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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 382, issue 2, 2007

Fractal growth of deposited films in tokamaks pp. 359-377 Downloads
Viacheslav Petrovich Budaev and Leonid N. Khimchenko
On the theory of rheological properties of magnetic suspensions pp. 378-388 Downloads
A. Yu Zubarev and L. Yu Iskakova
Viscous potential flow analysis of Kelvin–Helmholtz instability with mass transfer and vaporization pp. 389-404 Downloads
Rishi Asthana and G.S. Agrawal
Entropic and conformational study of isolated double-tethered chains by three-dimensional lattice simulations pp. 405-414 Downloads
Kazuhito Shida, Atsuo Kasuya and Yoshiyuki Kawazoe
Stochastic resonance in linear system driven by multiplicative and additive noise pp. 415-422 Downloads
Lijuan Ning and Wei Xu
Coherence and stochastic resonance in a delayed bistable system pp. 423-429 Downloads
Yanfei Jin and Haiyan Hu
Transient solution of a random walk with chemical rule pp. 430-438 Downloads
A.M.K. Tarabia and A.H. El-Baz
Periodical cicadas: A minimal automaton model pp. 439-444 Downloads
Giovano de O. Cardozo, Daniel de A.M.M. Silvestre and Alexandre Colato
A comment on the paper “Stochastic feedback, nonlinear families of Markov processes, and nonlinear Fokker–Planck equations” by T.D. Frank pp. 445-452 Downloads
Joseph L. McCauley
A mini-tutorial on measure-valued Markov processes and nonlinear martingale problems—As a reply to McCauley's comment pp. 453-464 Downloads
T.D. Frank
Generalized entropy optimization problems and the existence of their solutions pp. 465-472 Downloads
Aladdin Shamilov
Kinetic, time irreversible evolution of the unstable π±-meson pp. 473-486 Downloads
S.Eh. Shirmovsky
Darboux transformations for the isospectral and nonisospectral mKP equation pp. 487-493 Downloads
Shu-fang Deng
Phase properties of new even and odd nonlinear coherent states pp. 494-501 Downloads
Xiang-Guo Meng, Ji-Suo Wang and Bao-Long Liang
Finite difference lattice Boltzmann method with arbitrary specific heat ratio applicable to supersonic flow simulations pp. 502-522 Downloads
Minoru Watari
Extremum complexity distribution of a monodimensional ideal gas out of equilibrium pp. 523-530 Downloads
Xavier Calbet and Ricardo López-Ruiz
Phase transition in a three-states reaction–diffusion system pp. 531-536 Downloads
F.H. Jafarpour and B. Ghavami
Scattering problem with nonlocal separable potential of rank-two: Application to statistical mechanics pp. 537-548 Downloads
Nader Tahmasbi and Ali Maghari
Classification of spontaneous EEG signals in migraine pp. 549-556 Downloads
R. Bellotti, F. De Carlo, M. de Tommaso and M. Lucente
Equity prices as a simple harmonic oscillator with noise pp. 557-564 Downloads
Ali Ataullah and Mark Tippett
Random matrix theory and fund of funds portfolio optimisation pp. 565-576 Downloads
Thomas Conlon, H.J. Ruskin and M. Crane
Volatilities, traded volumes, and the hypothesis of price increments in derivative securities pp. 577-585 Downloads
Gyuchang Lim, SooYong Kim, Enrico Scalas and Kyungsik Kim
Statistical techniques analysis of SST and SLP in the Persian Gulf pp. 586-596 Downloads
S. Hassanzadeh, A. Kiasatpour and F. Hosseinibalam
The elliptical dimension of space-time atmospheric stratification of passive admixtures using lidar data pp. 597-615 Downloads
A. Radkevich, S. Lovejoy, K. Strawbridge and D. Schertzer
Life-space foam: A medium for motivational and cognitive dynamics pp. 616-630 Downloads
Vladimir Ivancevic and Eugene Aidman
Cellular automaton model for evacuation process with obstacles pp. 631-642 Downloads
