Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 399, issue C, 2014
- Interaction in agent-based economics: A survey on the network approach pp. 1-15

- Leonardo Bargigli and Gabriele Tedeschi
- Epidemic spreading on weighted adaptive networks pp. 16-23

- Yinzuo Zhou and Yingjie Xia
- Localized coherence in two interacting populations of social agents pp. 24-30

- J.C. González-Avella, M.G. Cosenza and M. San Miguel
- The 3-dimensional cellular automata for HIV infection pp. 31-39

- Youbin Mo, Bin Ren, Wencao Yang and Jianwei Shuai
- Quantum fluctuations from a local-causal information dynamics pp. 40-56

- Agung Budiyono
- A new method of identifying influential nodes in complex networks based on TOPSIS pp. 57-69

- Yuxian Du, Cai Gao, Yong Hu, Sankaran Mahadevan and Yong Deng
- Internet information arrival and volatility of SME PRICE INDEX pp. 70-74

- Yongjie Zhang, Lina Feng, Xi Jin, Dehua Shen, Xiong Xiong and Wei Zhang
- Decomposable multiphase entropic descriptor pp. 75-81

- D. Frączek and R. Piasecki
- Website-oriented recommendation based on heat spreading and tag-aware collaborative filtering pp. 82-88

- Zi-Ke Zhang, Lu Yu, Kuan Fang, Zhi-Qiang You, Chuang Liu, Hao Liu and Xiao-Yong Yan
- Absence of phase transition in the XY-model on Menger sponge pp. 89-97

- M.A. Przedborski and B. Mitrović
- Global stability analysis of a Curzon–Ahlborn heat engine using the Lyapunov method pp. 98-105

- Israel Reyes-Ramírez, Marco A. Barranco-Jiménez, A. Rojas-Pacheco and Lev Guzmán-Vargas
- Phase diagrams and magnetic properties of tri-layer superlattices: Mean field study pp. 106-112

- S. Naji, A. Belhaj, H. Labrim, L. Bahmad, A. Benyoussef and A. El Kenz
- Multifractal detrended cross-correlation analysis of carbon and crude oil markets pp. 113-125

- Xiaoyang Zhuang, Yu Wei and Bangzheng Zhang
- Determination of overlapping degree of interfacial layers around polydisperse ellipsoidal particles in particulate composites pp. 126-136

- Wenxiang Xu, Wen Chen, Huisu Chen, Xia Tian and Haitao Zhao
- High frequency energy cascades in inviscid hydrodynamics pp. 137-146

- Adam Smith N. Costa, J.M. de Araújo, Nir Cohen, Liacir S. Lucena and G.M. Viswanathan
- Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes for geophysical data analysis pp. 147-156

- Semere Habtemicael and Indranil SenGupta
- An epidemic model based on individuals with movement characteristics pp. 157-162

- Qiuhui Pan, Rui Liu and Mingfeng He
- Quantum walks with memory on cycles pp. 163-170

- Michael Mc Gettrick and Jarosław Adam Miszczak
- Critical energy distribution function of the Baxter–Wu model pp. 171-188

- Ioannis N. Velonakis
Volume 398, issue C, 2014
- Quantum discord near Anderson metal–insulator transition with correlated disorder pp. 1-9

- W.W. Cheng, J.X. Li, Chenyu Shan, L.Y. Gong and S.M. Zhao
- Abnormal microchannel convective fluid flow near the gas–liquid critical point pp. 10-24

- Lin Chen, Xin-Rong Zhang, Junnosuke Okajima and Shigenao Maruyama
- Galilei symmetries of KdV-type nonlinear evolution equations pp. 25-34

- Qing Huang, Lizhen Wang, Shoufeng Shen and Suli Zuo
- Behavior of grains in contact with the wall of a silo during the initial instants of a discharge-driven collapse pp. 35-42

- C. Colonnello, L.I. Reyes, E. Clément and G. Gutiérrez
- SIRaRu rumor spreading model in complex networks pp. 43-55

- Jiajia Wang, Laijun Zhao and Rongbing Huang
- Universality in the distance between two teams in a football tournament pp. 56-64

- Roberto da Silva and Silvio R. Dahmen
- Note on invariant properties of a quantum system placed into thermodynamic environment pp. 65-75

- A.Y. Klimenko
- A novel macro model of traffic flow with the consideration of anticipation optimal velocity pp. 76-82

- G.H. Peng, W. Song, Y.J. Peng and S.H. Wang
- A delta-kicked model for the quantum ratchet effect pp. 83-88

- Lei Chen, Chao Xiong, Hong-Chun Yuan and Li-Hua Ding
- A model for stock returns and volatility pp. 89-115

- Tao Ma and R.A. Serota
- Bose–Einstein condensation of a two-dimensional harmonically trapped q-deformed boson system pp. 116-124

