Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 360, issue 2, 2006
- Verification of the inverted temperature gradient condition via molecular dynamics simulation pp. 151-158

- Joseph J. Wleklinski
- Dynamics at the interface dividing collective chaotic and synchronized periodic states in a CML pp. 159-170

- Marcelo M. Disconzi and Leonardo G. Brunnet
- Chaos synchronization of the Chua system with a fractional order pp. 171-185

- C.P. Li, W.H. Deng and D. Xu
- Phase synchronization in bi-directionally coupled chaotic ratchets pp. 186-196

- U.E. Vincent, A.N. Njah, O. Akinlade and A.R.T. Solarin
- Physical insight into superdiffusive dynamics of Sinai billiard through collision statistics pp. 197-214

- Valery B. Kokshenev and Eduardo Vicentini
- Fractional diffusion equation and Green function approach: Exact solutions pp. 215-226

- E.K. Lenzi, R.S. Mendes, G. Gonçalves, M.K. Lenzi and L.R. da Silva
- Non-linear Shot Noise: Lévy, Noah, & Joseph pp. 227-260

- Iddo Eliazar and Joseph Klafter
- Resemblances and differences in mechanisms of noise-induced resonance pp. 261-273

- Raffaella Centurelli, Stefano Musacchio, Ruben A. Pasmanter and Angelo Vulpiani
- Quantum search with resonances pp. 274-284

- A. Romanelli, A. Auyuanet and R. Donangelo
- Hidden structure in the randomness of the prime number sequence? pp. 285-296

- S. Ares and M. Castro
- On the application of nonextensive statistical mechanics to the black-body radiation pp. 297-303

- H. Chamati, A.Ts. Djankova and N.S. Tonchev
- Solving the Liouville equation for conservative systems: Continued fraction formalism and a simple application pp. 304-324

- Surajit Sen
- Quasi-equilibrium closure hierarchies for the Boltzmann equation pp. 325-364

- Alexander N. Gorban and Iliya V. Karlin
- Multifractal properties of aperiodic Ising models with competition and frustration pp. 365-378

- E. Nogueira, R.F.S. Andrade and Sérgio Coutinho
- Exact results of a mixed spin-1/2 and spin-S Ising model on a bathroom tile (4–8) lattice: Effect of uniaxial single-ion anisotropy pp. 379-390

- Jozef Strečka
- Monte Carlo simulation and analysis of two-dimensional carrier motion in an external field pp. 391-400

- Yu-Xia Zhang, Wen-Zhe Ouyang, Xian-Wu Zou and Zhun-Zhi Jin
- Age regularities of the mortality of multicellular organisms pp. 401-421

- Alexander Begun
- Asymmetric responses of international stock markets to trading volume pp. 422-444

- Richard Gerlach, Cathy W. S. Chen, Doris S.Y. Lin and Ming-Hsiang Huang
- Estimating time-varying conditional correlations between stock and foreign exchange markets pp. 445-458

- Huseyin Tastan
- Fundamental factors versus herding in the 2000–2005 US stock market and prediction pp. 459-482

- Wei-Xing Zhou and Didier Sornette
- The relationship between different price indices: Evidence from Turkey pp. 483-492

- Yilmaz Akdi, Hakan Berument and Seyit Cilasun
- Network marketing on a small-world network pp. 493-504

- Beom Jun Kim, Tackseung Jun, Jeong-Yoo Kim and M.Y. Choi
- Increasing market efficiency: Evolution of cross-correlations of stock returns pp. 505-515

- Bence Tóth and János Kertész
- Maximize personal gain in the minority game pp. 516-524

- Ching Liu and Sy-Sang Liaw
- Hysteretic optimization, faster and simpler pp. 525-533

- Károly F. Pál
- Scaling and precursor motifs in earthquake networks pp. 534-542

- Marco Baiesi
- Emergence of temporal regimes in fire sequences pp. 543-547

- Luciano Telesca and Rosa Lasaponara
- Frequency of occurrence of numbers in the World Wide Web pp. 548-556

- S.N. Dorogovtsev, J.F.F. Mendes and J.G. Oliveira
- Fractal power law in literary English pp. 557-575

