hodgkin–Huxley neuron pp. 3759-3764

- Yubing Gong, Yanhang Xie and Yinghang Hao
- Relativistic transport theory for simple fluids to first order in the gradients pp. 3765-3770

- A. Sandoval-Villalbazo, A.L. Garcia-Perciante and L.S. Garcia-Colin
- Perturbative symplectic field theory and Wigner function pp. 3771-3778

- Ronni G.G. Amorim, Faqir C. Khanna, Ademir E. Santana and José David M. Vianna
- Quantum phase transitions in the anisotropic three dimensional XY model pp. 3779-3784

- A.S.T. Pires and B.V. Costa
- Critical behavior of a one-dimensional contact process with time-uncorrelated disorder pp. 3785-3790

- U.L. Fulco, P.H.R. Barbosa and M.L. Lyra
- Signal propagation in stem-cell niches pp. 3791-3797

- Vladimir P. Zhdanov
- Detection of changes in the fractal scaling of heart rate and speed in a marathon race pp. 3798-3808

- Véronique L. Billat, Laurence Mille-Hamard, Yves Meyer and Eva Wesfreid
- Genetic code evolution as an initial driving force for molecular evolution pp. 3809-3825

- Dirson Jian Li and Shengli Zhang
- Information-time based futures pricing pp. 3826-3836

- Simon Yen and Jai Jen Wang
- Characteristics of the volatility in the Korea composite stock price index pp. 3837-3850

- Chang-Yong Lee
- Structure of a financial cross-correlation matrix under attack pp. 3851-3858

- Gyuchang Lim, SooYong Kim, Junghwan Kim, Pyungsoo Kim, Yoonjong Kang, Sanghoon Park, Inho Park, Sang-Bum Park and Kyungsik Kim
- Investigation of privatization by level crossing approach pp. 3859-3865

- M. Vahabi and G.R. Jafari
- Unveiling the connectivity structure of financial networks via high-frequency analysis pp. 3866-3878

- Donatello Materassi and Giacomo Innocenti
- Analysis of price behavior in lazy $-game pp. 3879-3891

- Jun Kiniwa, Takeshi Koide and Hiroaki Sandoh
- Failsafe modes in incomplete minority game pp. 3892-3900

- Xiaobo Yao, Shaolong Wan and Wen Chen
- A modified Galam’s model for word-of-mouth information exchange pp. 3901-3910

- Andrea Ellero, Giovanni Fasano and Annamaria Sorato
- The minority’s success under majority rule pp. 3911-3916

- Gan Huang, Jinde Cao and Yuzhong Qu
- A refined cellular automaton model to rectify impractical vehicular movement behavior pp. 3917-3930

- Lawrence W. Lan, Yu-Chiun Chiou, Zih-Shin Lin and Chih-Cheng Hsu
- Assigning on-ramp flows to maximize highway capacity pp. 3931-3938

- Qiao-Ming Wang, Rui Jiang, Xiao-Yan Sun and Bing-Hong Wang
- To how many politicians should government be left? pp. 3939-3947

- Peter Klimek, Rudolf Hanel and Stefan Thurner
- Jamming transition in air transportation networks pp. 3948-3954

- Lucas Lacasa, Miguel Cea and Massimiliano Zanin
- A complex network model based on the Gnutella protocol pp. 3955-3960

- Xiaoguang Qi, Guang Yue, Liang Zhang and Mingfeng He
- Applications of the master equation of a two-level atom in a narrow-bandwidth squeezed vacuum pp. 3961-3968

- A.-S.F. Obada, S. Abdel-Khalek, M.M.A. Ahmed and D.A.M. Abo-Kahla
- The minimum description length principle for probability density estimation by regular histograms pp. 3969-3984

- François Chapeau-Blondeau and David Rousseau
- The Fibonacci quantum walk and its classical trace map pp. 3985-3990

- A. Romanelli
Volume 388, issue 17, 2009
- Deep information from limited observation of robust yet fragile systems pp. 3283-3287

- Randall A. LaViolette, Kristin Glass and Richard Colbaugh
- On the effective density for compressible flow in porous media pp. 3288-3296

- F.J. Valdes-Parada, A. Soria, J.A. Ochoa-Tapia and J. Alvarez-Ramirez
- The thermodynamic properties of normal liquid helium 3 pp. 3297-3306

- M. Modarres and H.R. Moshfegh
- Geometry of nematic liquid crystals under shearing flow pp. 3307-3314

- M. Simões, F.S. Alves and A.J. Palangana
- Granular gas of viscoelastic particles in a homogeneous cooling state pp. 3315-3324

- A.S. Bodrova and N.V. Brilliantov
- Spatial arrangements of particles with different mobility tendencies in a model glass-former pp. 3325-3333

- D. Malaspina, E.P. Schulz, M.A. Frechero and G.A. Appignanesi
- Simulations of flexible membranes using a coarse-grained particle-based model with spontaneous curvature variables pp. 3334-3344

- Tamotsu Kohyama
- R/S method for unevenly sampled time series: Application to detecting long-term temporal dependence of droplets transiting through a fixed spatial point in gas–liquid two-phase turbulent jets pp. 3345-3354

- Li-Jun Ji, Wei-Xing Zhou, Hai-Feng Liu, Xin Gong, Fu-Chen Wang and Zun-Hong Yu
- Diffusion in fluids with large mean free paths: Non-classical behavior between Knudsen and Fickian limits pp. 3355-3370

- G.L. Aranovich and M.D. Donohue
- Stochastic resonance in a stochastic bistable system subject to additive white noise and dichotomous noise pp. 3371-3376

- Feng Guo and Yu-rong Zhou
- MHD stagnation point flow towards a stretching sheet pp. 3377-3383

- Anuar Ishak, Khamisah Jafar, Roslinda Nazar and Ioan Pop
- Axiomatic approach to the cosmological constant pp. 3384-3390

- Christian Beck
- Bi-velocity hydrodynamics pp. 3391-3398

- Howard Brenner
- Properties of the maximum q-likelihood estimator for independent random variables pp. 3399-3412

- Yoshihiko Hasegawa and Masanori Arita
- Finite size effects for the Ising model on random graphs with varying dilution pp. 3413-3425

- Julien Barré, Antonia Ciani, Duccio Fanelli, Franco Bagnoli and Stefano Ruffo
- Multilayer transition in a spin 3/2 Blume–Capel model with RKKY interaction pp. 3426-3432

- Najim Tahiri, Hamid Ez-Zahraouy and Abdelilah Benyoussef
- High-Tc ferromagnetism in p-type ZnO diluted magnetic semiconductors pp. 3433-3441

- O. Mounkachi, A. Benyoussef, A. El Kenz, E.H. Saidi and E.K. Hlil
- Folding/unfolding kinetics of lattice proteins studied using a simple statistical mechanical model for protein folding, I: Dependence on native structures and amino acid sequences pp. 3442-3454

- Haruo Abe and Hiroshi Wako
- The dynamics of cargo driven by molecular motors in the context of asymmetric simple exclusion processes pp. 3455-3464

- Carla Goldman and Elisa T. Sena
- A general two-cycle network model of molecular motors pp. 3465-3474

- Yunxin Zhang
- Approximating long-memory DNA sequences by short-memory process pp. 3475-3485

- Jie Gao, Zhen-yuan Xu and Li-ting Zhang
- Multifractal estimates of monofractality in RR-heart series in power spectrum ranges pp. 3486-3502

- Danuta Makowiec, Aleksandra Dudkowska, Rafał Gała̧ska and Andrzej Rynkiewicz
- Perturbation expansion for option pricing with stochastic volatility pp. 3503-3520

- Petr Jizba, Hagen Kleinert and Patrick Haener
- Transition from Pareto to Boltzmann–Gibbs behavior in a deterministic economic model pp. 3521-3526

- J. González-Estévez, M.G. Cosenza, O. Alvarez-Llamoza and R. López-Ruiz
- Hierarchical structures in the Gross Domestic Product per capita fluctuation in Latin American countries pp. 3527-3535

- Francisco O. Redelico, Araceli N. Proto and Marcel Ausloos
- On the closed form solutions for non-extensive Value at Risk pp. 3536-3542

