Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 304, issue 3, 2002
- Analytical equations of state for double Yukawa and hard core double Yukawa fluids: application to simple and colloidal fluids pp. 327-339

- Hervé Guérin
- Kinetics of colloidal heteroaggregation pp. 340-354

- A.M. Puertas, A. Fernández-Barbero and F.J. de las Nieves
- Specific heat upon aqueous unfolding of the protein interior: a theoretical approach pp. 355-361

- Audun Bakk, Johan S. Høye and Alex Hansen
- Resonant oscillations and fractal basin boundaries of a particle in a φ6 potential pp. 362-378

- R. Tchoukuegno, B.R. Nana Nbendjo and P. Woafo
- Quantum kinetic model of a driven radiative two-level system pp. 379-394

- A. Muriel
- Potential symmetries and invariant solutions for the generalized one-dimensional Fokker–Planck equation pp. 395-408

- A.H. Khater, M.H.M. Moussa and S.F. Abdul-Aziz
- Dynamics of the independent-oscillator (IO) model in the Einstein and pseudo-Debye limits pp. 409-420

- Jangil Kim and M Howard Lee
- Quantum gases and polylogs pp. 421-428

- M. Howard Lee and Jangil Kim
- Renormalization-group magnetization of a ferrimagnetic Ising system pp. 429-442

- Beatriz Boechat, R.A. Filgueiras, Claudette Cordeiro and N.S. Branco
- Statistical mechanics of the spin-3/2 Blume–Capel model on the Bethe lattice using the recursion method pp. 443-460

- Osman Özsoy, Erhan Albayrak and Mustafa Keskin
- Quantum mechanical model of a plasma system: a challenge to the second law of thermodynamics pp. 461-479

- V. Čápek and D.P. Sheehan
- Multifractal properties of Hao's geometric representations of DNA sequences pp. 480-494

- Peter Tiňo
- Optimal adaptive performance and delocalization in NK fitness landscapes pp. 495-506

- Paulo R.A Campos, Christoph Adami and Claus O Wilke
- Analysis of resources distribution in economics based on entropy pp. 525-534

- I Antoniou, V.v Ivanov, Yu.L Korolev, A.v Kryanev, V.v Matokhin and Z Suchanecki
Volume 304, issue 1, 2002
- Dynamic scaling of QENS spectra of glassy water in aging cement paste pp. 1-10

- E. Fratini, A. Faraone, P. Baglioni, M.-C. Bellissent-Funel and S.-H. Chen
- Atomistic simulation of matter under stress: crossover from hard to soft materials pp. 11-22

- Antonino Romano, Ju Li and Sidney Yip
- Models for a liquid–liquid phase transition pp. 23-42

- S.V. Buldyrev, G. Franzese, N. Giovambattista, G. Malescio, M.R. Sadr-Lahijany, A. Scala, A. Skibinsky and H.E. Stanley
- Jumping between water polymorphs pp. 43-52

- M.A. Ricci and A.K. Soper
- Supercooled confined water and the mode coupling scenario pp. 53-58

- P. Gallo, M.A. Ricci and M. Rovere
- The puzzle of liquid water diffusive behaviour: recent IQENS results pp. 59-64

- V. Crupi, D. Majolino, P. Migliardo and V. Venuti
- Brownian walker in a confined geometry leading to a space-dependent diffusion coefficient pp. 65-76

- P. Lançon, G. Batrouni, L. Lobry and N. Ostrowsky
- Theory and simulations of mesoscopic morphological transitions pp. 77-84

- Makiko Nonomura and Takao Ohta
- The existence of three length scales and their relation to the interfacial curvatures in bicontinuous microemulsions pp. 85-92

- S.M. Choi, S.H. Chen, T. Sottmann and R. Strey
- Critical dynamics at the sol–gel transition pp. 93-102

- Emanuela Del Gado, Lucilla de Arcangelis and Antonio Coniglio
- The sol-gel transition probed by the dynamics of latex particles studied by QELS pp. 103-110

- G.c Fadda, D Lairez and J Pelta
- Percolative phenomena in branched reverse micelles pp. 111-118

- F. Aliotta and B. Fazio
- Chemical and physical hydrogels: two casesystems studied by quasi elastic light scattering pp. 119-128

- F Bordi, G Paradossi, C Rinaldi and B Ruzicka
- Morphology of solid polymer electrolytes: a TR WAXS investigation pp. 129-134

