Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 335, issue 3, 2004
- Fluctuating diffusion-limited aggregates pp. 305-313

- Carlos I Mendoza and Carlos M Marques
- Chain-like structures in polydisperse ferrofluids pp. 314-324

- A.Yu Zubarev and L.Yu Iskakova
- Condensation phase transitions in ferrofluids pp. 325-338

- A.Yu Zubarev and L.Yu Iskakova
- Brownian dynamics: divergence of mobility tensor pp. 339-358

- E. Wajnryb, P. Szymczak and B. Cichocki
- Synchronization in small-world oscillator networks with coupling delays pp. 359-364

- Chunguang Li, Hongbing Xu, Xiaofeng Liao and Juebang Yu
- Synchronization in coupled map lattices with small-world delayed interactions pp. 365-370

- Chunguang Li, Shaowen Li, Xiaofeng Liao and Juebang Yu
- Approximate Fokker–Planck equation of system driven by multiplicative colored noises with colored cross-correlation pp. 371-384

- G.Y. Liang, L. Cao and D.J. Wu
- White noise limits for discrete dynamical systems driven by fast deterministic dynamics pp. 385-412

- Dror Givon and Raz Kupferman
- Experimental observation of Zipf–Mandelbrot relation pp. 413-420

- Kai de Lange Kristiansen, Geir Helgesen and Arne T. Skjeltorp
- Electromagnetic shielding of epoxy resin composites containing carbon fibers coated with polyaniline base pp. 421-429

- M Paligová, J Vilčákova, P Sáha, V Křesálek, J Stejskal and O Quadrat
- Derivative-dependent functional separable solutions for the KdV-type equations pp. 430-444

- Shun-Li Zhang and S.Y. Lou
- Exactly formulated Bose–Einstein condensates in optical lattices pp. 445-454

- Wenhua Hai, Chaohong Lee, Ximing Fang and Kelin Gao
- Recursive graphical solution of closed Schwinger–Dyson equations in φ4-theory. (I). Generation of connected and one-particle irreducible Feynman diagrams pp. 455-486

- Axel Pelster and Konstantin Glaum
- Non-classicality and coherence of squeezed states pp. 487-510

- Reinhard Honegger and Alfred Rieckers
- The classical–statistical limit of quantum mechanics pp. 511-517

- Mario Castagnino
- Thermodynamic versus statistical nonequivalence of ensembles for the mean-field Blume–Emery–Griffiths model pp. 518-538

- Richard S. Ellis, Hugo Touchette and Bruce Turkington
- Quantum games pp. 539-553

- J.M.a Figueiredo
- Theory of homopolymer–oligomer microphase separation pp. 554-562

- Alexander Olemskoi, Ivan Krakovsky and Alexey Savelyev
- The bilayer Ising model and a generalized Husimi tree approximation pp. 563-576

- James L Monroe
- Tachyonic synchrotron radiation pp. 577-610

- Roman Tomaschitz
- COBE data supports the Bak–Paczuski cosmological scenario pp. 611-615

- A Bershadskii
- Fractal structure with a typical scale pp. 616-628

- Masahiro Anazawa, Atushi Ishikawa, Tadao Suzuki and Masashi Tomoyose
- Random matrix theory for portfolio optimization: a stability approach pp. 629-643

- S. Sharifi, M. Crane, A. Shamaie and H. Ruskin
- Stability analysis and stabilization strategies for linear supply chains pp. 644-660

- Takashi Nagatani and Dirk Helbing
- Dynamical transition in random supply chain pp. 661-670

- Takashi Nagatani
- Diffusion of innovations in a social network under mixed Pareto–Nash strategies pp. 671-676

- M. Rodrı́guez-Achach, L. Casillas and F.J. Espinosa
Volume 335, issue 1, 2004
- The effect of quenched disorder on the fractal dimension of crack for brittle fracture in two dimensions pp. 1-8

- S.G. Wang
- Stability of uniform fluidization revisited pp. 9-34

- Y.A. Sergeev, D.C. Swailes and C.J.S. Petrie
- Coupled aggregation and sedimentation processes: stochastic mean field theory pp. 35-46