- S. Stavroyiannis, I. Makris and V. Nikolaidis
- Modeling sudden volatility changes: Evidence from Japanese and Korean stock markets pp. 3543-3550

- Sang Hoon Kang, Hwan-Gue Cho and Seong-Min Yoon
- Network structure of cross-correlations among the world market indices pp. 3551-3562

- Mehmet Eryigit and Resul Eryiğit
- A new indicator of imminent occurrence of drawdown in the stock market pp. 3563-3571

- Marco Antonio Leonel Caetano and Takashi Yoneyama
- A decision theoretical approach for diffusion promotion pp. 3572-3580

- Fei Ding and Yun Liu
- To cooperate or to defect? Altruism and reputation pp. 3581-3584

- Krzysztof Kułakowski and Przemysław Gawroński
- The efficiency of individual optimization in the conditions of competitive growth pp. 3585-3592

- J. Kočišová, D. Horváth and B. Brutovský
- Information accumulation system by inheritance and diffusion pp. 3593-3599

- J.K. Shin
- A modification of the Social Force Model can reproduce experimental data of pedestrian flows in normal conditions pp. 3600-3608

- Daniel R. Parisi, Marcelo Gilman and Herman Moldovan
- Renormalization group evaluation of exponents in family name distributions pp. 3609-3614

- Andrea De Luca and Paolo Rossi
- Naming game on small-world networks with geographical effects pp. 3615-3620

- Run-Ran Liu, Chun-Xiao Jia, Han-Xin Yang and Bing-Hong Wang
- Maximal radius of the aftershock zone in earthquake networks pp. 3621-3628

- A.Yu. Mezentsev and M. Hayakawa
- The study of dynamic singularities of seismic signals by the generalized Langevin equation pp. 3629-3635

- Renat Yulmetyev, Ramil Khusnutdinoff, Timur Tezel, Yildiz Iravul, Bekir Tuzel and Peter Hänggi
- Development of friendship network among young scientists in an international Summer School pp. 3636-3642

- Haiping Yin, Zhihai Rong and Gang Yan
- Link prediction in a user–object network based on time-weighted resource allocation pp. 3643-3650

- Ji Liu and Guishi Deng
- An optimal network for passenger traffic pp. 3651-3656

- A.K. Nandi, K. Bhattacharya and S.S. Manna
- Effects of small world topology on the critical boundary for Boolean networks pp. 3657-3666

- Xin Zhang and Qianchuan Zhao
- Entanglement dynamics of a three-qubit system interacting with a quantum spin environment pp. 3667-3674

- Jin-Liang Guo, Jia-Sen Jin and He-Shan Song
Volume 388, issue 15, 2009
- Diffusion-controlled reaction on a one dimensional lattice: Dependence on jump and reaction probabilities pp. 3001-3016

- Herbert Wheeler and John Courtenay Lewis
- Stochastic time-delayed systems driven by correlated noises: Steady-state analysis pp. 3017-3023

- Huiqing Zhang, Wei Xu, Yong Xu and Dongxi Li
- Topological character of hydrodynamic screening in suspensions of hard spheres: An example of universal phenomenon pp. 3024-3062

- Ethan E. Ballard and Arkady L. Kholodenko
- Effective Hamiltonian for a liquid–gas interface fluctuating around a corrugated cylindrical substrate in the presence of van der Waals interactions pp. 3063-3071

- F. Dutka and M. Napiórkowski
- Kinks, logarithmic tails, and super-stability in bi-disperse granular media pp. 3072-3082

- Rene Batac, Marissa Pastor, Marko Arciaga, Johnrob Bantang and Christopher Monterola
- Self-diffusion in multi-component glass-forming systems pp. 3083-3092

- Michio Tokuyama
- Demixing of amphiphile–polymer mixtures investigated using density functional theory pp. 3093-3099

- Ling Zhou, Bing-hua Sun, Zhong-ying Jiang, Jian-guo Zhang and Hai-ying Gu
- Fractal dimensions of time sequences pp. 3100-3106

- Sy-Sang Liaw and Feng-Yuan Chiu
- Change in order of phase transitions on fractal lattices pp. 3107-3112

- Alastair Lee Windus and Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen
- Kinetic contribution to the fast spinodal decomposition controlled by diffusion pp. 3113-3123

- Peter Galenko and David Jou
- Fixation probability and the crossing time in the Wright–Fisher multiple alleles model pp. 3124-3132

- Wonpyong Gill
- SIR model with general distribution function in the infectious period pp. 3133-3142

- Marcelo F.C. Gomes and Sebastián Gonçalves
- The evolution of cooperation on structured population pp. 3143-3154

- Xiaolan Qian and Junzhong Yang
- Evolutionary game in a structured population: Theory and application pp. 3155-3163

- Xiaolan Qian and Junzhong Yang
- Does the market maker stabilize the market? pp. 3164-3180

- Mei Zhu, Carl Chiarella, Xuezhong (Tony) He and Duo Wang
- European and American options: The semi-Markov case pp. 3181-3194

- D’Amico, Guglielmo, Jacques Janssen and Raimondo Manca
- Grafting of higher-order correlations of real financial markets into herding models pp. 3195-3201

- Sanghyun Ahn, Gyuchang Lim, Sooyong Kim and Kyungsik Kim
- Hardening by softening in a flow of chainlike self-driven objects pp. 3202-3212

- Takashi Mashiko, Yasuhito Imanishi, Ryota Kuwajima and Takashi Nagatani
- Transitional solar dynamics and global warming pp. 3213-3224

- A. Bershadskii
- An opinion dynamics model for the diffusion of innovations pp. 3225-3232

- André C.R. Martins, Carlos de B. Pereira and Renato Vicente
- Discontinuous transition from free flow to synchronized flow induced by short-range interaction between vehicles in a three-phase traffic flow model pp. 3233-3243

- Kun Gao, Rui Jiang, Bing-Hong Wang and Qing-Song Wu
- Effect of degree correlations on networked traffic dynamics pp. 3244-3248

- Jin-Tu Sun, Sheng-Jun Wang, Zi-Gang Huang and Ying-Hai Wang
- Scale-free property of directed networks with two intrinsic node weights pp. 3249-3260

- Shigeo Shioda and Kazuhiro Nakamura
- Altering synchronizability by adding and deleting edges for scale-free networks pp. 3261-3267

- Yuying Gu and Jitao Sun
- The detection of community structure in network via an improved spectral method pp. 3268-3272

- Fuding Xie, Min Ji, Yong Zhang and Dan Huang
- Complexity of D-dimensional hydrogenic systems in position and momentum spaces pp. 3273-3281

- S. López-Rosa, D. Manzano and J.S. Dehesa
Volume 388, issue 14, 2009
- Nonextensive quantum method for itinerant-electron ferromagnetism: Factorization approach pp. 2781-2792

- Hideo Hasegawa
- Wavelet Leaders: A new method to estimate the multifractal singularity spectra pp. 2793-2805

- E. Serrano and A. Figliola
- The BA model with finite-precision preferential attachment pp. 2806-2814

- Bei-Bei Yin, Ling-Zan Zhu and Kai-Yuan Cai
- Nonequilibrium work fluctuations in a driven Ising model pp. 2815-2820

- G. Gonnella, A. Pelizzola, L. Rondoni and G.P. Saracco
- The ground state energy of the Edwards–Anderson spin glass model with a parallel tempering Monte Carlo algorithm pp. 2821-2838

- F. Romá, S. Risau-Gusman, A.J. Ramirez-Pastor, F. Nieto and E.E. Vogel
- The distribution of first-passage times and durations in FOREX and future markets pp. 2839-2853

- Naoya Sazuka, Jun-ichi Inoue and Enrico Scalas
- Forbidden patterns, permutation entropy and stock market inefficiency pp. 2854-2864

- Luciano Zunino, Massimiliano Zanin, Benjamin Tabak, Darío G. Pérez and Osvaldo A. Rosso
- Optimal trading strategies for Itô diffusion processes pp. 2865-2873

- William K. Bertram
- A simple branching model that reproduces language family and language population distributions pp. 2874-2879

