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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 258, issue 3, 1998

Local state space geometry and thermal relaxation in complex landscapes: the spin-glass case pp. 249-262 Downloads
Paolo Sibani
Sonoluminescence: Coupling to an applied magnetic field pp. 263-272 Downloads
B.a DiDonna, T.a Witten and J.b Young
Image representation of a spherical particle near a hard wall pp. 273-302 Downloads
B. Cichocki and R.B. Jones
Thermodynamic properties of a trapped interacting Bose gas pp. 303-310 Downloads
Hualin Shi and Wei-Mou Zheng
Metric structures of laminar flows pp. 311-328 Downloads
Rubén A. Pasmanter
Polymer-induced vortex modification in decaying two-dimensional turbulence pp. 329-340 Downloads
Theo Odijk
Debye–Hückel–Bjerrum theory for charged colloids pp. 341-351 Downloads
M.N. Tamashiro, Yan Levin and Marcia C. Barbosa
Where do Brownian particles spend their time? pp. 352-364 Downloads
D.j Bicout, A.m Berezhkovskii and G.h Weiss
Multiple scattering pp. 365-382 Downloads
Ricardo Garcı́a-Pelayo
Cooperative two-photon interaction with nonclassical light pp. 383-394 Downloads
N. Enaki, M. Macovei and D. Mihalache
Classical theory of rotational excitation of diatomic molecules. Rotor–rotor coupling pp. 395-413 Downloads
R.E. Kolesnick
Mesoscopic diffusion as a non-Markov process pp. 414-428 Downloads
Salvador Godoy and L.S. Garcı́a-Colı́n
Universality of Jaynes’ approach to the evolution of time-dependent probability distributions pp. 429-445 Downloads
A.R. Plastino and A. Plastino
Rènyi entropies and Fisher informations as measures of nonextensivity in a Tsallis setting pp. 446-457 Downloads
F. Pennini, A.R. Plastino and A. Plastino
On the q=12 non-extensive maximum entropy distribution pp. 458-465 Downloads
L Rebollo-Neira, A Plastino and J Fernandez-Rubio
The quantum phase problem and the linear phase insensitive quantum amplifier pp. 466-476 Downloads
D.i Lalović, D.m Davidović and A.r Tančić
Spectral linewidth narrowing by a weak squeezed field of an arbitrary bandwidth pp. 477-492 Downloads
Z. Ficek and J. Seke
Penna model from the perspective of one geneticist pp. 493-498 Downloads
Stanisl̶aw Cebrat

Volume 258, issue 1, 1998

Random walk on a 2D anisotropic percolation network pp. 1-4 Downloads
Eduardo R Reyes, Manuel O Cáceres and Pedro A Pury
Auxeticity windows for composites pp. 5-10 Downloads
Gaoyuan Wei and S.F. Edwards
Creep at low temperatures: unzipping of dislocations, inertia, and criticality processes pp. 11-16 Downloads
E. Vigueras-Santiago, A.A. Krokhin, T. Mckrell and J.M. Galligan
Fluctuations generated at semiconductor interfaces pp. 17-31 Downloads
G. Gomila and J.M. Rubı́
Phase diagram of a stochastic cellular automaton with long-range interactions pp. 32-44 Downloads
Sergio A. Cannas
Extended turbulent dynamics of temperature fluctuations pp. 45-54 Downloads
Pedro Sancho and J.Enric Llebot
Helical turbulence: Turbulent viscosity and instability of the second moments pp. 55-68 Downloads
A. Belian, O. Chkhetiani, E. Golbraikh and S. Moiseev
Chaotic foldings pp. 69-76 Downloads
Mofazz al Azam and Quissan V. Lawande
The maximum entropy principle and the stochastic aspects of deterministic chaos pp. 77-88 Downloads
J.L.del Rı́o-Correa and L.S. Garcı́a-Colı́n
Matricial formalism of transient dynamics pp. 89-100 Downloads
P. Orea and J.I. Jiménez-Aquino
Matricial formalism of transient dynamics pp. 101-108 Downloads
P. Orea and J.I. Jiménez-Aquino
Shear-induced clustering in a simple driven diffusive model pp. 109-122 Downloads
O’Loan, O.J., M.R. Evans and M.E. Cates
