Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 444, issue C, 2016
- Structural stability of Lattice Boltzmann schemes pp. 1-8

- Claire David and Pierre Sagaut
- Improving interdependent networks robustness by adding connectivity links pp. 9-19

- Xingpei Ji, Bo Wang, Dichen Liu, Guo Chen, Fei Tang, Daqian Wei and Lian Tu
- Influence maximization in social networks under an independent cascade-based model pp. 20-34

- Qiyao Wang, Yuehui Jin, Zhen Lin, Shiduan Cheng and Tan Yang
- A spike correction approach for variability analysis of heart rate sick infants pp. 35-42

- R.B. Govindan, Tareq Al-Shargabi, Marina Metzler, Nickie N. Andescavage, Radhika Joshi and Adré du Plessis
- Hurst exponent estimation of self-affine time series using quantile graphs pp. 43-48

- Andriana S.L.O. Campanharo and Fernando M. Ramos
- Adaptive pinning synchronization in fractional-order uncertain complex dynamical networks with delay pp. 49-62

- Song Liang, Ranchao Wu and Liping Chen
- The lead–lag relationship between stock index and stock index futures: A thermal optimal path method pp. 63-72

- Chen-Chen Gong, Shen-Dan Ji, Li-Ling Su, Sai-Ping Li and Fei Ren
- A modified weighted TOPSIS to identify influential nodes in complex networks pp. 73-85

- Jiantao Hu, Yuxian Du, Hongming Mo, Daijun Wei and Yong Deng
- Thermodynamic and dynamic anomalous behavior in the TIP4P/ε water model pp. 86-94

- Raúl Fuentes-Azcatl and Marcia C. Barbosa
- Kinetic model of mass exchange with dynamic Arrhenius transition rates pp. 95-109

- Dionissios T. Hristopulos and Aliki Muradova
- Study on Brain Dynamics by Non Linear Analysis of Music Induced EEG Signals pp. 110-120

- Archi Banerjee, Shankha Sanyal, Anirban Patranabis, Kaushik Banerjee, Tarit Guhathakurta, Ranjan Sengupta, Dipak Ghosh and Partha Ghose
- Second law considerations on the third law: From Boltzmann and Loschmidt paradox to non equilibrium temperature pp. 121-128

- Umberto Lucia
- A study of hierarchical structure on South China industrial electricity-consumption correlation pp. 129-145

- Can-Zhong Yao, Ji-Nan Lin and Xiao-Feng Liu
- Evolution of the global inequality in greenhouse gases emissions using multidimensional generalized entropy measures pp. 146-157

- Lorena Remuzgo, Carmen Trueba and José María Sarabia
- Size distribution of U.S. lower tail cities pp. 158-162

- Stephen Devadoss and Jeff Luckstead
- Efficiency and cross-correlation in equity market during global financial crisis: Evidence from China pp. 163-176

- Pengcheng Ma, Daye Li and Shuo Li
- Pseudo-ϵ expansion and critical exponents of superfluid helium pp. 177-181

- A.I. Sokolov and M.A. Nikitina
- A note on the fractional logistic equation pp. 182-187

- Iván Area, Jorge Losada and Juan J. Nieto
- Hypoallometric scaling in international collaborations pp. 188-193

- David Hsiehchen, Magdalena Espinoza and Antony Hsieh
- Network-based study on the relationship between arms exports and foreign policies pp. 194-204

- Xing Chen, Ru-lan Zhao, Zi-ke Zhang and Jing Zhao
- Long-range correlation analysis of economic news flow intensity pp. 205-212

- S.P. Sidorov, A.R. Faizliev, V.A. Balash and E.A. Korobov
- A simple model for factory distribution: Historical effect in an industry city pp. 213-219

- Takashi Uehara, Kazunori Sato, Satoru Morita, Yasunobu Maeda, Jin Yoshimura and Kei-ichi Tainaka
- Ising low-temperature polynomials and hard-sphere gases on cubic lattices of general dimension pp. 220-234

- P. Butera and M. Pernici
- The Sun–Earth connect 1: A fractional d-matrix of solar emissions compared to spectral analysis evidence of solar measurements and climate proxies pp. 235-258