- L.L. Gonçalves and L.B. Gonçalves
- How does Europe Make Its Mind Up? Connections, cliques, and compatibility between countries in the Eurovision Song Contest pp. 576-598

- Daniel Fenn, Omer Suleman, Janet Efstathiou and Neil F. Johnson
- Model and empirical study on some collaboration networks pp. 599-616

- Pei-Pei Zhang, Kan Chen,, Yue He, Tao Zhou, Bei-Bei Su, Yingdi Jin, Hui Chang, Yue-Ping Zhou, Li-Cheng Sun, Bing-Hong Wang and Da-Ren He
- Distance-dependent connectivity: Yet another approach to the small-world phenomenon pp. 617-628

- Matúš Medo
- Uniform synchronous criticality of diversely random complex networks pp. 629-636

- Xiang Li
- The complex topology of chemical plants pp. 637-643

- J.S. Andrade , D.M. Bezerra, J. Ribeiro Filho and A.A. Moreira
Volume 360, issue 1, 2006
- Diffusion in the presence of a pole: From the continuous Gaussian to a discrete lattice model pp. 1-16

- E. Bakalis, C. Vlahos and M. Kosmas
- Probabilistic teleportation of unknown atomic states using non-maximally entangled states without Bell-state measurement pp. 17-20

- Zhuo-Liang Cao, Yan Zhao and Ming Yang
- On the realizability of pair correlation functions pp. 21-36

- O.U. Uche, F.H. Stillinger and S. Torquato
- Effective temperature of self-similar time series: Analytical and numerical developments pp. 37-58

- Alexander Olemskoi and Sergei Kokhan
- Effects of random habitat destruction in a predator–prey model pp. 59-70

- Janusz Szwabiński and Pe¸kalski, Andrzej
- Delays, inaccuracies and anticipation in microscopic traffic models pp. 71-88

- Martin Treiber, Arne Kesting and Dirk Helbing
- Bootstrap testing for detrended fluctuation analysis pp. 89-98

- Pilar Grau
- A spatial model for social networks pp. 99-120

- Ling Heng Wong, Philippa Pattison and Garry Robins
- Markov chains theory for scale-free networks pp. 121-133

- Qinghua Chen and Dinghua Shi
- On the propagation of congestion waves in the Internet pp. 134-142

- József Stéger, Péter Vaderna and Gábor Vattay
Volume 359, issue C, 2006
- Correlation regimes in fluctuations of fatigue crack growth pp. 1-23

- Nicola Scafetta, Asok Ray and Bruce J. West
- Experimental investigation of the subdiffusion in a membrane system pp. 24-32

- K. Dworecki
- Two-dimensional driven diffusion in a random potential pp. 33-47

- Maxim A. Makeev
- Effect of noise on the critical golden-mean quasiperiodic dynamics in the circle map pp. 48-64

- Alexander P. Kuznetsov, Sergey P. Kuznetsov and Julia V. Sedova
- Exactly solvable nonlinear model with two multiplicative Gaussian colored noises pp. 65-74

- A.N. Vitrenko
- Stochastic resonance and Brownian ratchets pp. 75-84

- A.J. Fendrik, L. Romanelli and R.P.J. Perazzo
- Energetic effects of molecular motor–cargo linkage pp. 85-97

- Prasanth Sankar
- Stochastic resonance for modulated gain in a single-mode laser pp. 98-106

- J. Wang, X.Y. Ma, L. Cao and D.J. Wu
- Nonlinear observer design to synchronize fractional-order chaotic systems via a scalar transmitted signal pp. 107-118

- Jun Guo Lu
- Capillary pressure, hysteresis and residual saturation in porous media pp. 119-128

- R. Hilfer
- Transport in one-dimensional Coulomb gases: From ion channels to nanopores pp. 129-161

- A. Kamenev, J. Zhang, A.I. Larkin and B.I. Shklovskii
- A theorem on the equilibrium thermodynamics of Hamiltonian systems pp. 162-176

- Antonio Ponno
- Coarse-grained distributions and superstatistics pp. 177-212

- Pierre-Henri Chavanis
- Statistical distribution, host for encrypted information pp. 213-221

- L. Rebollo-Neira and A. Plastino
- Replica symmetry breaking related to a general ultrametric space I: Replica matrices and functionals pp. 222-240

