Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 379, issue 2, 2007
- Quasi-static properties of Markovian systems in metastable state: Fluctuation–dissipation theorem pp. 357-371

- G. Báez and R.A. Méndez-Sánchez
- Particle fluctuations within sub-regions of an N-particle, two-dimensional fluid: Finite-size effects and compressibility pp. 372-388

- J.J. Salacuse
- On the double phase-transition of fluids adsorbed in disordered porous media pp. 389-400

- E.V. Vakarin, W. Dong and J.P. Badiali
- Multiple-relaxation time lattice Boltzmann method for the finite Knudsen number region pp. 401-408

- L. Szalmás
- Ring approximation at equilibrium: The hard sphere pair correlation function pp. 409-416

- Jarosław Piasecki and Rodrigo Soto
- Chapman–Enskog solutions to arbitrary order in Sonine polynomials I: Simple, rigid-sphere gas pp. 417-435

- S.K. Loyalka, E.L. Tipton and R.V. Tompson
- The sunspot as an autonomous dynamical system: A model for the growth and decay phases of sunspots pp. 436-458

- George Livadiotis and Xenophon Moussas
- Cycles, scaling and crossover phenomenon in length of the day (LOD) time series pp. 459-464

- Luciano Telesca
- Long-range memory elementary 1D cellular automata: Dynamics and nonextensivity pp. 465-470

- Thimo Rohlf and Constantino Tsallis
- Negaton and complexiton solutions of sine-Gordon equation pp. 471-482

- Hongxia Wu and Tianyou Fan
- Stochasticity and non-locality of time pp. 483-490

- Toru Ohira
- Numerical study of metastability due to tunneling: The quantum string method pp. 491-502

- Tiezheng Qian, Weiqing Ren, Jing Shi, Weinan E and Ping Sheng
- Wavelet entropy of stochastic processes pp. 503-512

- L. Zunino, D.G. Pérez, M. Garavaglia and O.A. Rosso
- Quasi-additivity of Tsallis entropies and correlated subsystems pp. 513-522

- S. Asgarani and B. Mirza
- General nonlocal diffusion–convection mean field models: Nonexistence of global solutions pp. 523-533

- Piotr Biler and Wojbor Woyczyński
- Replica symmetry breaking in the Ising spin glass model on Bethe-like lattices with loop pp. 534-544

- Terufumi Yokota
- Quantum games via search algorithms pp. 545-551

- A. Romanelli
- Non-stationary correlation matrices and noise pp. 552-558

- André C.R. Martins
- First order phase transitions of the Potts model in fractal dimensions pp. 559-568

- Pascal Monceau
- Specific heat of magnetic and semiconductor quasiperiodic structures pp. 569-578

- S.B. Jácome, I.P. Coelho, D.H.A.L. Anselmo and C.G. Bezerra
- A comparative analysis of linear, nonlinear and improved nonlinear thermodynamic models of voltage-dependent ion channel kinetics pp. 579-586

- Mahmut Ozer
- Multicanonical sampling of vortex states in magnetic nanoelements pp. 587-594

- D. Reitzner and D. Horváth
- Effects of detachment and size of particles in totally asymmetric simple exclusion processes pp. 595-606

- Xian-Qing Yang, Kang Qiu, Wei Zhang, Lin Ren, Wen-Tao Xu and You-Jin Deng
- On fractional order differential equations model for nonlocal epidemics pp. 607-614

- E. Ahmed and A.S. Elgazzar
- Kinetics of distribution of infections in networks pp. 615-620

- I. Avramov
- Searching threshold effects in the interest rate: An application to Turkey case pp. 621-627

- Nilgun Cil Yavuz, Burak Güriş and Veli Yilanci
- On the relationship between mergers and economic activity: Evidence from an optimised hybrid method pp. 628-634

- Steven Cook
- Hausdorff clustering of financial time series pp. 635-644

- Nicolas Basalto, Roberto Bellotti, Francesco De Carlo, Paolo Facchi, Ester Pantaleo and Saverio Pascazio
- The minority game with incomplete strategies pp. 645-653

- Cheng Yang and Shixin Sun
- Simulation for pedestrian dynamics by real-coded cellular automata (RCA) pp. 654-660

- Kazuhiro Yamamoto, Satoshi Kokubo and Katsuhiro Nishinari
- Competition of languages in the presence of a barrier pp. 661-664

- Christian Schulze and Dietrich Stauffer
- Evolution of vocabulary on scale-free and random networks pp. 665-671

- Alkiviadis Kalampokis, Kosmas Kosmidis and Panos Argyrakis
- Evolutionary prisoner's dilemma game on Barabási–Albert scale-free networks pp. 672-680

- Zhi-Xi Wu, Jian-Yue Guan, Xin-Jian Xu and Ying-Hai Wang
- Consensus problem in multi-agent systems with physical position neighbourhood evolving network pp. 681-690

- Zheng Ping Wu, Zhi-Hong Guan and Xianyong Wu
- On the emergence of scaling in weighted networks pp. 691-700