- Robert G.V. Baker
- Phase synchronization based minimum spanning trees for analysis of financial time series with nonlinear correlations pp. 259-270

- Srinivasan Radhakrishnan, Arjun Duvvuru, Sivarit Sultornsanee and Sagar Kamarthi
- A comparison of LMC and SDL complexity measures on binomial distributions pp. 271-275

- José Roberto C. Piqueira
- A family of models for Schelling binary choices pp. 276-296

- Fausto Cavalli, Ahmad Naimzada and Marina Pireddu
- A novel information cascade model in online social networks pp. 297-310

- Chao Tong, Wenbo He, Jianwei Niu and Zhongyu Xie
- Hybrid LBM-MRT model coupled with finite difference method for double-diffusive mixed convection in rectangular enclosure with insulated moving lid pp. 311-326

- Soufiene Bettaibi, Frédéric Kuznik and Ezeddine Sediki
- Real-space, mean-field algorithm to numerically calculate long-range interactions pp. 327-335

- A. Cadilhe and B.V. Costa
- Investigation of the cumulative diminution process using the Fibonacci method and fractional calculus pp. 336-344

- F. Buyukkilic, Z. Ok Bayrakdar and D. Demirhan
- Towards a physics on fractals: Differential vector calculus in three-dimensional continuum with fractal metric pp. 345-359

- Alexander S. Balankin, Juan Bory-Reyes and Michael Shapiro
- Summarizing scale-free networks based on virtual and real links pp. 360-372

- Yijun Bei, Zhen Lin and Deren Chen
- A new method optimizing the subgraph centrality of large networks pp. 373-387

- Xin Yan, Chunlin Li, Ling Zhang and Yaogai Hu
- Interest rate next-day variation prediction based on hybrid feedforward neural network, particle swarm optimization, and multiresolution techniques pp. 388-396

- Salim Lahmiri
- Analysis of ground state in random bipartite matching pp. 397-402

- Gui-Yuan Shi, Yi-Xiu Kong, Hao Liao and Yi-Cheng Zhang
- First results on applying a non-linear effect formalism to alliances between political parties and buy and sell dynamics pp. 403-414

- F. Bagarello and Emmanuel Haven
- Texture analysis by fractal descriptors over the wavelet domain using a best basis decomposition pp. 415-427

- J.B. Florindo and O.M. Bruno
- Leaders in communities of real-world networks pp. 428-441

- Jingcheng Fu, Jianliang Wu, Chuanjian Liu and Jin Xu
- Promotion and resignation in employee networks pp. 442-447

- Jia Yuan, Qian-Ming Zhang, Jian Gao, Linyan Zhang, Xue-Song Wan, Xiao-Jun Yu and Tao Zhou
- Opinion dynamics: Kinetic modelling with mass media, application to the Scottish independence referendum pp. 448-457

- Laurent Boudin and Francesco Salvarani
- Research on invulnerability of the random scale-free network against cascading failure pp. 458-465

- Rong-Rong Yin, Bin Liu, Hao-Ran Liu and Ya-Qian Li
- A superstatistical model of vehicular traffic flow pp. 466-475

- Caglar Kosun and Serhan Ozdemir
- Phase transitions and damage spreading in a nonequilibrium lattice gas model with mixed dynamic rules pp. 476-486

- M. Leticia Rubio Puzzo, Gustavo P. Saracco and Marisa A. Bab
- Time varying market efficiency of the GCC stock markets pp. 487-504

- Lanouar Charfeddine and Karim Ben Khediri
- Nonlinear structure analysis of carbon and energy markets with MFDCCA based on maximum overlap wavelet transform pp. 505-523

- Cao Guangxi and Wei Xu
- Benford’s law, its applicability and breakdown in the IR spectra of polymers pp. 524-529

- Ed. Bormashenko, E. Shulzinger, G. Whyman and Ye. Bormashenko
- General method to solve the heat equation pp. 530-537

- ByoungSeon Choi, Daun Jeong and M.Y. Choi
- Autaptic pacemaker mediated propagation of weak rhythmic activity across small-world neuronal networks pp. 538-546