- Veit Schwämmle and Paulo Murilo Castro de Oliveira
- Effect of gravitational force upon traffic flow with gradients pp. 2880-2894

- Kazuhito Komada, Shuichi Masukura and Takashi Nagatani
- Lattice hydrodynamic model with bidirectional pedestrian flow pp. 2895-2902

- Huan-huan Tian, Hong-di He, Yan-fang Wei, Xue Yu and Wei-zhen Lu
- Two-lane traffic simulations with a blockage induced by an accident car pp. 2903-2910

- H.B. Zhu, L. Lei and S.Q. Dai
- Vehicular motion on a selected path in a 2d traffic network controlled by signals pp. 2911-2921

- Takashi Nagatani
- Generalized exponential function and discrete growth models pp. 2922-2930

- Alexandre Souto Martinez, Rodrigo Silva González and Aquino Lauri Espíndola
- Choosing effective controlled nodes for scale-free network synchronization pp. 2931-2940

- Yanli Zou and Guanrong Chen
- Local affinity in heterogeneous growing networks pp. 2941-2948

- A. Santiago and R.M. Benito
- Empirical analysis of dependence between stations in Chinese railway network pp. 2949-2955

- Yong-Li Wang, Tao Zhou, Jian-Jun Shi, Jian Wang and Da-Ren He
- A network analysis of the Chinese stock market pp. 2956-2964

- Wei-Qiang Huang, Xin-Tian Zhuang and Shuang Yao
- Weighted self-similar networks under preferential attachment pp. 2965-2974

- O. Chrysafis and C. Cannings
- Extracting hierarchical organization of complex networks by dynamics towards synchronization pp. 2975-2986

- Xiao-Hua Wang, Li-Cheng Jiao and Jian-She Wu
- Response of scale-free networks with community structure to external stimuli pp. 2987-2994

- Ye Wu, Ping Li, Maoyin Chen, Jinghua Xiao and Jürgen Kurths
- Oscillatory dynamics in a simple gene regulatory network mediated by small RNAs pp. 2995-3000

- Jianwei Shen, Zengrong Liu, Weixing Zheng, Fengdan Xu and Luonan Chen
Volume 388, issue 13, 2009
- Dynamics of encapsulation and controlled release systems based on water-in-water emulsions: Liposomes and polymersomes pp. 2579-2587

- Leonard M.C. Sagis
- Kinetic theory of inhomogeneous diffusion pp. 2588-2599

- E. Bringuier
- Discrete stochastic evolution rules and continuum evolution equations pp. 2600-2622

- G. Costanza
- Numerical investigations of discrete scale invariance in fractals and multifractal measures pp. 2623-2639

- Wei-Xing Zhou and Didier Sornette
- Dynamic subgrid scale modeling of turbulent flows using lattice-Boltzmann method pp. 2640-2658

- Kannan N. Premnath, Martin J. Pattison and Sanjoy Banerjee
- Cluster growth poised on the edge of break-up, II: From reaction kinetics to thermodynamics pp. 2659-2665

- I.T. Koponen
- Empirical analysis of quantum finance interest rates models pp. 2666-2681

- Belal E. Baaquie and Cao Yang
- City size distributions for India and China pp. 2682-2688

- Kausik Gangopadhyay and B. Basu
- Colored diffusion-limited aggregation for urban migration pp. 2689-2698

- Roberto Murcio and Suemi Rodríguez-Romo
- On the corporate votes and their relation with daisy models pp. 2699-2704

- H. Hernández-Saldaña
- Continuum modeling of cooperative traffic flow dynamics pp. 2705-2716

- D. Ngoduy, S.P. Hoogendoorn and R. Liu
- Extraction and quantitative analysis of microscopic evacuation characteristics based on digital image processing pp. 2717-2726

- Xuan Liu, Weiguo Song and Jun Zhang
- Subordination to periodic processes and synchronization pp. 2727-2740

- Gianluca Ascolani, Mauro Bologna and Paolo Grigolini
- A fast and efficient heuristic algorithm for detecting community structures in complex networks pp. 2741-2749

- Duanbing Chen, Yan Fu and Mingsheng Shang
- Individual’s strategy characterized by local topology conditions in prisoner’s dilemma on scale-free networks pp. 2750-2756

- Dong-Ping Yang, J.W. Shuai, Hai Lin and Chen-Xu Wu
- Uncertainty of cooperation in random scale-free networks pp. 2757-2761

- Eleni Arapaki
- Entropy measures of cellular aggregation pp. 2762-2770

- D. Monti, P. Ariano, C. Distasi, P. Zamburlin, S. Bernascone and M. Ferraro
- Heterogeneous distribution of metabolites across plant species pp. 2771-2780

- Kazuhiro Takemoto and Masanori Arita
Volume 388, issue 12, 2009
- A DFA approach for assessing asymmetric correlations pp. 2263-2270

- Jose Alvarez-Ramirez, Eduardo Rodriguez and Juan Carlos Echeverria
- Invasion percolation between two sites in two, three, and four dimensions pp. 2271-2277

- Sang Bub Lee
- A core-softened fluid model in disordered porous media. Grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation and integral equations pp. 2278-2288

- Orest Pizio, Hector Dominguez, Laszlo Pusztai and Stefan Sokołowski
- Phase behavior and fluid–solid surface tension of argon in slit pores and carbon nanotubes pp. 2289-2298

- Yoshinobu Hamada, Kenichiro Koga and Hideki Tanaka
- Threshold-diversity-induced resonance pp. 2299-2305

- Hanshuang Chen, Zhonghuai Hou and Houwen Xin
- Multiresolution analysis of fluctuations in non-stationary time series through discrete wavelets pp. 2306-2314

- P. Manimaran, Prasanta K. Panigrahi and Jitendra C. Parikh
- Stochastic resonance in a bias monostable system with frequency mixing force and multiplicative and additive noise pp. 2315-2320

- Feng Guo
- On a unified theory of cold dark matter halos based on collisionless Boltzmann–Poisson polytropes pp. 2321-2330

- J. Calvo, E. Florido, O. Sánchez, E. Battaner, J. Soler and B. Ruiz-Granados
- Inherent correlations between thermodynamics and statistical physics in extensive and nonextensive systems pp. 2331-2336

- Zhifu Huang, Congjie Ou, A. Le Méhauté, Qiuping A. Wang and Jincan Chen
- Generalized statistics framework for rate distortion theory pp. 2337-2353

- R.C. Venkatesan and A. Plastino
- Generalized Pearson distributions for charged particles interacting with an electric and/or a magnetic field pp. 2354-2366

- A. Rossani and A.M. Scarfone
- Statistical physics and fluctuations in ballistic non-equilibrium systems pp. 2367-2372

- F.X. Alvarez and D. Jou
- Pairwise clustering using a Monte Carlo Markov Chain pp. 2373-2382

- Borko D. Stošić
- Bose–Einstein condensation of bouncing balls pp. 2383-2388

- T.G. Liu, Y. Yu, J. Zhao, J. Rao, X. Wang and Q.H. Liu
- On the application of the critical minimum energy subspace method to disordered systems pp. 2389-2393

- Laura Hernández and Horacio Ceva
- Phase transitions of the mixed spin-1/2 and spin-S Ising model on a three-dimensional decorated lattice with a layered structure pp. 2394-2402

- Jozef Strečka, Ján Dely and Lucia Čanová
- A versatile entropic measure of grey level inhomogeneity pp. 2403-2409

- Ryszard Piasecki
- Burst synchronization of electrically and chemically coupled map-based neurons pp. 2410-2419

- Xia Shi and Qishao Lu
- The Kolkata Paise Restaurant problem and resource utilization pp. 2420-2426

- Anindya Sundar Chakrabarti, Bikas K. Chakrabarti, Arnab Chatterjee and Manipushpak Mitra
- Statistical properties of trading volume of Chinese stocks pp. 2427-2434

- T. Qiu, L.X. Zhong, G. Chen and X.R. Wu
- A two-level complex network model and its application pp. 2435-2449

- Jianmei Yang, Wenjie Wang and Guanrong Chen
- Statistical properties of world investment networks pp. 2450-2460

