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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 313, issue 3, 2002

Random Boolean networks response to external periodic signals pp. 289-300 Downloads
Fernando J Ballesteros and Bartolo Luque
Parallel and distributed simulations and visualizations of the Olami–Feder–Christiensen earthquake model pp. 301-311 Downloads
Gonzalo Hernandez
Optimal Monte Carlo sampling for simulation of classical fluids pp. 312-320 Downloads
E.C. Mbamala and G. Pastore
Depletion interactions in colloidal fluids: statistical mechanics of Derjaguin's analysis pp. 321-335 Downloads
J.R. Henderson
Transport coefficients of a heated granular gas pp. 336-356 Downloads
Vicente Garzó and José Marı́a Montanero
Patterns in hydraulic ripples with binary granular mixtures pp. 357-364 Downloads
H Caps and N Vandewalle
Negative order MKdV hierarchy and a new integrable Neumann-like system pp. 365-380 Downloads
Zhijun Qiao and Walter Strampp
Statistics of phase turbulence pp. 381-388 Downloads
Hiroshi Shibata
Direct derivation of Skullerud's Monte Carlo method for charged particle transport from the linear Boltzmann equation pp. 389-396 Downloads
S Longo
Exact chromatic polynomials for toroidal chains of complete graphs pp. 397-426 Downloads
Shu-Chiuan Chang
Monte Carlo simulations of vacancy ordering transitions in a one-dimensional lattice gas with Coulomb interactions pp. 427-445 Downloads
T.C. King, Y.K. Kuo and M.J. Skove
Fractal von Neumann entropy pp. 446-452 Downloads
Wellington da Cruz
Bohm's particle on an interatomic surface: a brief note pp. 453-455 Downloads
L Delle Site
A structure factor approach to the Sunyaev–Zel'dovich effect pp. 456-462 Downloads
Alfredo Sandoval-Villalbazo
Calculation of the partition function using quantum genetic algorithms pp. 463-470 Downloads
I Grigorenko and M.e Garcia
General formalism of interaction of a two-level atom with cavity field in arbitrary forms of nonlinearities pp. 471-487 Downloads
Mahmoud Abdel-Aty
Molecular transistors as open fermionic quantum systems pp. 488-502 Downloads
P Etchegoin
Phase diagrams and tricritical behavior in a spin-32 Ising model with transverse crystal field pp. 503-512 Downloads
Wei Jiang, Guo-zhu Weib, An Duc and Lian-quan Guoa
Self-organized criticality in intertidal microphytobenthos patch patterns pp. 513-539 Downloads
Laurent Seuront and Nicolas Spilmont
Heat capacities of solid state proteins: implications for protein stability in solution pp. 540-548 Downloads
Audun Bakk
How the quasispecies evolution depends on the topology of the genome space pp. 549-568 Downloads
Michal Kolář and František Slanina
Thermodynamical analysis of the dynamics of tumor interaction with the host immune system pp. 569-577 Downloads
U. Lucia and G. Maino
The unfolding of native laminin investigated by atomic force microscopy pp. 578-586 Downloads
Cs Nemes, Jeremy Ramsden and N Rozlosnik
Brain electrical activity analysis using wavelet-based informational tools pp. 587-608 Downloads
O.a Rosso, M.t Martin and A Plastino
The mode transition of the bacterial colony pp. 609-624 Downloads
Noriko Eiha, Atsushi Komoto, Shinya Maenosono, Joe Yuichiro Wakano, Kenji Yamamoto and Yukio Yamaguchi
Dynamical analysis of S&P500 momentum pp. 625-639 Downloads
K Ivanova and L.t Wille
Monte Carlo simulations of a trader-based market model pp. 640-650 Downloads
C Hammel and W.b Paul
Multifractal Hurst analysis of crude oil prices pp. 651-670 Downloads
Jose Alvarez-Ramirez, Myriam Cisneros, Carlos Ibarra-Valdez and Angel Soriano
Exploring exchange rate returns at different time horizons pp. 671-682 Downloads
Ramzi Nekhili, Aslihan Salih and Ramazan Gencay
Numerical and analytical study of evolution of indirect reciprocity pp. 683-694 Downloads
Xiang Cheng and Qi Ouyang
Optimal admission time for shifting the audience pp. 695-708 Downloads
Taira Itoh and Takashi Nagatani
Pattern formation and jamming transition in pedestrian counter flow pp. 709-723 Downloads
Yusuke Tajima, Kouhei Takimoto and Takashi Nagatani