- A. Triolo, F. Lo Celso, C. Di Giovanni, H. Amenitsch and R. Triolo
- Dilute and semi dilute solutions of block copolymers in water, near-critical and super-critical CO2: a small angle scattering study of the monomer–aggregate transition pp. 135-144

- F. Triolo, A. Triolo, F. Lo Celso, D.I. Donato and R. Triolo
- Precursors of primary nucleation induced by flow in isotactic polypropylene pp. 145-157

- Rajesh H. Somani, Ling Yang and Benjamin S. Hsiao
- Nucleation effects in the aggregation of water-soluble porphyrin aqueous solutions pp. 158-169

- Luigi Monsù Scolaro, Mariangela Castriciano, Andrea Romeo, Antonino Mazzaglia, Francesco Mallamace and Norberto Micali
- Ion–ion correlations in charged colloidal suspensions pp. 170-176

- Marcia C. Barbosa
- Collective phenomena in confined micellar systems of gangliosides pp. 177-190

- P. Brocca, L. Cantù, M. Corti, E.Del Favero and A. Raudino
- SANS and SAXS study on aqueous mixtures of fullerene-based star ionomers and sodium dodecyl sulfate pp. 191-201

- U. Jeng, T.-L. Lin, W.-J. Liu, C.-S. Tsao, T. Canteenwala, L.Y. Chiang, L.P. Sung and C.C. Han
- Polydisperse fluid mixtures of adhesive colloidal particles pp. 202-210

- Domenico Gazzillo and Achille Giacometti
- Aggregation kinetics and structure of cryoimmunoglobulins clusters pp. 211-219

- M.De Spirito, R Chiappini, F.Andreasi Bassi, E.Di Stasio, B Giardina and G Arcovito
- Scattering studies of large scale structures at the ultra small angle neutron scattering instrument S18 pp. 220-229

- M. Hainbuchner, M. Baron, F. Lo Celso, A. Triolo, R. Triolo and H. Rauch
- Filled elastomers: polymer chain and filler characterization by a SANS–SAXS approach pp. 230-234

- A Botti, W Pyckhout-Hintzen, D Richter and E Straube
- Scaling properties in the internal structure of dendrimer systems pp. 235-243

- F. Mallamace, E. Canetta, D. Lombardo, A. Mazzaglia, A. Romeo, L.Monsù Scolaro and G. Maino
- Confinement of neutral and charged polymer chains in nanoporous glass pp. 244-248

- J. Lal, E.P. Gilbert and L. Auvray
- Incoherent quasi-elastic neutron scattering (IQENS) by ethylene glycol in confined space pp. 249-252

- V. Crupi, D. Majolino, P. Migliardo and V. Venuti
- Aggregation, gelation and phase separation of heat denatured globular proteins pp. 253-265

- Dominique Durand, Jean Christophe Gimel and Taco Nicolai
- Neutron Compton scattering from aligned collagen fibres pp. 266-270

- H.D. Middendorf, U.N. Wanderlingh, R.L. Hayward and F. Albergamo
- Evidence for a rigid structure in lysozyme fractal aggregates pp. 271-275

- G.C. Fadda and D. Lairez
- IQENS dynamics in hydrated Crambin pp. 276-282

- U.N. Wanderlingh, R. Giordano, A.J. Dianoux and F. Wanderlingh
- Prediction of structural and hydrodynamic parameters of hydrated proteins by computer modeling based on the results from high-resolution techniques pp. 283-293

- Peter Zipper and Helmut Durchschlag
- Quasi elastic and inelastic neutron scattering study of vitamin C aqueous solutions pp. 294-298

- F. Migliardo, C. Branca, S. Magazù, P. Migliardo, S. Coppolino, A. Villari and N. Micali
- Phase separation in multi-component mixtures: the four-component case pp. 299-307

- F. Lo Celso, A. Triolo and R. Triolo
- Structural and dynamical characterization of melt PEO–salt mixtures pp. 308-313

- A. Triolo, F. Lo Celso, V. Arrighi, P. Strunz, R.E. Lechner, M. Mastragostino, S. Passerini, B.K. Annis and R. Triolo
- Destructuring effect of trehalose on the tetrahedral network of water: a Raman and neutron diffraction comparison pp. 314-318

- C. Branca, S. Magazù, F. Migliardo and P. Migliardo
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