Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 234, issue 1, 1996
- The starry sky model of the percolation phase transition I. The ‘special’ nodes pp. 1-11

- Asya S. Skal
- The starry sky model of the percolation phase transition II. The conductivity backbone created by the Hall coefficient pp. 12-22

- Asya S. Skal
- Conductance fluctuations and distribution in disordered chains in the presence of an electric field pp. 23-37

- K. Senouci, N. Zekri and R. Ouasti
- Nature of the extended states in one-dimensional random trimers pp. 38-52

- Z. Okbani, R. Ouasti and N. Zekri
- On the calculation of the single-particle momentum and energy distributions for a hard-core fluid in the microcanonical molecular dynamics ensemble pp. 53-75

- F.L. Román, A. González, J.A. White and S. Velasco
- Lattice models for liquid metals. II. Exact solution of a mean-field model pp. 76-88

- R.J. Bursill, T. Matsubara, C.J. Thompson and Y.S. Yang
- Kinetic equation for liquids with a multistep potential of interaction. H-theorem pp. 89-107

- I.P. Omelyan and M.V. Tokarchuk
- Tracer diffusion under heat and momentum transport for general repulsive potentials pp. 108-128

- V. Garzó
- On the hydrodynamic theory of a magnetic liquid II. Hydrodynamic modes in the Heisenberg fluid pp. 129-150

- I.M. Mryglod and R. Folk
- On the crystal structure problem for heavy rare-gas solids: A three-atom exchange perturbation analysis pp. 151-166

- G. Dotelli and L. Jansen
- Electrostatic rigidity of charged membranes in systems without added salt pp. 167-188

- A. Fogden, J. Daicic, D.J. Mitchell and B.W. Ninham
- Adiabatic effects in nucleation near the gas-liquid critical point pp. 189-205

- Akira Onuki
- Wetting observed by evanescent-wave-generated fluorescence spectroscopy I. Differential solubility: 2,6-Lutidine + water at the lower critical endpoint pp. 206-224

- Ian A. McLure and Ann-Marie Williamson
- Wetting observed by evanescent-wave-generated fluorescence spectroscopy II. Selective excitation: methylcyclohexane + perfluoromethyl cyclohexane at the upper critical endpoint pp. 225-238

- Ann-Marie Williamson and Ian A. McLure
- Wetting observed by evanescent-wave-generated fluorescence spectroscopy III: Fluorescence lifetimes: n-Heptane+perfluorohexane at the upper critical endpoint pp. 239-248

- James Bowers, Ian A. mcLure and Patricia J. Clements
- Rheology and shape transitions of vesicles under capillary flow pp. 249-270

- Robijn Bruinsma
- General theory of tracer-diffussion in colloidal suspensions pp. 271-310

- M. Hernández-Contreras, M. Medina-Noyola and A. Vizcarra-Rendón
- A theoretical estimate of the Wilson-Frenkel kinetics of colloidal crystal growth in charge-stabilized dispersions pp. 311-321

- M.S. Ripoll, C.F. Tejero and M. Baus
- On the Schrödinger-Langevin picture and the master equation pp. 322-340

- Manuel O. Cáceres and Ana K. Chattah
- On the first integral of the Euler-Lagrange equation, boundary conditions and escape rates for stochastic processes pp. 341-357

- Emilio Cortés
- Meixner-Prigogine scheme in relativistic transport theory pp. 358-370

- Alfredo Sandoval-Villalbazo and L.S. García-Colín
- Resonance phenomena in a harmonic oscillator driven by the chaotic force pp. 371-385

- Toshihiro Shimizu
- Time-dependent nonlinear growth theory of linear chains pp. 386-406

- Güngör Gündüz
- Nonequilibrium kinetics of neutral atoms confined in a harmonic potential pp. 407-426

- K.J. Coakley
- Critical phenomena in an one-dimensional probabilistic cellular automation pp. 427-434

