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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 148, issue 3, 1988

Morphology dynamics of block copolymer systems pp. 361-413 Downloads
Kyozi Kawasaki and Ken Sekimoto
On the connection between the kinetic drumhead model and the Cahn-Hilliard equation in the presence of a gravitational field pp. 414-426 Downloads
Y. Shiwa
Kinetic equations within the formalism of non-equilibrium thermo field dynamics pp. 427-455 Downloads
Toshihico Arimitsu
Statistical theory of systems of created reactive species pp. 456-502 Downloads
B.V. Bondarev
Generalized hydrodynamics of a nonequilibrium steady state fluid in a large temperature gradient pp. 503-520 Downloads
Ivan L'Heureux and Irwin Oppenheim
Derivation of the nonlinear hydrodynamic equations using multi-mode techniques pp. 521-555 Downloads
Tom A. Kavassalis and Irwin Oppenheim
Velocity of sound in the gravitational atmosphere pp. 556-566 Downloads
V.J. Menon and D.C. Agrawal
Ising spin glass in the Bethe approximation at zero temperature pp. 567-574 Downloads
M.J. de Oliveira
Quantum-kinetic calculation for net acceleration of high-energy electrons by a transverse undulating magnetic field and an electromagnetic wave pp. 575-580 Downloads
Sang-Hoon Kim
Persistent diffusion on a line pp. 581-596 Downloads
V. Balakrishnan and S. Chaturvedi
Indirect interaction of the localized magnetic moments pp. 597-609 Downloads
A.F. Izmailov and A.R. Kessel
Dynamic intermolecular interactions in terms of spherical tensor algebra. Analysis of the effect of different gauge transformations pp. 610-626 Downloads
W. Głaz

Volume 148, issue 1, 1988

Dissipative quantum field theory -thermo field dynamics- pp. 1-26 Downloads
T. Arimitsu, M. Guida and H. Umezawa
Spontaneous creation of dissipation in thermo field dynamics and its examples pp. 27-45 Downloads
T. Arimitsu, H. Umezawa, Y. Yamanaka and N.J. Papastamatiou
The initial density dependence of the viscosity of organic vapours: Cyclohexane and neopentane pp. 46-60 Downloads
E. Vogel, B. Holdt and T. Strehlow
Re-examination of BCC based phase diagrams with constant first and second neighbor pair interactions in the cluster variation approximation pp. 61-73 Downloads
M. Sluitter, P. Turchi, Fu Zezhong and D. De Fontaine
Field induced cross effect between heat and momentum transport in a Knudsen gas pp. 74-87 Downloads
R. Horne and L.J.F. Hermans
Partition function zeros for the two-dimensional using model IV pp. 88-106 Downloads
John Stephenson
Partition function zeros for the two-dimensional Ising model V pp. 107-123 Downloads
John Stephenson
The thermal conductivity of neon, methane and tetrafluoromethane pp. 124-152 Downloads
J. Millat, M. Ross, W.A. Wakeham and M. Zalaf
On the validity of the simplified expression for the thermal conductivity of Thijsse et al pp. 153-164 Downloads
J. Millat, V. Vesovic and W.A. Wakeham
Linear kinetic theory of a suspension of interacting Brownian particles pp. 165-190 Downloads
B. Cichocki
Linear kinetic theory of a suspension of interacting Brownian particles pp. 191-207 Downloads
B. Cichocki
Fluctuating hydrodynamics and glass transition theory pp. 208-228 Downloads
V.G. Rostiashvili
Stopping power of a superlattice and the wake potential of swift ions pp. 229-239 Downloads
Godfrey Gumbs
Kinetic energy and added mass of hydrodynamically interacting gas bubbles in liquid pp. 240-252 Downloads
J.B.W. Kok
Time correlation functions in isotopic liquid mixtures pp. 253-266 Downloads
J.A. Padró, M. Canales, G. Sesé and A. Giró
Extension of the quantal Brownian motion model to bosonic reservoirs pp. 267-287 Downloads
M.A. Despósito and E.S. Hernández
Two-velocity gas diffusion with removal and regeneration processes pp. 288-297 Downloads
D.H. Zanette
A Monte Carlo investigation of the planar Lebwohl-Lasher lattice model pp. 298-311 Downloads
C. Chiccoli, P. Pasini and C. Zannoni
Time-asymptotics and the self-organization hypothesis for 2D Navier-Stokes equations pp. 312-330 Downloads
E. Van Groesen
Composition fluctuations in open systems involving noninteracting aggregates pp. 331-342 Downloads
Marcel Ovidiu Vlad
Electromagnetic wave propagation in quasiperiodically stratified media pp. 343-355 Downloads
D. Würtz, T. Schneider and M.P. Soerensen
Finite-size effects in a quantum exactly soluble model for structural phase transition pp. 356-360 Downloads
N.S. Tonchev

