Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 472, issue C, 2017
- Effect of wall bumpiness on the behavior of sheared dry bidisperse granular material pp. 1-12

- K. El Cheikh and S. Rémond
- SIS epidemic spreading with correlated heterogeneous infection rates pp. 13-24

- Bo Qu and Huiijuan Wang
- Effect of coupling on stochastic resonance and stochastic antiresonance processes in a unidirectionally N-coupled systems in periodic sinusoidal potential pp. 25-31

- Y.J. Wadop Ngouongo, G. Djuidjé Kenmoé and T.C. Kofané
- The dynamic interdependence of international financial markets: An empirical study on twenty-seven stock markets pp. 32-42

- Xingwei Zhang, Xiaolong Zheng and Daniel Dajun Zeng
- Enhanced collective influence: A paradigm to optimize network disruption pp. 43-52

- Tao Wu, Leiting Chen, Linfeng Zhong and Xingping Xian
- Evolution of public opinions in closed societies influenced by broadcast media pp. 53-66

- Kangqi Fan and Witold Pedrycz
- Volatility-constrained multifractal detrended cross-correlation analysis: Cross-correlation among Mainland China, US, and Hong Kong stock markets pp. 67-76

- Cao Guangxi, Minjia Zhang and Qingchen Li
- The avalanche process of the fiber bundle model with defect pp. 77-85

- Da-Peng Hao, Gang Tang, Hui Xia, Zhi-Peng Xun and Kui Han
- A physical model for dementia pp. 86-93

- O. Sotolongo-Costa, L.M. Gaggero-Sager, J.T. Becker, F. Maestu and O. Sotolongo-Grau
- Robustness in semantic networks based on cliques pp. 94-102

- M. Grilo, I.S. Fadigas, J.G.V. Miranda, M.V. Cunha, R.L.S. Monteiro and H.B.B. Pereira
- Analysis of a novel stochastic SIRS epidemic model with two different saturated incidence rates pp. 103-116

- Zhengbo Chang, Xinzhu Meng and Xiao Lu
- Generalization of the tensor renormalization group approach to 3-D or higher dimensions pp. 117-135

- Peiyuan Teng
- The behaviour of share returns of football clubs: An econophysics approach pp. 136-144

- Paulo Ferreira, Luís Loures, José Rato Nunes and Andreia Dionisio
- Stepping community detection algorithm based on label propagation and similarity pp. 145-155

- Wei Li, Ce Huang, Miao Wang and Xi Chen
- Cooperation in the prisoner’s dilemma game on tunable community networks pp. 156-163

- Penghui Liu and Jing Liu
- Record length requirement of long-range dependent teletraffic pp. 164-187

- Ming Li
- Long-range dependence in returns and volatility of global gold market amid financial crises pp. 188-202

- Maurice Omane-Adjepong and Gideon Boako
Volume 471, issue C, 2017
- The high order dispersion analysis based on first-passage-time probability in financial markets pp. 1-9

- Chenggong Liu, Pengjian Shang and Guochen Feng
- Asymmetric joint multifractal analysis in Chinese stock markets pp. 10-19

- Yuwen Chen and Tingting Zheng
- Modularity maximization using completely positive programming pp. 20-32

- Sakineh Yazdanparast and Timothy C. Havens
- Empirical research on evolutionary behavior of covert network with preference measurement pp. 33-43

- Bo Li, Duoyong Sun and Guanghan Bai
- Transport coefficients for relativistic gas mixtures of hard-sphere particles pp. 44-58

- Gilberto M. Kremer and Valdemar Moratto
- Analysis of driver’s characteristics on a curved road in a lattice model pp. 59-67

- Ramanpreet Kaur and Sapna Sharma
- Modelling trading networks and the role of trust pp. 68-79

- Rafael A. Barrio, Tzipe Govezensky, Élfego Ruiz-Gutiérrez and Kimmo K. Kaski
- The earthquakes network: Retrieving the empirical seismological laws pp. 80-87

