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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 262, issue 3, 1999

Conductivity exponent and backbone dimension in 2-d percolation pp. 251-263 Downloads
Peter Grassberger
Numerical model for large-scale properties of composites pp. 264-279 Downloads
VilhoI. Räisänen and HansJ. Herrmann
Partial integration and local mean field approach for a vector lattice model of microemulsions: unbalanced case pp. 280-293 Downloads
C Buzano, A Pelizzola and M Pretti
Reaction and diffusion in a lamellar structure: the effect of the lamellar arrangement upon yield pp. 294-306 Downloads
MichaelJ. Clifford, StephenM. Cox and E.P.L. Roberts
Probabilistic models for particle and scalar transport in fluctuating flows: an evaluation of simple closure approximations pp. 307-327 Downloads
David C. Swailes and Kirsty F.F. Darbyshire
On a definition of stable droplets in the lattice-gas model pp. 328-334 Downloads
X. Campi, H. Krivine and A. Puente
Constitutive equations for viscoelastic surface diffusion: Effects of deformation and thermal history pp. 335-348 Downloads
Leonard M.C. Sagis
A variational approach to relaxation in rugged free energy landscapes pp. 349-358 Downloads
G.A. Appignanesi, Rubén Montani and Ariel Fernández
The informational-statistical-entropy operator in a nonequilibrium ensemble formalism pp. 359-375 Downloads
Sergio A. Hassan , Aurea R. Vasconcellos and Roberto Luzzi
An origin of 1/f fluctuations at a nonequilibrium phase transition pp. 376-387 Downloads
V.P. Koverda and V.N. Skokov
Irreversible deposition of directed self-avoiding random walks on a square lattice pp. 388-395 Downloads
Lj. Budinski-Petković and U. Kozmidis-Luburić
Kinetic equation for Brownian particles pp. 396-404 Downloads
A. ten Bosch
Bi-hamiltonian structure of JM hierarchy with self-consistent sources pp. 405-419 Downloads
Yunbo Zeng
Scaling properties of the cluster distribution of a critical nonequilibrium model pp. 420-427 Downloads
Marta Chaves and MariaAugusta Santos
Discrete generator coordinate: Symmetry restoration in finite-dimensional spaces pp. 428-440 Downloads
D. Galetti, B.M. Pimentel, C.L. Lima and M. Kyotoku
A decorated Ising system with a random field at a decorated site pp. 441-454 Downloads
T. Kaneyoshi, S. Shin and T. Maeno
Indirect-exchange coupling and high-TC superconductivity: analysis of TC as a function of pressure in Hg1−xAuxBa2Ca2Cu3Oy. Comparison with other Hg-cuprates pp. 455-466 Downloads
L. Jansen and R. Block
Interplay between mesoscopic and microscopic fluctuations in ferromagnets pp. 467-482 Downloads
V.I. Yukalov
Mixed spin-1/2 and spin-1 Ising model in transverse random fields pp. 483-495 Downloads
N. Benayad, R. Zerhouni, A. Klümper and J. Zittartz
Quasi-particle picture for monatomic gases pp. 496-504 Downloads
K. Barwinkel, J. Schnack and U. Thelker
Effective field approach to the Ising film in a transverse field pp. 505-517 Downloads
Luca Peliti and Mohammed Saber
Magnetic properties of a diluted transverse spin-12 Ising film pp. 518-533 Downloads
A. Ainane, F. Dujardin, M. Saber and B. Stébé

