Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 115, issue 3, 1982
- Spatially nonlocal fluctuation theories: Hydrodynamic fluctuations for simple fluids pp. 301-338

- Joel Keizer and Magdaleno Medina-Noyola
- Diffusion coefficients and thermal diffusion factors for five binary systems of nitrogen and a noble gas pp. 339-352

- R.D. Trengove and Peter J. Dunlop
- Calculation of approximate total cross sections in the glory region from noble gas potentials pp. 353-374

- J.J.H. Van den Biesen and C.J.N. Van den Meijdenberg
- Relation between total cross section data and the interaction potential; A comparison with closely connected data pp. 375-395

- J.J.H. van den Biesen and C.J.N. van den Meijdenberg
- Experimental total collision cross sections in the glory region for noble gas systems pp. 396-439

- J.J.H. van den Biesen, R.M. Hermans and C.J.N. van den Meijdenberg
- Quasi-equilibrium states of open systems via quantum dynamical master equations pp. 440-448

- W.E. Hagston, M. Roberts and I.D. Cox
- Nonequilibrium-relativistic long-wave limit in thermomechanics of polarizable multicomponent systems I pp. 449-478

- V.T. Berezin
- Ordered cumulant technique and differential equations for probability density pp. 479-489

- L. Garrido and J.M. Sancho
- Thermodynamics of deformable three-phase systems pp. 490-500

- P. Tarazona and G. Navascués
- Dissipative contributions of internal multiplicative noise pp. 501-518

- V. Seshadri and Katja Lindenberg
- Long-time behavior of a non-Markovian Brownian oscillator pp. 519-530

- Glen R. Stewart
- Stability of isotropic Fermi superfluids pp. 531-551

- J. Czerwonko
- Sensitivity of chemical dissipative structures to external fields: Formation of propagating bands pp. 552-566

- D.K. Kondepudi
Volume 115, issue 1, 1982
- On the exact and phenomenological Langevin equations for a harmonic oscillator in a fluid pp. 1-20

- U. Mohanty, K.E. Shuler and I. Oppenheim
- Many-sphere hydrodynamic interactions and mobilities in a suspension pp. 21-57

- P. Mazur and W. van Saarloos
- New field theoretical method for spin 1/2 pp. 58-84

- Vitor R. Vieira
- Cooperative phenomena in monolayers at the water surface: A monomer-dimer lattice gas model pp. 85-100

- G.M. Bell and G.L. Wilson
- Anomalous transport properties of the quantum Lorentz gas pp. 101-123

- W. Hoogeveen and J.A. Tjon
- Extended lattice model of water; Two-sublattice, two-orientation model pp. 124-142

- Paul H.E. Meijer, Ryoichi Kikuchi and Eddy Van Royen
- Polarization creep in a polyatomic gas pp. 143-154

- Carlo Cercignani
- On the equivalence of convergent kinetic equations for hot dilute plasmas pp. 155-168

- J.S. Cohen and L.G. Suttorp
- The macroscopic electrodynamic behaviour of a soluble hopping model pp. 169-184

- L. Bányai and P. Gartner
- Dynamics and relaxation of the generalized Heisenberg quasi-one-dimensional paramagnet in the external field pp. 185-199

- A.A. Lundin and V.E. Zobov
- Dynamics and relaxation of the generalized Heisenberg quasi-one-dimensional paramagnet in the external field pp. 200-214

- A.A. Lundin and V.E. Zobov
- Wigner functions of quadratic systems pp. 215-231

- E.A. Akhundova, V.V. Dodonov and V.I. Man'ko
- On the velocity relaxation of a Rayleigh gas pp. 232-246

- Leonardo Ferrari
- Über kinetische gleichungen für stochastische Prozesse mit entstehenden und vergehenden Pfaden pp. 247-258

- G. Gerlich and H. Kagermann
- Effective scattering in strongly heterogeneous media pp. 259-274

- G. Diener
- Exact ground states for a class of linear antiferromagnetic spin systems pp. 275-280