Competition between ordering and heterogeneity effects on surface diffusion pp. 123-139 Downloads
F. Nieto and C. Uebing
The effect of anisotropies on the magnetic properties of a mixed spin-1 and spin-32 Ising ferrimagnetic system pp. 140-156 Downloads
A. Bobák
Partition function zeroes of a self-dual Ising model pp. 157-170 Downloads
Wentao T. Lu and F.Y. Wu
Correlations in the thermodynamical theory of phase transitions of the second kind. III pp. 171-182 Downloads
A.K. Kanyuka and V.S. Glukhov
A condition for the uniqueness of Gibbs states in one-dimensional models pp. 183-202 Downloads
Azer Kerimov
Pure states having thermal photon distribution revisited: generation and phase-optimization pp. 203-210 Downloads
B. Baseia, Célia M.A. Dantas and M.H.Y. Moussa
Finite-size scaling and damage spreading in Ising systems with multispin interactions pp. 211-220 Downloads
Ubiraci P.C. Neves and J.R.Drugowich de Felı́cio
Thermodynamic properties of the anisotropic Heisenberg model with Dzyaloshinsky–Moriya interaction pp. 221-229 Downloads
J.Ricardo de Sousa, F. Lacerda and I.P. Fittipaldi
Volatility and agent adaptability in a self-organizing market pp. 230-236 Downloads
N.F. Johnson, S. Jarvis, R. Jonson, P. Cheung, Y.R. Kwong and P.M. Hui
Time-dependent Ginzburg–Landau equation for the jamming transition in traffic flow pp. 237-242 Downloads
Takashi Nagatani

Volume 257, issue 1, 1998

Stochastic models with boundaries and quadratic algebras pp. 1-9 Downloads
F.C. Alcaraz, S. Dasmahapatra and V. Rittenberg
Aging and sexual reproduction pp. 10-20 Downloads Almeida and Cristian Moukarzel
The spin-glass transition: exponents and dynamics pp. 21-27 Downloads
L.w Bernardi, N Lemke, P.o Mari, I.a Campbell, A Alegrı́a and J Colmenero
Learning a spin glass: Determining Hamiltonians from metastable states pp. 28-35 Downloads
S.M. Kuva, O. Kinouchi and N. Caticha
Nonlinear transport laws for low density fluids pp. 36-44 Downloads
Patricio Cordero and Dino Risso
A generic mechanism for spatiotemporal intermittency pp. 45-60 Downloads
M. Argentina and P. Coullet
Conformational structure of amphiphilic copolymers in dilute solution pp. 61-76 Downloads
Yu.A. Kuznetsov, E.G. Timoshenko and K.A. Dawson
Pattern formation by electric and electro-osmotic self-organization in biomembranes pp. 77-84 Downloads
Marc Léonetti and Elisabeth Dubois-Violette
Bayesian learning versus optimal learning pp. 85-98 Downloads
Mirta B Gordon and Arnaud Buhot
A fermi disks model for the dynamical response of films of liquid 3He pp. 99-106 Downloads
E.S. Hernández
Water dynamics in amphiphiles and alcoholic solutions pp. 107-118 Downloads
Francesco Mallamace, Domenico Lombardo, Barbara Fazio, Norberto Micali, Cirino Vasi and Rosanna Stancanelli
Primordial synthesis machines and the origin of the genetic code pp. 119-127 Downloads
M. Aldana, F. Cázarez-Bush, G. Cocho and G. Martı́nez-Mekler
Reaction rate theory for non-Markovian systems pp. 128-135 Downloads
F.A. Oliveira
DNA evolution and successive file editions pp. 136-140 Downloads
Gilney F. Zebende, Thadeu J.P. Penna and Paulo Murilo Oliveira
Crisis on skid row pp. 141-148 Downloads
John E. Pearson and Silvina Ponce-Dawson
Tsallis entropy and cortical dynamics: the analysis of EEG signals pp. 149-155 Downloads
A. Capurro, L. Diambra, D. Lorenzo, O. Macadar, M.T. Martin, C. Mostaccio, A. Plastino, E. Rofman, M.E. Torres and J. Velluti
Geometric features of microtubule dynamics pp. 156-164 Downloads
Silvina Ponce-Dawson, John E Pearson and William N Reynolds
Computing the scaling exponents in fluid turbulence from first principles: the formal setup pp. 165-196 Downloads
L’vov, Victor S. and Itamar Procaccia
