Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 329, issue 3, 2003
- Effects of polydispersity on the phase coexistence diagrams in multiblock copolymers with Laser block length distribution pp. 337-349

- M. Foroutan and M.A. Jafarizadeh
- Adsorption, desorption and diffusion of extended objects on a square lattice pp. 350-356

- Lj Budinski-Petković and T Tošić
- Origin of the violation of the fluctuation–dissipation theorem in systems with activated dynamics pp. 357-364

- A. Pérez-Madrid, D. Reguera and Rubı́, J.M.
- Slow interaction dynamics in the spherical spin-glass model pp. 365-370

- E. Nogueira and J.F. Fontanari
- Generalized entropies and quantum entanglement pp. 371-376

- N. Canosa and R. Rossignoli
- Pyroelectric properties of ferroelectric superlattice with two alternative layers on transverse Ising model pp. 377-390

- A. Tabyaoui, A. Ainane, B. Movaghar and M. Saber
- On the transfer of states in coupled systems pp. 391-400

- D. Portes, H. Rodrigues, S.B. Duarte and B. Baseia
- Phase transitions of magnetic nanoclusters in metals and semiconductors pp. 401-410

- T.-C. Lee, T.T.M. Vo, B. Payandeh and M. Robert
- Phase equilibria of bulk and confined colloid–polymer systems pp. 411-430

- T.-C. Lee, J.-T. Lee, D.R. Pilaski and M. Robert
- Diffusion in two-dimensional colloid-DNA systems pp. 431-435

- T.-C. Lee, D.R. Pilaski, C.-Y. Chou, T.T.M. Vo and M. Robert
- Conservation laws of metabolism and mortality pp. 436-450

- Azbel’, Mark Ya.
- Improving the realism of the cellular Potts model in simulations of biological cells pp. 451-458

- Noriyuki Bob Ouchi, James A. Glazier, Jean-Paul Rieu, Arpita Upadhyaya and Yasuji Sawada
- Vector opinion dynamics in a model for social influence pp. 459-472

- M.F. Laguna, Guillermo Abramson and Damián H. Zanette
- Information categorization approach to literary authorship disputes pp. 473-483

- Albert C.-C Yang, C.-K Peng, H.-W Yien and Ary L Goldberger
- Evolutionary minority games: the benefits of imitation pp. 484-498

- Richard Metzler and Christian Horn
- Power-law distributions resulting from finite resources pp. 499-508

- Thomas Wilhelm and Peter Hänggi
Volume 329, issue 1, 2003
- Experiments on vortex funnel formation during drainage pp. 1-6

- M. Piva, M. Iglesias, P. Bissio and A. Calvo
- Contact-line instabilities in liquids spreading on solid substrates pp. 7-13

- M. Cachile, G. Albisu, A. Calvo and A.M. Cazabat
- Density profile and pressure of a confined fluid with core-softened potential: a one-dimensional model of water in a slit pp. 14-28

- Masao Iwamatsu
- The intrinsic damping of the fractional oscillator pp. 29-34

- Ali Tofighi
- On fractional diffusion and continuous time random walks pp. 35-40

- R. Hilfer
- Time evolution of clusters of mobile particles in a model glass former pp. 41-52

- G.A. Appignanesi, M.A. Frechero and R.A. Montani
- Nonclassical effects in a three-level atom one-mode system with arbitrary forms of nonlinearities pp. 53-67

- Abdel-Shafy F. Obada and Mahmoud Abdel-Aty
- Probability amplitude structure of Fokker–Plank equation pp. 68-80

- M.S. Torres and J.M.A. Figueiredo
- Non-logarithmic Jensen–Shannon divergence pp. 81-90

- Pedro W. Lamberti and Ana P. Majtey
- Transmission fingerprints in quasiperiodic magnetic structures pp. 91-100

- C.G. Bezerra, M.S. Vasconcelos, E.L. Albuquerque and A.M. Mariz
- Specific heat properties of electrons in generalized Fibonacci quasicrystals pp. 101-113

- P.W. Mauriz, M.S. Vasconcelos and E.L. Albuquerque
- On the first Sonine correction for granular gases pp. 114-126