- Dong-Ming Song, Zhi-Qiang Jiang and Wei-Xing Zhou
- Linkages between international stock markets: A multivariate long-memory approach pp. 2461-2468

- Zeynel Ozdemir
- Allelomimesis as escape strategy of pedestrians in two-exit confinements pp. 2469-2475

- Gay Jane Perez and Caesar Saloma
- Stability and instability in a class of car following model on a closed loop pp. 2476-2482

- Alan McKee and Mark McCartney
- Traffic flow characteristics in a mixed traffic system consisting of ACC vehicles and manual vehicles: A hybrid modelling approach pp. 2483-2491

- Yao-Ming Yuan, Rui Jiang, Mao-Bin Hu, Qing-Song Wu and Ruili Wang
- Using models with long-term persistence to interpret the rapid increase of Earth’s temperature pp. 2492-2502

- John M. Halley
- Nonextensive cutoff distributions of postural sway for the old and the young pp. 2503-2510

- T.D. Frank
- Scaling relation for earthquake networks pp. 2511-2514

- Sumiyoshi Abe and Norikazu Suzuki
- Riddling and chaotic synchronization of coupled piecewise-linear Lorenz maps pp. 2515-2525

- M.C. Vergès, R.F. Pereira, S.R. Lopes, R.L. Viana and T. Kapitaniak
- Robust adaptive synchronization of dynamical networks via scalar controllers pp. 2526-2534

- Zhi Li and Il Hong Suh
- Imperfect targeted immunization in scale-free networks pp. 2535-2546

- Yubo Wang, Gaoxi Xiao, Jie Hu, Tee Hiang Cheng and Limsoon Wang
- Integrating network structure and dynamic information for better routing strategy on scale-free networks pp. 2547-2554

- Xiao-Gai Tang, Eric W.M. Wong and Zhi-Xi Wu
- A network of two-Chinese-character compound words in the Japanese language pp. 2555-2560

- Ken Yamamoto and Yoshihiro Yamazaki
- English and Chinese languages as weighted complex networks pp. 2561-2570

- Long Sheng and Chunguang Li
- A unified model for Sierpinski networks with scale-free scaling and small-world effect pp. 2571-2578

- Jihong Guan, Yuewen Wu, Zhongzhi Zhang, Shuigeng Zhou and Yonghui Wu
Volume 388, issue 11, 2009
- Fluctuation on Brownian motor in the presence of entropic barrier pp. 2093-2098

- Hui-Zhang Xie, Bao-Quan Ai, Xue-Mei Liu, Liang-Gang Liu and Zhi-Bing Li
- Arch generated shear bands in granular systems pp. 2099-2108

- A.L. Bordignon, L. Sigaud, G. Tavares, H. Lopes, T. Lewiner and W.A.M. Morgado
- Diffusion of particles over triangular inhomogeneous lattice with two non-equivalent sites pp. 2109-2121

- A. Tarasenko and L. Jastrabik
- Time evolution of thermodynamic temperature in the early stage of universe pp. 2122-2130

- F. Márkus, F. Vázquez and K. Gambár
- The phase diagrams of a finite superlattice with disordered interface: A Monte Carlo study pp. 2131-2139

- M. Boughrara, M. Kerouad and A. Zaim
- Stability conditions for fermionic Ising spin-glass models in the presence of a transverse field pp. 2140-2148

- S.G. Magalhães, F.M. Zimmer and C.V. Morais
- Drift velocity in the necklace model for reptation in a two-dimensional square lattice pp. 2149-2156

- G.R. Terranova, H.O. Mártin and C.M. Aldao
- Critical properties of the mixed spin-1 and spin-12 anisotropic Heisenberg model in the Oguchi approximation pp. 2157-2167

- A. Bobák, V. Pokorný and J. Dely
- Stock market and motion of a variable mass spring pp. 2168-2172

- Enrique Canessa
- Dynamics of electricity market correlations pp. 2173-2188

- J. Alvarez-Ramirez, R. Escarela-Perez, G. Espinosa-Perez and R. Urrea
- Measuring multifractality of stock price fluctuation using multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis pp. 2189-2197

- Ying Yuan, Xin-tian Zhuang and Xiu Jin
- Multifractality in the random parameter model for multivariate time series pp. 2198-2206

- Camilo Rodrigues Neto and André C.R. Martins
- Network effects in a human capital based economic growth model pp. 2207-2214

- Teresa Vaz Martins, Tanya Araújo, Maria Augusta Santos and Miguel Aubyn
- Effects of expectation and noise on evolutionary games pp. 2215-2220

- Wen-Bo Du, Xian-Bin Cao, Mao-Bin Hu, Han-Xin Yang and Hong Zhou
- Lobby index in networks pp. 2221-2226

- A. Korn, A. Schubert and Andras Telcs
- Modeling complex networks with self-similar outerplanar unclustered graphs pp. 2227-2233

- Francesc Comellas and Alicia Miralles
- Robustness of heterogeneous complex networks pp. 2234-2242

- A. Santiago and R.M. Benito
- Effect of edge removal on topological and functional robustness of complex networks pp. 2243-2253

- Shan He, Sheng Li and Hongru Ma
- Pairwise entanglement of a three-qubit Heisenberg XY chain in a nonuniform magnetic field with intrinsic decoherence pp. 2254-2261

- Jin-Liang Guo and He-Shan Song
Volume 388, issue 10, 2009
- Precursors of long-range order and local disorder in colloids pp. 1973-1977

- M. Mayorga, D. Osorio-González, L. Romero-Salazar, I. Santamaría-Holek and J.M. Rubi
- Nanoscale oscillatory fracture propagation in metallic glasses pp. 1978-1984

- Y. Braiman and T. Egami
- Tsallis’ deformation parameter q quantifies the classical–quantum transition pp. 1985-1994

- A.M. Kowalski, M.T. Martin, A. Plastino and L. Zunino
- A tuberculosis model: The case of ‘reasonable’ and ‘unreasonable’ infectives pp. 1995-2000

- Farai Nyabadza, Simon Mukwembi and Bernardo Gabriel Rodrigues
- Configurational entropy of adsorbed rigid rods: Theory and Monte Carlo simulations pp. 2001-2019

- P.M. Centres and A.J. Ramirez-Pastor
- Zipf distribution in top Chinese firms and an economic explanation pp. 2020-2024

- Jianhua Zhang, Qinghua Chen and Yougui Wang
- Empirical evidences of a common multifractal signature in economic, biological and physical systems pp. 2025-2035

- Oriol Pont, Antonio Turiel and Conrad J. Pérez-Vicente
- A nonlinear strategy to reveal seismic precursory signatures in earthquake-related self-potential signals pp. 2036-2040

- Luciano Telesca, Michele Lovallo, Alejandro Ramirez-Rojas and Fernando Angulo-Brown
- Characteristics of mixed traffic flow with non-motorized vehicles and motorized vehicles at an unsignalized intersection pp. 2041-2050

- Dong-Fan Xie, Zi-You Gao, Xiao-Mei Zhao and Ke-Ping Li
- Deceleration in advance in the Nagel–Schreckenberg traffic flow model pp. 2051-2060

- Xin-Gang Li, Zi-You Gao, Bin Jia and Rui Jiang
- Empirical analysis of the worldwide maritime transportation network pp. 2061-2071

- Yihong Hu and Daoli Zhu
- Tomography of functional organization in protein–protein interaction network pp. 2072-2080

- Jiun-Yan Huang
- Rigorous properties and uncertainty-like relationships on product-complexity measures: Application to atomic systems pp. 2081-2091

- S. López-Rosa, J.C. Angulo and J. Antolín
Volume 388, issue 9, 2009
- The maximal process of nonlinear shot noise pp. 1755-1779

- Iddo Eliazar and Joseph Klafter
- Topological crossovers in the forced folding of self-avoiding matter pp. 1780-1790

- Alexander S. Balankin, Daniel Morales Matamoros, Ernesto Pineda León, Antonio Horta Rangel, Miguel Ángel Martínez Cruz and Didier Samayoa Ochoa
- An unconditionally gradient stable numerical method for solving the Allen–Cahn equation pp. 1791-1803

