Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 266, issue 1, 1999
- In memoriam Shlomo Alexander pp. 1-1

- P.g de Gennes
- Percolation phenomena: a broad-brush introduction with some recent applications to porous media, liquid water, and city growth pp. 5-16

- H.Eugene Stanley, José S. Andrade, Shlomo Havlin, Hernán A. Makse and Béla Suki
- Shape-dependent universality in percolation pp. 17-26

- Robert M Ziff, Christian D Lorenz and Peter Kleban
- Universal scaling functions and quantities in percolation models pp. 27-34

- Chin-Kun Hu, Jau-Ann Chen and Chai-Yu Lin
- New simulations on old biased diffusion pp. 35-41

- D Stauffer
- Crossover from extensive to nonextensive behavior driven by long-range d=1 bond percolation pp. 42-48

- Henio H.A Rego, Liacir S Lucena, Luciano R da Silva and Constantino Tsallis
- Percolation in correlated systems pp. 49-54

- T Odagaki, H Kawai and S Toyofuku
- Distribution of shortest paths in percolation pp. 55-61

- Nikolay V Dokholyan, Sergey V Buldyrev, Shlomo Havlin, Peter R King, Youngki Lee and H.Eugene Stanley
- Random walks on percolation with a topological bias: Decay of the probability density pp. 62-66

- Julia Dräger and Armin Bunde
- Non-universal behavior of the soft percolation model in three dimensions pp. 67-71

- Y. Hara and T. Odagaki
- Large lattice random site percolation pp. 72-75

- Naeem Jan
- Level statistics for vibrational eigenstates of percolation clusters pp. 76-80

- Jan W. Kantelhardt, Armin Bunde and Ludwig Schweitzer
- Percolation as a dynamical phenomenon pp. 81-85

- Joaquim Elias de Freitas, Liacir dos Santos Lucena and Stéphane Roux
- Faceted-to-rough transition in a branching growth model pp. 86-91

- Liacir S Lucena, Luciano R da Silva and Stéphane Roux
- Cluster growth at the percolation threshold with a finite lifetime of growth sites pp. 92-95

- Anke Ordemann, H.Eduardo Roman and Armin Bunde
- Distribution of dangling ends on the incipient percolation cluster pp. 96-99

- Markus Porto, Armin Bunde and Shlomo Havlin
- Optimizing partitions of percolating graphs pp. 100-103

- Stefan Boettcher
- Predicting oil recovery using percolation pp. 107-114

- Peter R. King, , José S.Andrade, Sergey V. Buldyrev, Nikolay Dokholyan, Youngki Lee, Shlomo Havlin and H.Eugene Stanley
- Giant high-order field moments in metal–dielectric composites pp. 115-122

- Andrey K. Sarychev and Vladimir M. Shalaev
- Percolation and viscoelasticity of triblock copolymer micellar solutions pp. 123-135

- Francesco Mallamace, Sow-Hsin Chen, Yingchun Liu, Laurent Lobry and Norberto Micali
- Percolation and flow in geological formations: upscaling from microscopic to megascopic scales pp. 136-152

- Muhammad Sahimi and Ali Reza Mehrabi
- Self-organized criticality in forest-fire models pp. 153-159

- S. Clar, B. Drossel, K. Schenk and F. Schwabl
- Critical fluctuations and self-organized fractality in chemical reactions: Spontaneous gradient percolation in the etching of random solids pp. 160-172

- S.B. Santra and B. Sapoval
- Scaling, percolation and coarsening in epitaxial thin film growth pp. 173-185

- Fereydoon Family
- Tutorial Modelling of geosphere–biosphere interactions: the effect of percolation-type habitat fragmentation pp. 186-196

- W. von Bloh, A. Block, M. Parade and H.J. Schellnhuber
- Percolation effects in mixed β/β″-alumina crystals pp. 197-202

- P Maass, M Meyer and A Bunde
- Description of soil pore systems accessible for water by fractal dimensions pp. 203-208

- J Niemeyer and G Machulla
- Crack growth and percolation in anisotropically rolled thin plate pp. 209-213

- Saburo Nishiuma and Sasuke Miyazima
- Thermal effects on the electrical degradation of thin film resistors pp. 214-217

- C. Pennetta, L. Reggiani and L.B. Kiss
- Nanostructured semiconductor gas sensors to overcome sensitivity limitations due to percolation effects pp. 218-223

- G. Bläser, Th. Rühl, C. Diehl, M. Ulrich and D. Kohl
- Surface growth of binary Eden model at percolation threshold concentration pp. 224-228

- Hiroshi Takano, Hiroyuki Yoshinaga, Tomomasa Nagamine and Sasuke Miyazima
- Percolation concepts in solid state ionics pp. 229-237

- W. Dieterich, O. Dürr, P. Pendzig, A. Bunde and A. Nitzan
- Hybrid closure-approximation to epidemic models pp. 238-241

- J.A.N. Filipe
- Evaluation of fractal parameters of percolation model objects and natural porous media by means of NMR microscopy pp. 242-246

- A Klemm, H.-P Müller and R Kimmich
- Non-Brownian suspensions: simulation and linear response pp. 249-254

