Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 621, issue C, 2023
- Trajectory data-based severe conflict prediction for expressways under different traffic states

- Jieyu Cao, Junlan Chen, Xiucheng Guo and Ling Wang
- Recursive quantum circuits for generating sequency ordering Walsh–Hadamard transform

- Xiao Chen, Xi Li, Chengzhuo Xu and Zhihao Liu
- Using deterministic self-avoiding walks as a small-world metric on Watts–Strogatz networks

- João V.B.S. Merenda and Odemir M. Bruno
- Impact of awareness dissemination on epidemic reaction–diffusion in multiplex networks

- Yuan-Hao Xu, Hao-Jie Wang, Zhong-Wen Lu and Mao-Bin Hu
- Features of ladders during evacuation from oil and LNG plants

- Tomohiro Ogami and Katsuhiro Nishinari
- A generative model for vehicular travel time distribution prediction considering spatial and temporal correlations

- Feng Shao, Hu Shao, Dongle Wang, William H.K. Lam and Shuhan Cao
- An ASM-CF model for anomalous trajectory detection with mobile trajectory big data

- Dawen Xia, Shunying Jiang, Yunsong Li, Nan Yang, Yang Hu, Yantao Li and Huaqing Li
- The Ising bilayer honeycomb lattice: A cluster mean-field study

- Leonardo C. Rossato, F.M. Zimmer, C.V. Morais and M. Schmidt
- An empirical study on the effect of an obstacle on the inflow process

- Yanghui Hu, Yubo Bi, Hongliu Li, Wei Gao, Jun Zhang and Weiguo Song
- Mechanical investigations of local fractional magnetorheological elastomers model on Cantor sets

- Yi-Ying Feng, Xiao-Jun Yang, Jian-Gen Liu and Zhan-Qing Chen
- A viscous continuum model with smoke effect for pedestrian evacuation

- Yan-Qun Jiang, Shu-Guang Zhou, Ya-Li Duan and Xiao-Qian Huang
- Forecasting the effect of traffic control strategies in railway systems: A hybrid machine learning method

- Jie Luo, Chao Wen, Qiyuan Peng, Yong Qin and Ping Huang
- Evolution of cooperation in spatial public goods game with interactive diversity

- Yongchao Huang, Siyi Wan, Junjun Zheng and Wenyi Liu
- Ising model on a restricted scale-free network

- R.A. Dumer and M. Godoy
- Multi-step forecasting of short-term traffic flow based on Intrinsic Pattern Transform

- Hai-chao Huang, Jing-ya Chen, Bao-cun Shi and Hong-di He
- Dynamic model for traffic concentration and congestion near bridge

- Takashi Nagatani
- Increased cooperation potential and risk under suppressed strategy differentiation

- Fengyuan Yu, Jianwei Wang, Wei Chen and Jialu He
- Compact pairwise methods for susceptible–infected–susceptible epidemics on weighted heterogeneous networks

- Qingchu Wu and K.M. Ariful Kabir
- Model improvement and scheduling optimization for multi-vehicle charging planning in IoV

- Jun-Hao Qian, Yi-Xin Zhao and Wei Huang
Volume 620, issue C, 2023
- Emergence of speculation in a hierarchical agent-based model

- David C.A. Meine and Dimitri D. Vvedensky
- Real-time risk assessment model for multi-vehicle interaction of connected and autonomous vehicles in weaving area based on risk potential field

- Yanli Ma, Fangqi Dong, Biqing Yin and Yining Lou
- A novel dimension reduction method with information entropy to evaluate network resilience

- Chengxing Wu, Dongli Duan and Renbin Xiao
- Percolation thresholds for randomly distributed spherical fractal aggregates

- Avik P. Chatterjee
- Liouvillian exceptional points in continuous variable system

- B.A. Tay
- A Data Driven Approach to Forecasting Traffic Speed Classes Using Extreme Gradient Boosting Algorithm and Graph Theory

- Kenan Menguc, Nezir Aydin and Alper Yilmaz
- Ripple effect in China–Europe Railway transport network: Ripple failure risk propagation and influence

- Min Lyu, Bin Shuai, Qinyu Zhang and Linqing Li
- An evacuation guidance model for heterogeneous populations in large-scale pedestrian facilities with multiple exits

- Liang Chen, Zhi-Liang Guo, Tao Wang, Chuan-Yao Li and Tie-Qiao Tang
- Analytic expressions of the generalized discord for three qubits under local noisy channels

- Xi-Wen Hou
- Dynamical and coherence resonance in a photoelectric neuron under autaptic regulation

- Ping Zhou, Ying Xu and Jun Ma
- Application of Bayesian model averaging for modeling time headway distribution

- Shubo Wu, Yajie Zou, Lingtao Wu and Yue Zhang
- Non-Markovian quantum Hadamard gate preparation in a hybrid bath: A Lyapunov approach

- Safa Khari, Zahra Rahmani, Hossein Mehri-Dehnavi and Abolghasem Daeichian
- Nearest neighbor walk network embedding for link prediction in complex networks

- Mingqiang Zhou, Qizhi Han, Mengjiao Li, Kunpeng Li and Zhiyuan Qian
- Construction of a family of 5D Hamiltonian conservative hyperchaotic systems with multistability

- Zefeng Zhang, Lilian Huang, Jin Liu, Qiang Guo, Changdong Yu and Xiuli Du
- Forecasting method of change trend of single-line bus operation state based on multi-source data

- Xuemei Zhou, Guohui Wei, Yunbo Zhang, Qianlin Wang and Huanwu Guo
- Cascading failures in interdependent directed networks under localized attacks

