Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 327, issue 3, 2003
- Measuring the distribution of interdroplet forces in a compressed emulsion system pp. 201-212

- Jasna Brujić, Sam F. Edwards, Ian Hopkinson and Hernán A. Makse
- Hydrodynamic time correlation functions in the presence of a gravitational field pp. 213-220

- A. Sandoval-Villalbazo and Garcı́a-Colı́n, L.S.
- Nonlinear dynamics of magnetic fluids with a relative motion in the presence of an oblique magnetic field pp. 221-248

- Kadry Zakaria
- Bifurcations of spatiotemporal stripe patterns formed by Ag/Sb co-electrodeposition pp. 249-263

- Yuko Nagamine and Masahiko Hara
- Maxwellian gas undergoing a stationary Poiseuille flow in a pipe pp. 264-290

- Mohamed Sabbane, Mohamed Tij and Andrés Santos
- Finite size effects in cooperative molecular motors pp. 291-303

- Sencer Taneri and M.Cemal Yalabık
- Modulated stochastic multiresonance in a single-mode laser system driven by colored additive and multiplicative noises without external periodic force pp. 304-312

- G.Y. Liang, L. Cao, J. Wang and D.J. Wu
- Kinetic theory of partially ionized reactive gas mixtures pp. 313-348

- Vincent Giovangigli and Benjamin Graille
- Short-time critical dynamics of the Ising model studied within the N-fold algorithm pp. 349-356

- A. Malakis, S.S. Martinos and I.A. Hadjiagapiou
- Lax matrix and a generalized coupled KdV hierarchy pp. 357-370

- Xuemei Li and Xianguo Geng
- Noise-induced escape through a fractal basin boundary pp. 371-377

- A.N. Silchenko, D.G. Luchinsky and P.V.E. McClintock
- Quenched disorder and long-tail distributions pp. 378-398

- A. Kleczkowski and P.F. Góra
- Irreversibility in the short memory approximation pp. 399-424

- Iliya V. Karlin, Larisa L. Tatarinova, Alexander N. Gorban and Hans Christian Öttinger
- General nonequilibrium statistical ensemble formalism and its application to quantum computing pp. 425-441

- Bi Qiao and H.E. Ruda
- Low-temperature quantum critical behaviour of systems with transverse Ising-like intrinsic dynamics pp. 442-460

- A. Caramico D'Auria, L. De Cesare and I. Rabuffo
- Non-equilibrium properties of the S=12 Heisenberg model in a time-dependent magnetic field pp. 461-476

- V. Turkowski, V.R. Vieira and P.D. Sacramento
- Order parameters in anisotropic two-dimensional ±J Ising lattices pp. 477-490

- Salas-Solı́s, M.C., F. Aguilera-Granja, E.E. Vogel and S. Contreras
- Interpretation of experimental results of spin chains by means of small spin ring theory pp. 491-500

- S. Thanos
- Complex dynamics of tumors: modeling an emerging brain tumor system with coupled reaction–diffusion equations pp. 501-524

- Salman Habib, Carmen Molina-Parı́s and Thomas S. Deisboeck
- New approach to dynamical Monte Carlo methods: application to an epidemic model pp. 525-534

- O.E. Aiello and M.A.A. da Silva
- A discrete autoregressive process as a model for short-range correlations in DNA sequences pp. 535-553

- M. Dehnert, W.E. Helm and M.-Th. Hütt
- A simple model for a transverse dune field pp. 554-562

- E.J.R. Parteli and H.J. Herrmann
- Finite-size scaling approach to dynamic storage allocation problem pp. 563-569

- Hamed Seyed-allaei
- Dynamical behavior of N shuttle buses not passing each other: chaotic and periodic motions pp. 570-582

- Takashi Nagatani
- Comment on: “Theory of the evaporation/condensation transition of equilibrium droplets in finite volumes” pp. 583-588

- Marek Biskup, Lincoln Chayes and Roman Kotecký
- Reply to ‘Comment on “Theory of the evaporation/condensation transition of equilibrium droplets in finite volumes”’ pp. 589-592

- K. Binder
Volume 327, issue 1, 2003
- Editorial pp. xv-xvi

- O. Descalzi, C. Masoller and O.A. Rosso
- Role of dimensionality in Axelrod's model for the dissemination of culture pp. 1-5

- Konstantin Klemm, Vı́ctor M Eguı́luz, Raúl Toral and Maxi San Miguel
- Promiscuity and the evolution of sexual transmitted diseases pp. 6-11

- Sebastián Gonçalves, Marcelo Kuperman and Marcelo Ferreira da Costa Gomes
- Wealth redistribution in our small world pp. 12-17

- J.R. Iglesias, S. Gonçalves, S. Pianegonda, J.L. Vega and G. Abramson
- Finite-size correction for the diffusion front roughness exponent pp. 18-22

