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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 219, issue 3, 1995

Scaling of reaction fronts under quenched disorder pp. 239-245 Downloads
Mariela Araujo
Renormalization group approach to the multi-component site percolation on Sierpinski carpets pp. 246-252 Downloads
Zhenquan Lin and Z.R. Yang
Viscoelasticity of vesicle dispersions pp. 253-289 Downloads
Kazuhiko Seki and Shigeyuki Komura
Internal structure of polymer chains pp. 290-304 Downloads
G.G. Pereira
Scaling behavior of granular particles in a vibrating box pp. 305-326 Downloads
Jysoo Lee
Analysis of superconductivity in Ba1−xKxBiO3 on the basis of indirect-exchange mediated pairing pp. 327-350 Downloads
Laurens Jansen, Ruud Block and Vladimir Stepankin
Kinetic equations of interacting Brownian particles pp. 351-360 Downloads
Valeri Rudyak and Igor Ershov
Lewis principle revisited pp. 361-374 Downloads
J.L. del Río-Correa, L.S. García-Colín and V. Micenmacher
Theoretical foundation of macroscopic traffic models pp. 375-390 Downloads
Dirk Helbing
High-fidelity macroscopic traffic equations pp. 391-407 Downloads
Dirk Helbing
Singularities near critical and tricritical end points: thermodynamics and applications pp. 408-422 Downloads
E.L. de Santa Helena and Marcia C. Barbosa
Equation of state of the weakly degenerate one-component plasma pp. 423-435 Downloads
J. Riemann, M. Schlanges, H.E. DeWitt and W.D. Kraeft
Simulation of the three-dimensional ising model on the creutz cellular automaton pp. 436-446 Downloads
N. Aktekin
The two-layer Ising film correlation length and critical curve by CLE and CVM methods pp. 447-466 Downloads
L. Angelini, D. Caroppo, M. Pellicoro and M. Villani
Symmetry constraint of MKdV equations by binary nonlinearization pp. 467-481 Downloads
W.X. Ma

Volume 219, issue 1, 1995

The stable-chaotic transition on cellular automata used to model the immune repertoire pp. 1-12 Downloads
Rita M. Zorzenon dos Santos and Américo T. Bernardes
A new aggregation model. Application to town growth pp. 13-26 Downloads
L. Benguigui
A thermodynamic theory of supercooled liquids pp. 27-38 Downloads
Daniel Kivelson, Steven A. Kivelson, Xiaolin Zhao, Zohar Nussinov and Gilles Tarjus
Diffusion of a sphere in homogeneous flow pp. 39-55 Downloads
Kunimasa Miyazaki and Dick Bedeaux
Novel phenomena in Lorentz lattice gases pp. 56-87 Downloads
E.G.D. Cohen and F. Wang
Environmental effects on a single electron box pp. 88-94 Downloads
G.Y. Hu and R.F. O'Connell
A statistical approach to vehicular traffic pp. 95-113 Downloads
Jan Freund and Thorsten Pöschel
Finite-size scaling behavior of biased SAW at the percolation threshold pp. 114-120 Downloads
Mirosław R. Dudek
A hybrid computer simulation approach to shock propagation in fluid through porous media pp. 121-134 Downloads
R.B. Pandey and Jeffrey L. Becklehimer
Monte Carlo simulation of thin Ising films pp. 135-140 Downloads
D. Wingert and D. Stauffer
Radius of electron as a consequence of Poincaré group pp. 141-158 Downloads
E. Laserra, I.P. Pavlotsky and M. Strianese
Correlational kinetics I. General theory pp. 159-188 Downloads
R. Wegener and J. Schröter
Correlational kinetics II. Boltzmann collision terms pp. 189-211 Downloads
R. Wegener and J. Schröter
Renormalization approach to quasiperiodic quantum spin chains pp. 212-233 Downloads
Jukka A. Ketoja and Indubala I. Satija