- Soghra Rezaei, Amir Hossein Darooneh, Nastaran Lotfi and Nazila Asaadi
- Complete graph model for community detection pp. 88-97

- Peng Gang Sun and Xiya Sun
- Parkinson’s disease detection based on dysphonia measurements pp. 98-105

- Salim Lahmiri
- Market impact and structure dynamics of the Chinese stock market based on partial correlation analysis pp. 106-113

- Xing Li, Tian Qiu, Guang Chen, Li-Xin Zhong and Xiao-Run Wu
- Impact of time delay on the dynamics of SEIR epidemic model using cellular automata pp. 114-125

- Natasha Sharma and Arvind Kumar Gupta
- Gossip spread in social network Models pp. 126-134

- Tobias Johansson
- Global financial crisis and weak-form efficiency of Islamic sectoral stock markets: An MF-DFA analysis pp. 135-146

- Walid Mensi, Aviral Tiwari and Seong-Min Yoon
- Improving the recommender algorithms with the detected communities in bipartite networks pp. 147-153

- Peng Zhang, Duo Wang and Jinghua Xiao
- Localized motion in random matrix decomposition of complex financial systems pp. 154-161

- Xiong-Fei Jiang, Bo Zheng, Fei Ren and Tian Qiu
- Percolation of optical excitation mediated by near-field interactions pp. 162-168

- Makoto Naruse, Song-Ju Kim, Taiki Takahashi, Masashi Aono, Kouichi Akahane, Mario D'Acunto, Hirokazu Hori, Lars Thylén, Makoto Katori and Motoichi Ohtsu
- Volatility measurement with directional change in Chinese stock market: Statistical property and investment strategy pp. 169-180

- Junjun Ma, Xiong Xiong, Feng He and Wei Zhang
- Cointegration and causal linkages in fertilizer markets across different regimes pp. 181-189

- Salim Lahmiri
- Two-faced property of a market factor in asset pricing and diversification effect pp. 190-199

- Cheoljun Eom
- A fractal growth model: Exploring the connection pattern of hubs in complex networks pp. 200-211

- Dongyan Li, Xingyuan Wang and Penghe Huang
- Generalized Thomas–Fermi equations as the Lampariello class of Emden–Fowler equations pp. 212-218

- Haret C. Rosu and Stefan C. Mancas
- An information entropy model on clinical assessment of patients based on the holographic field of meridian pp. 219-232

- Jingjing Wu, Xinming Wu, Pengfei Li, Nan Li, Xiaomei Mao and Lihe Chai
- Percolation-cascading in multilayer heterogeneous network with different coupling preference pp. 233-243

- Wang Xiao Juan, Guo Shi Ze, Jin Lei and Wang Zhen
- A layer reduction based community detection algorithm on multiplex networks pp. 244-252

- Xiaodong Wang and Jing Liu
- Forecasting with the Fokker–Planck model: Bayesian setting of parameter pp. 253-262

- Chris Montagnon
- Stochastic resonance, coherence resonance, and spike timing reliability of Hodgkin–Huxley neurons with ion-channel noise pp. 263-275

- Haitao Yu, Roberto F. Galán, Jiang Wang, Yibin Cao and Jing Liu
- Periodic solution for a stochastic non-autonomous competitive Lotka–Volterra model in a polluted environment pp. 276-287

- Daqing Jiang, Qiumei Zhang, Tasawar Hayat and Ahmed Alsaedi
- Controlling of stochastic resonance and noise enhanced stability induced by harmonic noises in a bistable system pp. 288-294

- Chao-Jie Wang, Fei Long, Pei Zhang and Lin-Ru Nie
- Modified Van der Waals equation and law of corresponding states pp. 295-300

- Wei Zhong, Changming Xiao and Yongkai Zhu
- Reproducing morphologies of disorderly self-assembling planar molecules with static and dynamic simulation methods by matching density pp. 301-314