- Jeong-Whan Choi, Hyun Geun Lee, Darae Jeong and Junseok Kim
- Statistics of avalanches in stochastic processes with a 1/fα spectrum pp. 1804-1812

- V.P. Koverda and V.N. Skokov
- Stability of incomplete entropy and incomplete expectation pp. 1813-1817

- Congjie Ou, Aziz El Kaabouchi, Jincan Chen, Alain Le Méhauté and Qiuping A. Wang
- General relativistic Boltzmann equation, II: Manifestly covariant treatment pp. 1818-1834

- F. Debbasch and W.A. van Leeuwen
- Magnetic properties of an anti-ferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic mixed spin-1/2 and spin-5/2 Ising model in the longitudinal magnetic field within the effective-field approximation pp. 1835-1848

- Bayram Deviren, Mustafa Keskin and Osman Canko
- Statistical mechanics approach to a reinforcement learning model with memory pp. 1849-1856

- Adam Lipowski, Krzysztof Gontarek and Marcel Ausloos
- Study of the human postural control system during quiet standing using detrended fluctuation analysis pp. 1857-1866

- M. Teresa Blázquez, Marta Anguiano, Fernando Arias de Saavedra, Antonio M. Lallena and Pedro Carpena
- Dynamical role of the degree of intraspecific cooperation: A simple model for prebiotic replicators and ecosystems pp. 1867-1878

- Ernest Fontich and Josep Sardanyés
- Tail distribution of index fluctuations in World markets pp. 1879-1886

- Mehmet Eryigit, Sadık Çukur and Resul Eryiğit
- Detrending the realized volatility in the global FX market pp. 1887-1892

- Anatoly B. Schmidt
- Empirical study of recent Chinese stock market pp. 1893-1907

- J. Jiang, W. Li, X. Cai and Qiuping A. Wang
- Turbulence velocity spectra dependence on the mean wind at the bottom of a valley pp. 1908-1916

- Roberto Magnago, Osvaldo Moraes and Otávio Acevedo
- Violation of the scaling relation and non-Markovian nature of earthquake aftershocks pp. 1917-1920

- Sumiyoshi Abe and Norikazu Suzuki
- Evacuation from a classroom considering the occupant density around exits pp. 1921-1928

- Shaobo Liu, Lizhong Yang, Tingyong Fang and Jian Li
- Self-similarity degree of deformed statistical ensembles pp. 1929-1938

- A.I. Olemskoi, A.S. Vaylenko and I.A. Shuda
- On synchronizability and heterogeneity in unweighted networks pp. 1939-1945

- Binbin Hao, Hao Yu, Yuanwei Jing and Siying Zhang
- Linked by loops: Network structure and switch integration in complex dynamical systems pp. 1946-1958

- Dennis Cates Wylie
- Evolution of network structure by temporal learning pp. 1959-1966

- Jürgen Jost and Kiran M. Kolwankar
- 3-D maps and coupling numbers for protein sequences pp. 1967-1972

- Chun Li, Xiaoqing Yu, Liu Yang, Xiaoqi Zheng and Zhifu Wang
Volume 388, issue 8, 2009
- Input–output gain of collective response in an uncoupled parallel array of saturating dynamical subsystems pp. 1345-1351

- Fabing Duan, François Chapeau-Blondeau and Derek Abbott
- Parametric dependence studies on cracking of clay pp. 1352-1358

- Kanika Pasricha, Uday Wad, Renu Pasricha and Satishchandra Ogale
- Influence of surface affinity of planar walls on effective interaction between the wall and colloids pp. 1359-1366

- Ling Zhou, Yue Jiang, You-qi Wang and Yu-qiang Ma
- Launch velocity characteristics of non-uniform sand in aeolian saltation pp. 1367-1374

- D.J. Feng, Z.S. Li and J.R. Ni
- A hybrid Lagrangian–Eulerian particle model for reacting pollutant dispersion in non-homogeneous non-isotropic turbulence pp. 1375-1387

- Stefano Alessandrini and Enrico Ferrero
- Diffusion and convection after escape from a potential well pp. 1388-1398

- B.U. Felderhof
- Anomalous dynamic scaling of the non-local growth equations pp. 1399-1404

- Hui Xia, Gang Tang, Zhipeng Xun and Yifan Li
- Lattice Boltzmann method for the generalized Kuramoto–Sivashinsky equation pp. 1405-1412

- Huilin Lai and Changfeng Ma
- Tunnel effect as a hidden variable theory test pp. 1413-1418

- Adélcio C. Oliveira and Gesil S. Amarante-Segundo
- Generalized transformation for decorated spin models pp. 1419-1430

- Onofre Rojas, J.S. Valverde and S.M. de Souza
- The transfer-matrix and max-plus algebra method for global combinatorial optimization: Application to cyclic and polyhedral water clusters pp. 1431-1445

- M.V. Kirov
- Two-time Green’s function treatment of field-induced quantum criticality of a d-dimensional easy-plane ferromagnet with longitudinal uniform interactions pp. 1446-1462

- L.S. Campana, L. De Cesare, U. Esposito and M.T. Mercaldo
- Asymptotic energy of lattices pp. 1463-1471

- Weigen Yan and Zuhe Zhang
- Investigation of the seeding-layer effect for a ferroelectric thin film with the transverse Ising model pp. 1472-1478

- Chundong Wang, Baohua Teng, Xianjun Zhang, Zhaoxin Lu, Liwei Liu, Dengmu Cheng and Xiaohua Lu
- The partition function zeros of the anisotropic Ising model with multisite interactions on a zigzag ladder pp. 1479-1490

- V.V. Hovhannisyan, R.G. Ghulghazaryan and N.S. Ananikian
- Free energies of supercritical solvation from molecular dynamics simulation and integral equation studies pp. 1491-1499

- Tapas R. Kunor and Srabani Taraphder
- Estimation of the Kolmogorov constant by large-eddy simulation in the stable PBL pp. 1500-1508

- Jonas C. Carvalho, Umberto Rizza, Rodrigo Lovato, Gervásio A. Degrazia, Edson P.M. Filho and Cláudia R.J. Campos
- Computer simulation study of the Levy flight process pp. 1509-1514

- Mehrdad Ghaemi, Zahra Zabihinpour and Yazdan Asgari
- Protein motors induced enhanced diffusion in intracellular transport pp. 1515-1520

- I. Santamaría-Holek, M.H. Vainstein, J.M. Rubí and F.A. Oliveira
- Percolation in a network with long-range connections: Implications for cytoskeletal structure and function pp. 1521-1526

- Paulo S.P. Silveira, Adriano M. Alencar, Arnab Majumdar, Miriam Lemos, Jeffrey J. Fredberg and Béla Suki
- Long-range correlations in heart rate variability during computer-mouse work under time pressure pp. 1527-1534

- Dineng Jiang, Mulu He, Yihong Qiu, Yisheng Zhu and Shanbao Tong
- Preferential attachment renders an evolving network of populations robust against crashes pp. 1535-1545

- Areejit Samal and Hildegard Meyer-Ortmanns
- On the upper tail of Italian firms’ size distribution pp. 1546-1554

- Pasquale Cirillo and Jürg Hüsler
- Statistical properties, dynamic conditional correlation and scaling analysis: Evidence from Dow Jones and Nasdaq high-frequency data pp. 1555-1570

- Thomas C. Chiang, Hai-Chin Yu and Ming-Chya Wu
- The 2006–2008 oil bubble: Evidence of speculation, and prediction pp. 1571-1576

- Didier Sornette, Ryan Woodard and Wei-Xing Zhou
- Characterization of Iran electricity market indices with pay-as-bid payment mechanism pp. 1577-1592

- N. Bigdeli and K. Afshar
- Multifractal properties of the Indian financial market pp. 1593-1602

- Sunil Kumar and Nivedita Deo
- Can we predict crashes? The case of the Brazilian stock market pp. 1603-1609

- Daniel Cajueiro, Benjamin Tabak and Filipe K. Werneck
- From physics to economics: An econometric example using maximum relative entropy pp. 1610-1620