Volume 313, issue 1, 2002

Soft condensed matter pp. 1-31 Downloads
Daan Frenkel
Rough ideas on wetting pp. 32-46 Downloads
David Quéré
Four lectures on the physics of crystal growth pp. 47-82 Downloads
Joachim Krug
Witten's lectures on crumpling pp. 83-109 Downloads
A.J. Wood
Nonequilibrium dynamics in low-dimensional systems pp. 110-152 Downloads
M.R. Evans and R.A. Blythe
Traffic flow: a statistical physics point of view pp. 153-187 Downloads
Andreas Schadschneider
Granular matter pp. 188-210 Downloads
H.J. Herrmann
Physics of protein–DNA interaction pp. 211-237 Downloads
Robijn F. Bruinsma
An introduction to statistical finance pp. 238-251 Downloads
Jean-Philippe Bouchaud
Quantum phase transitions of correlated electrons in two dimensions pp. 252-283 Downloads
Subir Sachdev

Volume 312, issue 3, 2002

A Fokker–Planck framework in the PolyC:PolyG denaturation pp. 307-314 Downloads
O. Resendis-Antonio
Exact solution of the Gross–Krook kinetic model for a multicomponent gas in steady Couette flow pp. 315-341 Downloads
Concepción Marı́n and Vicente Garzó
Modeling self-consistent multi-class dynamic traffic flow pp. 342-362 Downloads
Hsun-Jung Cho and Shih-Ching Lo
Stretched exponential in non-linear stochastic field theories pp. 363-368 Downloads
Moshe Schwartz and S.F. Edwards
Approximate first-order solutions of non-linear dynamical mappings pp. 369-380 Downloads
Gamal M. Mahmoud and G. Turchetti
Fingering in slow combustion pp. 381-391 Downloads
Massimo Conti and Umberto Marini Bettolo Marconi
Drastic violation of the U-matrix boundary condition by quantum-field theoretical on-shell renormalization and a new consistent renormalization concept involving bound-state problems pp. 392-420 Downloads
J. Seke
Phase control of higher-order squeezing of a quantum field pp. 421-430 Downloads
Rui-Hua Xie and Qin Rao
Coherent state path integral and Langevin equation of interacting fermions pp. 431-446 Downloads
B. Mieck
Compositional spectrum—revealing patterns for genomic sequence characterization and comparison pp. 447-457 Downloads
Valery M. Kirzhner, Abraham B. Korol, Alexander Bolshoy and Eviatar Nevo
Probing the linearity and nonlinearity in DNA sequences pp. 458-468 Downloads
Anastasios A Tsonis, Fred L Heller and Panagiotis A Tsonis
Characterization of time dynamical evolution of electroencephalographic epileptic records pp. 469-504 Downloads
Osvaldo A Rosso and Marı́a Liliana Mairal
Modeling daily realized futures volatility with singular spectrum analysis pp. 505-519 Downloads
Dimitrios Thomakos, Tao Wang and Luc T. Wille
Application of nonlinear time series analysis techniques to high-frequency currency exchange data pp. 520-538 Downloads
Fernanda Strozzi, José-Manuel Zaldı́var and Joseph P Zbilut
Stock market dynamics pp. 539-564 Downloads
M.s Baptista and I.l Caldas
Antipersistent Markov behavior in foreign exchange markets pp. 565-576 Downloads
Roberto Baviera, Michele Pasquini, Maurizio Serva, Davide Vergni and Angelo Vulpiani
The variance of firm growth rates: the ‘scaling’ puzzle pp. 577-590 Downloads
John Sutton
The Bagsik Oscillator without complex numbers pp. 591-596 Downloads
Jerzy Przystawa and Marek Wolf
The influence of tollbooths on highway traffic pp. 597-608 Downloads
Ding-wei Huang and Wei-neng Huang
Streaming, disruptive interference and power-law behavior in the exit dynamics of confined pedestrians pp. 609-618 Downloads
Gay Jane Perez, Giovanni Tapang, May Lim and Caesar Saloma
Effects of imitation in a competing and evolving population pp. 619-626 Downloads
Hongjun Quan, Bing-Hong Wang and P.M. Hui
Dynamical behavior of a discrete time Hogg–Huberman model with three resources pp. 627-635 Downloads
M Inoue, T Tanaka, N Takagi and J Shibata
Self-organized critical traffic in parallel computer networks pp. 636-648 Downloads
Sergi Valverde and Ricard V Solé

