Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 202, issue 3, 1994
- On the localization of random walks and vibrational excitations in linear fractal structures pp. 371-378

- Armin Bunde and Julia Dräger
- Static and dynamic phase transition in pinned charge density waves pp. 379-389

- F. Corberi
- Numerical investigations of the evolution of sandpiles pp. 390-401

- Volkhard Buchholtz and Thorsten Pöschel
- Line tension between two surface phases on a substrate pp. 402-419

- Edgar M. Blokhuis
- Vapor-liquid equilibrium of a multipolar square-well fluid pp. 420-437

- Ana Laura Benavides, Yolanda Guevara and Fernando Del Río
- Dynamical aspects of Tsallis' entropy pp. 438-448

- A.R. Plastino and A. Plastino
- Dynamical jamming transition induced by a car accident in traffic-flow model of a two-lane roadway pp. 449-458

- Takashi Nagatani
- Diffusion in a two phase system pp. 459-466

- H. Pascal
- Magnetic hysteresis loops as Lissajous plots of relaxationally delayed response to periodic field variation pp. 467-481

- Muktish Acharyya and Bikas K. Chakrabarti
- Perturbative theory of the packing of mixtures and of non-spherical particles pp. 482-498

- R.B.S. Oakeshott and S.F. Edwards
- The polarization tensor of a nonrelativistic plasma pp. 499-519

- D. Tamme
- Enumeration of directed site animals on the decorated square lattices pp. 520-528

- Agha Afsar Ali
- No-free-ends method for lattice animals and vertex models with arbitrary number of states pp. 529-539

- M. Kolesík
- Perturbation theory on generalized quantum mechanical systems pp. 540-552

- E.C.G. Sudarshan, Charles B. Chiu and G. Bhamathi
- Asymptotic analysis of the high field semiconductor Boltzmann equation pp. 553-576

- P.C. Stichel and D. Strothmann
- Generalizations of the thermal Bogoliubov transformation pp. 577-594

- P. Elmfors and H. Umezawa
- Specialised NMR spin-cluster symmetry chains under SU(m) X Ln group dualities: Role of democratic recoupling and projective geometric mapping from SU(m) p-tuples onto Γ[γ](v: Ln), or onto Γ(v: Ln↓G), for 6⩽n-fold cage clusters pp. 595-623

- F.p Temme
Volume 202, issue 1, 1994
- Holotransformations of bacterial colonies and genome cybernetics pp. 1-47

- Eshel Ben-Jacob, Adam Tenenbaum, Ofer Shochet and Orna Avidan
- Groundstate threshold pc in Ising frustration systems on 2D regular lattices pp. 48-67

- J. Bendisch
- Oscillatory-shear-induced order in nonaqueous dispersions of charged colloidal spheres pp. 68-80

- Y.D. Yan, J.K.G. Dhont, C. Smits and H.N.W. Lekkerkerker
- Van der Waals interaction between two cylinders in a magnetic fluid pp. 81-93

- G.H. Nyland and I. Brevik
- Inertial effects in small-amplitude swimming of a finite body pp. 94-118

- B.U. Felderhof and R.B. Jones
- Small-amplitude swimming of a sphere pp. 119-144

- B.U. Felderhof and R.B. Jones
- Comparison of the intensity correlation function and the intermediate scattering function of fluids: a molecular dynamics study of the Siegert relation pp. 145-164

- Harald Voigt and Siegfried Hess
- Phase-separating binary liquids in an ideal dilute gel pp. 165-174

- Wu-hong Li and J.C. Lee
- The effect of an electrolyte on phase separation in colloids pp. 175-195

- S.V. Bushmanova, A.O. Ivanov and Yu.A. Buyevich
- Dissecting shrimps: results for some one-dimensional physical models pp. 196-223

- Jason A.C. Gallas
- Spectral method determination of dynamic exponents for Ising models pp. 224-236

- Kent Bækgaard Lauritsen and Nobuyasu Ito
- Counting the number of periods in one-dimensional maps with multiple critical points pp. 237-263

- Fa-geng Xie and Bai-lin Hao
- Nonlinear electrohydrodynamic Kelvin-Helmholtz instability with mass and heat transfer. Effect of a tangential field pp. 264-290