- Qi-Jun Zeng, Yong-Song Luo, Yuan-Guo Xu and Hao Luo
- Stochastic averaging of quasi-partially integrable Hamiltonian systems under combined Gaussian and Poisson white noise excitations pp. 125-144

- Wantao Jia and Weiqiu Zhu
- Modeling correlated human dynamics with temporal preference pp. 145-151

- Peng Wang, Tao Zhou, Xiao-Pu Han and Bing-Hong Wang
- Correlation functions of an autonomous stochastic system with time delays pp. 152-161

- Ping Zhu and Dong Cheng Mei
- Phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences based on k-word and rough set theory pp. 162-171

- Chun Li, Yan Yang, Meiduo Jia, Yingying Zhang, Xiaoqing Yu and Changzhong Wang
- Energy dissipation of traffic flow at an on-ramp pp. 172-178

- Yu Xue, San-Jun Kang, Wei-Zhen Lu and Hong-Di He
- An amoeboid algorithm for solving linear transportation problem pp. 179-186

- Cai Gao, Chao Yan, Zili Zhang, Yong Hu, Sankaran Mahadevan and Yong Deng
- Fractal behavior in the headway fluctuation simulated by the NaSch model pp. 187-193

- H.B. Zhu and J.B. Gao
- Electron dynamics in nanoscale transistors by means of Wigner and Boltzmann approaches pp. 194-198

- J.M. Sellier, S.M. Amoroso, M. Nedjalkov, S. Selberherr, A. Asenov and I. Dimov
- Compare two community-based personalized information recommendation algorithms pp. 199-209

- Yuan Wen, Yun Liu, Zhen-Jiang Zhang, Fei Xiong and Wei Cao
- Empirical analysis on future-cash arbitrage risk with portfolio VaR pp. 210-216

- Rongda Chen, Cong Li, Weijin Wang and Ze Wang
- Analysis of human genes with protein–protein interaction network for detecting disease genes pp. 217-228

- Shun-yao Wu, Feng-jing Shao, Ren-cheng Sun, Yi Sui, Ying Wang and Jin-long Wang
- Does a particle swept by a turbulent liquid diffuse? pp. 229-233

- Moshe Schwartz, Gad Frenkel and Sam F. Edwards
- Bond dimer percolation on square lattices pp. 234-242

- W. Lebrecht, J.F. Valdés, E.E. Vogel, F. Nieto and A.J. Ramirez-Pastor
- Cooperative effects of inherent stochasticity and random long-range connections on synchronization and coherence resonance in diffusively coupled calcium oscillators pp. 243-251

- Maosheng Wang and Runzhi Sun
- Momentum autocorrelation function of an impurity in a classical oscillator chain with alternating masses— I. General theory pp. 252-263

- Ming B. Yu
- A model for scaling in firms’ size and growth rate distribution pp. 264-279

- Cornelia Metzig and Mirta B. Gordon
- A permutation entropy based test for causality: The volume–stock price relation pp. 280-288

- Mariano Matilla-García, Manuel Ruiz Marín and Mohammed Dore
- Financial market volatility and contagion effect: A copula–multifractal volatility approach pp. 289-300

- Wang Chen, Yu Wei, Qiaoqi Lang, Yu Lin and Maojuan Liu
Volume 397, issue C, 2014
- The Sherrington–Kirkpatrick spin glass model in the presence of a random field with a joint Gaussian probability density function for the exchange interactions and random fields pp. 1-16

- Ioannis A. Hadjiagapiou
- A criterion for the determination of optimal scaling ranges in DFA and MF-DFA pp. 17-30

- Damián Gulich and Luciano Zunino
- Magnetic properties of double perovskite Sr2CrReO6: Mean field approximation and Monte Carlo simulation pp. 31-39

- O. El Rhazouani, A. Benyoussef, S. Naji and A. El Kenz
- Creation of excitations from a uniform impurity motion in the condensate pp. 40-53

- Jun Suzuki
- A statistical measure of financial crises magnitude pp. 54-75

- Bogdan Negrea
- Three-phase theory of city traffic: Moving synchronized flow patterns in under-saturated city traffic at signals pp. 76-110

- Boris S. Kerner
- Consensus formation on a simplicial complex of opinions pp. 111-120

- Slobodan Maletić and Milan Rajković
- The rumor diffusion process with emerging independent spreaders in complex networks pp. 121-128

- Weihua Li, Shaoting Tang, Sen Pei, Shu Yan, Shijin Jiang, Xian Teng and Zhiming Zheng
- Closed walks for community detection pp. 129-143

- Yang Yang, Peng Gang Sun, Xia Hu and Zhou Jun Li
- Group detection in complex networks: An algorithm and comparison of the state of the art pp. 144-156

- Lovro Šubelj and Marko Bajec
- Quantum walks in artificial electric and gravitational fields pp. 157-168

- Giuseppe Di Molfetta, Marc Brachet and Fabrice Debbasch
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