- W.J. Caspers
- Nonlinear flow behavior of the Boltzmann gas pp. 281-299

- N. Herdegen and S. Hess
Volume 114, issue 1, 1982
- The use of group theory in nuclear structure - the Jahn memorial lecture - pp. 1-13

- J.P. Elliott
- The Jahn-Teller effect — Its history and applicability pp. 14-18

- Edward Teller
- Group theory for the Jahn-Teller effect pp. 19-27

- B.R. Judd
- The overlap concept of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients and Racah lemma constants pp. 28-49

- Claus E. Schäffer
- Symmetry and generating relations for Clebsch-Gordan coefficients pp. 50-53

- R. Dirl
- Induction and subduction of type-adapted representations pp. 54-57

- P. Kasperkovitz
- Two-particle fractional-parentage coefficients for sνpμ-electronic configurations pp. 58-65

- Z. Marić and M. Božić
- An application of graph theory to group theory pp. 66-67

- H. Nencka-Ficek and T. Lulek
- A theory of molecular structure pp. 68-73

- T.Tung Nguyen-Dang and R.F.W. Bader
- Chemical triggering and hysteresis pp. 74-83

- Yoram Schiffmann
- Structural stability and symmetry breaking pp. 84-87

- Y. Schiffmann
- Brownian motion in group manifolds: Application to spin relaxation in molecules pp. 88-94

- Marcello Baldo
- Diffusion equations and Lie and Lie-Bäcklund transformation groups pp. 95-99

- W.H. Steeb and W. Strampp
- Bäcklund transformations of the Einstein equations pp. 100-104

- Minoru Omote and Miki Wadati
- Nonlinear action of Lie groups and superposition principles for nonlinear differential equations pp. 105-113

- P. Winternitz
- A survey of Galois theory for systems of partial differential equations and its applications in physics pp. 114-123

- J.-F. Pommaret
- Variational characterization of contact vector fields in the group of contact diffeomorphisms pp. 124-128

- Ernesto A. Lacomba and Lucette Losco
- Group-theoretical approach to the ideal fluid problem pp. 129-133

- Edward Detyna
- Lagrangian formalism for massive vector superfields pp. 134-137

- Changkeun Jue, Byung Ha Cho, C.-C. Chiang and E.C.G. Sudarshan
- Equivalence principle and multidimensional unified gauge theories pp. 138-142

- Claudio A. Orzalesi and Massimo Pauri
- The mean curvature of gravitational fields pp. 143-145

- Kishore B. Marathe
- Group covariance and spin motion in gravitational theory pp. 146-150

- Leopold Halpern
- Bundle connections and Bäcklund transformations for gravitational fields with isometries pp. 151-153

- F.J. Chinea
- Carmeli's Hilbert space for quantum gravity: A group-theoretical approach pp. 154-156

- S. Malin
- Twistor diagrams pp. 157-175

- A. Hodges
- Renormalization group and compositeness in quantum-field theory pp. 176-180

- C.-C. Chiang, C.B. Chiu, E.C.G. Sudarshan and Xerxes Tata
- Complex solutions in nonlinear field theories pp. 181-183

- Philip B. Burt
- Representations of the poincaré group by higher-order field equations and unified field models of matter pp. 184-196

- H. Stumpf
- Little groups, the quark model and gauge transformations pp. 197-199

- D. Han, Marilyn E. Noz, Y.S. Kim and D. Son
- On the geometries of planes and the states of particles pp. 200-205

- A. Schober
- Nuclear structure in the light of modern particle physics pp. 206-210

- K. Bleuler
- Multiquark hadronic states in SU(4), SU(5) & SU(6) flavour groups pp. 211-215

- G. Bhamathi and K. Prema
- Quark magnetic moments pp. 216-220

- Yossef Dothan
- Description and interpretation of the internal symmetries of hadrons as an exchange symmetry pp. 221-228

- A.O. Barut
- Yang-Mills self-dual solutions and the conformal group contraction pp. 229-232

- P. Tataru-Mihai and G. Vitiello
- Electrodynamics; a consequence of nonlinear realizations of the Lorentz group pp. 233-236

- B.J. Dalton
- Relativistic wave functions and the electromagnetic gauge group pp. 237-240