- A.A. Mohamed, A.R.F. Elhefnawy and Y.D. Mahmoud
- Conformal theory of a next-nearest-neighbour interaction model pp. 291-300

- Haiyan Zhang and Bowei Xu
- Quantum statistics of two coupled field modes pp. 301-320

- M. Sebawe Abdalla
- Determination of the generalized potentials in the modified moment method for the Boltzmann equation pp. 321-341

- Byung Chan Eu and Young Gie Ohr
- Steady states of harmonic oscillator chains and shortcomings of harmonic heat baths pp. 342-362

- Max Tegmark and Leehwa Yeh
Volume 201, issue 4, 1993
- Line tension at wetting: interface displacement model beyond the gradient-squared approximation pp. 457-481

- H.T. Dobbs and J.O. Indekeu
- Physical gels and microphase separation in multiblock copolymers pp. 482-495

- Sharon C. Glotzer, Rama Bansil, Patrick D. Gallagher, Mark F. Gyure, Francesco Sciortino and H.Eugene Stanley
- Interfacial growth in inhomogeneous media pp. 496-500

- Djordje Spasojević and Preben Alstrøm
- Practical, accurate expressions for the thermal conductivity of atom-diatom gas mixtures pp. 501-514

- V. Vesovic and W.A. Wakeham
- An evolution criterion of nonequilibrium thermodynamics and its application to liquid crystals pp. 515-526

- W. Muschik and C. Papenfuβ
- Bulk viscosity in relaxing media pp. 527-542

- V.P. Romanov and S.V. Ul'yanov
- Magnetization relaxation to equilibrium on large 2D Swendsen-Wang Ising models pp. 543-546

- Pablo Tamayo
- Non-equilibrium critical relaxation of the Wolff dynamics of the Ising model pp. 547-556

- Nobuyasu Ito and Gregory A. Kohring
- Learning to fold RNA with parallel processors pp. 557-572

- Ariel Fernández
- Self-organized critically in vector-state automata pp. 573-580

- Gongwen Peng
- High-temperature series analyses of the classical Heisenberg and XY models pp. 581-592

- Joan Adler, Christian Holm and Wolfhard Janke
- Critical behaviour of the 3D XY-model: a Monte Carlo study pp. 593-613

- Aloysius P. Gottlob and Martin Hasenbusch
- Phase diagram of a planar XY model with random field pp. 614-625

- A. Arenas and C.J.Pérez Vicente
- Differential transport coefficients and the fluctuation-dissipation theorem for nonequilibrium steady states pp. 626-648

- Masakazu Ichiyanagi
- Statistical geometry of hard particles on a sphere: analysis of defects at high density pp. 649-665

- S.Prestipino Giarritta, M. Ferrario and P.V. Giaquinta
- Equilibrium relativistic mass distribution pp. 666-679

- L Burakovsky and L.p Horwitz
Volume 201, issue 1, 1993
- α-relaxation in a supercooled binary mixture pp. 1-13

- M. Fuchs and A. Latz
- Soft phonons in glasses pp. 14-24

- H.R. Schober
- Slow dynamics at the liquid-glass transition pp. 25-29

- Hans-Otto Carmesin
- Scaling approach to ergodic-nonergodic transitions pp. 30-33

- J. Souletie
- Do phonons exist in non-crystalline matter? pp. 34-37

- I. Pócsik
- Dynamics of the α-relaxation in glass-forming polymers. Study by neutron scattering and relaxation techniques pp. 38-51

- J. Colmenero
- Neutron scattering experiments on the glass transition of polymers pp. 52-66

- R. Zorn, D. Richter, B. Frick and B. Farago
- Relaxational and vibrational contributions to the dynamics of the glass transition pp. 67-71

- A.P. Sokolov, E. Rössler, A. Kisliuk, M. Soltwisch and D. Quitmann
- Onset of the dynamic glass transition in poly(n butyl methacrylate) pp. 72-78