A. Varas, M.D. Cornejo, D. Mainemer, B. Toledo, J. Rogan, V. Muñoz and J.A. Valdivia
Scaling laws and the modern city pp. 643-649 Downloads
Antonio Isalgue, Helena Coch and Rafael Serra
Quantum game theory and open access publishing pp. 650-664 Downloads
Matthias Hanauske, Steffen Bernius and Berndt Dugall
A directed network of Greek and Roman mythology pp. 665-671 Downloads
Yeon-Mu Choi and Hyun-Joo Kim
Synchronization-based approach for parameters identification in delayed chaotic neural networks pp. 672-682 Downloads
Jianquan Lu and Jinde Cao
Exploring the origins of the power-law properties of energy landscapes: An egg-box model pp. 683-692 Downloads
Claire P. Massen, Jonathan P.K. Doye and Rupert W. Nash
Empirical analysis of a scale-free railway network in China pp. 693-703 Downloads
W. Li and X. Cai
On competitive relationship networks: A new method for industrial competition analysis pp. 704-714 Downloads
Jianmei Yang, Lvping Lu, Wangdan Xie, Guanrong Chen and Dong Zhuang
Epidemic spreading on uncorrelated heterogenous networks with non-uniform transmission pp. 715-721 Downloads
Jia-zeng Wang, Zeng-rong Liu and Jianhua Xu
Improving consensus and synchronizability of networks of coupled systems via adding links pp. 722-730 Downloads
Degang Xu, Yanjun Li and Tie-Jun Wu
Tuning degree distributions: Departing from scale-free networks pp. 731-738 Downloads
C.C. Leary, M. Schwehm, M. Eichner and H.P. Duerr
Emergence of the self-similar property in gene expression dynamics pp. 739-752 Downloads
T. Ochiai, J.C. Nacher and T. Akutsu
Entanglement dynamics of qubits in a common environment pp. 753-764 Downloads
Jun-Hong An, Shun-Jin Wang and Hong-Gang Luo

Volume 382, issue 1, 2007

Detecting the traders’ strategies in minority–majority games and real stock-prices pp. 1-8 Downloads
V. Alfi, A. De Martino, L. Pietronero and A. Tedeschi
Detrending moving average algorithm: A closed-form approximation of the scaling law pp. 9-15 Downloads
Sergio Arianos and Anna Carbone
Clusters or networks of economies? A macroeconomy study through Gross Domestic Product pp. 16-21 Downloads
Marcel Ausloos and R. Lambiotte
Bayesian Networks for enterprise risk assessment pp. 22-28 Downloads
C.E. Bonafede and Paolo Giudici
The demise of constant price impact functions and single-time step models of speculation pp. 29-35 Downloads
Damien Challet
Ideal-gas-like market models with savings: Quenched and annealed cases pp. 36-41 Downloads
Arnab Chatterjee and Bikas K. Chakrabarti
A natural value unit—Econophysics as arbiter between finance and economics pp. 42-51 Downloads
Steivan Defilla
Contagion effects in a chartist–fundamentalist model with time delays pp. 52-57 Downloads
Ghassan Dibeh
On the integrated behaviour of non-stationary volatility in stock markets pp. 58-65 Downloads
Andreia Dionisio, Rui Menezes and Diana A. Mendes
The dynamics of traded value revisited pp. 66-72 Downloads
Zoltán Eisler and János Kertész
Asymmetric conditional volatility in international stock markets pp. 73-80 Downloads
Nuno B. Ferreira, Rui Menezes and Diana A. Mendes
A unified econophysics explanation for the power-law exponents of stock market activity pp. 81-88 Downloads
Xavier Gabaix, Parameswaran Gopikrishnan, Vasiliki Plerou and Eugene Stanley
Reflections on modern macroeconomics: Can we travel along a safer road? pp. 89-97 Downloads
Edoardo Gaffeo, Michele Catalano, Fabio Clementi, Domenico Delli Gatti, Mauro Gallegati and Alberto Russo
Price forecast in the competitive electricity market by support vector machine pp. 98-113 Downloads
Ciwei Gao, Ettore Bompard, Roberto Napoli and Haozhong Cheng