- E. Deumens
- Rotational invariance and spin measurements pp. 241-244

- G.C. Ghirardi, A. Rimini and T. Weber
- Global symmetries of spin systems pp. 245-253

- V. Rittenberg
- Frustration in d-dimensional Ising systems with multi-spin interactions: The case of simple and centred hypercubic lattices pp. 254-256

- H. Nencka-Ficek
- Exceptional groups and elementary particle structures pp. 257-270

- L.C. Biedenharn and P. Truini
- An E6 gauge field theory model pp. 271-277

- Meral Serdaroǧlu
- Kronecker products of representations of the exceptional groups pp. 278-281

- M.J. Englefield
- Shift operator properties in the groups G2 and R(7) pp. 282-284

- G. Vanden Berghe, H.E. De Meyer and J. Van Der Jeugt
- R(5) ↓ SU(2) ⊗ SU(2) and the quadrupole phonon state-labelling problem pp. 285-288

- G. Vanden Berghe and H.E. De Meyer
- SO(4) shift operators and representations of SO(5) pp. 289-293

- J.W.B. Hughes
- SU(3) in an O(3) basis: The use of non-scalar shift-operator products pp. 294-296

- H.E. De Meyer, G. Vanden Berghe and J.W.B. Hughes
- Deformation of nuclei as a function of angular momentum in the U(6) ⊃ SU(3) model pp. 297-300

- A. Partensky and C. Quesne
- Study of U(3) by embedding in O(6) pp. 301-305

- E. Chacón and G. Germán
- The unitary group U(3) in nuclear composite particle reactions pp. 306-308

- Roland Bader and Peter Kramer
- Orbits in phase space under the direct product of the collective and intrinsic groups U(3) × U(n) pp. 309-314

- Zorka Papadopolos and Peter Kramer
- The symplectic geometry of collective motion pp. 315-317

- Gero John
- The dynamical group of microscopic collective nuclear states pp. 318-321

- J. Deenen and C. Quesne
- Macroscopic and microscopic nuclear collective Hamiltonians: Their symmetry group and the canonical transformations relating them pp. 322-326

- M. Moshińsky
- Spin-isospin SU(4) symmetry breaking in statistical spectroscopy pp. 327-330

- R.U. Haq and C. Quesne
- Polynomials in the components of a single SU(2) tensor — a new recursion technique pp. 331-335

- R.W. Gaskell
- Finite subgroup bases for compact Lie groups pp. 336-340

- P.E. Desmier, J. Patera and R.T. Sharp
- Internal multiplicities in the Cartan classes pp. 341-344

- V. Amar, U. Dozzio and C. Oleari
- U(1) factors in branching rules pp. 345-349

- R.C. King
- Rank dependency of group properties pp. 350-360

- Brian G. Wybourne
- A non-recursive expression for the number of irreducible representations of the symmetric group Sn pp. 361-364

- G.Iommi Amunátegui
- Generalized Young tableaux and kronecker products of SO(n) representations pp. 365-369

- G. Girardivi, A. Sciarrino and P. Sorba
- Grand unification and group theory: The Higgs problem pp. 370-388

- G. Girardi, A. Sciarrino and P. Sorba
- Graded fibre bundles and unified field theories pp. 389-392

- Richard Kerner
- Group theory of unified gauge models and tumbling pp. 393-397

- R.C. King
- Invariant physical fields with gauge freedom pp. 398-402

- Yvan Saint-Aubin, Luc Vinet and Joël Doneux
- Internal supergauges pp. 403-409

- Yuval Ne'eman
- On representations of the superalgebra osp(2, 1) pp. 410-412

- N.B. Backhouse
- An interesting group in the operator algebra generated by Hodge's star and the exterior derivative pp. 413-415

- C.S. Sharma and U. Egele
- Supersymmetry: Generalized Fermi-like and Bose-like numbers pp. 416-419

- Y. Ohnuki and S. Kamefuchi
- Locally-operating realizations of groups and superequivalence of factor systems pp. 420-423

- JoséF. Cariñena, Mariano A. del Olmo and Mariano Santander
- Topology of countable subgroups of the Heisenberg-Weyl group pp. 424-427