Volume 147, issue 3, 1988

Poincaré's theorem and unitary transformations for classical and quantum systems pp. 439-460 Downloads
Tomio Y. Petrosky and Ilya Prigogine
An alternative to quantum theory pp. 461-486 Downloads
Ilya Prigogine and Tomio Y. Petrosky
Non-stochastic Langevin equation and the arrow of time pp. 487-498 Downloads
H. Simanjuntak and L. Gunther
The squeeze effect in non-integrable Hamiltonian systems pp. 499-532 Downloads
J.P. Van der Weele, H.W. Capel, T.P. Valkering and T. Post
The contribution of Brownian motion to the viscosity of suspensions of spherical particles pp. 533-543 Downloads
B.U. Felderhof
Interconfigurational interactions and tensor operator equivalents pp. 544-554 Downloads
J.A. Tuszyński and J.M. Dixon
Comments on the origin of relativistic crystal fields pp. 555-566 Downloads
J.A. Tuszyński and J.M. Dixon
Electrical conductivity of a fully ionized plasma at high frequencies pp. 567-600 Downloads
H.H. Brouwer and P.P.J.M. Schram
Theoretical description of the methyl group relaxation in liquids pp. 601-626 Downloads
Barbara Blicharska
Particle occupation factors without large number approximations pp. 627-635 Downloads
A.K. Rajagopal and S. Teitler

Volume 147, issue 1, 1987

On the transport coefficients of systems containing neutrinos pp. 1-18 Downloads
S.R. De Groot
Negative binomial multiplicity distributions in continuous domains pp. 19-32 Downloads
L. Van Hove
Intrinsic irreversibility in quantum theory pp. 33-47 Downloads
Ilya Prigogine and Tomio Y. Petrosky
Dissipation in steady states of chemical systems and deviations from minimum entropy production pp. 48-60 Downloads
K.L.C. Hunt, P.M. Hunt and John Ross
Energy transport effects on rapid bimolecular chemical reactions pp. 61-76 Downloads
Joel Keizer and Enrique Peacock-Lopez
Phase separation and growth in a two-variable discrete model pp. 77-89 Downloads
Raymond Kapral, Gian-Luca Oppo and D.Bartholomew Brown
Inhomogeneous network formation studied by the kinetic gelation model pp. 90-98 Downloads
H.M.J. Boots
Some remarks on the dynamics of charged macromolecules in solution pp. 99-114 Downloads
Michel Mandel
The polarizability of a spheroidal particle on a substrate pp. 115-141 Downloads
P.A. Bobbert and J. Vlieger
Analogy between light scattering of colloidal suspensions and neutron scattering of simple fluids pp. 142-151 Downloads
E.G.D. Cohen, I.M. de Schepper and A. Campa
Light scattering from a suspension in a fluid with spin pp. 152-164 Downloads
A. Pérez-Madrid and J.M. Rubí
A set of oscillators in a common bath pp. 165-183 Downloads
N.G. Van Kampen
Quantum Brownian motion pp. 184-202 Downloads
Irwin Oppenheim and Victor Romero-Rochin
Brownian motion and creeping flow on the Smoluchowski time scale pp. 203-218 Downloads
B.U. Felderhof
A local coupling between sedimentation and convection: Application to the Beenakker-Mazur effect pp. 219-237 Downloads
P. Noziéres
Bursting of a soap film in a viscous environment pp. 238-255 Downloads
J.-F. Joanny and P.G. De Gennes
Two-dimensional soap froths and polycrystalline networks: Why are large cells many-sided? pp. 256-267 Downloads
C.W.J. Beenakker
Long time dynamics close to a percolation threshold pp. 268-279 Downloads
M.H. Ernst, G.A. Van Velzen and J.W. Dufty
On the hydrodynamic radius of fractal aggregates pp. 280-296 Downloads
Wim Van Saarloos
The ƒ(a) formalism applied to the crossover from conservative to dissipative scaling behaviour in period doubling systems pp. 297-314 Downloads
J.P. Van Der Weele and H.W. Capel
On two types of obstructed random walks pp. 315-343 Downloads
P.W. Kasteleyn
Convergence of finite size scaling analysis: Weak size dependence of renormalization transformations pp. 344-367 Downloads
M.R. Dudek, J.M.J. Van Leeuwen and H.W.J. Blöte
Frequency dependence of transport properties of fluids near the critical point pp. 368-386 Downloads
J.C. Nieuwoudt and J.V. Sengers
Light scattering from the liquid-vapor interface pp. 387-406 Downloads
Eric Mazur and Doo Soo Chung
Non-equilibrium electro-thermodynamics of polarizable multicomponent fluids with an interface pp. 407-435 Downloads
A.M. Albano and D. Bedeaux
Page updated 2025-03-31