Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis
From Elsevier
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Volume 123, issue 2, 1984
- Irreversible random and cooperative process on lattices: Direct determination of density expansions pp. 297-318

- J.W. Evans
- Bäklund transformations and singular integral equations pp. 319-359

- G.R.W. Quispel, F.W. Nijhoff, H.W. Capel and J.van der Linden
- Instabilities in continuum equations for aggregation by diffusion pp. 360-368

- M. Nauenberg and L. Sander
- Some additional remarks on the cumulant expansion for linear stochastic differential equations pp. 369-385

- J.B.T.M. Roerdink
- Statistical-mechanical theory of coarsening of spherical droplets pp. 386-411

- Michio Tokuyama and Kyozi Kawazaki
- Experiments on the influence of a magnetic field on diffusion in N2-noble gas mixtures pp. 412-427

- E. Mazur, H.J.M. Hijnen, L.J.F. Hermans and J.J.M. Beenakker
- Convergence and extrapolation in finite-size scaling renormalization pp. 428-442

- V. Privman
- Onsager symmetries in field-dependent flows of rarefied molecular gases pp. 443-462

- B.I.M. ten Bosch, J.J.M. Beenakker and I. Kuščer
- On generalized Waldmann-Snider equations pp. 463-480

- J. Veguillas, M.A. Díaz and F. Palomares
- Renormalized equations for a weakly nonlinear Duffing oscillator pp. 481-496

- J.J. Brey, J.M. Casado and M. Morillo
- Dynamics-scaling theory for phase-separating unmixing mixtures: Growth rates of droplets and scaling properties of autocorrelation functions pp. 497-515

- Hiroshi Furukawa
- On the relative dynamics of pairs of atoms in simple liquids pp. 516-534

- H.A. Posch, U. Balucani and R. Vallauri
- Construction of stationary distribution functions for a system of stochastic Langevin-type equations pp. 535-548

- I.I. Fedchenia
- Self-diffusion for a weakly-coupled plasma in a magnetic field pp. 549-559

- J.S. Cohen and L.G. Suttorp
- Self-diffusion in a dense magnetized plasma pp. 560-576

- L.G. Suttorp and J.S. Cohen
- Self-dual transfer matrix renormalization for the triangular Potts model pp. 577-585

- Doochul Kim
- An upper limit to the influence of chiral discrimination on some transport properties of gaseous stereoisomers pp. 586-594

- J.N. Breunese, L.J.F. Hermans and J.J.M. Beenakker
- The cluster variation method and the method of the reducibility of density matrices pp. 595-604

- Shigetoshi Katsura and Ryoichi Kikuchi
- Frustation in local environment pp. 605-608

- U. Sannemo and K.A. Chao
- On fluctuation-dissipation theorems for nonequilibrium steady states without detailed balance pp. 609-616

- Rosalío F. Rodríguez and L. De la Peña-Auerbach
- Self-oscillations in classical dilute relativistic plasmas pp. 617-624

- Xavier Barcons
- On the damping of an elementary excitation of the quantum system interacting with a gaussian random field pp. 625-631

- A.A. Abdumalikov and Abullaev
Volume 123, issue 1, 1984
- Finite-temperature correlations for the Ising chain in a transverse field pp. 1-49

- J.H.H. Perk, H.W. Capel, G.R.W. Quispel and F.W. Nijhoff
- Thermal conductivity of two binary mixtures of gases of equal molecular weight pp. 50-71

- N. Imaishi, J. Kestin and W.A. Wakeham
- Relativistic Boltzmann theory for a plasma pp. 72-98

- H. van Erkelens and W.A. van Leeuwen
- Finite correlation time effects in nonequilibrium phase transitions pp. 99-108

- Emilio Cortes and Katja Lindenberg
- On the stochastic theory of a bistable chemical reaction pp. 109-130

- D. Borgis and M. Moreau
- A solvable model of microscopic frequency modulation pp. 131-148

- Toschihico Arimitsu, Masashi Ban and Fumiaki Shibata
- A number fluctuation model generating 1⧸f pattern pp. 149-160

- Ferdinand Grüneis
- Exact and approximate generalized diffusion equation for the Lorentz gas pp. 161-174

- T. Paszkiewicz
- Some AB-percolation problems in the antiferromagnetic potts model pp. 175-190

- Fulvio Peruggi, Francesco di Liberto and Gabriella Monroy
- The Oseen drag on a circular cylinder revisited pp. 191-208

- A.j Weisenborn and P Mazur
- The Oseen drag on a sphere and the method of induced forces pp. 209-226

- P Mazur and A.j Weisenborn
- Statistical mechanics of thermal diffusion pp. 227-252

- Ryoichi Kikuchi, Takuma Ishikawa and Hiroshi Sato
- Statistical mechanics of quenched inhomogeneous systems with random disorder pp. 253-260

- G. Sobotta
- Characteristics functionals of randomly excited physical systems pp. 261-278

- Z. Kotulski and K. Sobczyk
- Spectral density approach for the damping of fermion elementary excitations in an anisotropic spin-12 linear chain pp. 279-295

- L.S. Campana, A. Caramico D'Auria, M. D'Ambrosio, L. De Cesare and U. Esposito
Volume 122, issue 3, 1983
- Reciprocity in electrohydrodynamics pp. 383-396

- B.U. Felderhof
- An exactly soluble relaxation problem pp. 397-412

- P. Sibani and N.G. van Kampen
- The limit diffusion mechanism of relaxation for spin systems pp. 413-430

- Lech Papież
- Decay of unstable states: Examination of the scaling theory pp. 431-440

- W.M. Zheng
- The electric conductivity of stationary and homogeneous electrolytes up to concentrations c ≈ 1 mol/l and high electric fields pp. 441-458

- G. Lessner
- Intrinsic irreversibility of Kolmogorov dynamical systems pp. 459-482

- M. Courbage
- The transition from the spin-glass to the ferromagnetic state in the bond-random Ising model in the face-centred cubic lattice pp. 483-488

- Shigetoshi Katsura and Akira Matsuno
- Modulated phases in Ising models with diluted frustration pp. 489-504

- J.J.M. Rijpkema and H.J.F. Knops
- On the existence of hydrodynamic fluctuation forces pp. 505-515

- Derek Y.C. Chan and Lee R. White
- The p-q model Boltzmann equation pp. 516-546

- E.J. Futcher and M.R. Hoare
- Sum rules for Sαβ(k,ω) for two diffusing species pp. 547-562

- JoséLuis Arauz-Lara and Magdaleno Medina-Noyola
- Equilibrium cluster distributions of the three-dimensional Ising model in the one phase region pp. 563-586

- J. Marro and R. Toral
- Twistor space, Minkowski space and the conformal group pp. 587-592

- P.M. van den Broek
- Entropy functionals associated to shifts dynamical systems pp. 593-601

- S. Martinez and E. Tirapegui
- A random walk on a random channel with absorbing barriers pp. 602-610

- Dale A. Huckaby and Joseph B. Hubbard