- François Coppex, Michel Droz, Jarosław Piasecki and Emmanuel Trizac
- Simulation of the compaction of confined mono-sized spherical particles systems under symmetric vibration pp. 127-146

- S. Rémond
- Thermodynamics of an alternate σ=1 and S=32 Ising chain mapped onto an effective BEG model pp. 147-160

- E.C. Fireman, J.C. Cressoni and R.J.V. dos Santos
- Effects of biaxial crystal-field on spin-3/2 honeycomb lattice pp. 161-169

- Wei Jiang, Guo-Zhu Wei and Qi Zhang
- On CAPM and Black–Scholes differing risk-return strategies pp. 170-177

- Joseph L. McCauley and Gemunu H. Gunaratne
- An empirical model of volatility of returns and option pricing pp. 178-198

- Joseph L. McCauley and Gemunu H. Gunaratne
- Thermodynamic analogies in economics and finance: instability of markets pp. 199-212

- Joseph L. McCauley
- Scaling, correlations, and cascades in finance and turbulence pp. 213-221

- Joseph L. McCauley
- Dynamical model of financial markets: fluctuating ‘temperature’ causes intermittent behavior of price changes pp. 222-230

- Naoki Kozuki and Nobuko Fuchikami
- Long-range correlations and nonstationarity in the Brazilian stock market pp. 231-248

- Rogério L. Costa and G.L. Vasconcelos
- 2000–2003 real estate bubble in the UK but not in the USA pp. 249-263

- Wei-Xing Zhou and Didier Sornette
- Application effective medium approximation approach for economic researching pp. 264-272

- Marina G. Semenenko
- The origin of fat-tailed distributions in financial time series pp. 273-280

- G.M. Viswanathan, U.L. Fulco, M.L. Lyra and M. Serva
- Simulation of social processes: application to social learning pp. 281-286

- Clelia M. Bordogna and Ezequiel V. Albano
- Hysteretic optimization for the traveling salesman problem pp. 287-297

- Károly F. Pál
- Wavelet analysis in a traffic model pp. 298-308

- Ding-wei Huang
- A metric to search for relevant words pp. 309-327

- Hongding Zhou and Gary W. Slater
Volume 328, issue 3, 2003
- Finger velocities in the lifting Hele–Shaw cell pp. 305-314

- Subrata K. Kabiraj and Sujata Tarafdar
- Relationship of second-order lacunarity, Hurst exponent, Brownian motion, and pattern organization pp. 315-321

- R.A. Feagin
- Pressure, alignment and phase behavior of a simple model liquid crystal. A Monte Carlo simulation study pp. 322-334

- Haiko Steuer, Siegfried Hess and Martin Schoen
- Intermittency in connected hamiltonian systems pp. 335-340

- Mario Markus and Malte Schmick
- Phase transition and 1/f noise in a computer network model pp. 341-350

- Feng Liu, Xiuming Shan, Yong Ren and Jun Zhang
- Masking properties of APD communication systems pp. 351-359

- J.G. Fernandez, H.A. Larrondo, H.A. Slavin, D.G. Levin, R.M. Hidalgo and R.R. Rivera
- Chaotic transfers in three- and four-body systems pp. 360-366

- Marian Gidea and Melissa Burgos
- Universal effects of collective interactions on long-time self-diffusion coefficients in hard-sphere systems pp. 367-379

- Michio Tokuyama, Hiroyuki Yamazaki and Yayoi Terada
- Monotonically equivalent entropies and solution of additivity equation pp. 380-390

- Pavel Gorban
- Zeros of the Jones polynomials for families of pretzel links pp. 391-408

- Xian'an Jin and Fuji Zhang
- Summation of power series by self-similar factor approximants pp. 409-438

- V.I. Yukalov, S. Gluzman and D. Sornette
- Electrons in a shell and the virial theorem pp. 439-448

- J. Sañudo and A.F. Pacheco
- From phase separation to long-range order in a system of interacting electrons pp. 449-465