- A.Yu. Khrennikov and S.V. Kozyrev
- Replica symmetry breaking related to a general ultrametric space—II: RSB solutions and the n→0 limit pp. 241-266

- A.Yu. Khrennikov and S.V. Kozyrev
- Scattering from multicomponent charged ramified polymeric networks of arbitrary topology pp. 267-288

- N. Ghaouar, M. Benhamou and A. Gharbi
- Entropic lattice Boltzmann method for microflows pp. 289-305

- S. Ansumali, I.V. Karlin, C.E. Frouzakis and K.B. Boulouchos
- Beyond the dilute Bose gas pp. 306-344

- Jean-Bernard Bru
- Series expansions for an electron–ion system pp. 345-374

- George A. Baker and J.D. Johnson
- Comment on “First-order phase transitions: Equivalence between bimodalities and the Yang–Lee theorem” pp. 375-379

- Hugo Touchette
- Quantum critical point in the spin glass–antiferromagnetism competition for fermionic Ising models pp. 380-398

- F.M. Zimmer and S.G. Magalhães
- Linking factors between groundstate pc in 2D iso- and anisotropic +/-J Ising models pp. 399-414

- J. Bendisch
- Dynamical finite-size scaling function of the four dimensional ising model for Creutz algorithm pp. 415-422

- Z. Merdan, A. Gunen and Ş. Çavdar
- Ising model simulation in directed lattices and networks pp. 423-429

- F.W.S. Lima and D. Stauffer
- Fock–Tani representation for surface-plasmon induced atomic transitions of an ion near a metallic surface pp. 430-446

- F.A. Gutierrez, H. Jouin, J. Díaz-Valdés and A.R. Matamala
- Topological approach to phase transitions and inequivalence of statistical ensembles pp. 447-454

- Michael Kastner
- Gauge fluctuations and transition temperature for superconducting wires pp. 455-468

- A.P.C. Malbouisson, Y.W. Milla and I. Roditi
- Phase diagrams of soluble multi-spin glass models pp. 469-477

- P.T. Muzy, A.P. Vieira and S.R. Salinas
- First-order transitions in a two-dimensional nonequilibrium replicator model pp. 478-494

- Giovano O. Cardozo and José F. Fontanari
- Seeking the foundations of cognition in bacteria: From Schrödinger's negative entropy to latent information pp. 495-524

- Eshel Ben Jacob, Yoash Shapira and Alfred I. Tauber
- A lattice-based model of rotavirus epidemics pp. 525-537

- A. Lara-Sagahón, T. Govezensky, R.A. Méndez-Sánchez and M.V. José
- 3D modeling for sagittal suture pp. 538-546

- Yasuhito Oota, Kenzo Ono and Sasuke Miyazima
- The scaling of maximum and basal metabolic rates of mammals and birds pp. 547-554

- Lauro A. Barbosa, Guilherme J.M. Garcia and Jafferson K.L. da Silva
- Evidence for power-law tail of the wealth distribution in India pp. 555-562

- Sitabhra Sinha
- Phase transition of dynamical herd behaviors for Yen–Dollar exchange rates pp. 563-568

- Seong-Min Yoon, J.S. Choi, Y. Kim and Kyungsik Kim
- Dynamical volatilities for yen–dollar exchange rates pp. 569-575

- Seong-Min Yoon, J.S. Choi, C. Christopher Lee, Myung-Kul Yum and Kyungsik Kim
- Analysis of intermittence, scale invariance and characteristic scales in the behavior of major indices near a crash pp. 576-588

- Marta Ferraro, Nicolas Furman, Yang Liu, Cristina Mariani and Diego Rial
- The bulk of the stock market correlation matrix is not pure noise pp. 589-606

- J. Kwapień, S. Drożdż and Oświe¸cimka, P.
- Company size distribution for developing countries pp. 607-618

- R. Hernández-Pérez, F. Angulo-Brown and Dionisio Tun
- Breeds of risk-adjusted fundamentalist strategies in an order-driven market pp. 619-633

- Marco LiCalzi and Paolo Pellizzari
- Money exchange model and a general outlook pp. 634-640

- Abhijit Kar Gupta
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