- Adom Giffin
- Correlations in commodity markets pp. 1621-1630

- Paweł Sieczka and Janusz A. Hołyst
- An exploration of commonly observed stylized facts with data from experimental asset markets pp. 1631-1658

- Michael Kirchler and Jürgen Huber
- Long correlations and Levy models applied to the study of memory effects in high frequency (tick) data pp. 1659-1664

- M.C. Mariani, I. Florescu, M.P. Beccar Varela and E. Ncheuguim
- The phase diagram and the pathway of phase transitions for traffic flow in a circular one-lane roadway pp. 1665-1672

- Ziqiang Wei, Yiguang Hong and Dahui Wang
- Traffic states and fundamental diagram in cellular automaton model of vehicular traffic controlled by signals pp. 1673-1681

- Takashi Nagatani
- The Korteweg-de Vries soliton in the lattice hydrodynamic model pp. 1682-1686

- H.X. Ge
- On the detection of trends in long-term correlated records pp. 1687-1695

- Diego Rybski and Armin Bunde
- Accurate estimator of correlations between asynchronous signals pp. 1696-1705

- Bence Tóth and János Kertész
- Detect overlapping and hierarchical community structure in networks pp. 1706-1712

- Huawei Shen, Xueqi Cheng, Kai Cai and Mao-Bin Hu
- Local preferential attachment model for hierarchical networks pp. 1713-1720

- Li-Na Wang, Jin-Li Guo, Han-Xin Yang and Tao Zhou
- Eigenvectors of network complement reveal community structure more accurately pp. 1721-1730

- Mina Zarei and Keivan Aghababaei Samani
- Edge-based-attack induced cascading failures on scale-free networks pp. 1731-1737

- Jian-Wei Wang and Li-Li Rong
- Local and global responses in complex gene regulation networks pp. 1738-1746

- Masa Tsuchiya, Kumar Selvarajoo, Vincent Piras, Masaru Tomita and Alessandro Giuliani
- Modeling the Chagas’ disease after stem cell transplantation pp. 1747-1754

- Viviane Galvão and José Garcia Vivas Miranda
Volume 388, issue 7, 2009
- Ballistic aggregation for one-sided Brownian initial velocity pp. 1031-1045

- Patrick Valageas
- Hydrodynamics of reactive systems: Chemical reactions near the critical points pp. 1046-1056

- M. Gitterman
- Stretched-Gaussian asymptotics of the truncated Lévy flights for the diffusion in nonhomogeneous media pp. 1057-1066

- Tomasz Srokowski
- Similarity solution of coagulation equation with an inverse kernel pp. 1067-1073

- Z. Mimouni and J.A.D. Wattis
- Third and fourth order phase transitions: Exact solution for the Ising model on the Cayley tree pp. 1074-1078

- Borko D. Stošić, Tatijana Stošić and Ivon P. Fittipaldi
- General relativistic Boltzmann equation, I: Covariant treatment pp. 1079-1104

- F. Debbasch and W.A. van Leeuwen
- Quantum spin tunneling of magnetization in small ferromagnetic particles pp. 1105-1110

- D. Galetti, B.M. Pimentel, C.L. Lima and E.C. Silva
- Percolation properties of the antiferromagnetic Blume–Capel model in the presence of a magnetic field pp. 1111-1119

- G. Pawłowski
- Single-molecule force spectroscopy: Practical limitations beyond Bell’s model pp. 1120-1132

- Sebastian Getfert, Mykhaylo Evstigneev and Peter Reimann
- On the irreconcilability of Pareto and Gibrat laws pp. 1133-1136

- Giulio Bottazzi
- The expectation hypothesis of interest rates and network theory: The case of Brazil pp. 1137-1149

- Benjamin Tabak, Thiago R. Serra and Daniel Cajueiro
- Jump detection and long range dependence pp. 1150-1156

- Davide Pirino
- On entropy, financial markets and minority games pp. 1157-1172

- Christopher A. Zapart
- Statistical approach to partial equilibrium analysis pp. 1173-1180

- Yougui Wang and H.E. Stanley
- Scaling instability in self-potential earthquake-related signals pp. 1181-1186

- Luciano Telesca, Michele Lovallo, Alejandro Ramirez-Rojas and Fernando Angulo-Brown
- The temporal evolution of the city size distribution pp. 1187-1195

- Lucien Benguigui and Efrat Blumenfeld-Lieberthal
- Traffic states induced by slowdown sections on two-lane highway pp. 1196-1206

- Hirotoshi Hanaura, Shuichi Masukura and Takashi Nagatani
- Effect of real-time information upon traffic flows on crossing roads pp. 1207-1212

- Minoru Fukui, Katsuhiro Nishinari, Yasushi Yokoya and Yoshihiro Ishibashi
- Forecasting pedestrian evacuation times by using swarm intelligence pp. 1213-1220

- Javier Izquierdo, I. Montalvo, R. Pérez and V.S. Fuertes
- Fairness in opinion dynamics pp. 1221-1227

- Jiann-wien Hsu and Ding-wei Huang
- Epidemic spreading in communities with mobile agents pp. 1228-1236

- Jie Zhou and Zonghua Liu
- Accelerating consensus of self-driven swarm via adaptive speed pp. 1237-1242

- Jue Zhang, Yang Zhao, Baomei Tian, Liqian Peng, Hai-Tao Zhang, Bing-Hong Wang and Tao Zhou
- Local conformity induced global oscillation pp. 1243-1248

- Dong Li, Wei Li, Gang Hu and Zhigang Zheng
- Analysis of self-organized criticality in weighted coupled systems pp. 1249-1256

- Gui-Qing Zhang, Lin Wang and Tian-Lun Chen
- Optimal symmetric networks in terms of minimizing average shortest path length and their sub-optimal growth model pp. 1257-1267

- Qi Xuan, Yanjun Li and Tie-Jun Wu
- Three-species reaction–diffusion processes on scale-free networks pp. 1268-1272

- Ki-Ho Chang, Soon-Hyung Yook, Soo Yong Kim, Kyungsik Kim and Deock-Ho Ha
- Growing community networks with local events pp. 1273-1278

- Xin-Jian Xu, Xun Zhang and J.F.F. Mendes
- Recognition ability of the fully connected Hopfield neural network under a persistent stimulus field pp. 1279-1288

- V.M. Vieira, M.L. Lyra and C.R. da Silva
- A model for cascading failures in scale-free networks with a breakdown probability pp. 1289-1298

- Jian-Wei Wang and Li-Li Rong
- Complexities of human promoter sequences pp. 1299-1302

- Zhibin Jiang, Huijie Yang and Jianbo Wang
- A cellular automata model for avascular solid tumor growth under the effect of therapy pp. 1303-1314

- E.A. Reis, L.B.L. Santos and S.T.R. Pinho
- de Broglie’s wave hypothesis from Fisher information pp. 1315-1330

- B. Roy Frieden and Bernard H. Soffer
- A note on approximate teleportation of an unknown atomic state in the two-photon Jaynes–Cummings model pp. 1331-1336

- A.D. dSouza, W.B. Cardoso, A.T. Avelar and B. Baseia
- Entanglement, purity and fidelity in the anisotropy (1/2,1) mixed-spin system pp. 1337-1343

- Zhe Sun, Xiaoguang Wang and Heng-Na Xiong
Volume 388, issue 6, 2009
- The study on a stochastic system with non-Gaussian noise and Gaussian colored noise pp. 781-788

- Huiqing Zhang, Wei Xu and Yong Xu
- Validity of the permeability Carman–Kozeny equation: A volume averaging approach pp. 789-798

- Francisco J. Valdes-Parada, J. Alberto Ochoa-Tapia and Jose Alvarez-Ramirez
- Structure of liquid–vapor interface of square well fluid confined in a cylindrical pore pp. 799-805

- Yuri Reyes-Mercado, Pedro Orea, Simón López-Ramírez and Yurko Duda
- Some results for a fractional diffusion equation with radial symmetry in a confined region pp. 806-810

- E.K. Lenzi, L.R. da Silva, A.T. Silva, L.R. Evangelista and M.K. Lenzi
- On the thermodynamic origin of the quantum potential pp. 811-823