Volume 262, issue 1, 1999

Interface depinning in a driven growth model with avalanches in quenched random media pp. 1-8 Downloads
Yup Kim and S.H. Yook
Fractal pattern in hydrothermal emission pp. 9-15 Downloads
P. Barat, NishithKr. Das, Debasis Ghose and Bikash Sinha
The origin of the Vogel–Fulcher law near the liquid–glass transition pp. 16-34 Downloads
Toyoyuki Kitamura
An optimal derivation of a potential for protein folding pp. 35-39 Downloads
Michele Vendruscolo
Kinetics of laser-driven phase separation induced by a tightly focused wave in binary liquid mixtures pp. 40-68 Downloads
J.P. Delville, C. Lalaude and A. Ducasse
Information theory and thermodynamics of polymer solutions under flow pp. 69-75 Downloads
D. Jou, J. Casas-Vázquez and M. Criado-Sancho
Five discs in a box pp. 76-87 Downloads
Richard K. Bowles and Robin J. Speedy
Characteristic temperatures of liquid–glass transition pp. 88-97 Downloads
V.B. Kokshenev
Recursive dynamics in an asymmetrically constrained kinetic Ising chain pp. 98-117 Downloads
Franz Mauch and Josef Jäckle
A consistent method for the solution to reduced FPK equation in statistical mechanics pp. 118-128 Downloads
Guo-Kang Er
Dynamical localization of trajectories on a bond-disordered lattice pp. 129-143 Downloads
L Acedo and M.h Ernst
Homoclinic bifurcations in Chua's circuit pp. 144-152 Downloads
Sandra Kahan and Anibal C. Sicardi-Schifino
Lie-algebraic approach for the Fokker–Planck equation with a nonlinear drift force pp. 153-157 Downloads
C.f Lo
Necessary conditions for the existence of quasi-polynomial invariants: the quasi-polynomial and Lotka–Volterra systems pp. 158-180 Downloads
A. Figueiredo, T.M.Rocha Filho and L. Brenig
The Schrödinger eigenfunctions for the half-integral spins pp. 181-196 Downloads
L.S.F. Olavo and A.D. Figueiredo
Foundations of quantum mechanics: non-relativistic theory pp. 197-214 Downloads
L.S.F. Olavo
Equivalence of two parallel approaches to the cluster variation method: the multisite correlation functions method and the cluster effective fields method pp. 215-231 Downloads
V.M. Matić and S. Milošević
Probability distribution of drawdowns in risky investments pp. 232-241 Downloads
Sergei Maslov and Yi-Cheng Zhang
Monte Carlo simulation of inherited longevity pp. 242-248 Downloads
Paulo M.C de Oliveira, Suzana Moss de Oliveira, Americo T Bernardes and Dietrich Stauffer

Volume 261, issue 3, 1998

Reflections on the mechanics of granular matter pp. 267-293 Downloads
P.G. de Gennes
Logarithmic fractals and hierarchical deposition of debris pp. 294-308 Downloads
Joseph O. Indekeu and Gunther Fleerackers
Statistical mechanics of dielectric breakdown pp. 309-316 Downloads
J.L. Vicente, A.C. Razzitte, M.C. Cordero and E.E. Mola
Effective potential in glassy systems: theory and simulations pp. 317-339 Downloads
Silvio Franz and Giorgio Parisi
Amplification or reduction of backscattering in a coherently amplifying or absorbing disordered chain pp. 340-350 Downloads
Asok K. Sen
Abelian cascade dynamics in bootstrap percolation pp. 351-358 Downloads
S.S. Manna
Anomalous diffusion modifies solar neutrino fluxes pp. 359-373 Downloads
G. Kaniadakis, A. Lavagno, M. Lissia and P. Quarati
Phase behavior of binary mixtures of thick and thin hard rods pp. 374-390 Downloads
René van Roij, Bela Mulder and Marjolein Dijkstra
Electrostatic spectrum of renormalized polarizability for nonpolar dielectric pp. 391-408 Downloads
Piotr Szymczak and Bogdan Cichocki
Dynamics and chaos of a current driven two-dimensional Josephson junctions array under 13Φ0 magnetic field pp. 409-416 Downloads
Rafael Rangel, A. Giménez and M. Octavio
Noise-induced jumps in two coupled Duffing oscillators pp. 417-434 Downloads
S. Rajasekar, M.C. Valsakumar and S.Paul Raj
Generalized two stream theory for photon migration pp. 435-450 Downloads
Salvador Godoy, L.S. Garcı́a-Colı́n and M.A. Olivares-Robles
Fluctuations and non-equilibrium thermodynamics pp. 451-457 Downloads
P. Mazur
Mathematical aspects of the fluctuating barrier problem. Explicit equilibrium and relaxation solutions pp. 458-470 Downloads
Joachim Ankerhold and Philip Pechukas
Quantum field theoretical reformulation of the virial theorem pp. 471-481 Downloads
Tadashi Toyoda and Ken-ichi Takiuchi
Stabilizing role of mesoscopic fluctuations in spin systems pp. 482-498 Downloads
V.I. Yukalov
Generalized quantal distribution functions within factorization approach: some general results for bosons and fermions pp. 499-511 Downloads
Diego F. Torres and Uǧur Tırnaklı
Precision cosmology as a test for statistics pp. 512-519 Downloads
Diego F. Torres
Green’s functions from quantum cluster algorithms11This work is supported in part by funds provided by the US Department of Energy (DOE) under cooperative research agreement DE-FC02-94ER40818 pp. 520-533 Downloads
R. Brower, S. Chandrasekharan and U.-J. Wiese
The role of constraints within generalized nonextensive statistics pp. 534-554 Downloads
Constantino Tsallis, RenioS. Mendes and A.R. Plastino
A non-extensive maximum entropy based regularization method for bad conditioned inverse problems pp. 555-568 Downloads
L. Rebollo-Neira, J. Fernandez-Rubio and A. Plastino
A growth model for primary cancer pp. 569-580 Downloads
S.C.Ferreira Junior, M.L. Martins and M.J. Vilela
A hierarchical model of financial crashes pp. 581-598 Downloads
Didier Sornette and Anders Johansen
Modified KdV equation for jamming transition in the continuum models of traffic pp. 599-607 Downloads
Takashi Nagatani
Landau theory of social clustering pp. 608-617 Downloads
Dariusz Plewczyński

