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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 386, issue 2, 2007

Glassy dynamics and coarsening pp. 597-602 Downloads
Leticia F. Cugliandolo
Transport of waves in disordered waveguides: A potential model pp. 603-610 Downloads
P.A. Mello, M. Yépez, L.S. Froufe-Pérez and J.J. Sáenz
Spin glass theory: Numerical and experimental results in three-dimensional systems pp. 611-624 Downloads
Giorgio Parisi
Fluctuations and correlations in wave transport through complex media pp. 625-632 Downloads
L.S. Froufe-Pérez, A. García-Martín, G. Cwilich and J.J. Sáenz
Electromagnetic cavity to explore disordered systems pp. 633-639 Downloads
Marc Bastuscheck and Fredy Zypman
Phase boundary of dilute lattice spin glasses pp. 640-643 Downloads
Stefan Boettcher
Field effect on the dynamics of the Ising spin glass near the percolation threshold pp. 644-647 Downloads
K.A.P. de Lima, E.P. Raposo and M.D. Coutinho-Filho
Effect of thermal fluctuations on the coarsening dynamics of 2D hexagonal system pp. 648-654 Downloads
Leopoldo R. Gómez, Enrique M. Vallés and Daniel A. Vega
Level statistics in disordered linear networks pp. 655-658 Downloads
Eli Lansey, Ari Lapin and Fredy Zypman
Structural properties and scaling of the radius of gyration of two-dimensional star-branched polymers grown by diffusion pp. 659-665 Downloads
Guillermo Ramírez-Santiago and Carlos I. Mendoza
Structural complexity of disordered surfaces: Analyzing the porous silicon SFM patterns pp. 666-673 Downloads
R.R. Rosa, M.P.M.A. Baroni, G.T. Zaniboni, A. Ferreira da Silva, L.S. Roman, J. Pontes and M.J.A. Bolzan
Domain and hull-enclosed area distributions in two-dimensional coarsening pp. 674-677 Downloads
Alberto Sicilia
Deterministic and random partially self-avoiding walks in random media pp. 678-680 Downloads
César Augusto Sangaletti Terçariol, Rodrigo Silva González, Wilnice Tavares Reis Oliveira and Alexandre Souto Martinez
Instabilities developed in stratified flows over pronounced obstacles pp. 681-685 Downloads
J. Varela, M. Araújo, I. Bove, C. Cabeza, G. Usera, Arturo C. Martí, R. Montagne and L.G. Sarasúa
A review of fractality and self-similarity in complex networks pp. 686-691 Downloads
Lazaros K. Gallos, Chaoming Song and Hernán A. Makse
Diffusion anomaly in a three-dimensional lattice gas pp. 692-697 Downloads
Mauricio Girardi, Marcia Szortyka and Marcia C. Barbosa
Entropy of electromyography time series pp. 698-707 Downloads
Miron Kaufman, Ulrich Zurcher and Paul S. Sung
Thermodynamic behavior of a water model with a liquid–liquid critical point pp. 708-712 Downloads
Manuel I. Marqués
Modeling subspecies and the tumor-immune system interaction: Steps toward understanding therapy pp. 713-719 Downloads
S.A. Menchón, R.A. Ramos and C.A. Condat
Roundoff-induced attractors and reversibility in conservative two-dimensional maps pp. 720-728 Downloads
Guiomar Ruiz and Constantino Tsallis
The puzzling unsolved mysteries of liquid water: Some recent progress pp. 729-743 Downloads
H.E. Stanley, P. Kumar, L. Xu, Z. Yan, M.G. Mazza, S.V. Buldyrev, S.-H. Chen and F. Mallamace
Interplay between structure and density anomaly for an isotropic core-softened ramp-like potential pp. 744-747 Downloads
Alan Barros de Oliveira, Marcia C. Barbosa and Paulo A. Netz
Critical behavior of a two-species reaction–diffusion problem in 2D pp. 748-751 Downloads
D. Bertrand, Y. Siqueira, M.L. Lyra, Iram Gleria and C. Argolo
Memory distribution in complex fitness landscapes pp. 752-755 Downloads
Juan G. Diaz Ochoa
The Lévy sections theorem: An application to econophysics pp. 756-759 Downloads
A. Figueiredo, R. Matsushita, S. daSilva, M. Serva, G.M. Viswanathan, C. Nascimento and Iram Gleria
On different implementations of spatial evolutionary games pp. 760-763 Downloads
H. Fort, J. Alonso and A. Fernández
Transcriptional regulatory network topology from statistics of DNA binding sites pp. 764-769 Downloads
A. Kabakçıoğlu