- M. Bumstead, B. Arnold and A. Turak
- An optimal approach for the critical node problem using semidefinite programming pp. 315-324

- Cheng Jiang, Zhonghua Liu, Juyun Wang, Hua Yu and Xiaoling Guo
- Evaluation of an analytic, approximate formula for the time-varying SIS prevalence in different networks pp. 325-336

- Qiang Liu and Piet Van Mieghem
- Coupling detrended fluctuation analysis of Asian stock markets pp. 337-350

- Qizhen Wang, Yingming Zhu, Liansheng Yang and Remco A.H. Mul
- Examining the efficiency and interdependence of US credit and stock markets through MF-DFA and MF-DXA approaches pp. 351-363

- Syed Jawad Hussain Shahzad, Safwan Mohd Nor, Walid Mensi and Ronald Kumar
- Complexity and multifractal behaviors of multiscale-continuum percolation financial system for Chinese stock markets pp. 364-376

- Yayun Zeng, Jun Wang and Kaixuan Xu
- Asymmetric correlations in the ozone concentration dynamics of the Mexico City Metropolitan Area pp. 377-386

- M. Meraz, J. Alvarez-Ramirez and J.C. Echeverria
- Modeling and predicting historical volatility in exchange rate markets pp. 387-395

- Salim Lahmiri
- Negative heat capacity in a left-handed system pp. 396-401

- L. Palma-Chilla and J.C. Flores
- Projective synchronization of fractional-order memristive neural networks with switching jumps mismatch pp. 402-415

- Lingzhong Zhang, Yongqing Yang and Fei Wang
- Deviations in expected price impact for small transaction volumes under fee restructuring pp. 416-426

- M. Harvey, D. Hendricks, T. Gebbie and D. Wilcox
- Coevolving complex networks in the model of social interactions pp. 427-435

- Tomasz Raducha and Tomasz Gubiec
- An improved car-following model with multiple preceding cars’ velocity fluctuation feedback pp. 436-444

- Lantian Guo, Xiangmo Zhao, Shaowei Yu, Xiuhai Li and Zhongke Shi
- A statistical analysis of UK financial networks pp. 445-459

- J. Chu and S. Nadarajah
- Time-varying correlations in global real estate markets: A multivariate GARCH with spatial effects approach pp. 460-472

- Huaying Gu, Zhixue Liu and Yingliang Weng
- Wealth and price distribution by diffusive approximation in a repeated prediction market pp. 473-479

- Giulio Bottazzi and Daniele Giachini
- A topic evolution model with sentiment and selective attention pp. 480-491

- Xia-Meng Si, Wen-Dong Wang, Chun-Qing Zhai and Yan Ma
- Multiscale permutation entropy analysis of electrocardiogram pp. 492-498

- Tiebing Liu, Wenpo Yao, Min Wu, Zhaorong Shi, Jun Wang and Xinbao Ning
- Structural break detection method based on the Adaptive Regression Splines technique pp. 499-511

- Daniel Kucharczyk, Agnieszka Wyłomańska and Radosław Zimroz
- Option price and market instability pp. 512-535

- Belal E. Baaquie and Miao Yu
- Robustness of network controllability in cascading failure pp. 536-539

- Shi-Ming Chen, Yun-Fei Xu and Sen Nie
- The S-Lagrangian and a theory of homeostasis in living systems pp. 540-553

- U. Sandler and L. Tsitolovsky
- Maximum Tsallis entropy with generalized Gini and Gini mean difference indices constraints pp. 554-560

- A. Khosravi Tanak, G.R. Mohtashami Borzadaran and J. Ahmadi
- Predicting links based on knowledge dissemination in complex network pp. 561-568

- Wen Zhou and Yifan Jia
- Influences of large height differences and overhangs on the dynamic scaling behavior of discrete models pp. 569-575

- Zhi-Peng Xun, Zhe Zhang, Yi-Li Chen, Ling Wu and Gang Tang
- Global industrial impact coefficient based on random walk process and inter-country input–output table pp. 576-591