- S Schwarzer, K Höfler, C Manwart, B Wachmann and H Herrmann
- Vortex dynamics in columnar-defected YBCO-films pp. 255-262

- M Baumann, G Wirth and J Kötzler
- Sliding objects with random friction pp. 263-271

- Itzhak Webman, José Luis Gruver and Shlomo Havlin
- Atomic scale friction: from basic characteristics to control pp. 272-279

- M.G. Rozman, M. Urbakh and J. Klafter
- Tiger and Rabbits: a single trap and many random walkers pp. 280-290

- Haim Taitelbaum, Zbigniew Koza, Tomer Yanir and George H Weiss
- Optimal paths and growth processes pp. 291-298

- Marek Cieplak, Amos Maritan and Jayanth R Banavar
- Scaling and patterns in surface fragmentation processes pp. 299-306

- I.M. Sokolov and A. Blumen
- Microstructure analysis of reconstructed porous media pp. 307-311

- B. Biswal and R. Hilfer
- Critical temperature of the Ising model with correlated disorder pp. 312-316

- K. Herrmanns
- Optimal path in weak and strong disorder pp. 317-321

- Nehemia Schwartz, Markus Porto, Shlomo Havlin and Armin Bunde
- Study of a lattice-gas model for a prey–predator system pp. 322-329

- A.f Rozenfeld and E.v Albano
- Life and times of an avalanche pp. 330-333

- Stefan Boettcher
- Growing interfaces in quenched disordered media pp. 334-338

- L.a Braunstein, R.c Buceta and A Dı́az-Sánchez
- A stochastic lattice model for locust outbreak pp. 339-342

- Shinya Kizaki and Makoto Katori
- Anomalous transport in disordered systems under the influence of external fields pp. 343-350

- Ralf Metzler, Eli Barkai and Joseph Klafter
- Averaged Green's functions of discrete disordered systems from effective energy-dependent probability distributions pp. 351-357

- A.J. van Biljon and F.G. Scholtz
- Effect of anisotropy on the self-organized critical states of Abelian sandpile models pp. 358-361

- Tomoko Tsuchiya and Makoto Katori
- Fractal property of Eden growth morphology with acceleration effect pp. 362-365

- H Yoshinaga, T Nagamine, H Takano and S Miyazima
- The physics of sand castles: maximum angle of stability in wet and dry granular media pp. 366-371

- Albert-László Barabási, Réka Albert and Peter Schiffer
- Kardar–Parisi–Zhang scaling in kinetic roughening of fire fronts pp. 372-376

- J Maunuksela, M Myllys, J Timonen, M.j Alava and T Ala-Nissila
- Frustrated percolation pp. 379-389

- Antonio Coniglio
- Towards a theory of ion transport in glass pp. 390-399

- Malcolm D Ingram
- Dynamical density functional approach to supercooled liquid and glass transition pp. 400-412

- Kazuhiro Fuchizaki and Kyozi Kawasaki
- Polyelectrolyte solutions with multivalent salts pp. 413-419

- Paulo S. Kuhn, Yan Levin and Marcia C. Barbosa
- The role of inertia on fluid flow through disordered porous media pp. 420-424

- U.M.S. Costa, , J.S.Andrade, H.A. Makse and H.E. Stanley
- Percolating spin-glass domains in diluted ±J square lattices pp. 425-429

- E.e Vogel, S Contreras, M.a Osorio, A.j Ramı́rez-Pastor and F Nieto
- Percolation-like approach to resistivity behaviour of glassforming ionic melts pp. 430-433

- V.Sh Machavariani and A Voronel
- Elastic and geometric properties of a Lennard-Jones glass pp. 434-440

- T. Kustanovich, S. Alexander and Z. Olami
- Transport in disordered interacting systems: numerical results for one-dimensional spinless electrons pp. 443-449

- Michael Schreiber, Frank Epperlein and Thomas Vojta
- Parametric motion of energy levels in quantum disordered systems pp. 450-455

- I.Kh Zharekeshev and B Kramer
- Statistics of radiation propagating in a disordered medium pp. 456-460

- Moshe Kaveh and Eugene Kogan
- Are the phases in the Anderson model long-range correlated? pp. 461-464

- Jan W. Kantelhardt, Richard Berkovits, Shlomo Havlin and Armin Bunde
- Correlation-induced metal-insulator transition in the one-dimensional Anderson model pp. 465-470

- Francisco A.B.F. de Moura and Marcelo L. Lyra
- Disordered systems near quantum critical points pp. 471-476

- Heiko Rieger
- Application of random matrix theory to quasiperiodic systems pp. 477-480

- Michael Schreiber, Uwe Grimm, Rudolf A Römer and Jian-Xin Zhong
- Scaling the localisation lengths for two interacting particles in one-dimensional random potentials pp. 481-485

- Rudolf A Römer, Mark Leadbeater and Michael Schreiber
- Influence of boundary conditions on level statistics and eigenstates at the metal–insulator transition pp. 486-491

- L. Schweitzer and H. Potempa
- Anderson localization in a random correlated energy landscape pp. 492-496

- Stefanie Russ, Jan W. Kantelhardt, Armin Bunde, Shlomo Havlin and Itzhak Webman
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