Self-organizing dynamics of human erythrocytes under shear stress pp. 770-775 Downloads
A.M. Korol, P. Foresto and O.A. Rosso
Reducing congestion on complex networks by dynamic relaxation processes pp. 776-779 Downloads
Pablo A. Macri, Ana L. Pastore y Piontti and Lidia A. Braunstein
Effective vaccination strategies for realistic social networks pp. 780-785 Downloads
Joel C. Miller and James M. Hyman
Influence of government controls over the currency exchange rate in the evolution of Hurst's exponent: An autonomous agent-based model pp. 786-790 Downloads
Pablo Chávez Muñoz, Marcus Fernandes da Silva, José Vivas Miranda, Francisco Claro and Raimundo Gomez Diniz
A study of Barstar folding events using boundary value simulations pp. 791-798 Downloads
Jacob Yunger

Volume 386, issue 1, 2007

Hydrodynamics of compressible liquids: Influence of the piston effect on convection and internal gravity waves pp. 1-11 Downloads
M. Gitterman
Transport processes: Perturbations propagation, the local time concept and experimental data for perturbations propagation in plasma pp. 12-30 Downloads
Isaac Shnaid
Repulsive and attractive critical Casimir forces pp. 31-35 Downloads
Salima Rafaï, Daniel Bonn and Jacques Meunier
Decay rate with coordinate-dependent diffusion coefficients pp. 36-46 Downloads
V.V. Sargsyan, Yu.V. Palchikov, Z. Kanokov, G.G. Adamian and N.V. Antonenko
Noise-induced coupling and phase transition in initially homogeneous bistable system pp. 47-53 Downloads
Iu.V. Gudyma and O.M. Semenko
Optimal transport in a ratchet coupled to a modulated environment: The role of Levy walks pp. 54-62 Downloads
Jane Rosa and Marcus W. Beims
A heavy ion in a fluid in presence of an electromagnetic field seen as an ordinary Brownian motion pp. 63-72 Downloads
J.I. Jiménez-Aquino and M. Romero-Bastida
Scaling properties of the regular dynamics for a dissipative bouncing ball model pp. 73-78 Downloads
Edson D. Leonel, Diego F.M. Oliveira and R. Egydio de Carvalho
Nonextensive reaction rate pp. 79-84 Downloads
G.B. Bağcı
The dynamical temperature and the standard map pp. 85-91 Downloads
I.I. Shevchenko
Incomplete normalization of probability on multifractals pp. 92-100 Downloads
Q.A. Wang, L. Nivanen, A. El Kaabouchi, J.P. Badiali and A. Le Méhauté
The Tsallis entropy of natural information pp. 101-118 Downloads
Robert Sneddon
Tsallis, Rényi and nonextensive Gaussian entropy derived from the respective multinomial coefficients pp. 119-134 Downloads
Th. Oikonomou
A generalized thermodynamics for power-law statistics pp. 135-154 Downloads
Massimo Marino
Information theory link between MaxEnt and a key thermodynamic relation pp. 155-166 Downloads
E.M.F. Curado and A. Plastino
Quantum probability calculations using a first-principles quantum Monte Carlo method pp. 167-175 Downloads
J.M.A. Figueiredo
A Monte Carlo method for simulating fractal surfaces pp. 176-186 Downloads
Mingqing Zou, Boming Yu, Yongjin Feng and Peng Xu
Criticality condition of the fully anisotropic Ising model with next-nearest neighbour interaction pp. 187-193 Downloads
R. Schumann and S. Kobe
Thermodynamic properties of the exactly solvable mixed spin-S and spin-12 Ising model with four-spin interactions on doubly decorated planar lattices pp. 194-204 Downloads
Silvia Maťašovská
Critical behavior of an Ising metamagnet in uniform and random fields pp. 205-211 Downloads
D.C. de Oliveira, A.A.P. da Silva, Douglas F. de Albuquerque and Alberto S. de Arruda
Ensemble inequivalence in random graphs pp. 212-218 Downloads
Julien Barré and Bruno Gonçalves
Spin tunneling in magnetic molecules: Quantitative estimates for Fe8 clusters pp. 219-230 Downloads
D. Galetti and Evandro C. Silva
Scaling analysis of paces of fetal breathing, gross-body and extremity movements pp. 231-239 Downloads
R.B. Govindan, J.D. Wilson, P. Murphy, W.A. Russel and C.L. Lowery
Market mill dependence pattern in the stock market: Modeling of predictability and asymmetry via multi-component conditional distribution pp. 240-252 Downloads