- Lizhi Xing, Xianlei Dong and Jun Guan
- Why do vulnerability cycles matter in financial networks? pp. 592-606

- Thiago Silva, Benjamin Tabak and Solange Guerra
- Asynchronous updates can promote the evolution of cooperation on multiplex networks pp. 607-619

- James M. Allen and Rebecca B. Hoyle
- Arbitrage with fractional Gaussian processes pp. 620-628

- Xili Zhang and Weilin Xiao
- Paramagnetic susceptibility and correlation functions of a d-dimensional classical Heisenberg ferromagnet via the two-time Green function method pp. 629-652

- L.S. Campana, A. Cavallo, L. De Cesare, U. Esposito and A. Naddeo
- Dynamical analysis of rumor spreading model with impulse vaccination and time delay pp. 653-665

- Liang'an Huo and Chenyang Ma
- Ising game: Nonequilibrium steady states of resource-allocation systems pp. 666-673

- C. Xin, G. Yang and J.P. Huang
- Synchrony dynamics underlying effective connectivity reconstruction of neuronal circuits pp. 674-687

- Haitao Yu, Xinmeng Guo, Qing Qin, Yun Deng, Jiang Wang, Jing Liu and Yibin Cao
- Determining the complexity of multi-component conformal systems: A platoon-based approach pp. 688-695

- Caglar Kosun and Serhan Ozdemir
- Decision making on fitness landscapes pp. 696-704

- R. Arthur and P. Sibani
- A cellular automaton model for ship traffic flow in waterways pp. 705-717

- Le Qi, Zhongyi Zheng and Longhui Gang
- Visibility to discern local from nonlocal dynamic processes pp. 718-723

- A. Brú, D. Gómez-Castro and J.C. Nuño
- Stochastic effects in a discretized kinetic model of economic exchange pp. 724-732

- M.L. Bertotti, A.K. Chattopadhyay and G. Modanese
- Wealth of the world’s richest publicly traded companies per industry and per employee: Gamma, Log-normal and Pareto power-law as universal distributions? pp. 733-749

- P. Soriano-Hernández, M. del Castillo-Mussot, I. Campirán-Chávez and J.A. Montemayor-Aldrete
- A resonance based model of biological evolution pp. 750-756

- Achille Damasco and Alessandro Giuliani
- Quantifying risks with exact analytical solutions of derivative pricing distribution pp. 757-766

- Kun Zhang, Jing Liu, Erkang Wang and Jin Wang
- Dynamics of a stochastic SIS model with double epidemic diseases driven by Lévy jumps pp. 767-777

- Xinhong Zhang, Daqing Jiang, Tasawar Hayat and Bashir Ahmad
- An extended car-following model accounting for the average headway effect in intelligent transportation system pp. 778-787

- Hua Kuang, Zhi-Peng Xu, Xing-Li Li and Siu-Ming Lo
- Detecting communities in social networks using label propagation with information entropy pp. 788-798

- Naiyue Chen, Yun Liu, Haiqiang Chen and Junjun Cheng
- A new parametric method of estimating the joint probability density pp. 799-803

- Moawia Alghalith
- Spectral reconstruction of protein contact networks pp. 804-817

- Enrico Maiorino, Antonello Rizzi, Alireza Sadeghian and Alessandro Giuliani
- Critical scaling analysis for displacive-type organic ferroelectrics around ferroelectric transition pp. 818-824

- L.J. Ding
- Bridging online and offline social networks: Multiplex analysis pp. 825-836

- Sonja Filiposka, Andrej Gajduk, Tamara Dimitrova and Ljupco Kocarev
- Dynamical robustness of networks against multi-node attacked pp. 837-844

- Chang-Chun Lv, Shu-Bin Si, Dong-Li Duan and Ren-Jun Zhan
- Higher-order correlations in common input shapes the output spiking activity of a neural population pp. 845-861

- Lisandro Montangie and Fernando Montani
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