- Gerhard Grössing
- Lévy processes and Schrödinger equation pp. 824-836

- Nicola Cufaro Petroni and Modesto Pusterla
- Tunneling among rotation tori pp. 837-842

- R. Egydio de Carvalho and G.M. Favaro
- Finite size scaling of the spontaneous symmetry breaking model of X-chromosome inactivation pp. 843-850

- D. Barker and A. Griffiths
- Protein folding as an evolutionary process pp. 851-862

- Vivek Sharma, Ville R.I. Kaila and Arto Annila
- Fluctuations of trading volume in a stock market pp. 863-868

- Byoung Hee Hong, Kyoung Eun Lee, Jun Kyung Hwang and Jae Woo Lee
- A case study of speculative financial bubbles in the South African stock market 2003–2006 pp. 869-880

- Wei-Xing Zhou and Didier Sornette
- Statistical properties of volatility return intervals of Chinese stocks pp. 881-890

- Fei Ren, Liang Guo and Wei-Xing Zhou
- Peculiar statistical properties of Chinese stock indices in bull and bear market phases pp. 891-899

- W.C. Zhou, H.C. Xu, Z.Y. Cai, J.R. Wei, X.Y. Zhu, W. Wang, L. Zhao and J.P. Huang
- Topological properties of stock networks based on minimal spanning tree and random matrix theory in financial time series pp. 900-906

- Cheoljun Eom, Gabjin Oh, Woo-Sung Jung, Hawoong Jeong and Seunghwan Kim
- Inconsistency of the judgment matrix in the AHP method and the decision maker’s knowledge pp. 907-915

- Anna Szczypińska and Edward Piotrowski
- Shakespeare and other English Renaissance authors as characterized by Information Theory complexity quantifiers pp. 916-926

- Osvaldo A. Rosso, Hugh Craig and Pablo Moscato
- Multifractal analysis of streamflow records of the East River basin (Pearl River), China pp. 927-934

- Qiang Zhang, Chong-Yu Xu, Zuguo Yu, Chun-Ling Liu and Yongqin David Chen
- Incomplete strategy effect in Minority Game pp. 935-944

- Xiaobo Yao and Shaolong Wan
- Effect of imitation in evolutionary minority game on small-world networks pp. 945-952

- Jiale Chen and Hongjun Quan
- Promotion of cooperation through co-evolution of networks and strategy in a 2 × 2 game pp. 953-960

- Jun Tanimoto
- Opinion formation in a social network: The role of human activity pp. 961-966

- Andrzej Grabowski
- Noise-driven synchronization of a FitzHugh–Nagumo ring with phase-repulsive coupling: A perspective from the system’s nonequilibrium potential pp. 967-976

- Gonzalo G. Izús, Alejandro D. Sánchez and Roberto R. Deza
- Stochastic resonance in time-delayed bistable systems driven by weak periodic signal pp. 977-983

- Rui-Hua Shao and Yong Chen
- Complex dynamics of cellular automata rule 119 pp. 984-990

- Fang-Fang Chen and Fang-Yue Chen
- Evolutionary construction of geographical networks with nearly optimal robustness and efficient routing properties pp. 991-998

- Yukio Hayashi
- Age-based model for weighted network with general assortative mixing pp. 999-1006

- Yan-Bo Zhou, Shi-Min Cai, Wen-Xu Wang and Pei-Ling Zhou
- Temporal graphs pp. 1007-1023

- Vassilis Kostakos
- Stochastic optimization of spin-glasses on cellular neural/nonlinear network based processors pp. 1024-1030

- M. Ercsey-Ravasz, T. Roska and Z. Néda
Volume 388, issue 5, 2009
- Adaptive Lévy walks can outperform composite Brownian walks in non-destructive random searching scenarios pp. 561-564

- A.M. Reynolds
- The estimates of correlations in two-dimensional Ising model pp. 565-573

- Jun Wang
- Distribution and occurrence of localized-bursts in two-phase flow through porous media pp. 574-584

- Dustin Crandall, Goodarz Ahmadi, Martin Ferer and Duane H. Smith
- Further property of Lennard–Jones fluid: Thermal conductivity pp. 585-592

- M.M. Papari, R. Khordad and Z. Akbari
- Multiscale derivation of an augmented Smoluchowski equation pp. 593-600

- Z. Shreif and P. Ortoleva
- Why is the detection of q-Gaussian behavior such a common occurrence? pp. 601-608

- C. Vignat and A. Plastino
- Complexity of hierarchical ensembles pp. 609-620

- A.I. Olemskoi, V.I. Ostrik and S.V. Kokhan
- The nature of the rectilinear diameter singularity pp. 621-627

- V.L. Kulinskii and N.P. Malomuzh
- Thermal statistical ensembles of classical extreme black holes pp. 628-638

- C. Chevalier and F. Debbasch
- Numerical irreversibility in self-gravitating small N-body systems, II: Influence of instability affected by softening parameters pp. 639-650

- Nobuyoshi Komatsu, Takahiro Kiwata and Shigeo Kimura
- Invasion exponents in biological networks pp. 651-672

- Lloyd Demetrius, Volker Matthias Gundlach and Gunter Ochs
- Effects of dynamic response time in an evolving market pp. 673-681

- Li-Xin Zhong, Tian Qiu, Bi-Hui Chen and Cai-Feng Liu
- Weather effects on returns: Evidence from the Korean stock market pp. 682-690

- Seong-Min Yoon and Sang Hoon Kang
- Physical space and long-tail markets pp. 691-696

- R. Alexander Bentley, Mark E. Madsen and Paul Ormerod
- Effects of introduction of new resources and fragmentation of existing resources on limiting wealth distribution in asset exchange models pp. 697-704

- M. Ali Saif and Prashant M. Gade
- Cross-correlation dynamics in financial time series pp. 705-714

- Thomas Conlon, H.J. Ruskin and M. Crane
- Tsallis’ non-extensive free energy as a subjective value of an uncertain reward pp. 715-719

- Taiki Takahashi
- Chaotic SVD method for minimizing the effect of exponential trends in detrended fluctuation analysis pp. 720-726

- Pengjian Shang, Aijing Lin and Liang Liu
- The principle that generates dissimilar patterns inside aggregates of organisms pp. 727-731

- Antonio F. Miguel and Adrian Bejan
- A Tsallis’ statistics based neural network model for novel word learning pp. 732-746

- Tarik Hadzibeganovic and Sergio A. Cannas
- Correlation and complexity analysis of well logs via Lyapunov, Hurst, Lempel–Ziv and neural network algorithms pp. 747-754

- R.B. Ferreira, V.M. Vieira, Iram Gleria and M.L. Lyra
- Effects of epidemic threshold definition on disease spread statistics pp. 755-763

- C. Lagorio, M.V. Migueles, L.A. Braunstein, E. López and P.A. Macri
- Communicability betweenness in complex networks pp. 764-774

- Ernesto Estrada, Desmond J. Higham and Naomichi Hatano
- Cultural dissemination in a complex network pp. 775-779

- X.H. Xiao, G.W. Ye, B. Wang and M.F. He
Volume 388, issue 4, 2009
- Towards a definition of the quantum ergodic hierarchy: Ergodicity and mixing pp. 247-267

- Mario Castagnino and Olimpia Lombardi
- Entropy-driven phase transitions with influence of the field-dependent diffusion coefficient pp. 268-276

- V.O. Kharchenko
- Transport in randomly-fluctuating spatially-periodic potentials pp. 277-287

- James P. Gleeson
- Study of force-dependent and time-dependent transition of secondary flow in a rotating straight channel by the lattice Boltzmann method pp. 288-294

- Jinlong Zhang, Yu Liu, Junfeng Zhang and Jun Yang
- Enskog’s kinetic theory of dense gases for chemically reacting binary mixtures, II: Light scattering and sound propagation pp. 295-310

- Adriano W. Silva, Giselle M. Alves, Wilson Marques and Gilberto M. Kremer
- Three related proposals for a theoretical definition of turbulence pp. 311-317

- A. Muriel
- Performance characteristic of a Stirling refrigeration cycle in micro/nano scale pp. 318-324

- Wenjie Nie, Jizhou He and Jianqiang Du
- Low-temperature magnetization in nanofilms pp. 325-331

