Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 152, issue 3, 1988
- Theory of nuclear magnetic spin-rotational relaxation for asymmetric molecules pp. 309-327

- James McConnell
- Noise-induced transitions: An example from linear transport theory pp. 328-342

- S.V.G. Menon, Vinod Kumar and Sudhir R. Jain
- The application of the differential operator method to the Blume-Emery-Griffiths model pp. 343-358

- T. Kaneyoshi and E.F. Sarmento
- Study of the critical line and its double point in the intermediate model pp. 359-364

- Paul H.E. Meijer
- Transport cross sections for charged particle scattering in (dense-) cesium plasma; electrical conductivity pp. 365-383

- F. Sigeneger, S. Arndt, R. Redmer, M. Luft, D. Tamme, W.D. Kraeft, G. Röpke and T. Meyer
- A probabilistic analysis of the Walker-Vause model for liquid binary mixtures pp. 384-399

- J. Güémez, A. Calvo Hernández, S. Velasco and E. Combariza
- Dynamics and spectral properties of a quantum 2D bounded vortex system pp. 400-419

- Vittorio Penna
- Response to Z. Banach's comments on the modified moment method and irreversible thermodynamics pp. 420-430

- Byung Chan Eu
- Cluster approach to dilute magnetism pp. 431-450

- Paulo R.C. Holvorcem and Roberto Osório
- Kane model, dynamical algebra and coherent states pp. 451-458

- K.A. Rustamov
- Solution of Onsager's equation in closed form pp. 459-468

- Douglas K. McIlroy
- Algebraic structure of linear and non-linear models of open quantum systems pp. 469-476

- A. Jannussis and R. Mignani
- Site-diluted antiferromagnet in a uniform field pp. 477-493

- Suzana M. Oliveira, P.M. Oliveira and M.A. Continentino
Volume 152, issue 1, 1988
- Drift mass, multifluid modelling of two-phase bubbly flow and superfluid hydrodynamics pp. 1-28

- J.A. Geurst
- Linear response in non-equilibrium thermo field dynamics pp. 29-50

- K. Nakamura, Y. Yamanaka and H. Umezawa
- Grassman path-integral solution for a class of triangular type decorated ising models pp. 51-97

- V.N. Plechko
- Hilbert space description of classical dynamical systems II pp. 98-108

- Krzysztof Kowalski
- The star-triangle transformation for self-dual spin models pp. 109-126

- Hendrik Moraal
- Excitation energy transfer dynamics in nonperiodic molecular systems pp. 127-144

- Volkhard May
- Solution of Kramers' problem pp. 145-176

- J.A.M. Janssen
- Collective population trapping and collective jumps in a system of three-level atoms pp. 177-188

- A.S. Shumovsky, Fam Le Kien and Tran Quang
- Transient phenomena in the Unruh effect pp. 189-198

- G.G.A. Bäuerle and A.J. Koning
- The role of the internal energy in the distribution function of a heat conducting gas pp. 199-216

- R.J. van den Oord, M.C. de Lignie, J.J.M. Beenakker and J. Korving
- Coherent excitonic solitons pp. 217-225

- B.S. Tošić, Lj.D. Mašković, J.P. Šetrajčič and D.Lj. Mirjanić
- Probability distribution for a lattice gas model pp. 226-242

- J. Güémez, S. Velasco and A.Calvo Hernández
- Probability distribution for a lattice gas model pp. 243-253

- J. Güémez, S. Velasco and A. Calvo Hernández
- The Boltzmann-Lorentz model for particles with spin pp. 254-272

- Marek Dudyński
- Quantum chaos and peculiarities of diffusion in Wigner representation pp. 273-286

- G.P. Berman, A.R. Kolovsky and F.M. Izrailev
- Bose condensation in disordered systems pp. 287-303

- H. Englisch and M. Schröder
- Equilibrium distribution of the kinetic variational theory II (KVT II) pp. 304-308

- R.C. Castillo, E. Martina and M. López de Haro
Volume 151, issue 2, 1988
- Intertwining operators and the quantum inverse method for the non-linear Schrödinger equation pp. 167-192

- B. Davies and E. Gutkin
- Simulation of the front deformation by diffusion induced coagulation pp. 193-206

- Marc Aertsens
- Theory of Laplacian fractals: Diffusion limited aggregation and dielectric breakdown model pp. 207-245

- L. Pietronero, A. Erzan and C. Evertsz
- Accurate measurements of the viscosity of water in the temperature range 19.5–25.5°C pp. 246-280

- D.A. Berstad, B. Knapstad, M. Lamvik, P.A. Skjølsvik, K. Tørklep and H.A. Øye
- Population model with quasi-periodic clustering pp. 281-292

- H. Bebie and J.P. Marchand
- Superfluorescence in a system with external sources pp. 293-302

- N.N. Bogolubov, A.S. Shumovsky, I.K. Kudryavtsev and S.F. Lyagushin
- A quantum field theory of phonons and boiling in liquids pp. 303-317

- Toyoyuki Kitamura
- BBGKY-hierarchies and Vlasov's equations in postgalilean approximation pp. 318-340

- Yu.N. Orlov and I.P. Pavlotsky
- Orientational dependence of magnetic field effects in a molecular Knudsen gas pp. 341-348

- R. Horne, L.J.F. Hermans, S.Yu. Krylov and I. Kuščer
- Equation of motion of a driven spin coupled to a bath pp. 349-369

- Yumei Zhang
- New developments for a repulsive external potential. Self-consistent treatments pp. 370-384

- M.-E. Boudh-Hir
- Some results for Grassmannian models on a lattice pp. 385-396

- Y. Brihaye and P. Kosinski
- Atoms in coherent and incoherent fields pp. 397-424

- S.S. Hassan and R.K. Bullough
- Atoms in coherent and incoherent fields pp. 425-446

- S.S. Hassan and R.K. Bullough
- Correlation-operators in density matrix formulation pp. 447-456

- I.A. Levin, D. Otero, A.N. Proto and V. Zunino
- Analytical solutions of the Rayleigh flow problem for a highly rarefied gas of a nonhomogeneous system of charged particles pp. 457-466

- A.H. Khater and A.E. El-Sharif
- The effect of periodic energy exchange in the frequency converter pp. 467-481

- M.Sebawe Abdalla, R.K. Colegrave and A.A. Selim
- Theory of frequency dispersion of the conductivity of a system of charged particles pp. 482-494

- V.B. Bobrov and S.A. Trigger
- Theory of frequency dispersion of the conductivity of a system of charged particles pp. 495-508

- V.B. Bobrov and S.A. Trigger
- Comment on light scattering studies of disparate mass gas mixtures: Helium-Xenon pp. 509-512

- L. Letamendia
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