- Volodymyr Derzhko and Janusz Jȩdrzejewski
- Vacuum fluctuations of a scalar field in a rectangular waveguide pp. 466-492

- R.B. Rodrigues and N.F. Svaiter
- Smooth-to-rough transition in the fracture of fibrous materials pp. 493-504

- I.L. Menezes-Sobrinho
- Interparticle interaction and structure of deposits for competitive model in (2+1) dimensions pp. 505-512

- L.A. Bulavin, N.I. Lebovka, V.Yu. Starchenko and N.V. Vygornitskii
- Configurational entropy of adsorbed particles on two-dimensional heterogeneous surfaces pp. 513-524

- F. Romá and A.J. Ramirez-Pastor
- Nonlinear waves on the surface of a magnetic fluid jet in porous media pp. 525-544

- Galal M. Moatimid
- Zipf–Mandelbrot scaling law for world track records pp. 545-560

- Jose Alvarez-Ramirez, Monica Meraz and Gustavo Gallegos
- Hölder exponent spectra for human gait pp. 561-583

- N Scafetta, L Griffin and B.j West
- Assessing interaction networks with applications to catastrophe dynamics and disaster management pp. 584-606

- Dirk Helbing and Christian Kühnert
Volume 328, issue 1, 2003
- Mean-field dynamics of sequence processing neural networks with finite connectivity pp. 1-12

- W.K. Theumann
- Epidemic dynamics: discrete-time and cellular automaton models pp. 13-22

- R. Willox, B. Grammaticos, A.S. Carstea and A. Ramani
- On nonequilibrium spatial correlations in a model chemical reaction pp. 23-43

- Junichi Wakou, Kazuo Kitahara, Marek Litniewski and Jerzy Gorecki
- Theory of analogous force on number sets pp. 44-52

- Enrique Canessa
- A Monte Carlo algorithm for free and coaxial ring extremal states of the vortex N-body problem on a sphere pp. 53-96

- Chjan C. Lim, Joseph Nebus and Syed M. Assad
- Dielectric versus conductive behaviour in quantum gases: exact results for the hydrogen plasma pp. 97-144

- V. Ballenegger and Ph.A. Martin
- Deformed Heisenberg algebra: origin of q-calculus pp. 145-153

- P.Narayana Swamy
- Kinetic approach for the calculation of the thermo-power coefficient in semiconductor heterostructures pp. 154-166

- M.A. Rodrı́guez-Meza, J.L. Carrillo and A. Rangel-Huerta
- Quantum spin-12 two-dimensional XXZ model: an alternative quantum renormalization-group approach pp. 167-173

- J.Ricardo de Sousa, N.S. Branco, B. Boechat and Claudette Cordeiro
- New aspects of magnetic properties in a transverse Ising thin film pp. 174-184

- T. Kaneyoshi
- Ferrimagnetism and compensation points in a decorated 3D Ising models pp. 185-192

- J. Oitmaa and Weihong Zheng
- Finite-size effects on the growth models of Das Sarma and Tamborenea and Wolf and Villain pp. 193-204

- B.S. Costa, J.A.R. Euzébio and F.D.A. Aarão Reis
- The effects of the nonextensivity on the dimerization process and nematic ordering pp. 205-213

- O. Kayacan
- A mathematical model for wild and sterile species in competition: immigration pp. 214-224

- J.C. Flores
- The social behavior and the evolution of sexually transmitted diseases pp. 225-232

- Sebastián Gonçalves and Marcelo Kuperman
- Low-dimensional dynamical system model for observed coherent structures in ocean satellite data pp. 233-250

- Cristóbal López and Emilio Hernández-Garcı́a
- Dynamical behavior of a two-dimensional cellular automaton with signal processing. (II). Effect of signal period pp. 251-260

- Makoto S. Watanabe
- Numerical analysis of a time-headway bus route model pp. 261-273

- Scott A. Hill
- A local-world evolving network model pp. 274-286

- Xiang Li and Guanrong Chen
- Complexity and synchronization of the World trade Web pp. 287-296

- Xiang Li, Yu Ying Jin and Guanrong Chen
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