- Vjekoslav Sajfert, Dušan Popov and Bratislav Tošić
- A decomposed equation for local entropy and entropy production in volume-preserving coarse-grained systems pp. 332-342

- Hideshi Ishida
- Conservation laws and hierarchies of potential symmetries for certain diffusion equations pp. 343-356

- N.M. Ivanova, R.O. Popovych, C. Sophocleous and O.O. Vaneeva
- Magnetic properties of a bilayer system with anisotropic Heisenberg interaction pp. 357-369

- T. Balcerzak and I. Łużniak
- Critical exponents of the Ising model on low-dimensional fractal media pp. 370-378

- M.A. Bab, G. Fabricius and E.V. Albano
- Size dependence of effective mass in granular columns pp. 379-384

- Jia Liu, Qingfan Shi, Xuanwen Liang, Lei Yang and Gang Sun
- Phase transition in liquid crystal elastomers—A Monte Carlo study employing non-Boltzmann sampling pp. 385-391

- D. Jayasri, N. Satyavathi, V.S.S. Sastry and K.P.N. Murthy
- Effect of multiplicative and additive noise on genetic transcriptional regulatory mechanism pp. 392-398

- Xue-Mei Liu, Hui-Zhang Xie, Liang-Gang Liu and Zhi-Bing Li
- Multi-species simple exclusion processes pp. 399-406

- Matthew J. Simpson, Kerry A. Landman and Barry D. Hughes
- Coupled continuous-time random walk approach to the Rachev–Rüschendorf model for financial data pp. 407-418

- Agnieszka Jurlewicz, Agnieszka Wyłomańska and Piotr Żebrowski
- A study about the existence of the leverage effect in stochastic volatility models pp. 419-432

- Ionuţ Florescu and Cristian Gabriel Pãsãricã
- Detrended fluctuation analysis of intertrade durations pp. 433-440

- Zhi-Qiang Jiang, Wei Chen and Wei-Xing Zhou
- Tick size and stock returns pp. 441-454

- Jukka-Pekka Onnela, Juuso Töyli and Kimmo Kaski
- A wave function for stock market returns pp. 455-461

- Ali Ataullah, Ian Davidson and Mark Tippett
- Personal recommendation via modified collaborative filtering pp. 462-468

- Run-Ran Liu, Chun-Xiao Jia, Tao Zhou, Duo Sun and Bing-Hong Wang
- Opinion polarization in the Receipt–Accept–Sample model pp. 469-476

- Krzysztof Kułakowski
- Hypocenter interval statistics between successive earthquakes in the two-dimensional Burridge–Knopoff model pp. 477-482

- Tomohiro Hasumi
- The Weibull–log Weibull transition of the interoccurrence time statistics in the two-dimensional Burridge–Knopoff Earthquake model pp. 483-490

- Tomohiro Hasumi, Takuma Akimoto and Yoji Aizawa
- The Weibull–log Weibull distribution for interoccurrence times of earthquakes pp. 491-498

- Tomohiro Hasumi, Takuma Akimoto and Yoji Aizawa
- Population rate codes carried by mean, fluctuation and synchrony of neuronal firings pp. 499-513

- Hideo Hasegawa
- Detecting unknown paths on complex networks through random walks pp. 514-522

- Shao-Ping Wang and Wen-Jiang Pei
- Dynamics-driven evolution to structural heterogeneity in complex networks pp. 523-528

- Zhen Shao and Haijun Zhou
- Modeling the IPv6 internet AS-level topology pp. 529-540

- Bo Xiao, Lian-dong Liu, Xiao-chen Guo and Ke Xu
- Fault tolerance of information processing in gene networks pp. 541-548

- Frank Emmert-Streib and Matthias Dehmer
- Simulating the migration and growth patterns of Bacillus subtilis pp. 549-559

- M. Badoual, P. Derbez, M. Aubert and B. Grammaticos
Volume 388, issue 2, 2009
- Recursive properties of Dirac and metriplectic Dirac brackets with applications pp. 91-103

- Sonnet Hung Q. Nguyen and Łukasz A. Turski
- Semi-flexible hydrogen-bonded and non-hydrogen bonded lattice polymers pp. 104-112

- J. Krawczyk, A.L. Owczarek and T. Prellberg
- Information and flux in a feedback controlled Brownian ratchet pp. 113-119

- F.J. Cao, M. Feito and H. Touchette
- Electric field effects on Nano-Scale bio-membrane of spherical cells pp. 120-128

- M. Neek-Amal, A. Lajevardipour and H.R. Sepangi
- Spin correlations in a non-frustrated one-dimensional spin system, and formation of the ground state as a model of protein folding pp. 129-136

- Takeshi Kikuchi
- Minimum entropy density method for the time series analysis pp. 137-144

- Jeong Won Lee, Joongwoo Brian Park, Hang-Hyun Jo, Jae-Suk Yang and Hie-Tae Moon
- Maximal spanning trees, asset graphs and random matrix denoising in the analysis of dynamics of financial networks pp. 145-156

- Tapio Heimo, Kimmo Kaski and Jari Saramäki
- Traffic flow of mobile objects through obstacles: Turning and translational objects pp. 157-173

- Akiyoshi Matsui, Takashi Mashiko and Takashi Nagatani
- Influence of geography on language competition pp. 174-186

- Marco Patriarca and Els Heinsalu
- Impact of interactions on human dynamics pp. 187-192

- J.G. Oliveira and A. Vazquez
- Leader-following consensus problem with a varying-velocity leader and time-varying delays pp. 193-208

- Ke Peng and Yupu Yang
- Solitonic solutions and Bäcklund transformation for the inhomogeneous N-coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations pp. 209-217

- Xiang-Hua Meng, Bo Tian, Tao Xu, Hai-Qiang Zhang and Qian Feng
- Asymptotical stability of multi-delayed cellular neural networks with impulsive effects pp. 218-224

- Dong Li, Dan Yang, Hui Wang, Xiaohong Zhang and Shilong Wang
- Effects of accelerating growth on the evolution of weighted complex networks pp. 225-232

- Zhongzhi Zhang, Lujun Fang, Shuigeng Zhou and Jihong Guan
- A mechanism to synchronize fluctuations in scale free networks using growth models pp. 233-239

- C.E. La Rocca, A.L. Pastore y Piontti, L.A. Braunstein and P.A. Macri
- Memorizing morph patterns in small-world neuronal network pp. 240-246

- Chunguang Li
Volume 388, issue 1, 2009
- Non-monotonic swelling of a macroion due to correlation-induced charge inversion pp. 1-8

- Brian Skinner and B.I. Shklovskii
- Darboux transformation and soliton solutions for the (2+1)-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger hierarchy with symbolic computation pp. 9-20

- Hai-Qiang Zhang, Bo Tian, Li-Li Li and Yu-Shan Xue
- Quantum phase transition in the two-dimensional XY model with single-ion anisotropy pp. 21-27

- A.S.T. Pires and M.E. Gouvea
- Nonequilibrium phase transition in the kinetic Ising model on a two-layer square lattice under the presence of an oscillating field pp. 28-40

- Osman Canko, Ersin Kantar and Mustafa Keskin
- Generalized relative entropy in functional magnetic resonance imaging pp. 41-50

- Brenno C.T. Cabella, Marcio J. Sturzbecher, Draulio B. de Araujo and Ubiraci P.C. Neves
- Surface dynamics and breakdown patterns of a random solid subject to a biased 3D etching pp. 51-58

- A.P. Reverberi, L. Maga, A. Barbucci and A.G. Bruzzone
- Quantifying price fluctuations in the Brazilian stock market pp. 59-62

- Benjamin Tabak, M.Y. Takami, Daniel Cajueiro and A. Petitinga
- How the on-ramp inflow causes bottleneck pp. 63-70

- Ding-wei Huang
- Network topology and correlation features affiliated with European airline companies pp. 71-81

- Ding-Ding Han, Jiang-Hai Qian and Jin-Gao Liu
- Entanglement dynamics and decoherence of two-qutrit states under an XY quantum environment pp. 82-90

- Xiao San Ma and An Min Wang
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