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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 288, issue 1, 2000

Proceedings of Dynamics Days Asia–Pacific: first international conference on nonlinear science, 13–16 July, 1999, Hong Kong, China pp. xvii-xviii Downloads
Bambi Hu
Protein folding in contact map space pp. 1-9 Downloads
Eytan Domany
Factorizable language: from dynamics to bacterial complete genomes pp. 10-20 Downloads
Bailin Hao, Huimin Xie, Zuguo Yu and Guo-yi Chen
Proteins top–down: a statistical mechanics approach pp. 21-30 Downloads
Alex Hansen, Mogens H Jensen, Kim Sneppen and Giovanni Zocchi
Simple models of the protein folding problem pp. 31-48 Downloads
Chao Tang
Quantum relaxation and Poincaré recurrences pp. 49-60 Downloads
Giulio Casati
Chaotic field theory: a sketch pp. 61-80 Downloads
Predrag Cvitanović
Quantum Frenkel–Kontorova model pp. 81-97 Downloads
Bambi Hu and Baowen Li
Ionization of excited hydrogen atoms by elliptically polarized fields: experiment vs. theories pp. 98-118 Downloads
P.M. Koch and M.R.W. Bellermann
Eigenvalue correlations for generalized Gaussian ensembles pp. 119-129 Downloads
Pragya Shukla
Classical and wave chaos in asymmetric resonant cavities pp. 130-151 Downloads
A.Douglas Stone
Multi-component optical solitary waves pp. 152-173 Downloads
Yuri S Kivshar, Andrey A Sukhorukov, Elena A Ostrovskaya, Tristram J Alexander, Ole Bang, Solomon M Saltiel, Carl Balslev Clausen and Peter L Christiansen
Discrete breathers: classical and quantum pp. 174-198 Downloads
R.S. MacKay
Nonlinear localization in thermalized lattices: application to DNA pp. 199-217 Downloads
Michel Peyrard and Jean Farago
On the stability of gap solitons pp. 218-224 Downloads
J. Schöllmann
Properties of one-dimensional anharmonic lattice solitons pp. 225-243 Downloads
Jacob Szeftel, Pascal Laurent-Gengoux, Ernest Ilisca and Mohamed Hebbache
Multi-scaled turbulence in large populations of oscillators in a diffusive medium pp. 244-264 Downloads
Yoshiki Kuramoto, Hiroya Nakao and Dorjsuren Battogtokh
The effects of finite lifetime of passive scalars and vorticity on their power spectra pp. 265-279 Downloads
Keeyeol Nam, Thomas M Antonsen, Parvez N Guzdar and Edward Ott
Anomalous scaling in anisotropic turbulence pp. 280-307 Downloads
Itai Arad, Victor S. L'vov and Itamar Procaccia
Temperature power spectra and the viscous boundary layer in thermal turbulence: the role of Prandtl number pp. 308-314 Downloads
Ke-Qing Xia and Sheng-Qi Zhou
Surfactant wetting layer driven instability in a Hele–Shaw cell pp. 315-325 Downloads
C.k Chan
Phase-ordering and persistence: relative effects of space-discretization, chaos, and anisotropy pp. 326-337 Downloads
Julien Kockelkoren, Anaël Lemaı̂tre and Hugues Chaté
Pattern dynamics and spatiotemporal chaos in the conserved Zakharov equations pp. 338-343 Downloads
X.t He, C.y Zheng and Shao-ping Zhu
Wavelength scaling and square/stripe and grain mobility transitions in vertically oscillated granular layers pp. 344-362 Downloads
Paul B. Umbanhowar and Harry L. Swinney
Cell movements in two-dimensional soap froth pp. 363-368 Downloads
W.y Tam
Dynamic mechanisms for bundling and guidance during neural network formation pp. 369-379 Downloads
H.G.e Hentschel and A van Ooyen
Phase dynamics in the biological neural networks pp. 380-396 Downloads
Seunghwan Kim and Sang Gui Lee
Complex dynamics in learning systems pp. 397-401 Downloads
K.Y.Michael Wong, S Li and Y.w Tong
Multifractality of mass distribution in fragmentation pp. 402-408 Downloads
Emily S.C Ching
Pulse solution of crack propagation pp. 409-416 Downloads
Hiizu Nakanishi
Bifurcating limit cycles in quadratic polynomial differential systems pp. 417-423 Downloads
H.S.Y. Chan, K.W. Chung and Dongwen Qi
Justification of Painlevé analysis for Hamiltonian systems by differential Galois theory pp. 424-430 Downloads
H. Yoshida
Multifractional kinetics pp. 431-443 Downloads
George M Zaslavsky
Modelling high-frequency economic time series pp. 444-450 Downloads
Lei-Han Tang and Zhi-Feng Huang
Segregation in a competing and evolving population pp. 451-458 Downloads
P.M. Hui, T.S. Lo and N.F. Johnson