- W Jeżewski
- Network formed by traces of random walks pp. 701-713

- N. Ikeda
- Effect of node deleting on network structure pp. 714-726

- Ke Deng, Heping Zhao and Dejun Li
- The web graph of a tourism system pp. 727-734

- Rodolfo Baggio
Volume 379, issue 1, 2007
- Hurst exponents, Markov processes, and fractional Brownian motion pp. 1-9

- Joseph L. McCauley, Gemunu H. Gunaratne and Kevin E. Bassler
- On the first passage time and leapover properties of Lévy motions pp. 10-22

- T. Koren, A.V. Chechkin and J. Klafter
- Conformations of isolated ampholytic dendrimers in solutions pp. 23-31

- Edward G. Timoshenko, Yuri A. Kuznetsov and George E. Simonov
- Long-time rotational motion of a set of rigid bodies immersed in a viscous fluid pp. 32-40

- B.U. Felderhof
- Critical adsorption of crosslinked polymer blends pp. 41-51

- M. Benhamou, M. Boughou, Kaı¨di, H., M. El Yaznasni and H. Ridouane
- The critical endpoint in phase diagrams of attractive hard spheres pp. 52-58

- Gerard J. Fleer and Remco Tuinier
- Stability of cylindrical conducting fluids with heat and mass transfer in longitudinal periodic electric field pp. 59-80

- M.F. El-Sayed, A.A. Mohamed and T.M.N. Metwaly
- H∞ synchronization of chaotic systems using output feedback control design pp. 81-89

- Yi-You Hou, Teh-Lu Liao and Jun-Juh Yan
- Fermion entropy of non-uniformly rectilinearly accelerating black hole with electric and magnetic charges pp. 90-100

- Jingyi Zhang and Jun-Hui Fan
- Measurability of vacuum fluctuations and dark energy pp. 101-110

- Christian Beck and Michael C. Mackey
- Shock waves in virus fitness evolution pp. 111-121

- Fernando Goldenstein Carvalhaes and Carla Goldman
- Wavelet Jensen–Shannon divergence as a tool for studying the dynamics of frequency band components in EEG epileptic seizures pp. 122-132

- M.E. Pereyra, P.W. Lamberti and O.A. Rosso
- Dynamics of allosteric action in multisite protein modification pp. 133-150

- Edoardo Milotti, Alessio Del Fabbro, Chiara Dalla Pellegrina and Roberto Chignola
- The CTRW in finance: Direct and inverse problems with some generalizations and extensions pp. 151-167

- Jaume Masoliver, Miquel Montero, Josep Perelló and George H. Weiss
- Multiple time scales and the empirical models for stochastic volatility pp. 168-178

- G.L. Buchbinder and K.M. Chistilin
- Complexity analysis of the stock market pp. 179-187

- Joongwoo Brian Park, Jeong Won Lee, Jae-Suk Yang, Hang-Hyun Jo and Hie-Tae Moon
- Self-similar characteristics of the currency exchange rate in an economy in transition pp. 188-198

- E.I. Scarlat, Cristina Stan and C.P. Cristescu
- The critical properties of the agent-based model with environmental–economic interactions pp. 199-206

- Zoltán Kuscsik, Denis Horváth and Martin Gmitra
- An agent-based approach to financial stylized facts pp. 207-225

- Tetsuya Shimokawa, Kyoko Suzuki and Tadanobu Misawa
- Three-body interactions in sociophysics and their role in coalition forming pp. 226-234

- Gerardo G. Naumis, F. Samaniego-Steta, M. del Castillo-Mussot and G.J. Vázquez
- A power law distribution in patients’ lengths of stay in hospital pp. 235-240

- A. Hellervik and G.J. Rodgers
- Intracultural diversity in a model of social dynamics pp. 241-249

- A. Parravano, H. Rivera-Ramirez and M.G. Cosenza
- A novel algorithm of simulating multi-velocity evacuation based on cellular automata modeling and tenability condition pp. 250-262

- Yuan Weifeng and Tan Kang Hai
- Theory and simulation for jamming transitions induced by a slow vehicle in traffic flow pp. 263-273

- Syuichi Masukura, Takashi Nagatani, Katsunori Tanaka and Hirotoshi Hanaura
- Effect of adaptive cruise control systems on mixed traffic flow near an on-ramp pp. 274-290

- L.C. Davis
- A game theory model of urban public traffic networks pp. 291-297

- B.B. Su, H. Chang, Y.-Z. Chen and D.R. He
- Pinning control of complex dynamical networks with general topology pp. 298-306

- L.Y. Xiang, Z.X. Liu, Z.Q. Chen, F. Chen and Z.Z. Yuan
- Community structure and ethnic preferences in school friendship networks pp. 307-316

- M.C. González, H.J. Herrmann, J. Kertész and T. Vicsek
- The topology of interbank payment flows pp. 317-333

- Kimmo Soramäki, Morten Bech, Jeffrey Arnold, Robert J. Glass and Walter E. Beyeler
- The stabilizing effect of noise on the dynamics of a Boolean network pp. 334-356

- Christopher S. Goodrich and Mihaela T. Matache
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