Volume 218, issue 3, 1995

Morphological transitions in Laplacian growth with variable anisotropy pp. 249-270 Downloads
Cristian Moukarzel
Universality, thresholds and critical exponents in correlated percolation pp. 271-278 Downloads
C.M. Chaves and Belita Koiller
Anomalously slow relaxation in the diluted Ising model below the percolation threshold pp. 279-290 Downloads
S. Jain
The stability of the 2n-element number neural network models pp. 291-297 Downloads
Z.X. Chen, J.W. Shuai, R.T. Liu and B.X. Wu
A simple model for gelation under shear pp. 298-304 Downloads
S.B. Santra and H.J. Herrmann
Anisotropy-sensitive cross-sections for CO pp. 305-318 Downloads
E.L. Heck and A.S. Dickinson
Dynamics of multi-lamellar vesicles pp. 319-334 Downloads
A.V. Zvelindovsky, E. van der Linden and D. Bedeaux
Nonlocal stochastic mixing-length theory and the velocity profile in the turbulent boundary layer pp. 335-374 Downloads
H. Dekker, G. de Leeuw and A. Maassen van den Brink
Unique Floquet decomposition theory near resonance in quantum systems pp. 375-389 Downloads
T. Shimizu and G. Sauermann
Stationary distribution of a nonlinear system driven by a chaotic force pp. 390-402 Downloads
T. Shimizu and N. Morioka
Arrangement of discs in 2d binary assemblies pp. 403-418 Downloads
A. Gervois, C. Annic, J. Lemaitre, M. Ammi, L. Oger and J.-P. Troadec
Self-similar solutions of the non-linear diffusion equation and application to near-critical fluids pp. 419-436 Downloads
T. Fröhlich, S. Bouquet, M. Bonetti, Y. Garrabos and D. Beysens
Long-time behaviour of self-dressing and indirect spectroscopy pp. 437-456 Downloads
R. Passante, T. Petrosky and I. Prigogine
“Logistic map”: an analytical solution pp. 457-460 Downloads
S. Rabinovich, G. Berkolaiko, S. Buldyrev, A. Shehter and S. Havlin
Phase transitions of fermions coupled to a gauge field: a quantum Monte Carlo approach pp. 461-470 Downloads
M. Hettler and K. Ziegler
Irreversible thermodynamics in the framework of Tsallis entropy pp. 471-481 Downloads
Manuel O. Cáceres
Generalization of the single-site Callen identity within Tsallis statistics pp. 482-486 Downloads
Enaldo F. Sarmento
Density matrix calculation of spin 52 pure nuclear quadrupole resonance echoes pp. 487-506 Downloads
Oscar A. Nagel, Máximo E. Ramia and Carlos A. Martín
Parquet approximation for a disordered two-dimensional electron gas in a strong transverse magnetic field pp. 507-525 Downloads
P. Kleinert and H. Schlegel

Volume 218, issue 1, 1995

Topology, dynamics and finite size effects of a kinetic growth model pp. 1-18 Downloads
Ubiraci P.C. Neves and Roberto N. Onody
Correlated site-bond percolation on a square lattice pp. 19-28 Downloads
A.M. Vidales, R.J. Faccio, J. Riccardo, E.N. Miranda and G. Zgrablich
Fragmentation and coalescence in simulations of migration in a one-dimensional random medium pp. 29-45 Downloads
Gert Wagner, P. Meakin, J. Feder and T. Jøssang
Some problems in a diluted spin-S (S > 12) Ising ferromagnet pp. 46-55 Downloads
T. Kaneyoshi
Generalized network type constitutive equations pp. 56-68 Downloads
C.F. Chan Man Fong and D. De Kee
Interface potentials and physical constraints pp. 69-76 Downloads
G. Backx and J.O. Indekeu
Complete wetting in three dimensions I. Connection between correlation functions and generalized effective Hamiltonian theory pp. 77-108 Downloads
A.O. Parry and C.J. Boulter
Complete wetting in three dimensions II. Renormalization of the capillary parameter pp. 109-124 Downloads
C.J. Boulter and A.O. Parry
Multiple time scale derivation of the Fokker-Planck equation for two Brownian spheres suspended in a hard sphere fluid pp. 125-144 Downloads
Jaroslaw Piasecki, Lydéric Bocquet and Jean-Pierre Hansen
Self-organized criticality in asymmetric exclusion model with noise for freeway traffic pp. 145-154 Downloads
Takashi Nagatani
Analysis of certain binary collision approximation closures of the BBGKY hierarchy pp. 155-182 Downloads
R.F. Snider, W.J. Mullin and F. Laloë
Classical bosons and fermions in the contemporary transition description pp. 183-190 Downloads
G. Kaniadakis and P. Quarati
Extended instability criteria in isotropic and anisotropic energy avalanches pp. 191-213 Downloads
M. Georgoulis, R. Kluiving and L. Vlahos
Statistical mechanics of antibody-antigen binding: affinity analysis pp. 214-228 Downloads
Rajani R. Joshi
A diffusion model incorporating anisotropic properties pp. 229-236 Downloads
Josep M. Porrà, George H. Weiss and Jaume Masoliver
Equivalence of classical spins and Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approximation of the fermionic anharmonic oscillator pp. 237-244 Downloads
M.T. Thomaz and A.F.R. de Toledo Piza
Page updated 2025-03-31