- G. Odriozola, R. Leone, A. Moncho-Jordá, A. Schmitt and R. Hidalgo-Álvarez
- Sliding susceptibility of a rough cylinder on a rough inclined perturbed surface pp. 47-58

- V.P. Brito, R.F. Costa, M.A.F. Gomes and E.J.R. Parteli
- Internal ionization process in polymer dielectrics in strong electrical field pp. 59-69

- G.t Alisoy, H.z Alisoy, S.a Rustamov and M Arkan
- Some methods for generating solutions to the Korteweg–de Vries equation pp. 70-78

- Paul Bracken
- Deformation of quantum oscillator and of its interaction with environment pp. 79-93

- A. Isar and W. Scheid
- On the stability of analytic entropic forms pp. 94-106

- Evaldo M.F. Curado and Fernando D. Nobre
- Jeans’ criterion in nonextensive statistical mechanics pp. 107-114

- Du Jiulin
- Random-field Ising model on hierarchical lattices: thermodynamics and ground-state critical properties pp. 115-142

- Alexandre Rosas and Sérgio Coutinho
- A solvable model of a one-dimensional quantum gas with pair interaction pp. 143-154

- H.-J. Schmidt and J. Bartke
- Pareto law in a kinetic model of market with random saving propensity pp. 155-163

- Arnab Chatterjee, Bikas K. Chakrabarti and S.s Manna
- The conundrum of stock versus bond prices pp. 164-182

- Sergei Maslov and Bertrand M Roehner
- Enlightenment from various conditional probabilities about Hang Seng index in Hong Kong stock market pp. 183-196

- Huiping Chen, Xia Sun, Ziqin Wu and Binghong Wang
- Do Pareto–Zipf and Gibrat laws hold true? An analysis with European firms pp. 197-216

- Yoshi Fujiwara, Corrado Di Guilmi, Hideaki Aoyama, Mauro Gallegati and Wataru Souma
- Toward a theory of local resource competition: the minority game with private information pp. 217-239

- Yi Li and Robert Savit
- The modeling of scale-free networks pp. 240-248

- Qinghua Chen and Dinghua Shi
- Generative modelling of regulated dynamical behavior in cultured neuronal networks pp. 249-278

- Vladislav Volman, Itay Baruchi, Erez Persi and Eshel Ben-Jacob
- Biologically inspired learning in a layered neural net pp. 279-299

- J. Bedaux and W.A. van Leeuwen
Volume 334, issue 3, 2004
- Percolation in high dimensions is not understood pp. 307-311

- S Fortunato, D Stauffer and A Coniglio
- Velocity distributions for a hard-disk fluid in a small circular cavity: effect of the conservation of the total angular momentum pp. 312-326

- F.L. Román, A. González, J.A. White and S. Velasco
- Novel liquid- and crystal-droplet phases on highly charged colloidal suspensions pp. 327-334

- Yayoi Terada and Michio Tokuyama
- Anomalous coalescence from a nonlinear Schroedinger equation with a quintic term: interpretation through Thompson's approach pp. 335-342

- Cláudio Nassif and P.R. Silva
- Multiple scales analysis of the Fokker–Planck equation for simple shear flow pp. 343-384

- G. Subramanian and J.F. Brady
- A Chapman–Enskog formalism for inertial suspensions pp. 385-416

- G. Subramanian and J.F. Brady
- Soliton diffusion on chains of coupled nonlinear oscillators pp. 417-443

- Edward Arévalo, Yuri Gaididei and Franz G. Mertens
- The constrained entropy and cross-entropy functions pp. 444-458

- Robert K. Niven
- Green functions for nonlinear operators and application to quantum computing pp. 459-476

- Bi Qiao and H.E. Ruda
- Power spectrum of the difference between the prime-number counting function and Riemann's function: 1/f2? pp. 477-481

- Boon Leong Lan and Shaohen Yong
- Critical fluctuations and the equation of state of Van der Waals pp. 482-512

- A.Kostrowicka Wyczalkowska, J.v Sengers and M.a Anisimov
- Temperature probes in binary granular gases pp. 513-523

- Alain Barrat, Vittorio Loreto and Andrea Puglisi
- Momentum analysis of DJI stocks near sharp rise, crash, and consolidation pp. 524-530