- Pratip Bhattacharyya
- Chaos in cellular automaton systems with Toom rule pp. 435-442

- Danuta Makowiec
- Occupation times of a CTRW on a lattice with anomalous sites pp. 443-454

- George H. Weiss and Peter P. Calabrese
- Maximally extended polygon approximations for the Hubbard model pp. 455-470

- Y.S. Yang
- Tsallis nonextensive thermostatistics, Pauli principle and the structure of the Fermi surface pp. 471-479

- F. Pennini, A. Plastino and A.R. Plastino
- Temporally continuous approximation of temporally quantized statistical operators pp. 480-496

- Sidney Golden
- Duality-based approximation for the critical point of the square lattice Ising ferromagnet within Tsallis statistics pp. 497-505

- L.R. da Silva and H.E. Stanley
- The partition functions of classical systems in the Gaussian equivalent representation of functional integrals pp. 506-522

- Garii Vladimirovich Efimov and Evgenij Anatoljevich Nogovitsin
- The directed polymer problem in general dimension pp. 523-528

- Ehud Perlsman and Moshe Schwartz
- Path integral for Klein-Gordon particle in vector plus scalar Hulthén-type potentials pp. 529-544

- L. Chetouani, L. Guechi, A. Lecheheb, T.F. Hammann and A. Messouber
- Cluster expansion for the spin-32 Blume-Capel model pp. 545-553

- V. Ilkovič
- Quantum mechanics of two modes two photons coupled oscillators pp. 554-570

- M. Sebawe Abdalla
- Quantum entropy and entanglement in the Jaynes-Cummings model without the rotating-wave approximation pp. 571-580

- Mao-Fa Fang, and Peng Zhou,
- Solving certain principal value integrals by reduction to the dilogarithm pp. 581-588

- M.Howard Lee
Volume 233, issue 1, 1996
- A note on fractal sets and the measurement of fractal dimension pp. 1-18

- Konrad Sandau
- Stable distributions in fragmentation processes pp. 19-30

- G.J. Rodgers and M.K. Hassan
- Ising model on the Sierpiński gasket: thermodynamic limit versus infinitesimal field pp. 31-38

- Tatijana Stošić, Borko D. Stošić, Sava Milošević and H. Eugene Stanley
- Dynamical critical exponent of the one-dimensional random transverse-Ising model pp. 39-59

- Hitoshi Asakawa
- The ground state of the cubic spin glass with short-range interactions of Gaussian distribution pp. 60-66

- Károly F. Pál
- Adsorption of dimerizing fluids in disordered porous networks pp. 67-76

- D. Henderson, A. Patrykiejew, O. Pizio and S. Sokołowski
- Metastability and instability in model grain piles: scaling below and at the threshold pp. 77-84

- Surajit Sen and Sommath Pal
- A local-field-type model for immunological systems: time evolution in real and shape spaces pp. 85-101

- Andrés R.R. Papa and Constantino Tsallis
- Effect of particle size distribution on crystallisation and the glass transition of hard sphere colloids pp. 102-116

- S.I. Henderson, T.C. Mortensen, S.M. Underwood and W. van Megen
- Aging effects in glassy polymers: a Monte Carlo study pp. 117-131

- Enzio Andrejew and Jörg Baschnagel
- Stress tensor of inhomogeneous fluids pp. 132-144

- C. Varea and A. Robledo
- Optical properties of Te doped GaP single crystals pp. 145-152

- S.B. Youssef and M.M. El-Nahass
- A Monte Carlo simulation of the Bernoulli principle pp. 153-162

- Pirooz Mohazzabi and Mark D. Bernhardt
- Thermodynamics of ideal gases under shear: a maximum-entropy approach pp. 163-174

- H. Bidar, D. Jou and M. Criado-Sancho
- Hydrodynamic interactions in a suspension with a structured fluid I. General expressions for the mobilities pp. 175-190