- M. Beiner, F. Garwe, E. Hempel, J. Schawe, K. Schröter, A. Schönhals and E. Donth
- Nonexponential relaxation functions above Tg analysed by multidimensional NMR and novel spin-echo decay techniques pp. 79-87

- J. Leisen, K. Schmidt-Rohr and H.W. Spiess
- Inelastic fast relaxation in a weakly fragile polymer glass near Tg pp. 88-94

- B. Frick, D. Richter and S. Trevino
- Heat capacity change on isothermal vitrification during a macromolecule's growth pp. 95-100

- M. Cassettari, G. Salvetti, E. Tombari, S. Veronesi and G.P. Johari
- Fast dynamics below and around the glass transition in a sidegroup polymer (PVME) pp. 101-105

- A. Chahid, J. Colmenero and A. Alegría
- The scaling of the dielectric α- and β-relaxation of amorphous polyethyleneterephthalate pp. 106-111

- A. Hofmann, F. Kremer and E.W. Fischer
- Debye-Waller factors in amorphous polymers pp. 112-114

- K. Linder, B. Frick and U. Buchenau
- Relaxation and growth of concentration fluctuations in binary fluids and polymer blends pp. 115-128

- Kyozi Kawasaki and Tsuyoshi Koga
- Elastic scattering and relaxation modes of cyclic diblock copolymer chains in solution: Rouse model pp. 129-137

- R. Borsali, M. Benmouna and H. Benoît
- The kinetic glass transition: what can we learn from molecular dynamics simulations? pp. 138-149

- Jean-Pierre Hansen
- Molecular dynamics simulation of a molecular glass at intermediate times pp. 150-156

- Göran Wahnström and Laurent J. Lewis
- Monte Carlo simulation of the glass transition in three-dimensional dense polymer melts pp. 157-163

- Jörg Baschnagel
- Numerical investigations of mode coupling approximations for the glass transition in Lennard-Jones systems pp. 164-170

- F. Smolej and H.H. Hahn
- Structure and dynamics of yukawa systems pp. 171-177

- N. Pistoor and K. Kremer
- Energy and dielectric relaxation in the Coulomb gap pp. 178-182

- M. Mochena, M. Pollak, J. Ruiz and M. Ortuño
- Light scattering and dielectric studies on glass forming liquids pp. 183-206

- E.W. Fischer
- Light scattering spectroscopy of the liquid-glass transition: comparison with idealized and extended mode coupling theory pp. 207-222

- H.Z. Cummins, W.M. Du, M. Fuchs, W. Götze, A. Latz, Guoqiang Li and N.J. Tao
- Signatures of the glass transition in a van der Waals liquid seen by neutrons and NMR pp. 223-236

- Elga Bartsch, F. Fujara, B. Geil, M. Kiebel, W. Petry, W. Schnauss, H. Sillescu and J. Wuttke
- Dynamical phase transition in simple supercooled liquids and polymers - an NMR approach pp. 237-256

- E. Rössler, A.P. Sokolov, P. Eiermann and U. Warschewske
- Comparison between light and neutron inelastic scatterings. The frequency linear behaviour of the light-vibration coupling coefficient pp. 257-262

- T. Achibat, A. Boukenter, E. Duval, B. Frick, N. Garcia and J. Serughetti
- Anomalies in the scaling of the α-relaxation studied by dielectric spectroscopy pp. 263-269

- A. Schönhals, F. Kremer, A. Hofmann and E.W. Fischer
- Determining Tc of the mode coupling theory by Brillouin scattering in an organic glass former pp. 270-276

- C. Dreyfus, M.J. Lebon, H.Z. Cummins, J. Toulouse, B. Bonello and R.M. Pick
- Slow dynamics of water molecules in confined space pp. 277-285

- M.-C. Bellissent-Funel, K.F. Bradley, S.H. Chen, J. Lal and J. Teixeira
- Microscopic dynamics in molecular glasses pp. 286-294

- F.J. Bermejo, A. Criado, J.L. Martínez, E. Enciso and B. Fåk
- Low-energy anomalies of vibrational spectra and medium range order in glasses pp. 295-299

- A.P. Sokolov, A. Kisliuk, M. Soltwisch and D. Quitmann
- Depolarized light scattering spectroscopic study of OTP dynamics above Tg: a mode coupling analysis approach pp. 300-304