- M.H. Boon and P.J. McCarthy
- A Coulomb Sturmian basis for any spin pp. 428-432

- C. Bretin and J.P. Gazeau
- Homotopy groups and the quantization of localizable systems pp. 433-438

- B. Angermann and H.D. Doebner
- The Wigner function pp. 439-444

- Jens Peder Dahl
- Quantum mechanics in a finite number of dimensions pp. 445-447

- T.S. Santhanam
- Semicoherent states and the group ISp(2, R) pp. 448-453

- P. Kramer and M. Saraceno
- The Sp(2, R) model for the breathing mode resonance pp. 454-457

- J. Broeckhove
- Matrix elements for the deformed shell model using the Sp(6, R) group pp. 458-462

- F. Arickx, J. Broeckhove and E. Deumens
- Effects of the Pauli principle for nucleons in a classical phase space pp. 463-467

- B. Boll and P. Kramer
- Polarization, the Bargmann transform and the harmonic oscillator pp. 468-471

- V. Aldaya, J.A. de Azcárraga and K.B. Wolf
- The Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for the covering of the (2 + 1)-Lorentz group in the parabolic basis pp. 472-476

- Debabrata Basu and Kurt Bernardo Wolf
- Double groups: Some abstract properties and representations for the practitioner pp. 477-481

- Harald P. Fritzer
- Symmetry adaptation of crystal spin-orbitals pp. 482-484

- Per-Olof Jansson
- Irreducible representations of finite groups pp. 485-492

- Stig Flodmark and Per-Olof Jansson
- Computing with groups and their character tables pp. 493-506

- Joachim Neubüser
- Computational group theory in crystal physics: A review pp. 507-517

- B.L. Davies
- Time reversal and magnetic reversal in crystal physics pp. 518-521

- H.-D. Butzal and R.R. Birss
- Magnetic symmetry and the electrical conductivity tensor pp. 522-525

- H.-D. Butzal
- Integrity bases for corepresentations of magnetic crystal point groups pp. 526-532

- Vojtěch Kopský
- Isoscalar factors for anti-unitary point groups pp. 533-537

- J.N. Kotzev, M.I. Aroyo and M.N. Angelova
- Decimation method of real-space renormalization for electron systems with application to random systems pp. 538-542

- Hideo Aoki
- On high-temperature phase transitions in neodymium metal pp. 543-547

- Jan Lorenc
- Invariants and covariants of corepresentations of magnetic point groups pp. 548-549

- Rhoda Berenson
- Group theory and phase transitions pp. 550-556

- Marko V. Jarić
- Symmetry and phase transitions pp. 557-563

- Jerzy Przystawa
- Selection rules for symmetry breaking and symmetry restoration in continuous transitions pp. 564-571

- Joseph L. Birman
- Active representations of space groups based on the simple cubic lattice pp. 572-575

- H. Kunert and M. Suffczyński
- Colour groups and phase transitions pp. 576-580

- J.N. Kotzev, D.B. Litvin and J.L. Birman
- Colour symmetry polemics pp. 581-587

- Vojtěch Kopský
- Tensor fields in crystals and colour groups pp. 588-591

- R. Berenson, J.N. Kotzev and D.B. Litvin
- Computation and tabulation of space group Clebsch-Gordan coefficients pp. 592-595

- R. Dirl
- Coupling coefficients for the irreducible representations of the space group of garnet pp. 596-599

- M. Suffczyński and H. Kunert
- Induced representations of the full holosymmetric double space groups based on the body-centred cubic bravais lattice pp. 600-603

- H. Kunert and M. Suffczyński
- Group representations in Lagrangian mechanics: An application to a two-dimensional lattice pp. 604-608

- J.N. Boyd and P.N. Raychowdhury
- Crystallography and the penrose pattern pp. 609-613

- Alan L. Mackay
- Advances in superspace groups pp. 614-616

- A. Janner
- Visualising four-dimensional symmetry pp. 617-628

- E.J.W. Whittaker
- Rubik's cube: A toy, a galois tool, group theory for everybody pp. 629-637

- Hans Zassenhaus
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