Volume 261, issue 1, 1998

Surface morphology changes due to adsorbates and due to electron bombardment pp. 1-12 Downloads
M. Henzler, D. Thielking, M.Horn-von Hoegen and V. Zielasek
Deformable curved magnetic surfaces pp. 13-25 Downloads
A. Saxena, R. Dandoloff and T. Lookman
Dynamics of glasses at very low temperatures pp. 26-35 Downloads
S. Hunklinger
Correlation between the secondary β-relaxation time at Tg and the Kohlrausch exponent of the primary α-relaxation pp. 36-50 Downloads
K.L. Ngai
Spatial correlations of particle displacements in a glass-forming liquid pp. 51-59 Downloads
Peter H. Poole, Claudio Donati and Sharon C. Glotzer
Structural dynamics in glass forming liquids from Brillouin scattering pp. 60-73 Downloads
J. Kieffer
Interactions between charged spheres in divalent counterion solution pp. 74-81 Downloads
Niels Grønbech-Jensen, Keith M. Beardmore and Philip Pincus
Slow motions in bilayers containing anionic phospholipid pp. 82-94 Downloads
Maria L Kilfoil and Michael R Morrow
Phase-field model of solidification of a binary alloy pp. 95-106 Downloads
Zhiqiang Bi and Robert F. Sekerka
Dynamics of competing predator–prey species pp. 107-114 Downloads
A.T. Bradshaw and L.L. Moseley
Screening effects during late stage phase separation pp. 115-134 Downloads
G.R. Carlow, S.Yu. Krylov and M. Zinke-Allmang
Magnon contribution to the specific heat and the validity of power laws in antiferromagnetic crystals pp. 135-142 Downloads
S.J. Joshua
Dynamics of localized structures11A talk given by the second author at the conference on Collective Phenomena in Physics, Barbados, January 1998. Work supported by NSERC under Grant 7901 pp. 143-158 Downloads
Yu.N. Ovchinnikov and I.M. Sigal
A phase field model of the impingement of solidifying particles pp. 159-166 Downloads
James A. Warren, W.C. Carter and Ryo Kobayashi
Effects of hydrodynamics on a model surfactant system pp. 167-175 Downloads
Yanan Wu, Turab Lookman and Shuren Zhao
Rate equation approach to the late stages of cluster ripening pp. 176-187 Downloads
H Xia and M Zinke-Allmang
Pattern formation in annular convection pp. 188-203 Downloads
William F. Langford and Dan D. Rusu
A gas kinetic method for binary fluids and surfactant systems pp. 204-223 Downloads
S. Sial and T. Lookman
A new constrained Langevin method: application to protein crystallographic refinement pp. 224-231 Downloads
Matteo Pellegrini, Nick A. Larsen, Todd O. Yeates and Niels Grønbech-Jensen
Simulations of microstructural evolution: anisotropic growth and coarsening pp. 232-247 Downloads
Andrew R. Roosen and W.Craig Carter
Fundamental problems concerning three dimensional clustering on surfaces pp. 248-265 Downloads
Kelly Shorlin, Sergey Krylov and Martin Zinke-Allmang
Page updated 2025-03-31