- W. Steffen, G. Meier, A. Patkowski and E.W. Fischer
- Neutron investigation of the mode coupling Tc in phenyl salicylate (salol) pp. 305-311

- J. Toulouse, G. Coddens and R. Pattnaik
- Collective dynamical aspect related to vitrification in connection with structural characterization pp. 312-317

- B. Prével, J.F. Jal, J. Dupuy-Philon and A.K. Soper
- The scaling of the dielectric and electric relaxation in two low molecular weight glass forming liquids pp. 318-321

- F. Stickel, F. Kremer and E.W. Fischer
- Dynamics of colloid-polymer mixtures pp. 322-331

- P.N. Pusey, A.D. Pirie and W.C.K. Poon
- Protein dynamics pp. 332-345

- Fritz Parak and Hans Frauenfelder
- Molecular and structural relaxations in a glassy crystal pp. 346-362

- M. Descamps, J.F. Willart and O. Delcourt
- Colloidal polystyrene micronetwork spheres — a new mesoscopic model of the glass transition in simple liquids pp. 363-371

- Elga Bartsch, V. Frenz, S. Möller and H. Sillescu
- Fast relaxations in a silicate glass pp. 372-374

- U. Buchenau, N. Nücker, A.J. Dianoux and D. Krause
- The vibrational modes of vitreous B2O3 pp. 375-380

- Alex C. Hannon, Roger N. Sinclair and Adrian C. Wright
- Dynamics of liquid sulphur around the equilibrium polymerization transition pp. 381-385

- L. Descôtes, R. Bellissent, P. Pfeuty and A.J. Dianoux
- Influence of quenching on low-frequency neutron and Raman spectra of glasses pp. 386-390

- S.L. Isakov, S.N. Ishmaev, V.K. Malinovsky, V.N. Novikov, P.P. Parshin, S.N. Popov, A.P. Sokolov and M.G. Zemlyanov
- Dynamics of Se glasses pp. 391-394

- C. Oligschleger and H.R. Schober
- An inelastic neutron scattering study of the dynamics of hydrogenated and deuterated amorphous silicon pp. 395-401

- Adrian C. Wright, Thierry M. Brunier, Carlo A. Guy, Roger N. Sinclair, Alex C. Hannon and Frank Jansen
- Vibrational spectra of rings in silicate glasses - calculation on isolated structural units with topological disorder pp. 402-409

- N. Zotov, B. Michailova, M. Marinov and L. Konstantinov
- Complex energy relaxation at very low temperature in linear chain conductors with CDW's or SDW's pp. 410-412

- K. Biljaković, D. Starešinić, S. Slijepčević, J.C. Lasjaunias and P. Monceau
- Low-energy excitations in quasi-1D systems with a charge density wave pp. 413-415

- J.C. Lasjaunias, K. Biljaković and P. Monceau
- Asymmetry of defect-induced Raman spectra in yttria-stabilized zirconia pp. 416-420

- A.Je. Semjonow and E. Anastassakis
- Reorientations in plastic crystal phases of zintl alloys pp. 421-424

- M.-L. Saboungi, J. Fortner, D.L. Price and W.S. Howells
- Dynamical transition of bacteriorhodopsin in purple membranes revealed by neutron scattering: a relation between structure, dynamics and function pp. 425-429

- M. Ferrand, W. Petry, A.J. Dianoux and G. Zaccai
- Phonons in a simple monatomic model of metallic glass pp. 430-433

- M. Dzugutov
- Density fluctuations in amorphous Fe85B15 pp. 434-440

- M. Dahlborg, U. Dahlborg and C. Svensson Huldt
- Atomic self-motion in liquid lead: mode-coupling analysis and evidence for structural effects in self-diffusion pp. 441-446

- W. Gudowski, M. Dzugutov and K.-E. Larsson
- Comparative study of “β-relaxations” in a glass-forming polymer (PVC) by dielectric spectroscopy and quasielastic neutron scattering pp. 447-452

- J. Colmenero, A. Arbe and A. Alegría
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