Volume 287, issue 3, 2000

Guest editorial pp. v-vi Downloads
Frank Schweitzer and Dirk Helbing
Quantifying fluctuations in economic systems by adapting methods of statistical physics pp. 339-361 Downloads
H.E. Stanley, P. Gopikrishnan, V. Plerou and L.A.N. Amaral
Scaling and correlation in financial time series pp. 362-373 Downloads
P Gopikrishnan, V Plerou, Y Liu, L.A.n Amaral, Xavier Gabaix and H.e Stanley
A random matrix theory approach to financial cross-correlations pp. 374-382 Downloads
V Plerou, P Gopikrishnan, B Rosenow, L.A.n Amaral and H.e Stanley
Extracting meaningful information from financial data pp. 383-395 Downloads
Milan Rajković
Empirical evidence of long-range correlations in stock returns pp. 396-404 Downloads
Pilar Grau
The first 20 min in the Hong Kong stock market pp. 405-411 Downloads
Zhi-Feng Huang
Identification of clusters of companies in stock indices via Potts super-paramagnetic transitions pp. 412-419 Downloads
L Kullmann, J Kertész and Rosario Mantegna
Intraday patterns and local predictability of high-frequency financial time series pp. 420-428 Downloads
Lutz Molgedey and Werner Ebeling
The entropy as a tool for analysing statistical dependences in financial time series pp. 429-439 Downloads
Georges A Darbellay and Diethelm Wuertz
Dynamics of competition between collectivity and noise in the stock market pp. 440-449 Downloads
S Drożdż, F Grümmer, A.z Górski, F Ruf and J Speth
Truncated Levy distribution of SP500 stock index fluctuations. Distribution of one-share fluctuations in a model space pp. 450-460 Downloads
M.Yu. Romanovsky
Derivation of one-dimensional hydrodynamic model for stock price evolution pp. 461-467 Downloads
C Vamoş, N Suciu and W Blaj
Fractional calculus and continuous-time finance II: the waiting-time distribution pp. 468-481 Downloads
Francesco Mainardi, Marco Raberto, Rudolf Gorenflo and Enrico Scalas
Fractional market dynamics pp. 482-492 Downloads
Nick Laskin
Speculative bubbles and crashes in stock markets: an interacting-agent model of speculative activity pp. 493-506 Downloads
Taisei Kaizoji
Evolutionary financial market models pp. 507-523 Downloads
A. Ponzi and Y. Aizawa
A trading strategy with variable investment from minimizing risk to profit ratio pp. 524-538 Downloads
Stefan Liehr and Klaus Pawelzik
Physics of fashion fluctuations pp. 539-545 Downloads
R. Donangelo, A. Hansen, K. Sneppen and S.R. Souza
Spatial competition and price formation pp. 546-562 Downloads
Kai Nagel, Martin Shubik, Maya Paczuski and Per Bak
Hits and flops dynamics pp. 563-576 Downloads
Gérard Weisbuch and Dietrich Stauffer
A probabilistic framework for hysteresis pp. 577-586 Downloads
M. Grinfeld, Laura Piscitelli and Rod Cross
Chaos control in economical model by time-delayed feedback method pp. 587-598 Downloads
Janusz A Hołyst and Krzysztof Urbanowicz
Stochastic urn models of innovation and search dynamics pp. 599-612 Downloads
Werner Ebeling, Lutz Molgedey and Axel Reimann
Simulating the coordination of individual economic decisions pp. 613-630 Downloads
Andrzej Nowak, Marek Kuś, Jakub Urbaniak and Tomasz Zarycki
Phase transitions as a persistent feature of groups with leaders in models of opinion formation pp. 631-643 Downloads
Krzysztof Kacperski and Janusz A. Hołyst
From individual choice to group decision-making pp. 644-659 Downloads
Serge Galam and Jean-Daniel Zucker
Abstention in dynamical models of spatial voting pp. 660-668 Downloads
B.M.R. Stadler
Decision dynamics in a traffic scenario pp. 669-681 Downloads
Joachim Wahle, Ana Lúcia C Bazzan, Franziska Klügl and Michael Schreckenberg