- Ergin Yilmaz, Veli Baysal, Mahmut Ozer and Matjaž Perc
- Multifractal analysis of spot rates in tanker markets and their comparisons with crude oil markets pp. 547-559

- Shiyuan Zheng and Xiangang Lan
- Semi-directed percolation in two dimensions pp. 560-565

- Dragica Knežević and Milan Knežević
- Evolution of cooperation in spatial iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma games under localized extremal dynamics pp. 566-575

- Zhen Wang, Chao Yu, Guang-Hai Cui, Ya-Peng Li and Ming-Chu Li
- Immunization and epidemic threshold of an SIS model in complex networks pp. 576-581

- Qingchu Wu and Xinchu Fu
- Critical exponents of a self-propelled particles system pp. 582-588

- Dorilson S. Cambui, Alberto S. de Arruda and Maurício Godoy
- Random crystal-field effects in a mixed spin-1 and spin-3/2 ferrimagnetic Ising system pp. 589-600

- I.J. Souza, P.H.Z. de Arruda, M. Godoy, L. Craco and A.S. de Arruda
- Study on the contagion among American industries pp. 601-612

- Yang Chunxia, Zhu Xueshuai, Jiang Luoluo, Hu Sen and Li He
- Effect of stopover on motion of two competing elevators in peak traffic pp. 613-621

- Takashi Nagatani
- Effects of turning and through lane sharing on traffic performance at intersections pp. 622-640

- Xiang Li and Jian-Qiao Sun
- Exact results for the spin-1 Ising model on pure “square” Husimi lattices: Critical temperatures and spontaneous magnetization pp. 641-653

- E. Jurčišinová and M. Jurčišin
- Estimating the self-similar exponent of broad-sense self-similar processes pp. 654-659

- Jing Zheng, Guijun Zhang and Changqing Tong
- Identifying drought-induced correlations in the satellite time series of hot pixels recorded in the Brazilian Amazon by means of the detrended fluctuation analysis pp. 660-666

- Tatijana Stosic, Luciano Telesca, Simara Lúcia Lemos da Costa and Borko Stosic
- Optimal portfolio strategy with cross-correlation matrix composed by DCCA coefficients: Evidence from the Chinese stock market pp. 667-679

- Xuelian Sun and Zixian Liu
- Using string invariants for prediction searching for optimal parameters pp. 680-688

- Marek Bundzel, Tomáš Kasanický and Richard Pinčák
- Thermal effects in nano-sized adsorbate islands growth processes at vapor deposition pp. 689-699

- Vasyl O. Kharchenko, Dmitrii O. Kharchenko and Alina V. Dvornichenko
- Opinion formation and bi-polarization with biased assimilation and homophily pp. 700-712

- Guiyuan Fu and Weidong Zhang
- Personalized recommendation based on heat bidirectional transfer pp. 713-721

- Wenping Ma, Xiang Feng, Shanfeng Wang and Maoguo Gong
- Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis based on fractal fitting: The long-range correlation detection method for highway volume data pp. 722-731

- Meifeng Dai, Jie Hou and Dandan Ye
- Dynamic magnetic properties in the kinetic Ising ferromagnet on triangular lattice within the effective-field theory and using Glauber-type stochastic dynamics pp. 732-743

- Mehmet Ertaş, Ersin Kantar, Yusuf Kocakaplan and Mustafa Keskin
- A picture for the coupling of unemployment and inflation pp. 744-750

- H. Safdari, A. Hosseiny, S. Vasheghani Farahani and G.R. Jafari
- Network analysis of returns and volume trading in stock markets: The Euro Stoxx case pp. 751-764

- Juan Brida, David Matesanz and Maria Nela Seijas
- The influence of the finite velocity on spatial distribution of particles in the frame of Levy walk model pp. 765-782

- Viacheslav V. Saenko
- Anomalous Brownian refrigerator pp. 783-798

- Shubhashis Rana, P.S. Pal, Arnab Saha and A.M. Jayannavar
- On multi-scale percolation behaviour of the effective conductivity for the lattice model with interacting particles pp. 799-807