- Mengyu Lv, Linqiang Pan and Xueming Liu
- Control core of undirected complex networks

- Zhengzhong Yuan, Jingwen Li, Zhesi Shen, Li Hu and Chen Zhao
- Evacuation performance on offshore platforms under different visibility conditions

- Tao Wang, Yanfu Wang, Xiyan Li and Jin Wang
- Multistability and Hopf bifurcation analysis for a three-strategy evolutionary game with environmental feedback and delay

- Haihui Cheng and Xinzhu Meng
- Stability of dining clubs in the Kolkata Paise Restaurant Problem with and without cheating

- Akshat Harlalka, Andrew Belmonte and Christopher Griffin
- Ordering of a granular layer of cubes under strain-induced shear and vibration

- F. López-González, F. Pacheco-Vázquez and F. Donado
- Signalized intersection dynamic straight-right lane design and evaluation

- Shidong Liang, Tianyu Zhao, Qi Li and Jing Zhao
- Estimating pandemic effects in urban mass transportation systems: An approach based on visibility graphs and network similarity

- Yuri Perez and Fabio Henrique Pereira
- Quantum walker in presence of a moving detector

- Md Aquib Molla and Sanchari Goswami
- Ashkin–Teller model on a sequence of hierarchical lattices

- S.S. Akimenko, A.V. Myshlyavtsev and M.D. Myshlyavtseva
- Quantum phases of three-components bosons in a spin–orbit-coupled square lattice

- Dian-Cheng Zhang
- Quantum continual learning of quantum data realizing knowledge backward transfer

- Haozhen Situ, Tianxiang Lu, Minghua Pan and Lvzhou Li
- Hydrodynamic fluctuations in the presence of one parameter Mittag-Leffler friction

- Evangelos Bakalis and Francesco Zerbetto
- Structural controllability and observability of complex network with output feedback

- Shao-peng Pang, Zhi Tian and Wei-gang Ma
- Protection and improvement of indirect identity cognition on the spatial evolution of cooperation

- Yichao Yao, Bin Pi, Ziyan Zeng and Minyu Feng
Volume 619, issue C, 2023
- The construction of sets with strong nonlocality using fewer states

- Bichen Che, Zhaoqian Liu, Yitong Zhang, Zhao Dou, Xiubo Chen, Jian Li and Yixian Yang
- Scaling laws from Brazilian state election results point out that, the candidate’s chance to win increases by investing more campaign efforts in smaller electorates

- M. Cardoso, J.T.G. Souza, R.R. Neli and W.E. Souza
- A new anomalous travel demand prediction method combining Markov model and complex network model

- Bao Guo, Minglun Li, Mengnan Zhou, Fan Zhang and Pu Wang
- Spatial Yule Model for Urban Growth with Shared Resources

- Gezhi Xiu, Jianying Wang and Yu Liu
- Life-cycle consumption and life insurance: Empirical evidence from Italian Survey

- Fabrizio Striani
- Connectedness between emerging stock markets, gold, cryptocurrencies, DeFi and NFT: Some new evidence from wavelet analysis

- Azza Bejaoui, Wajdi Frikha, Ahmed Jeribi and Aurelio Fernandez Bariviera
- Modeling heterogeneity in an open percolation backbone fractal traffic network

- Muskan Verma and Sapna Sharma
- Epidemic spreading on metapopulation networks considering indirect contact

- Juquan Wang and Dun Han
- “Born in Rome” or “Sleeping Beauty”: Emergence of hashtag popularity on the Chinese microblog Sina Weibo

- Hao Cui and János Kertész
- Modeling pedestrian walking behavior in the flow field with moving walkways

- Mengchen He, Qiao Wang, Juan Chen, Shiwei Xu and Jian Ma
- Ecosystem resilience and stability analysis against alien species invasion patterns

- Gege Hou, Lei Bai and Shubin Si
- Dynamics of a 2D silo discharge: A competition between structural domains before clogging

- A.M. Cervantes-Álvarez, H.A. Pacheco-Martínez, C. Acosta and O. Carvente
- Effects of aggressiveness on pedestrian room evacuation using extended cellular automata model

- Xiangmin Hu, Tao Chen, Kaifeng Deng and Guanning Wang
- Dynamical quantum phase transitions in Stark quantum spin chains

- M. Faridfar, A. Ahmadi Fouladi and J. Vahedi
- Broken bulk-boundary correspondence in the non-Hermitian superconductive chain with the identity determinant of transfer matrix

- Huanyu Wang and Wuming Liu
- Isomorphism of nonlocal sets of orthogonal product states in bipartite quantum systems

- Guang-Bao Xu, Yan-Ying Zhu, Dong-Huan Jiang and Yu-Guang Yang
- A comparative study between EPR steering and directional entanglement of a joint field-field system

- Y. Khouja, K. El Anouz and A. El Allati
- Effects of site dilution on Compensation in Ising Spin-1/2 trilayered triangular Ferrimagnets with non-equivalent planes

- Soham Chandra
- Dynamics of a deterministic and a stochastic epidemic model combined with two distinct transmission mechanisms and saturated incidence rate

- T. Tamil Selvan and M. Kumar
- Improved finite-difference and pseudospectral schemes for the Kardar–Parisi–Zhang equation with long-range temporal correlations

- Xiongpeng Hu, Dapeng Hao and Hui Xia
- Market failure in a new model of platform design with partially informed consumers

- Fujuan Gao, Enrico Maria Fenoaltea and Yi-Cheng Zhang
- Dependence on the local dynamics of a network phase synchronization process

- E.B.S.A. Cambraia, J.V.V. Flauzino, T.L. Prado and S.R. Lopes
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