- E. Braun, Olga Leticia Fuchs and Salvador Godoy
- Bounds on the diffusion constant for the Rubinstein-Duke model of electrophoresis pp. 191-207

- M. Prähofer and H. Spohn
- Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of thermionic emission processes in abrupt semiconductor junctions, including the effects of surface states pp. 208-220

- G. Gomila, A. Pérez-Madrid and J.M. Rubí
- Why trees live longer? pp. 221-225

- M.Argollo de Menezes, A. Racco and T.J.P. Penna
- The expediency of RNA folding as revealed by the maximization in information content pp. 226-234

- Ariel Fernández
- Exact solution of zero-temperature hysteresis in a ferromagnetic Ising chain with quenched random fields pp. 235-241

- Prabodh Shukla
- Zero-temperature hysteresis in an anti-ferromagnetic Ising chain with quenched random fields pp. 242-252

- Prabodh Shukla
- Derivation and empirical validation of a refined traffic flow model pp. 253-282

- Dirk Helbing
- Probability distribution function for the random sequential adsorption of hard-disks pp. 283-292

- F.L. Román, J.A. White and S. Velasco
- Efficient cluster dynamics for the fully frustrated XY model pp. 293-306

- Vittorio Cataudella and Mario Nicodemi
- Two newton decompositions of staionary flows of KdV and Harry Dym hierarchies pp. 307-330

- S. Rauch-Wojciechowski, K. Marciniak and M. Blaszak
- A 3 sx 3 matrix spectral problem for AKNS hierarchy and its binary nonlinearization pp. 331-354

- W.X. Ma, B. Fuchssteiner and W. Oevel
- Labyrinthine patterns in a self-avoiding growing string pp. 355-364

- Tomotsu Kohyama
- Quantum and classical dynamics for a pulsed nonlinear oscillator pp. 365-378

- W. Leoński
- k-integrals and k-Lie symmetries in discrete dynamical systems pp. 379-394

- F.A. Haggar, G.B. Byrnes, G.R.W. Quispel and H.W. Capel
- Generalized simulated annealing pp. 395-406

- Constantino Tsallis and Daniel A. Stariolo
- Thermal-activation effects in reaction-diffusion models: A two-component bistable system. I pp. 407-418

- H.E. Ferrari and D.H. Zanette
- Dynamical systems of Langevin type pp. 419-440

- Christian Beck
- Quantum relaxation of multilevel particles pp. 441-448

- P.L. Chapovsky
- Spectral decomposition of Chebyshev maps pp. 449-457

- Bi Qiao and I. Antoniou
- Finite-size scaling of energies in XY models with defects pp. 458-468

- Hitoshi Asakawa and Masuo Suzuki
- Evaluation of relativistic transition matrix elements and their contributions to the discrete-spectrum Lamb shift in hydrogenic atoms pp. 469-484

- J. Seke
- Anisotropic correlation length in the eight-vertex model pp. 485-502

- Masafumi Fujimoto
- Thermodynamics of rotating quantum systems pp. 503-514

- Michael Abraham and Zeev Olami
- Critical properties of the Blume-Emery-Griffiths model from the coherent-anomaly method pp. 515-522

- Gintautas Grigelionis, Saulius Lapinskas and Anders Rosengren
- On extended thermodynamics of discrete systems pp. 523-550

- W. Muschik and R. Domínguez-Cascante
- On the equivalence of finite size scaling renormalization group and phenomenological renormalization pp. 551-559

- J.A. Plascak and J.Kamphorst Leal da Silva
- On the combined influence of a stochastic field and a heat bath on the transfer phenomena in a two-level system pp. 560-572

- E.G. Petrov, I.A. Goycguk and V. May
- On the finite temperature λϕ4 model. Is there a first order phase transition in (λϕ4)3? pp. 573-583

- A.P.C. Malbouisson and N.F. Svaiter
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