- R. Wiśniowski, W. Olchawa, D. Frączek and R. Piasecki
- On q-non-extensive statistics with non-Tsallisian entropy pp. 808-827

- Petr Jizba and Jan Korbel
- Randomness versus specifics for word-frequency distributions pp. 828-837

- Xiaoyong Yan and Petter Minnhagen
- Observability of market daily volatility pp. 838-842

- Filippo Petroni and Maurizio Serva
- Natural thermodynamics pp. 843-852

- Arto Annila
- Adsorption of ethanol onto activated carbon: Modeling and consequent interpretations based on statistical physics treatment pp. 853-869

- Mohamed Bouzid, Lotfi Sellaoui, Mohamed Khalfaoui, Hafedh Belmabrouk and Abdelmottaleb Ben Lamine
- Order metrics and order maps of octahedron packings pp. 870-882

- Lufeng Liu, Peng Lu, Lingyi Meng, Weiwei Jin and Shuixiang Li
- Rényi indices of financial minimum spanning trees pp. 883-889

- Chun-Xiao Nie, Fu-Tie Song and Sai-Ping Li
- The Frenkel line and isotope effect pp. 890-896

- Yu.D. Fomin, V.N. Ryzhov, E.N. Tsiok, V.V. Brazhkin and K. Trachenko
- Antiferromagnetic majority voter model on square and honeycomb lattices pp. 897-904

- Francisco Sastre and Malte Henkel
- Entropic measures of joint uncertainty: Effects of lack of majorization pp. 905-913

- Alfredo Luis, Gustavo Martín Bosyk and Mariela Portesi
- The role of the Stefan–Boltzmann law in the thermodynamic optimization of an n-Müser engine pp. 914-921

- M.A. Ramírez-Moreno, S. González-Hernández and F. Angulo-Brown
- Impacts of suppressing guide on information spreading pp. 922-927

- Jinghong Xu, Lin Zhang, Baojun Ma and Ye Wu
- A pathway-based network analysis of hypertension-related genes pp. 928-939

- Huan Wang, Jing-Bo Hu, Chuan-Yun Xu, De-Hai Zhang, Qian Yan, Ming Xu, Ke-Fei Cao and Xu-Sheng Zhang
- Correlations and risk contagion between mixed assets and mixed-asset portfolio VaR measurements in a dynamic view: An application based on time varying copula models pp. 940-953

- Yingying Han, Pu Gong and Xiang Zhou
- Detecting and quantifying cross-correlations by analogous multifractal height cross-correlation analysis pp. 954-962

- Fang Wang, Zhaohui Yang and Lin Wang
- Search for a Lorentz invariant velocity distribution of a relativistic gas pp. 963-969

- Evaldo M.F. Curado, Felipe T.L. Germani and Ivano Damião Soares
- Modeling, simulation and analysis of group trampling risks during escalator transfers pp. 970-984

- Wenhang Li, Jianhua Gong, Ping Yu and Shen Shen
- Time–frequency featured co-movement between the stock and prices of crude oil and gold pp. 985-995

- Shupei Huang, Haizhong An, Xiangyun Gao and Xuan Huang
- A new graphical representation of protein sequences and its applications pp. 996-1002

- Wenbing Hou, Qiuhui Pan and Mingfeng He
- Characterization of river flow fluctuations via horizontal visibility graphs pp. 1003-1011

- A.C. Braga, L.G.A. Alves, L.S. Costa, A.A. Ribeiro, M.M.A. de Jesus, A.A. Tateishi and H.V. Ribeiro
- Stable continuous-time autoregressive process driven by stable subordinator pp. 1012-1026

- Agnieszka Wyłomańska and Janusz Gajda
- Interfacial tension and wall energy of a Bose–Einstein condensate binary mixture: Triple-parabola approximation pp. 1027-1040

- Zehui Deng, Bert Van Schaeybroeck, Chang-You Lin, Nguyen Van Thu and Joseph O. Indekeu
- A novel epidemic spreading model with decreasing infection rate based on infection times pp. 1041-1048

- Yunhan Huang, Li Ding and Yun Feng
- A pseudo-Hermitian β-Hermite family of matrices pp. 1049-1061

- G. Marinello and M.P. Pato
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