Volume 312, issue 1, 2002

On the Anti-Wishart distribution pp. 1-22 Downloads
Yi-Kuo Yu and Yi-Cheng Zhang
Investigation on gait time series by means of factorial moments pp. 23-34 Downloads
Huijie Yang, Fangcui Zhao, Yizhong Zhuo, Xizhen Wu and Zhuxia Li
Off-lattice anomalous diffusion in a thin sticks system pp. 35-49 Downloads
A.p Reverberi and F Vegliò
Heterogeneous aggregation in binary colloidal alloys pp. 50-58 Downloads
Andrew C.T Wong and K.w Yu
New method of determining the structure factor of real liquids and their mixtures using ultrasonic velocity pp. 59-69 Downloads
M. Kalidoss and S. Ravi
Multifractal characteristics of silica xerogels gelated in various evaporation conditions pp. 70-78 Downloads
Wen Lai Huang, Shi Hua Cui, Zhang Fu Yuan and Kai Ming Liang
Transient orientational order and transient positional order in the sponge (L3) phase pp. 79-85 Downloads
Helmut R Brand and Harald Pleiner
Optimal efficiency condition and current reversals in forced underdamped ratchets pp. 86-98 Downloads
T. Sintes and K. Sumithra
Potential symmetries and invariant solutions for the inhomogeneous nonlinear diffusion equation pp. 99-108 Downloads
A.H. Khater, M.H.M. Moussa and S.F. Abdul-Aziz
Rocking ratchets with stochastic potentials pp. 109-118 Downloads
Tongjun Zhao, Tianguang Cao, Yong Zhan and Yizhong Zhuo
Parametrically modulated oscillator dimer: an analytic solution pp. 119-140 Downloads
R. Kawai, Katja Lindenberg and C. Van den Broeck
Recursive graphical construction of Feynman diagrams and their weights in Ginzburg–Landau theory pp. 141-152 Downloads
H. Kleinert, A. Pelster and B. Van den Bossche
Level repulsion and the dynamical diagonalization of matrices pp. 153-158 Downloads
M.p Pato
Thermodynamics of fiber bundles pp. 159-171 Downloads
Steven R Pride and Renaud Toussaint
Differential equation of state of a model system with a singular measure: application to granular materials in steady states pp. 172-180 Downloads
O.I. Gerasimov and P.P.J.M. Schram
Monte Carlo simulation of quantum effects in ferroelectric phase transitions with increasing zero point energy pp. 181-186 Downloads
C.l Wang, J Garcia, C Aragó, J.a Gonzalo and M.i Marqués
Magnetic properties of a mixed ferro–ferrimagnetic ternary alloy pp. 187-207 Downloads
A. Bobák, O.F. Abubrig and D. Horváth
Quantum market games pp. 208-216 Downloads
Edward Piotrowski and Jan Sladkowski
Option pricing from path integral for non-Gaussian fluctuations. Natural martingale and application to truncated Lèvy distributions pp. 217-242 Downloads
Hagen Kleinert
The two populations’ cellular automata model with predation based on the Penna model pp. 243-250 Downloads
Mingfeng He, Jing Lin, Heng Jiang and Xin Liu
Dynamical transition to periodic motions of a recurrent bus induced by nonstops pp. 251-259 Downloads
Takashi Nagatani
Simulation of evacuation processes using a bionics-inspired cellular automaton model for pedestrian dynamics pp. 260-276 Downloads
Ansgar Kirchner and Andreas Schadschneider
How to attain maximum profit in minority game? pp. 277-284 Downloads
H.F. Chau and F.K. Chow
Estimating long-range dependence: finite sample properties and confidence intervals pp. 285-299 Downloads
Rafał Weron
Social percolation and the influence of mass media pp. 300-304 Downloads
Ana Proykova and Dietrich Stauffer
Page updated 2025-03-31