Volume 287, issue 1, 2000

Restoration of macroscopic isotropy on (d+1)-simplex fractal conductor networks pp. 1-25 Downloads
M.A. Jafarizadeh
Scaling vs. Vogel–Fulcher-type structural relaxation in deeply supercooled materials pp. 26-36 Downloads
Ranko Richert
Comparison of multifractal and thermodynamical properties of fractal and natural spectra pp. 37-48 Downloads
Pedro Carpena, Ana V Coronado and Pedro Bernaola-Galván
Multifractal absolute galactic luminosity distributions and the multifractal Hubble 3/2 law pp. 49-82 Downloads
S. Lovejoy, P. Garrido and D. Schertzer
Energy dependence of impact fragmentation of long glass rods pp. 83-90 Downloads
Emily S.C. Ching, S.L. Lui and Ke-Qing Xia
Low-dimensional dynamics in observables from complex and higher-dimensional systems pp. 91-99 Downloads
Murilo S Baptista, Iberê L Caldas, Mauricio S Baptista, Cassio S Baptista, André A Ferreira and Maria Vittoria A.P Heller
Crystallization of hard spheres under gravity pp. 100-104 Downloads
Yan Levin
A simple lattice model for the basal interface in compressible semi-crystalline polymers pp. 105-126 Downloads
Francesco Aliotta and Marco Pieruccini
The steady inhomogeneous rapid granular shear flow of nearly elastic spheres pp. 127-152 Downloads
Chuen-Shii Chou
Molecular dynamics of flows in the Knudsen regime pp. 153-160 Downloads
Marek Cieplak, Joel Koplik and Jayanth R. Bavanar
Intermittency in random maps pp. 161-166 Downloads
R Harish and K.P.n Murthy
Origin of the singular Bethe ansatz solutions for the Heisenberg XXZ spin chain pp. 167-176 Downloads
Jae Dong Noh, Deok-Sun Lee and Doochul Kim
Some analytical results on the bond diluted q-state Potts model pp. 177-184 Downloads
Mohammed Loulidi
Behavior critical for bond diluted n-vector model in the effective field theory pp. 185-192 Downloads
Douglas F. de Albuquerque
Quantum Zeno-like effect and spectra of particles in cascade transition pp. 193-205 Downloads
Alexander D Panov
Reduced density matrix in two-particle interferometry pp. 206-216 Downloads
Pedro Sancho
Fractional revivals of coherence in quantum mechanical oscillators pp. 217-258 Downloads
J.C. Ross and H.W. Capel
Non-equilibrium price theories pp. 259-268 Downloads
Dirk Helbing and Daniel Kern
Property insurance loss distributions pp. 269-278 Downloads
Krzysztof Burnecki, Grzegorz Kukla and Rafał Weron
Power laws in cities population, financial markets and internet sites (scaling in systems with a variable number of components) pp. 279-288 Downloads
Aharon Blank and Sorin Solomon
Origin of critical behavior in Ethernet traffic pp. 289-301 Downloads
Kensuke Fukuda, Hideki Takayasu and Misako Takayasu
Kinetic clustering and jamming transitions in a car-following model for bus route pp. 302-312 Downloads
Takashi Nagatani
Evolutionary minority game with heterogeneous strategy distribution pp. 313-320 Downloads
T.s Lo, S.w Lim, P.m Hui and N.f Johnson
Statistics of stable marriages pp. 321-333 Downloads
Michael Dzierzawa and Marie-José Oméro
Page updated 2025-03-31