- Ezequiel V Albano and Verónica C Chappa
- On the stability of localized structures in the complex Ginzburg–Landau equation pp. 23-28

- O Descalzi
- Amplitude equation for stationary convection in a binary viscoelastic fluid pp. 29-33

- J Martinez-Mardones, R Tiemann and D Walgraef
- Observation of highly localized structures in a Faraday experiment with highly dissipative fluids pp. 34-38

- C. Cabeza, V. Gibiat and C. Negreira
- Ultrasound scattering by a vortical flow pp. 39-43

- A.C. Martı́, S. Varela, A.C. Sicardi-Schifino and C. Negreira
- Retention phenomena in non-Newtonian fluids flow pp. 44-48

- M.v D'Angelo, E Fontana, R Chertcoff and M Rosen
- Tracer dispersion of non-Newtonian fluids in a Hele–Shaw cell pp. 49-53

- A Boschan, V.j Charette, S Gabbanelli, I Ippolito and R Chertcoff
- Modelling the generation of magnetic field on the Sun pp. 54-58

- Daniel O. Gómez and Pablo D. Mininni
- Filament bifurcations in a one-dimensional model of reacting excitable fluid flow pp. 59-64

- Emilio Hernández-Garcı́a, Cristóbal López and Zoltán Neufeld
- Effects of local nonlinearity and basin size in the dynamics of lattices of bistable maps pp. 65-70

- Pedro G. Lind, João Corte-Real and Jason A.C. Gallas
- Dependence of the percolation threshold on the size of the percolating species pp. 71-75

- V Cornette, A.j Ramirez-Pastor and F Nieto
- Fractal properties of correlated invasion percolation patterns pp. 76-81

- Raúl H López, A.m Vidales and G Zgrablich
- Buoyancy driven convection and hysteresis in granular gases: numerical solution pp. 82-87

- Patricio Cordero, Rosa Ramı́rez and Dino Risso
- Granular systems on a vibrating wall: the hydrodynamic boundary condition pp. 88-93

- Rodrigo Soto and M.Malek Mansour
- A nonlinear diffusion model for granular segregation pp. 94-98

- H.C.Marques Fernandes, J.j Arenzon, Y Levin and M Sellitto
- Stochastic theory of diffusion-controlled reactions pp. 99-104

- M. Moreau, G. Oshanin, O. Bénichou and M. Coppey
- Parrondo's games as a discrete ratchet pp. 105-110

- R. Toral, Pau Amengual and Sergio Mangioni
- Zipping thermal ratchets pp. 111-114

- C.M. Arizmendi, J.R. Sanchez and F. Family
- Experimental study of high frequency stochastic resonance in Chua circuits pp. 115-119

- Iacyel Gomes, Claudio R. Mirasso, Raúl Toral and O. Calvo
- Experimental investigation of stochastic processes in vertical-cavity lasers pp. 120-123

- S. Barbay, G. Giacomelli, S. Lepri, F. Marin, I. Rabbiosi and A. Zavatta
- Coherence of noisy oscillators with delayed feedback pp. 124-128

- D Goldobin, M Rosenblum and A Pikovsky
- Antiphase dynamics in a multimode Fabry–Perot semiconductor laser with external feedback pp. 129-134

- Paul Mandel, E.a Viktorov, C Masoller and M.s Torre
- Information theory and chaotic motion pp. 135-139

- A.M. Kowalski, A. Plastino and A.N. Proto
- The statistics of the entanglement generated by the Hadamard-CNOT quantum circuit pp. 140-144

- J. Batle, M. Casas, A. Plastino and A.R. Plastino
- Chaotic Hamiltonian pumps pp. 145-150

- Thomas Dittrich, Marta Gutiérrez and Germán Sinuco
- Replication ratchets: polymer transport enhanced by complementarity pp. 151-156

- G. Cocho, A. Cruz, G. Martı́nez-Mekler and R. Salgado-Garcı́a
- Non-stationary syllables in birdsong: an example pp. 157-161

- Rodrigo Laje and Marcos Trevisan
- A solution for non-constant mean open time in homogeneous Markov models pp. 162-167

- Daniel Fraiman and Silvina Ponce Dawson
- Model for the heart beat-to-beat time series during meditation pp. 168-173

- A Capurro, L Diambra and C.p Malta
- Detection of delay time between the alterations of cardiac rhythm and periodic breathing pp. 174-179

- A. Figliola, O.A. Rosso and E. Serrano
- Characteristics of human EEG sleep spindles assessed by Gabor transform pp. 180-184

- Suzana V. Schönwald, Günther J.L. Gerhardt, Emerson L. de Santa-Helena and Márcia L.F. Chaves
- Birefringence due to free electrophoresis pp. 185-189

- J. Bertolotto, G. Roston, M. Ascheri and María Luz Campo
- Modelling nonstationary dynamics pp. 190-194

- M.I. Széliga, P.F. Verdes, P.M. Granitto and H.A. Ceccatto
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