Modeling long-range memory trading activity by stochastic differential equations pp. 114-120 Downloads
V. Gontis and B. Kaulakys
Non-parametric extraction of implied asset price distributions pp. 121-128 Downloads
Jerome V. Healy, Maurice Dixon, Brian J. Read and Fang Fang Cai
Effective history length of the minority game pp. 129-137 Downloads
Chia-Hsiang Hung and Sy-Sang Liaw
Response of firm agent network to exogenous shock pp. 138-148 Downloads
Yuichi Ikeda, Hideaki Aoyama, Hiroshi Iyetomi, Yoshi Fujiwara, Wataru Souma and Taisei Kaizoji
Self-consistent asset pricing models pp. 149-171 Downloads
Yannick Malevergne and D. Sornette
Stock price fluctuations and the mimetic behaviors of traders pp. 172-178 Downloads
Jun-ichi Maskawa
Delayed information flow effect in economy systems. An ACP model study pp. 179-186 Downloads
Janusz Miśkiewicz and Marcel Ausloos
Analysis of price diffusion in financial markets using PUCK model pp. 187-192 Downloads
Takayuki Mizuno, Hideki Takayasu and Misako Takayasu
Medium and small-scale analysis of financial data pp. 193-198 Downloads
Andreas P. Nawroth and Joachim Peinke
Topology of foreign exchange markets using hierarchical structure methods pp. 199-208 Downloads
Michael Naylor, Lawrence Rose and Brendan J. Moyle
Market efficiency in foreign exchange markets pp. 209-212 Downloads
Gabjin Oh, Seunghwan Kim and Cheoljun Eom
Market memory and fat tail consequences in option pricing on the expOU stochastic volatility model pp. 213-218 Downloads
Josep Perelló
Stylized facts in internal rates of return on stock index and its derivative transactions pp. 219-227 Downloads
Lukáš Pichl, Taisei Kaizoji and Takuya Yamano
Geometry of financial markets—Towards information theory model of markets pp. 228-234 Downloads
Edward Piotrowski and Jan Sladkowski
On the maximum drawdown during speculative bubbles pp. 235-246 Downloads
Giulia Rotundo and Mauro Navarra
Asset price dynamics in a financial market with heterogeneous trading strategies and time delays pp. 247-257 Downloads
Alessandro Sansone and Giuseppe Garofalo
Frequency analysis of tick quotes on the foreign exchange market and agent-based modeling: A spectral distance approach pp. 258-270 Downloads
Aki-Hiro Sato
A mechanism to derive multi-power law functions: An application in the econophysics framework pp. 271-277 Downloads
A.M. Scarfone
Stochastic volatility of financial markets as the fluctuating rate of trading: An empirical study pp. 278-285 Downloads
A. Christian Silva and Victor Yakovenko
Economic fluctuations and statistical physics: Quantifying extremely rare and less rare events in finance pp. 286-301 Downloads
H.E. Stanley, Xavier Gabaix, Parameswaran Gopikrishnan and Vasiliki Plerou
Periodic attractors of random truncator maps pp. 302-310 Downloads
Ted Theodosopoulos and Robert Boyer
Hitting time distributions in financial markets pp. 311-320 Downloads
Davide Valenti, Bernardo Spagnolo and Giovanni Bonanno
Stochastic model for market stocks with floors pp. 321-329 Downloads
Javier Villarroel
Analysis of a Japan government intervention on the domestic agriculture market pp. 330-335 Downloads
Nikolay K. Vitanov, Kenshi Sakai, Ivan P. Jordanov, Shunsuke Managi and Katsuhiko Demura
Extracting the exponential behaviors in the market data pp. 336-339 Downloads
Kota Watanabe, Hideki Takayasu and Misako Takayasu
Characterization of foreign exchange market using the threshold-dealer-model pp. 340-346 Downloads
Kenta Yamada, Hideki Takayasu and Misako Takayasu
The matrix rate of return pp. 347-353 Downloads
Anna Zambrzycka and Edward Piotrowski
Page updated 2025-03-31