Andrei Leonidov, Vladimir Trainin, Alexander Zaitsev and Sergey Zaitsev
Dynamical mechanism of two-phase phenomena in financial markets pp. 253-258 Downloads
Gyuchang Lim, Soo Yong Kim, Kyungsik Kim, Dong-In Lee and Sang-Bum Park
Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis of derivative and spot markets pp. 259-266 Downloads
Gyuchang Lim, SooYong Kim, Hyoung Lee, Kyungsik Kim and Dong-In Lee
A postcard from the past: The behavior of U.S. stock markets during 1871–1938 pp. 267-282 Downloads
Viviana Fernandez
Stock markets and quantum dynamics: A second quantized description pp. 283-302 Downloads
F. Bagarello
Memory-based persistence in a counting random walk process pp. 303-317 Downloads
Pierre Vallois and Charles S. Tapiero
Lorenzian analysis of infinite Poissonian populations and the phenomena of Paretian ubiquity pp. 318-334 Downloads
Iddo Eliazar
A probabilistic choice model based on Tsallis’ statistics pp. 335-338 Downloads
Taiki Takahashi
Illusion of control in a Brownian game pp. 339-344 Downloads
J.B. Satinover and D. Sornette
Order–disorder alternations in the populations of faulty repulsive agents pp. 345-364 Downloads
Jacques Henri Collet
Stochastic modeling of the dynamics of incident-induced lane traffic states for incident-responsive local ramp control pp. 365-380 Downloads
Jiuh-Biing Sheu
Vehicular traffic through a self-similar sequence of traffic lights pp. 381-387 Downloads
Takashi Nagatani
The randomly organized structure of urban ground bus-transport networks in China pp. 388-396 Downloads
Yong-Zhou Chen and Nan Li
Abnormal hysteresis effect and phase transitions in a velocity-difference dependent randomization CA model pp. 397-406 Downloads
Shou-Xin Hu, Kun Gao, Bing-Hong Wang, Yu-Feng Lu and Chuan-Ji Fu
Cascading failures on weighted urban traffic equilibrium networks pp. 407-413 Downloads
JunJie Wu, H.J. Sun and Z.Y. Gao
Community structure in the United States House of Representatives pp. 414-438 Downloads
Mason A. Porter, Peter J. Mucha, M.E.J. Newman and A.J. Friend
On the spreading and localization of risky information in social networks pp. 439-445 Downloads
Kosmas Kosmidis and Armin Bunde
The investigation of model selection criteria in artificial neural networks by the Taguchi method pp. 446-468 Downloads
Ahmet Tortum, Nadir Yayla, Cafer Çelik and Mahir Gökdağ
Observer-based synchronization in complex dynamical networks with nonsymmetric coupling pp. 469-480 Downloads
Jianshe Wu and Licheng Jiao
Topology identification of weighted complex dynamical networks pp. 481-491 Downloads
Jin Zhou and Jun-an Lu
Exponential lag synchronization of a class of chaotic delayed neural networks with impulsive effects pp. 492-502 Downloads
Yongqing Yang and Jinde Cao
Synchronizability of stochastic network ensembles in a model of interacting dynamical units pp. 503-512 Downloads
Sergio Albeverio and Christof Cebulla
Synchronization in complex delayed dynamical networks with nonsymmetric coupling pp. 513-530 Downloads
Jianshe Wu and Licheng Jiao
Analyzing and controlling the network synchronization regions pp. 531-542 Downloads
Chao Liu, Zhisheng Duan, Guanrong Chen and Lin Huang
Global synchronization for a class of dynamical complex networks pp. 543-556 Downloads
Xian Liu, Jinzhi Wang and Lin Huang
Multi-directed Eulerian growing networks pp. 557-563 Downloads
A.P. Masucci and G.J. Rodgers
Networks of interactions in the secondary and tertiary structure of ribosomal RNA pp. 564-572 Downloads
Chang-Yong Lee, Jung C. Lee and Robin R. Gutell
Breathing of voltage dependent anion channel as revealed by the fractal property of its gating pp. 573-580 Downloads
Smarajit Manna, Jyotirmoy Banerjee and Subhendu Ghosh
Structural class tendency of polypeptide: A new conception in predicting protein structural class pp. 581-589 Downloads
Tao Yu, Zhi-Bo Sun, Jian-Ping Sang, Sheng-You Huang and Xian-Wu Zou
The effect of stochastic dephasing on the entanglement and coherence of qutrits pp. 590-596 Downloads
Xiao San Ma and An Min Wang
Page updated 2025-03-31