- Hui Wang and R.B. Pandey
- Hamiltonian and potentials in derivative pricing models: exact results and lattice simulations pp. 531-557

- Belal E. Baaquie, Claudio Corianò and Marakani Srikant
- Simulation of Galam's contrarian opinions on percolative lattices pp. 558-565

- D. Stauffer and J.S. Sá Martins
- Directed cycles and related structures in random graphs: II—Dynamic properties pp. 566-582

- Valmir C. Barbosa, Raul Donangelo and Sergio R. Souza
- Topological phase transitions of random networks pp. 583-590

- Imre Derényi, Illés Farkas, Gergely Palla and Tamás Vicsek
- A short account of a connection of power laws to the information entropy pp. 591-599

- Yaniv Dover
- Dynamical properties of neural network model for working memory with Hodgkin–Huxley neurons pp. 600-614

- Toshiaki Omori and Tsuyoshi Horiguchi
Volume 334, issue 1, 2004
- A growth–collapse model: Lévy inflow, geometric crashes, and generalized Ornstein–Uhlenbeck dynamics pp. 1-21

- Iddo Eliazar and Joseph Klafter
- Fractal dimension and avalanches of invasion percolation: the effect of aspect ratio pp. 22-38

- M Ferer, Grant S. Bromhal and Duane H. Smith
- On anomalous transport on comb structures pp. 39-45

- A.m Reynolds
- Continuous time random walks revisited: first passage time and spatial distributions pp. 46-66

- Gennady Margolin and Brian Berkowitz
- Dynamic renormalization group and noise induced transitions in a reaction diffusion model pp. 67-77

- M.p Zorzano, David Hochberg and Federico Morán
- Energy dynamics in the Sinai model pp. 78-108

- Cécile Monthus and Pierre Le Doussal
- A procedure for obtaining general nonlinear Fokker–Planck equations pp. 109-118

- Fernando D. Nobre, Evaldo M.F. Curado and G. Rowlands
- Intensive entropic non-triviality measure pp. 119-131

- P.w Lamberti, M.t Martin, A Plastino and O.a Rosso
- Power-law distributions and Fisher's information measure pp. 132-138

- F Pennini and A Plastino
- A note on “Generalized superposition of two squeezed states: generation and statistical properties” pp. 139-143

- A.t Avelar, J.M.c Malbouisson and B Baseia
- Hierarchy Bloch equations for the reduced statistical density operators in canonical and grand canonical ensembles pp. 144-150

- Liqiang Wei and Chiachung Sun
- Orbital approximation for the reduced Bloch equations: Fermi–Dirac distribution for interacting fermions and Hartree–Fock equation at finite temperature pp. 151-159

- Liqiang Wei and Chiachung Sun
- Phase transitions in adsorption-induced reconstruction model pp. 160-172

- A Velasco
- Interfacial correlation function for adsorption on a disc pp. 173-186

- P Jakubczyk and M Napiórkowski
- Exact statistics of three-hard-disk system in two-dimensional space pp. 187-200

- Zhoujian Cao, Haihong Li, Toyonori Munakata, Dahai He and Gang Hu
- On the thermodynamic origin of energy principles in plasma physics pp. 201-221

- A.c Sicardi Schifino, C Ferro Fontán, R González and A Costa
- Chaotic map clustering algorithm for EEG analysis pp. 222-232

- R Bellotti, F De Carlo and S Stramaglia
- Growth dynamics of domain pattern in a three-trophic population model pp. 233-242

- S.-H. Lee, H.K. Pak, H.S. Wi, T.-S. Chon and T. Matsumoto
- Stability and transition in multiple production lines pp. 243-254

- Takashi Nagatani
- Empirical nonextensive laws for the county distribution of total personal income and gross domestic product pp. 255-266

- Ernesto P Borges
- Scaling invariant distributions of firms’ exit in OECD countries pp. 267-273

- Corrado Di Guilmi, Mauro Gallegati and Paul Ormerod
- Non-monotonic spontaneous magnetization in a Sznajd-like consensus model pp. 274-280

- Lorenzo Sabatelli and Peter Richmond
- Chaos synchronization of general complex dynamical networks pp. 281-302

- Jinhu Lü, Xinghuo Yu and Guanrong Chen
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