Landau density functional theory for one-dimensional inhomogeneities pp. 197-206 Downloads
A. Robledo and J. Quintana
Domain growth in a multivariable nonpotential system pp. 207-212 Downloads
R. Gallego, M.San Miguel and R. Toral
The puzzling statistical physics of liquid water pp. 213-232 Downloads
H.E. Stanley, S.V. Buldyrev, M. Canpolat, M. Meyer, O. Mishima, M.R. Sadr-Lahijany, A. Scala and F.W. Starr
Polymer in a strip: profile of the monomer density pp. 233-244 Downloads
Jűrgen F. Stilck
Thermoreversible gelation of associating polymers pp. 245-255 Downloads
Fumihiko Tanaka
Percolation in ±J Ising lattices after removing frustration pp. 256-263 Downloads
E.E. Vogel, S. Contreras, F. Nieto and A.J. Ramı́rez-Pastor
Nonlinear phenomena in soap froth pp. 264-274 Downloads
D. Weaire and S. Hutzler
Stochastic resonance in an activator–inhibitor system through adiabatic and quasi-variational approaches pp. 275-288 Downloads
H.S. Wio, M.N. Kuperman, F. Castelpoggi, G. Izús and R. Deza
Quantum suppression of chaos in the Fermi accelerator pp. 289-297 Downloads
G. Abal, A. Romanelli, A.C. Sicardi-Schifino, R. Siri and R. Donangelo
Exact derivation of the Langevin and master equations for harmonic quantum Brownian motion pp. 298-302 Downloads
Edgardo T. Garcia-Alvarez and Fabián H. Gaioli
Replica mean field theory for granular media pp. 303-306 Downloads
Jeferson J. Arenzon
Pattern formation in driven copolymer systems pp. 307-311 Downloads
M. Bahiana
Phase diagram for irregular and non-symmetric cross-linked polymer blends pp. 312-318 Downloads
Edilson Vargas and Marcia C. Barbosa
Mean-field study of the degenerate Blume–Emery–Griffiths model in a random crystal field11Work partially supported by the Brazilian agencies CNPq and FINEP pp. 319-324 Downloads
N.S. Branco and Luciano Bachmann
Inertial effects on recurrent pattern formation in periodically driven Rayleigh–Bénard convection pp. 325-328 Downloads
Omar Osenda, Carlos B. Briozzo and Manuel O. Cáceres
Exploring collective behaviors with a multi-attractor quartic map pp. 329-333 Downloads
Leonardo G. Brunnet and Jason A.C. Gallas
Irreversible stochastic dynamics with Potts symmetry pp. 334-340 Downloads
A. Brunstein and T. Tomé
Plasma turbulence in tokamaks pp. 341-346 Downloads
Iberê L. Caldas, Maria Vittoria A.P. Heller, Raul M. Castro and Elton C. Silva
Phase coherence in chaotic oscillatory media pp. 347-356 Downloads
Leonardo G. Brunnet and Hugues Chaté
Nontrivial collective behavior in coupled maps on fractal lattices pp. 357-364 Downloads
M.G. Cosenza
Short-range Ising spin glasses: a critical exponent study pp. 365-370 Downloads
E. Nogueira , S. Coutinho, F.D. Nobre and E.M.F. Curado
Tracer dispersion in double porosity porous media with nonlinear adsorption pp. 371-375 Downloads
G. Drazer, R. Chertcoff, L. Bruno and M. Rosen
Autocorrelation functions in 3D fully frustrated systems pp. 376-379 Downloads
G. Franzese, A. Fierro, A. De Candia and A. Coniglio
Multi-scaling properties of phase segregation in quenched binary fluids pp. 380-384 Downloads
G. Martı́nez, S. Gonçalves and J.R. Iglesias
Inferring statistical complexity in the dripping faucet experiment pp. 385-389 Downloads
W.M. Gonçalves, R.D. Pinto, J.C. Sartorelli and M.J. de Oliveira
Long-range interacting solitons: pattern formation and nonextensive thermostatistics pp. 390-394 Downloads
L.E. Guerrero and J.A. González
Helping supervised learning with an educated teacher pp. 395-400 Downloads
Marco A.P. Idiart and Emerson Santa Helena
Carbon monoxide oxidation over platinum: stable, oscillatory and quasi-chaotic regimes pp. 401-407 Downloads
