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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 194, issue 1, 1993

STATPHYS 18 — Opening address pp. xviii-xxi Downloads
Amnon Aharony
Macroscopic laws, microscopic dynamics, time's arrow and Boltzmann's entropy pp. 1-27 Downloads
Joel L. Lebowitz
Spin glasses, complexity and all that pp. 28-40 Downloads
Giorgio Parisi
Theory of phase ordering kinetics pp. 41-52 Downloads
A.J. Bray
Modern methods of analyzing Monte Carlo computer simulations pp. 53-62 Downloads
Robert H. Swendsen
Scaling and phase transitions in random systems pp. 63-71 Downloads
Marek Cieplak and Jayanth R. Banavar
Critical behavior induced by quenched disorder pp. 72-76 Downloads
A. Nihat Berker
Chaotic systems: counting the number of periods pp. 77-85 Downloads
Bai-lin Hao and Fa-geng Xie
Ergodicity of classical billiard balls pp. 86-92 Downloads
Domokos Szász
Fluid interfaces as treated by density functional theory pp. 93-104 Downloads
Ronald Lovett and Marc Baus
Clustering and relaxation in oil-continuous microemulsions pp. 105-113 Downloads
D. Bedeaux, G.J.M. Koper and J. Smeets
Statistical physics of flexible membranes pp. 114-127 Downloads
Reinhard Lipowsky
Finite-size scaling for first-order phase transitions (rigorous results) pp. 128-136 Downloads
Christian Borgs and Roman Kotecký
Kinetics of ordering pp. 137-153 Downloads
S. Dattagupta
A cluster model of critical dynamics pp. 154-162 Downloads
Z. Alexandrowicz
Reptation models for electrophoresis pp. 163-172 Downloads
A. Kooiman and J.M.J. van Leeuwen
Localization and tunneling in periodically driven bistable systems pp. 173-182 Downloads
T. Dittrich, F. Groβmann, P. Jung, B. Oelschlägel and P. Hänggi
Generic singularities in a driven diffusive system pp. 183-189 Downloads
R.K.P. Zia, K. Hwang, B. Schmittmann and K.-t. Leung
Wrinkling transition in polymerized membranes pp. 190-198 Downloads
D. Bensimon, M. Mutz and T. Gulik
Instabilities and melting in a two-dimensional magnetic dipolar system pp. 199-208 Downloads
J. Berger, R.M. Hornreich and M. Warner
Transport phenomena in ferrofluids pp. 209-217 Downloads
J.M. Rubí and M.C. Miguel
Analysis of the lattice Boltzmann treatment of hydrodynamics pp. 218-228 Downloads
Guy McNamara and Berni Alder
Fifty years of kinetic theory pp. 229-257 Downloads
E.G.D. Cohen
Lattice gas automata with self-organization pp. 258-270 Downloads
H.J. Bussemaker and M.H. Ernst
Metastability and nucleation for two-dimensional Ising systems pp. 271-279 Downloads
Elisabetta Scoppola
Spin dynamics of a Heisenberg S = 12 antiferromagnetic chain pp. 280-287 Downloads
R.A. Cowley, D.A. Tennant, T.G. Perring, S.E. Nagler and A.M. Tsvelik
Multifractal fluctuations in the dynamics of disordered systems pp. 288-297 Downloads
S. Havlin, A. Bunde, E. Eisenberg, J. Lee, H.E. Roman, S. Schwarzer and H.E. Stanley
Dynamics of soap froth pp. 298-306 Downloads
Henrik Flyvbjerg
Evolution of two-dimensional cellular structures: The soap froth pp. 307-314 Downloads
Joel Stavans
SOC and the Bean critical state pp. 315-320 Downloads
Chao Tang
Computer simulations for polymer solutions pp. 321-329 Downloads
Kurt Kremer, Burkhard Dünweg and Mark S. Stevens
Kinetics and relaxation of end crosslinked polymer networks pp. 330-337 Downloads
Gary S. Grest, Kurt Kremer and Edgardo R. Duering
Phase transition of polymer mixtures under simple shear flow pp. 338-351 Downloads
Takeji Hashimoto, Tomoaki Takebe and Koji Asakawa
Weak first-order phase transitions pp. 352-363 Downloads
S.A. Pikin
Physics of smectic membranes pp. 364-389 Downloads
P. Pieranski, L. Beliard, J.-Ph. Tournellec, X. Leoncini, C. Furtlehner, H. Dumoulin, E. Riou, B. Jouvin, J.-P. Fénerol, Ph. Palaric, J. Heuving, B. Cartier and I. Kraus
Partition function of a three-dimensional solvable model pp. 390-396 Downloads
V.V. Bazhanov and R.J. Baxter
New results for exactly solvable critical RSOS models and vertex models in two dimensions pp. 397-405 Downloads
Andreas Klümper and Paul A. Pearce
Local porosity theory for electrical and hydrodynamical transport through porous media pp. 406-414 Downloads
R. Hilfer
Freezing of binary mixtures of hard-sphere colloids pp. 415-423 Downloads
P. Bartlett and P.N. Pusey
Two-dimensional gels pp. 424-431 Downloads
H. Rehage and A. Burger
Quantum Monte Carlo methods — recent developments pp. 432-449 Downloads
Masuo Suzuki
Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics: the first 25 years pp. 450-461 Downloads
Wm.G. Hoover
Renormalization theory and chaos exponents in random systems pp. 462-470 Downloads
M. Ney-Nifle and H.J. Hilhorst
Statistical mechanics of neural networks pp. 471-481 Downloads
A. Zippelius
Condensation phenomena in thermodynamically unstable systems pp. 482-493 Downloads
H.A. Posch, H. Narnhofer and W. Thirring
Statistical mechanics of systems far from equilibrium, as studied by molecular dynamics pp. 494-501 Downloads
Denis J. Evans
Exactly solvable model for a genetically induced geographical distribution of a population pp. 502-518 Downloads
Constantino Tsallis
Intermittency in turbulence pp. 519-531 Downloads
Detlef Lohse and Siegfried Grossmann
Phase separation in polymer solutions pp. 532-541 Downloads
B. Widom
Macroscopic systems in quantum mechanics pp. 542-550 Downloads
N.G. van Kampen
Statistical physics of machinery: forgotten middle-ground pp. 551-562 Downloads
Rolf Landauer
Entropy and information in processes of self-organization: uncertainty and predictability pp. 563-575 Downloads
Werner Ebeling
Page updated 2025-03-31