Roberto E. Lagos, Tania Simões and Adolfo L. Godoy
Kosterlitz–Thouless and Manning condensation pp. 408-412 Downloads
Yan Levin
Pattern formation in drying water films pp. 413-418 Downloads
N.m Samid-Merzel, S.g Lipson and D.s Tannhauser
Geometrical frustration: a dynamical motor for dry granular media pp. 419-423 Downloads
Emanuele Caglioti, Antonio Coniglio, Hans J. Herrmann, Vittorio Loreto and Mario Nicodemi
On a generalized Gibbs–Boltzmann ensemble formalism for dissipative systems pp. 424-428 Downloads
Justino R. Madureira, Áurea R. Vasconcellos and Roberto Luzzi
Damage spreading in the (Nα,Nβ) model: exact results pp. 429-433 Downloads
Ananias M. Mariz, Ezequiel Sousa and Fernando D. Nobre
Energy transfer of a chaotic particle in a classical oscillating potential barrier pp. 434-438 Downloads
José L. Mateos and Jorge V. José
First-difference fluctuations and the complexity of simple population models exhibiting chaos pp. 439-447 Downloads
Octavio Miramontes and Eliane Ceccon
A phenomenological theory of dynamic processes in granular media pp. 448-453 Downloads
Mario Nicodemi
Measurement of concentration fields around dendritic growing crystals from solution: characterization of the growth conditions at the dendrite tip pp. 454-459 Downloads
Ariel G. Notcovich and S.G. Lipson
The algorithm of moving boxes to estimate Lyapunov exponents and the singularity spectrum pp. 460-464 Downloads
N.N. Oiwa and N. Fiedler-Ferrara
A small review of the Penna model for biological ageing pp. 465-469 Downloads
S.Moss de Oliveira
Hierarchical pattern formation pp. 470-476 Downloads
Michal Or-Guil, Markus Bär and Mathias Bode
Asymptotic moment growth for products of correlated random matrices and applications to disordered conductors pp. 477-482 Downloads
Mário Oliveira and Alberto Petri
Temperature relaxation in collisional nonequilibrium plasmas pp. 483-487 Downloads
I.F. Potapenko, A.V. Bobylev, C.A. Azevedo and A.S. Assis
Absence of self-organized criticality in a random-neighbor version of the OFC stick-slip model pp. 488-494 Downloads
S.T.R. Pinho, C.P.C. Prado and O. Kinouchi
Finite-size scaling on random magnetic structures pp. 495-500 Downloads
F.D.A.Aarão Reis
Beyond the Hubbard-I solution with a one-pole self-energy at half-filling within the moment approach pp. 501-508 Downloads
J.J. Rodrı́guez-Núñez and M.Argollo de Menezes
Characterization of localized turbulence in plasma extended systems pp. 509-514 Downloads
R.R. Rosa, A.S. Sharma and J.A. Valdivia
Critical behavior of the Ising model on a hierarchical lattice with aperiodic interactions pp. 515-520 Downloads
S.T.R. Pinho, T.A.S. Haddad and S.R. Salinas
Kinetic effects in a non-ideal gas of clusters pp. 521-525 Downloads
Rodrigo Soto and Patricio Cordero
Statistical thermodynamics of cluster phase transitions pp. 526-529 Downloads
A. Strachan and C.O. Dorso
Self similarity in a model of genetic microevolution pp. 530-535 Downloads
Damián E. Strier and Damián H. Zanette
Fluid circulation and solute distribution in a binary fluid mixture: Self-organization under osmosedimentation pp. 536-541 Downloads
C.Rodrigues Neto and M.A. Tenan
Effects of finite temperature in ballistic quantum dots pp. 542-546 Downloads
M.O. Terra and M.A.M. Aguiar
Dynamical model to describe low-frequency fluctuations in semiconductor lasers with optical feedback pp. 547-556 Downloads
G.B. Mindlin, A.a Duarte, M. Giudici, C. Green, G. Giacomelli, U. Nespolo, L. Giuggioli and J.R. Tredicce
Relationship between the structure of the ground level and frustration in ±J Ising lattices pp. 557-562 Downloads
J.F. Valdés, J. Cartes, E.E. Vogel, S. Kobe and T. Klotz
Page updated 2025-03-31